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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika at O2 Academy, Sheffield, 2010-FEB-18

Blue Sky

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I think I saw you briefly whilst I was queuing... where you wearing the black glittery hat? :teehee:


I was wearing a black hat it wasn't glittery though, my jacket was the thing that was glittery it had sequins on it, black sequin jacket with a silver sequin band across the right arm (I was dressed Like Michael Jackson):teehee:


i spent part of the night dressed as MJ & the other as a lollipop girl tsk

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I was wearing a black hat it wasn't glittery though, my jacket was the thing that was glittery it had sequins on it, black sequin jacket with a silver sequin band across the right arm (I was dressed Like Michael Jackson):teehee:


i spent part of the night dressed as MJ & the other as a lollipop girl tsk


Ah! Thats it :biggrin2: I remember now. I saw you at the front of the queue... you were talking with someone? :teehee:

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Ah! Thats it :biggrin2: I remember now. I saw you at the front of the queue... you were talking with someone? :teehee:


yes i spoke with Mikafish for a few moments she was the one who wanted my spare ticket i'm glad i saw her before i went inside to be a lollipop girl, it was good timing

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Hello from Ruth's house!!

This is the first time i've had a chance to log in and come on since leaving Edinburgh on Thursday morning!

We had a blast at Sheffield!!!

Kath, Ruth and i were on stage as Big Girls and the whole experience was amazing!


I've got great pics i'll try to post but probably can't from here!

I'll write more when back from Glasgow. Night off tonite and Leeds tomorrow.

Mika is on fire at the gigs, really brilliant and the show is fab! what else can i say just now! Thank you!!:blush-anim-cl:


Looking forward to reding more about the BG experience and seeing your pics:biggrin2:

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"Don't look so miserable, stupid boy. You're supposed to be me! They're all gonna think I'm suicidal with that face (if you stay... boy falls...) You'll have to excuse my boy, he wants to kill himself tonight. Puppets shouldn't drink vodka stupid arse... I'm 26 years old, I'm on stage in a city I've never performed in, and I'm talking to a ****ing doll.." :)


OH it was so amazing... I've got a massive balloon and shedloads of golden confetti. My sister has drawn a face on the balloon :biggrin2:


I want to go and see him again... should I go to Birmingham next week...? hmm I have a half day, but I will be exhausted because I'll have 2 full days at work following it. I've only just recovered. I was jumping and dancing so much


Which song did he get us to close our eyes and jump on the count of 3? was it WAG??? that was fun


Jealous of you guys who met him. unfortunately I had a train to catch. i think next time I see him I'll hostel it so I can stay outside and wait


ah, thanx for the transcript! :biggrin2:

the song during which he makes the crowd jump on the count of 3 usually is love today. :wink2:

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You mean instead of pink? :naughty: The pink hat seems to have gone awol since the So You Think You Can Dance show :fisch:


proof that he reads his twitter. :naughty: poor guy. :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


This is probably the best picture I took of the evening:




Don't want to sound horrible or whatever, but please don't use any of my pictures without my permission. :wink2:


wow that pic is really fab, love it! :wub2:

fluff! :fangurl:

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This is probably the best picture I took of the evening:




Don't want to sound snobby or whatever, but please don't use any of my pictures without my permission. :wink2:


really nice pic. you can see all the details of the dr. john costume:biggrin2:

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Jo and Alice, thanks so much for the pics, they are fab. :thumb_yello:


Thanks to everyone who has been posting pics and videos and reports for all 4 of the shows. I am catching up so don't have time to comment on everything but I am trying to read them all.

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oohh I'd be a bit cautious of being a big girl or lollipop girl i had a horrid time of things the mask thing on my head I couldn't see out of & badly injured my already damaged knee i couldn't see where I was going one of the backing singers a lovely lady had to hold my hand so i didn't bump into anything else.


It was one of the case things with very sharp metal edges you should see the horrendous state of my poor knee!!! I thought it was only a bit of a scratch no worse than a cat scratch but when i got home & saw it i nearly threw up it looked that disgusting!!!


so do be warned it's not great having those things stuck on your head, they're heavy & if you can't see out of them you're doomed


it's such a shame as I had always wanted to be a lollipop girl & was happy to be picked but when i got on stage i was just so glad to get off & that people couldn't see my face.


It turned out to be an awfully disasterous night for me, when i arrived i needed to use the ladies but with me waiting to be picked to be a lollipop girl security wouldn't let me go I waited 2 hours 40 minutes to be able to go, then the venue was stuffy I could barely breathe I couldn't get any water & i thought i'd pass out!!!


Also to top it off I couldn't see Mika for most of the gig I could hear him but for 90% of the show i didn't see him at all


it's just a shame the only fun i had was before the gig when we were getting fitted for out outfits:boxed:



it was so bad when i got home i cried :crybaby:


Not Mika's fault of course just one of those crummy things that always happens to me :boxed:

I'm just glad i'm going to the leeds gig tomorrow so i can at least get to SEE Mika this time


I'd happily be a lollipop girl again as long as i didn't have one of those stupid mask things on my head again they are NOT a very good idea!!!


by the way has anyone posted somewhere the group photos that were taken of Mika & us lollipop & big girls after the show? do let me know thanks :)


I'm really sorry for you Chantelle:huglove: The masks on the faces of the BG or LG is the most stupid thing in his show ever.:sneaky2: I'll get mental myself and totally bear with you:huglove:

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I'ma post more pictures up later, but now for the report (:


I travelled up to Doncaster to stay with Jo on Wednesday. We had a lovely evening together :biggrin2: but I was feeling sick...constantly. When we woke up on the gig day (Thursday) we got ready pretty quickly, but being me I was actually sick :naughty: a few times. I had the option of going home, but I WAS NEVER GOING TO MISS THE GIG FOR ANYTHING. I refused to go home, and we drove to Sheffield.

We drove past the O2 Academy, and we saw how some MFCers were already queing (it was about 1pm at this point) so we decided we should go and que up with them (Which turned out to be the best idea, because if we hadn't, then we wouldn't've gotten our spot right at the front :teehee:)

So we sat on the steps with MFCers for about 7 hours - chatting away - in the FREEZING COLD. Baring in mind I only had a cardigan to keep me warm :naughty: but Jo's parents were really lovely and went to Primark and bought us some extra socks, a scarf and coffee.

When it got to 7pm and the doors opened, they created another que for O2 Priority customers - and that que was getting bigger and bigger as time went by. BUT being the MFC, we complained that we'd been waiting all day and it wasn't fair.

They agreed to let us in first :shun:

And just at the right moment, fireworks went off (: though I'm pretty sure that that wasn't anything to do with Mika, it was a nice thing to happen :wub2:


All throughout the gig my back was killing me -but I didn't let that put me off at all. I had a really good time. Erik Hassle's set was fabby aswell ! I really like him.

Just before Mika came on, they played songs over the speakers and I was pleasantly surprised when they played three of my favourite songs (One Life Stand - Hot Chip, Rabbit Heart [Raise It Up] - Florence & The Machine andddd Is It 'Cos I'm Cool - Mousse T =D )

For me, Any Other World was absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l live - and even better as it is my favourite from the first album :wub2:

Others I enjoyed were Happy Ending, Dr John, Toy Boy, Touches You and Relax.

And I hate my camera for only shooting not-so-good quality photographs and dying 1/3 of the way into the gig :sneaky2:


After the gig, Jo and I met the man himself :wub2: He said to me "Ooh, nice hoody!" though I wasn't actually wearing a hoody :teehee: I don't care. He said it in the most adorable way. But I'm angry with myself for not replying to him; I didn't realise he was speaking to me until he moved on to sign the next person's merch.






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I'ma post more pictures up later, but now for the report (:


I travelled up to Doncaster to stay with Jo on Wednesday. We had a lovely evening together :biggrin2: but I was feeling sick...constantly. When we woke up on the gig day (Thursday) we got ready pretty quickly, but being me I was actually sick :naughty: a few times. I had the option of going home, but I WAS NEVER GOING TO MISS THE GIG FOR ANYTHING. I refused to go home, and we drove to Sheffield.

We drove past the O2 Academy, and we saw how some MFCers were already queing (it was about 1pm at this point) so we decided we should go and que up with them (Which turned out to be the best idea, because if we hadn't, then we wouldn't've gotten our spot right at the front :teehee:)

So we sat on the steps with MFCers for about 7 hours - chatting away - in the FREEZING COLD. Baring in mind I only had a cardigan to keep me warm but Jo's parents were really lovely and went to Primark and bought us some extra socks, a scarf and coffee.

When it got to 7pm and the doors opened, they created another que for O2 Priority customers - and that que was getting bigger and bigger as time went by. BUT being the MFC, we complained that we'd been waiting all day and it wasn't fair.

They agreed to let us in first :shun:

And just at the right moment, fireworks went off (: though I'm pretty sure that that wasn't anything to do with Mika, it was a nice thing to happen2:


All throughout the gig my back was killing me -but I didn't let that put me off at all. I had a really good time. Erik Hassle's set was fabby aswell ! I really like him.

Just before Mika came on, they played songs over the speakers and I was pleasantly surprised when they played three of my favourite songs (One Life Stand - Hot Chip, Rabbit Heart [Raise It Up] - Florence & The Machine andddd Is It 'Cos I'm Cool - Mousse T =D )

For me, Any Other World was absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l live - and even better as it is my favourite from the first album :wub2:

Others I enjoyed were Happy Ending, Dr John, Toy Boy, Touches You and Relax.

And I hate my camera for only shooting not-so-good quality photographs and dying 1/3 of the way into the gig :sneaky2:


After the gig, Jo and I met the man himself :wub2: He said to me "Ooh, nice hoody!" though I wasn't actually wearing a hoody :teehee: I don't care. He said it in the most adorable way. But I'm angry with myself for not replying to him; I didn't realise he was speaking to me until he moved on to sign the next person's merch.








Lovely Alice!!! And thanks for that beautiful pic you've posted bellow.:wub2: And you had your Mika moment. Amazing!:biggrin2:

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