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Mika's new "kick-ass" single


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I love his hair like that. :naughty:


I love the hues in these pics, even though they are unnatural. His hair's not really that dark, his skin is not really that pink, etc. But it's a beautiful effect and gives the blacks a lot of variation.


I agree, the saturation is really nice in these photos.

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30 is a scary age. I don't like to think about it. :aah:

Once you pass it I guess it's okay, but getting there is going to be scary. :naughty:


You think 30 is scary? Try 50! :shocked::naughty:


I didn't cry like a baby when I turned 30, but I will when Mika turns 30. :crybaby:


Me too :tears:


Although I did cry a little bit when I turned 30 as well. I don't think being

50 has hit me yet, which has a lot to do with Mika, actually --

I don't really feel 50. :wink2:

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You think 30 is scary? Try 50! :shocked::naughty:


50 doesn't seem as bad though, because you've already passed the milestone of being 30. I think there's something cooler about being 50...it's like you develop a certain elite-ness.


Guess I'll have to wait and find out. :lol3:

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30 is a scary age. I don't like to think about it. :aah:

Once you pass it I guess it's okay, but getting there is going to be scary. :naughty:


Hahaha, just a couple of hours ago I was telling my Mom we should go to Plymouth for the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower (We are decedents, my great etc. grandfather) in 2020 and then I was like, "Oh my gosh, can you belive I will be 27?! I'll be almost 30 in 10 years! What happened to being 17 in ten years?!?!" And then my Mom said how old she, and my sisters would be. :roftl: it was scary. :shocked:

You think 30 is scary? Try 50! :shocked::naughty:




Me too :tears:


Although I did cry a little bit when I turned 30 as well. I don't think being

50 has hit me yet, which has a lot to do with Mika, actually --

I don't really feel 50. :wink2:


EEEPPPP!!!! :shocked::boxed:


No offense, I am 17 almost 18 (which turning 18 is scary to me!!) so yea.

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Excuse me :aah: only my opinion here, but I think you are exaggerating a bit :blush-anim-cl:


I have depression, I just turned 30 and I didn't cry on my birthday! What matters is how old you feel :wink2: (I know some think that's a lot of crap but is true :biggrin2:)


And why everyone will cry when Mika turns 30? he is the type of person who looks be younger than he really is, and he will continue like this, when he turn to 30 he will still will look like 25 or even less, and I think when he uses shorter hair, he looks even more younger.


I'm 30 years old, I seem to be 18 and I feel with 15, and I'm fine with that. :kachinga:

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God, please, get out of Mika's knees and give Mfcrs an earing aid...:naughty:




Hahahaaa, you always make me smile Wonka!:roftl:

I know it is blood, but since I started hearing (and telling about it!) God on your knees, there seem to be more and more people who hear it too. I like/love to follow the discussion!:biggrin2:

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50 doesn't seem as bad though, because you've already passed the milestone of being 30. I think there's something cooler about being 50...it's like you develop a certain elite-ness.


Guess I'll have to wait and find out. :lol3:


No. Believe me. 30 was a doddle. 50 is sh*t. And the thing is, you never realise quite how sh*t it's gonna be till you get there! :shocked: You get wrinkles and things. Yuk. And you start thinking about your health, which is something I never thought about AT ALL till now because it just didn't figure on my radar at all. And to make matters worse, apparently it's all downhill from here...


My mind, however, has not kept pace with my body and still thinks it's about 25. So whereas some 50 year olds are digging their gardens and worrying about their pensions, I will just continue to grow old disgracefully! :biggrin2:

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I miss 2007 Mika as well, he's definitely losing that boyish look about him and turning into a man lol :blush-anim-cl:


Mika, stop cutting your hair uber short. Longer = better and makes you look younger :blush-anim-cl: (Not that I think you look like a pensioner or anything...)


And I much prefer Mika in ordinary, day-to-day clothes as well rather than the theatrical ones. He still looks fine, but I think the normal clothes make him look hotter :wink2:


These pictures, IMO = FTW :thumb_yello:











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I miss 2007 Mika as well, he's definitely losing that boyish look about him and turning into a man lol :blush-anim-cl:


Mika, stop cutting your hair uber short. Longer = better and makes you look younger :blush-anim-cl: (Not that I think you look like a pensioner or anything...)


And I much prefer Mika in ordinary, day-to-day clothes as well rather than the theatrical ones. He still looks fine, but I think the normal clothes make him look hotter :wink2:


These pictures, IMO = FTW :thumb_yello:







that one is just.. :swoon:

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I think hes put some muscle on since then , around his arms and shoulders , really suits that extra size and the 2 day stubble


I genuinely don't know what I prefer. I mean, I fell in love with Grace Kelly Mika :blink:


I still love him, of course I do, I just feel differently about him now. I also think meeting him changed my perspective on him too. Not in a bad way at all, I'm glad I have met him and have had the privilege to meet him several times (an opportunity I never had in the first 2 years) but...I don't know. There was a mystery about him when I hadn't met him. Now he's almost too real. It's something I don't quite know how to explain...


I don't regret ever, ever meeting him, but I knew of him when he looked more boyish but I met him when he was looking more like man. I never knew the boy version and I think that's why I kinda miss him, because I never got the chance to know "that" Mika. Not that he's probably changed in personality at all...I don't know. :dunno:


But what I love about the Grace Kelly video is that it's just Mika being himself. In fact, when I first saw that video, I thought that he'd probably be an arse but he was an arse that I found attractive. (There are arses that you just want to punch but then there are some arses that you just wanna succumb to. Again, something I don't know how to explain. An arse that has charisma, I guess.) He just performed and didn't give a damn. The Grace Kelly video is different to all the other videos he's done.


In We Are Golden he was also being himself...but there's such a difference between WAG and GK videos. If someone can explain it better than me, please be my guest, because I'm being rubbish at the moment.


Okay, I think I have it now and forgive if it sounds a bit too sexy. I like Mika best when he's being controlling and demanding. The "I know what I want" Mika. The "I'll say what I like and if it's not good enough it's going out" Mika. That's what I like and that's the impression I got from him the first time I saw his video. We Are Golden was cute and silly and fun. Grace Kelly was hot and serious. Or seriously hot, whatever :blush-anim-cl:

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Ohh cazgirl she has a look of you :shocked:






Maybe I can impersonate her.


Mika: Hi Jodi, let's start off with some song lyrics. I'm a bit stuck though and I kinda need your help.

Me pretending to be Jodi: How about "There's someone I love, I'll make my hair fluff, I'll strut my stuff, I'll make her notice me. Her name is Caroline Staceeeeeyy.

Mika: Um...no.

Me pretending to be Jodi: :tears: I AM A GRAMMY AWARD WINNER AND YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!!!

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PFFT! It's only downhill if that's what you think. My mom's life STARTED when she turned 50. She's never been happier at any other point in her life.


I was thrilled when I turned 30. I was finally done with all of the awkward and hard growing up stuff that had frustrated me so much in my teens and twenties. No more jerks or believing bad things about myself or crying over pointless nonsense. I have been having the time of my life and making my dreams come true. Now, I've got bigger and better dreams to work on.


I have always worried about my health, even though I didn't have anything to worry about. Now, I have legitimate worries and I'm pretty mellow about it because I know that worrying doesn't do anything but make me feel even sicker. I am enjoying whatever life I have and will continue to do so whether it's long or short.


I've got white hairs and stretch marks and it doesn't bother me at all because that's just what happens to the human body. We get zits and ingrown hairs and lose hair we want to keep and grow hair in places we wish we didn't and have moles and freckles and scars. Everybody acts like it's all weird and gross and unpleasant. Oh how disgusting that bodies aren't made of plastic! PFFT! Give me a break :original:


I love watching my body change. I loved growing taller. I loved my first short hair cut and my first white hair. I am fascinated by how my skin has changed in texture over the years. I am even enthralled with the cycles of injury and healing and how old injuries echo in my body. I love that life is never the same two days in a row. I love that I grow in confidence and falter into tears and uncertainty and find even greater confidence than I had before.


Simply being alive is the most amazing thing ever and I hope I get to experience it for many more years.


I have a feeling I'll be as excited to turn 60 or 80 as I was to turn 30, just because I made it that far and I can't wait to see what happens next. There will be suffering, but there is always suffering. It's just one more part of what makes experiencing life so interesting.


If you think I'm cavalier about suffering because I've never suffered, I've got a collection of battle scars fit to make people think I'm made of steel. I'm so excited to be older simply because I survived. The rest is icing on the cake, total gravy.

Well said! I'm 55 now and more contented than when I was young. I have the best of both worlds really. I'm older and more mature in my outlook on life, but on the other hand, I feel younger in my heart than when I was a teenager.

That's because when I was a teenager I had no one to tell me I was golden, young and strong, not cool, but free!

Now there is such a man, and now, even though I am in my fifties, I am in touch with my inner teenager!

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