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Mika's new "kick-ass" single


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You know .. some men get better and better with age ... I think Mika is far better looking now that on the picture next to the car.


I suppose your looking at cute and handsome .. two different factors

Hello. Sorry to butt in...glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks MIKA looks better now than he did back in 2007. Don't get me wrong, he looked cute in 2007, and that's one of the reasons I fell for him:blush-anim-cl: but now he seems to be more mature and *hot*:wub2:

I hope to actually meet him in June and find out what he's like in person:aah:

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Hello. Sorry to butt in...glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks MIKA looks better now than he did back in 2007. Don't get me wrong, he looked cute in 2007, and that's one of the reasons I fell for him:blush-anim-cl: but now he seems to be more mature and *hot*:wub2:

I hope to actually meet him in June and find out what he's like in person:aah:


By everything I have read here from Mika Fans who have met him you won't be dissappointed.

I would suspect that you will be walking around with a "wistful" look on your face for a week or so.:roftl:



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By everything I have read here from Mika Fans who have met him you won't be dissappointed.

I would suspect that you will be walking around with a "wistful" look on your face for a week or so.:roftl:



Hehe. After seeing his gig last November for the first time, I can seriously say that I had hearts in my eyes and his music was stuck in my head for a couple of weeks!! That's the kind of effect he had on me. I might just faint or melt if I actually meet him:naughty:

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You do ? I suppose me being my age I dont notice his looks as much when he was young until he has got a little older ....


You being a youngling will see it more


He looks mega fresh , I wounder when that was taken?


Well it was in an Italian magazine early 2007. March? April? 3 years ago now :no:


Time's going by way too fast for my liking...

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I agree! Your features get more defined and you'll gain more life experience.


Mika looks GREAT now! And I really like his jackets; they really show his body at its best! And why should Mika be all flappy (some pages back) it feels a lot nicer to be a little muscular. He's not a young boy anymore, he'll have to change.. It makes him more interesting. It would be really weird if he hadn't changed at all the last 3 hectic, turbulent years of his life!


:thumb_yello: Wise words...

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I will love him even when he will be old and not so pretty anymore and I don't give a f*ck for his age. 27, 30, 50, 80 :biggrin2:



Amem sister ! I don't like people depending on the age that they have, or the age that appear to have, I just like it or not. :wink2:

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It's not that bad being that close to 30... :boxed:



I'm actually kind of looking forward to being 30...


I'm not talking about you I'm talking about the man who I fell in love with when he was 23 and seemed so young, and now he's turning 27, it's like where has the time gone ... soon he'll be a grownedup :tears:


But you really love finding my posts and arguing don't you? :teehee:

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Oh my God, I'll still love him even when he's bald, complete with hip replacement, dentures and a zimmer frame.


I'm not saying I love him less because he's getting old, that's like chucking a dog out of your home and letting it starve on the streets cos you got him as a puppy for christmas and now he's not so cute. :aah: I would never. I'm just saying that I knew of him early 2007 and I'm feeling a tad nostalgic, that's IT :aah:

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Oh my God, I'll still love him even when he's bald complete with hip replacement, dentures and a zimmer frame.


I'm not saying I love him less because he's getting old, that's like chucking a dog out of your home and letting it starve on the streets cos you got him as a puppy for christmas and now he's not so cute. :aah: I would never. I'm just saying that I knew of him early 2007 and I'm feeling a tad nostalgic, that's IT :aah:




What an amazing post <looks for bow smiley>


Even early 2007 I think many people were saying .. wow hes stunning :biggrin2:

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What an amazing post <looks for bow smiley>


Even early 2007 I think many people were saying .. wow hes stunning :biggrin2:


I believe it's just : bow :


Look: :bow:


See? Simples. (Can we get a meerkat smilie? Just so that when I say "simples", I can giggle with a reason. Kthxbai.)


I remember Charlie sent me the link via msn...first listen..."yeah it's okay isn't it"...listen again..."actually, yeah this song's really good. Don't think I can sing that high."...listen again..."Okay I'll try...I CAN BE HURTFUL I CAN BE PURPLE I CAN BE ANYTHING YOU LIKE" Oooooh I can hit those notes! *Googles lyrics...finds MFC*"...listens again..."Charlie...is it wrong of me to admit that this guy is really damn fit..."


Hooked for life. In about 15 minutes.

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Oh my God, I'll still love him even when he's bald, complete with hip replacement, dentures and a zimmer frame.


I'm not saying I love him less because he's getting old, that's like chucking a dog out of your home and letting it starve on the streets cos you got him as a puppy for christmas and now he's not so cute. :aah: I would never. I'm just saying that I knew of him early 2007 and I'm feeling a tad nostalgic, that's IT :aah:


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Let me clarify...(in case Mika/Mika Team/Mika family/people who know Mika etcetc are reading this)


When I said "I don't love him less cos he's getting old", I didn't mean "old" as in "old aged pensioner in old peoples home who can't bathe and need their bottoms cleaned every 5 minutes", I simply mean older. I just forgot the "er".


Mika, I do not think you are old. At all. I still think you are young, hip and very, very sexy (though can you please throw those baubles on your scarf in the bin plz? Or place them on your Christmas Tree this year. Hotdlp's words, not mine, but I think she's right. Anyway I almost called you old and now I'm saying your baubles on your scarf are a Christmas item...this apology is not going well...but please bear with me, I'm getting there)


You are a very, very lovely man and I love you dearly. Anything said towards you that's slightly on the negative scale "I do not like that scarf"/"That is one ugly puppet" is not meant to offend you, it's just my opinion.

Feel free to wear the scarf as much as you like, it's just not to my taste.


Anyway, this really shouldn't be a list of what I don't like about you or your taste in fashion, this really was just meant to be a small correction but it has now turned into one massive essay because I waffle and cannot shut my mouth.


Mika, I love you, and always will. Your scarf or your age will not make me love you less, kay?





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I'm Ok with Mika turning 30 (tho I really don't think we should discuss this...he's just 26, remember? :aah: ) ...I'm close to my early 20's too...so it's not that big deal. Someone has a very cool siggie around here (unfortunately can't remember who): "Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional." The thing is that Mika is exposed to a very flawed bussiness, and risks losing that huge inocent part of him on the way, but having his family (and I like to think...us too) with him, will help him a lot to preserve his inner 23 year-old Mika we've all fell in love with. :wink2:


Thanks :biggrin2:


It's inevitable that Mika will grow older, but I personally think he gets more handsome all the time. Going from being a boy to a man is okay imo and I happen to think that a lot of the change in his looks is down to his increased self-confidence, rather than him actually looking older.


I'm not talking about you I'm talking about the man who I fell in love with when he was 23 and seemed so young, and now he's turning 27, it's like where has the time gone ... soon he'll be a grownedup :tears:


But you really love finding my posts and arguing don't you? :teehee:


I think Mika is just growing up from boy to man. Happens to guys in their twenties. And I agree on the increased self-confidence, that has a lot of influence on how he is looking.

But I can also understand that for the younglings amongst us this makes him look "old" compared to them.

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God knows I don't want to argue with you Caz -BUT-

NO you won't!




Kodes, when Mika is 80 and I'm 74 and he's on stage gigging away on his zimmer frame for support and the last song happens to be "Oh the hokey kokey" (because ALL old people love that song cos it's only song they can actually dance to), I will be in the audience doing it with him. I don't care if I'll be the only one, I will be doing the hokey kokey with Mika at his final gigs and I will love every second because His Baldness will be on stage. I just hope his dentures wont fall out and hit me in the face, that is my only concern.

Edited by CazGirl
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Kodes, when Mika is 80 and I'm 74 and he's on stage gigging away on his zimmer frame for support and the last song happens to be "Oh the hokey kokey" (because ALL old people love that song cos it's only song they can actually dance to), I will be in the audience doing it with him. I don't care if I'll be the only one, I will be doing the hokey kokey with Mika at his final gigs and I love every second because His Baldness will be on stage. I just hope his dentures will fall out and hit me in the face, that is my only concern.






And playing bingo after with hot co co ... bliss :wub2:

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Kodes, when Mika is 80 and I'm 74 and he's on stage gigging away on his zimmer frame for support and the last song happens to be "Oh the hokey kokey" (because ALL old people love that song cos it's only song they can actually dance to), I will be in the audience doing it with him. I don't care if I'll be the only one, I will be doing the hokey kokey with Mika at his final gigs and I love every second because His Baldness will be on stage. I just hope his dentures will fall out and hit me in the face, that is my only concern.



I think Mika will still have hair no matter what age. :naughty:

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She said love not fancy there is a difference :wink2:


You can still love someone when they are 100 year old and bed ridden :biggrin2:


Good point!



Kodes, when Mika is 80 and I'm 74 and he's on stage gigging away on his zimmer frame for support and the last song happens to be "Oh the hokey kokey" (because ALL old people love that song cos it's only song they can actually dance to), I will be in the audience doing it with him. I don't care if I'll be the only one, I will be doing the hokey kokey with Mika at his final gigs and I love every second because His Baldness will be on stage. I just hope his dentures will fall out and hit me in the face, that is my only concern.


Well okay!?!?:teehee::shocked:

I suppose you will be looking pretty much the same as him minus six years.

What the hell - go for it!:thumb_yello:



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And playing bingo after with hot co co ... bliss :wub2:


LMAO...Fat lady! Number 8!


Mika: BIG GIRL, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! *hip swings...crack...* Shouldn'ta done that...




I think Mika will still have hair no matter what age. :naughty:


Because he'll be using a wig. Like Cherisse's afro, for example.

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Well okay!?!?:teehee::shocked:

I suppose you will be looking pretty much the same as him minus six years.

What the hell - go for it!:thumb_yello:




I wrote that post so badly...grammatical errors...wrong words...:aah: I have edited it now in case it didn't make sense to you at the time LOLZ. I'm in such a random mood. Feel free to go back a page and read my last post to see just how random I am being.


And exactly, there's only 6 years difference between Mika and I. We'll still be rocking away when we're knocking 80. And talking about the weather and repeating ourselves. Old age is such a good thing to look forward to.

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