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Mika@Villa Manin - Udine - Italy


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presumo tu sia nelle nostre stesse identiche condizioni! :naughty:....completamente "andata" :biggrin2:....spero tu non me ne voglia, Monica, ma mi sa che nessuno di noi si salva! :naughty:

no no e che volere e volere... nn mi salvo neppure io!!! ma x niente proprio!!! :aah::roftl:

bellissima la tua firma dani!!! definitely lovely!!!!! :wub2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here's the update about the van thing:

I didn't receive any PMs from people interested to rent a van (except the names I've already posted few time ago) so I've searched for a smaller one. The estimations I've received are high and I've only found 2 options for van with 8 seats and the price is 130€ for 1 person.


The list of people that will rent the van all together is:


1) Sarina

2) Dani56

3) Nezza

4) FralovesMika

5) Bettasan

6) mikabunny

7) Tiibet

8) valerria



Those people confirmed that they'll come or they'll pay theirs part in case of any problem.


So, the van isn't booked yet, but I'm asking informations about renting and I would like to do it as soon as possible to be sure too have it.

Also, maybe we can pay directly there on 6th, but I need a confirmation about that.



The van will pick us at the Ippodromo and bring us straight to Villa Manin during the night.



I will update the thread and I will contact each of you when I'll have more informations about payment, booking and stuff like that!



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Ok, here's the update about the van thing:

I didn't receive any PMs from people interested to rent a van (except the names I've already posted few time ago) so I've searched for a smaller one. The estimations I've received are high and I've only found 2 options for van with 8 seats and the price is 130€ for 1 person.


The list of people that will rent the van all together is:


1) Sarina

2) Dani56

3) Nezza

4) FralovesMika

5) Bettasan

6) mikabunny

7) Tiibet

8) valerria



Those people confirmed that they'll come or they'll pay theirs part in case of any problem.


So, the van isn't booked yet, but I'm asking informations about renting and I would like to do it as soon as possible to be sure too have it.

Also, maybe we can pay directly there on 6th, but I need a confirmation about that.



The van will pick us at the Ippodromo and bring us straight to Villa Manin during the night.



I will update the thread and I will contact each of you when I'll have more informations about payment, booking and stuff like that!




it's still quite early, more than 3 months to go... but if you're renting a bigger van/bus, i might be interested to join. :wink2: not sure yet though whether i wanna do rome AND udine, if it's too complicated/expensive then i guess i'll just do udine... though i really love rome, but it's quite far, would have to fly from munich. but please keep me updated about the plans. :wink2:


another question, anyone knows yet where they are staying in udine? is there a camping site maybe? i think july in italy might be nice weather for camping. :biggrin2: and i suppose they don't have any hostels in such a small city...

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it's still quite early, more than 3 months to go... but if you're renting a bigger van/bus, i might be interested to join. :wink2: not sure yet though whether i wanna do rome AND udine, if it's too complicated/expensive then i guess i'll just do udine... though i really love rome, but it's quite far, would have to fly from munich. but please keep me updated about the plans. :wink2:


another question, anyone knows yet where they are staying in udine? is there a camping site maybe? i think july in italy might be nice weather for camping. :biggrin2: and i suppose they don't have any hostels in such a small city...


Yes Karin, it's early, you're absolutely right, but I made it for a purpose: Rome on summer is full of tourists and the agencies usually organize trips to other cities with vans so it's not possible to rent one late because the prices will be higher and the opportunities will be lower...and we cannot risk to not have the chance to rent it.

I wrote the message here time ago just for that reason, and I also asked interested people to PM me...but no one except those on the list wrote me.......I don't think will reach 15 people in the end and vans are only for 5-6 or 8 or 14-15 people :no:



About the camping...you should have a look here http://maps.google.it/maps?hl=it&client=firefox-a&hs=nnr&rls=org.mozilla:it:official&resnum=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=campeggio+codroipo+udine&fb=1&gl=it&hq=campeggio&hnear=codroipo+udine&view=text&ei=9HuwS6SWG4WC_Aay4o23Dw&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CB4QtQMwAA



There is an hostel near Codroipo (you should check Codroipo as destination not Udine because the gig will be in Codroipo that is a small city in the Udine province). The Hostel is this one http://www.ostelloeuropa.it/ but, honestly, I don't know how far is that. I saw a river that separates Codroipo from the hostel...so...it seems a bit problematic :boxed:

Other camping seem very very far from the venue place because they are near the sea.

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  • 4 weeks later...


LAST CALL FOR A SEAT in the van from Rome to Udine


I've received 3 other requests for the van so I'm trying to see if I can reach 14 people to rent a bigger van. I have only FEW days to do that, I want to rent it in May because in the summer there are less options and the prices are higher.





These are the conditions:


1) I only accept people who are REALLY interested to have a certain seat in the van. For "interested" I mean people that are SURE to pay the van under any circumstances, that means: you still have to pay your part in case you can't come and you can't find a substitute. That because if you save a seat but you don't pay your part, EVERYONE will lose the opportunity to rent the van because of you and...I cannot allow that.


2) As I said I'm planning to rent it soon, so each payment should be sent together with others before the rent date. For italian people payments are via Postepay. For people outside Italy the best way is via paypal (plus fees because I have a premier account) or via bank transfer. The price should be 130 € each not more.




If you agree with that, please, send me a PM and if we'll reach 14 people in total, I can put you in the "sure" list.

This means that I'll try to find a bigger van in the next few days and, if I'll receive more requestes, you'll have a seat FOR SURE!





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  • 2 weeks later...

decided that i first gotta earn the money for going to udine from somewhere before i definitely say i'll go and start booking. maybe by selling some stuff on ebay - which i've wanted to do for 2 years already, but always too lazy to sort it all out. the most valuable thing is the stamp collection of my grandpa, that'd probably get me enough money to go... but i gotta look it all up first to describe it correctly and be able to get for it what it's worth! :aah:

would really love to go though, and to rome as well (if i'm doing both, i'll take a flight from rome to venice though, and from there go by train...), so i gotta start moving my a** to earn that money! :sneaky2: it's a good reason to finally start with that ebay stuff. :bleh:

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There is an hostel near Codroipo (you should check Codroipo as destination not Udine because the gig will be in Codroipo that is a small city in the Udine province). The Hostel is this one http://www.ostelloeuropa.it/ but, honestly, I don't know how far is that. I saw a river that separates Codroipo from the hostel...so...it seems a bit problematic :boxed:

Other camping seem very very far from the venue place because they are near the sea.

18 km from this Hostel to Villa Manin.

I think it is quite far.

We should to find a place nearer.

But it is difficult, in this countryside :blink:


Good job Sarina for the van :clap:

I will not in the group. I'm trying to do a plan that consider a bit of work at studio the morning of the 7 july :cool:

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Thanks Allegra :thumb_yello:


stavo pensando... per risparmiare l'autista non vi converrebbe guidare a turno? e poi qualcuno di Roma riporta a destinazione il van? dando passaggi a chi si trova di strada? :original:

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stavo pensando... per risparmiare l'autista non vi converrebbe guidare a turno? e poi qualcuno di Roma riporta a destinazione il van? dando passaggi a chi si trova di strada? :original:



Ci avevo pensato ma nella lista non mi sembra ci siano persone "abituate" a guidare in autostrada la notte con un furgoncino o un van e quindi credo sarebbe un rischio guidare tutta la notte per raggiungere Udine.

Avevo avuto dei preventivi senza autista e sicuramente erano MOLTO più economici...ma la sicurezza si paga diciamo!

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