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What Would You Ask Mika If You Were To Interview Him?


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I have a view questions I would like to ask:

- can you cook

- if so, what is your favourite recipe

- where and when did you learn to ski? (couse I read somewhere he can ski).

- I have a lovely house in Austria, would you be interested to spent a view days overthere? It's for rent, but for you it's free!

- What's your favourite perfume?

- Are you a showerman or bath?

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  • 4 weeks later...
nice question... :naughty:


It would be a very brief interview so he wouldn't get much tired...:naughty:


So i could call him everytime a new question would pop up in my goldling brain...:mf_rosetinted:


Yo, Mika, why gray, why, why Oh why???:biggrin2:

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It would be a very brief interview so he wouldn't get much tired...:naughty:


So i could call him everytime a new question would pop up in my goldling brain...:mf_rosetinted:


Yo, Mika, why gray, why, why Oh why???:biggrin2:


GREAT question.... need an answer to that! :naughty:

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Has anyone ever considered to ask him why there isn't any information about a girlfriend the last three years...it worries me sometimes....3 years single ...he could have everyone!


And I would ask him if he likes children and if he wants to get some oneday

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I actually wonder what happened to the 'ask Mika' section on his blog.

yes, it was supposed to become a regular, 'themed' blog. Perhaps he couldn't come up with any other topics after 'travel' ... :dunno:


So perhaps we should suggest some more themes…like…"chicken", for example..:das:


I would ask him if he prefers white or brown eggs?!



yes, that would fit nicely with the chicken theme...:biggrin2:


along with this one:

Has anyone ever considered to ask him why there isn't any information about a girlfriend the last three years...it worries me sometimes

yes, I am worried, too…:mf_rosetinted:

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Has anyone ever considered to ask him why there isn't any information about a girlfriend the last three years...it worries me sometimes....3 years single ...he could have everyone!


And I would ask him if he likes children and if he wants to get some oneday


Pah, I'm 21 this year and haven't had a "proper" boyfriend at all. Are you worried about me?

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It ran away with the "where in the world" game and the Blackall project. :naughty:


:lmfao: Got lost in Mubbin Land...or the Emerald Forest...I wonder if they're neighbouring woods...:aah: Mika could create a map like they do on Final Fantasy. He totally needs to bring out a game :mf_rosetinted:

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