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Mika's Medical Woes


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As I read this article from Google Alerts, the first thing I was amazed it was another one dog! And as I started to read this thread I 've seen everyone was fascinated about this dog-mention too. See, just a little line, and everybody has so much to talk about and happy! :)

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I wondered before why he'd buy a house when he's going on tour. But, maybe it's so he has a place to get away and have some privacy from his family when he is in London. Since he works with them every day and travels with them.

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The medical thing - in my experience ALL artists are hypochondriacs and have dozens of real and imaginary ailments, and have tame doctors all over the place which they constantly call for advice and medication!


The house thing - I don't imagine he will be spending his rare days off packing his stuff and driving it over to the new place in a hired white van (since he doesn't drive and anyway it would take ages as he has three of everything)! He will have someone do it for him!


The dog thing - nice idea but a bit impractical. Unless of course Bob Geranium and Gertrude are gonna stay at home and look after the newbie! :biggrin2:

I've offered my services on a few occasions to do courier work for him, offer still stands, LOL!!!


Thanks for posting, what a good read. Fiction/non-fiction, I wonder?



I think he'll have to move his family into his new house to dog sit and generally to look after every aspect of his life....


He's be better just staying put!




Very true :naughty:




Doctor, I can't sleep. How much should I take?

...... oh boy. Dunny d X NY dFunny but odd ......


And offered my dogsitting services too, ha ha!!!

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Here are my two predictions re the house:


a) Mika will leave the house empty for the next 6-12 months. He will plan a magazine shoot or some other commitment in his new home in the midst of half a dozen other commitments. He will then have to drop everything he's doing and mobilize every available resource to get his ass and everything he owns into the house in a space of 48 hours.


b) Mika will find himself missing the bouquets of flowers that are so huge they can't fit through the door and will start saying things in public like "I didn't want to move far from my parents so I can see their house from my back garden. Oh and I have a 6-foot tall fluorescent orange gnome on my front step."


:lmao: :lmao:

post of the day. :thumb_yello::naughty:

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Well I reckon he got a dog, thought damit I ought to get another 2 really to balanace out my life, but only one was available at the time, and so when he leaves them alone while touring, he will come back and find momma and pappa Gertrude, Bob Geranium and about 30 puppies :roftl:


He will probs ring up his doctor 3 times a week by then cos he will go nuts with all that dog poop in his nice white house. :teehee:

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It seems like he would be. Cats are so independent that he would hardly have to look after them. :naughty:


yeah, he'd be one of those cat owners whose cats live more at the neighbour's house because that's where they get their food... :teehee:

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Well I reckon he got a dog, thought damit I ought to get another 2 really to balanace out my life, but only one was available at the time, and so when he leaves them alone while touring, he will come back and find momma and pappa Gertrude, Bob Geranium and about 30 puppies :roftl:


He will probs ring up his doctor 3 times a week by then cos he will go nuts with all that dog poop in his nice white house. :teehee:


You'd think he have three dogs. :teehee:

yup as I suggested above only he wont have only 3 dogs for long haha :naughty:

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poor peter :mf_rosetinted: (if this is true, that is.. :blink:)




aaaand, a new house and a new dog. fair enough :biggrin2:


(why not a cat , mika..? :das: )


I don't like cats that much so I'm perfectly satisfied with his (virtual) decision for puppy. I hope he'll have a rabbit too some day.:wub2::naughty:

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