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MIKA in Tokyo Japan @ Zepp Tokyo

Blue Sky

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Oh Lord I'd definitely choose Japan. If I had the money to travel to another country to see Mika, my top 2 are Japan and America.


Oh Lord, why am I so poor :aah:


Oh Caz, after Japan, choose South America :teehee: specifically Brazil :thumb_yello: you'll love :wub2: and please bring Mika tied :roftl: do not hit very hard not to hurt the poor man :naughty: we thank you, thank you :thumb_yello:

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He's on!


suisuimeko Mika Live now! RT @UNIVERSAL_INTER MIKAライヴなう。 http://twitpic.com/1uqdre


banio820 MIKAのライブがゼップ東京で始まり始まり〜!!ステージセッティングは相変わらずポップでアーティスティック♪ http://twitpic.com/1uqe41


What's going on with his hair there?:blink:

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