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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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Yesterday was a great day! We arrived at 14.15 so we were too late for the first 100 people. But we had a place almost at the front of the other queue so we had a good change to get a good place as well!

The waiting was very cold, I wore my Allstar shoes and they get really wet by the rain. By the time we could enter the building, I didn't feel my feet anymore, it felt like they were dead :aah:

But the waiting was absolutely worth it! :biggrin2: We had a good place, almost in the middle of the stage at the 5th row.


The show was great! I loved that he also made an heart of his hands when the audience did that by happy ending (little bit of love)! :wub2:

I danced a lot and had so much fun, I sang/screemed :teehee: with every song and my throat is really sore now :naughty:


We are golden was the most fun song of the night, everybody was really excited and the audience sang really loud! And I loved I see you, but there was a lot of smoke from the machine, that he could beter sing I don't see you :naughty:

Mika sounded and looked really great again :wub2: Amsterdam was fun, but I liked Antwerpen more, the crowd was more excited and Mika was so happy by that!


After the amazing gig we waited outside to ask Mika for a signature. And he signed my fotocollage!!! I'm so excited! It became wet by the rain, so the colors are a bit strange at some points :roftl: but I love it! I said really excited 'hi!!' and he looked at me and said hi to! :wub2: Then he signed my paper, it's my first signature and I'm reaallyyy happy with it! :biggrin2:


Thank you Mika, Antwerpen and Amsterdam were my first gigs, and it were the best days of my life! :thumb_yello:

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It's the ever famous fabulous fantastic Panasonic Lumix TZ10!!


No, i am sorry i don't have pictures of the dressed up people...As you know i arrived late (around 17:00) and had to move to the 'regular que'. Luckly i found a very good spot (3rd row in the middle) but there were no dressed up people....


I have the Panasonic Lumix TZ7! But it doesn't make good pictures at gigs when it is dark (it makes great films tho).

Of misschien ligt het aan de instellingen, ik heb geen idee hoe ik hem goed moet instellen voor dit soort gelegenheden, misschien kun je het me leren :bleh: (sorry, didn't know how to say this in English).


Monie dear!!!!!!!:wub2: Don't worry, I was so anxoius to know from you I couldn't wait:naughty: Soooooo glad you had such a good time. Next we MUST be together, woman!!!!!!!! :huglove:


Yes! We must and we will!!! :huglove:


I love the grouppic, tho some people are missing.

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Great pics and great reports, thank you everybody!!!!!!:wub2: But... I don't see my sis Queenie in that group pic :crybaby::blink:


She and I were being lazy in the back of the venue. :teehee:

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Yes! We must and we will!!! :huglove:


I love the grouppic, tho some people are missing.


Of course we will!!! gig or no gig, we MUST meet soon:wub2: Glad you enjoyed the day, luv.


She and I were being lazy in the back of the venue. :teehee:


I was supposing so:naughty:

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What a cold an wet, but most of all, FANTASTIC GIG!!!


I arrived yesterday at 8.45 at the HMH in Amsterdam and was number 26.

It was so much fun with all the dressed up MFC'ers and we even managed to practice the flash mob in between the periods of rain. John bought us coffee/hot chocolate and donuts/brownies, that was so sweet of him :wub2:


I really wanted to see the whole gig this time, due to the fact that I was a BG last wednesday in Antwerp, so I hadn't seen all the songs then. The gig was really amazing, and being front row was the best thing I ever experienced :biggrin2:


After the gig we all waited in the drizzle for Mika. First Jimmy came outside and I asked him if he would sign his picture in my tourprogramme book. He signed it and started to talk about the fact that he doesn't really like the picture. He told me that the picture was taken during rehearsals and that he didn't knew that it would end up in the book, haha. After another while Mika came outside and when he came at my spot he started to draw a heart with wings on my backpack. Suddenly he stoppend and asked "Ehm, was I supposed to sign this?" When I told him that it was wat I wanted he laughed and finished it. I also gave him the necklace I made for him (don't have a picture of it, but it had a wooden puppet on it which looks like the big skelleton that's on stage with him at the end of the gig). He thanked me for it and said he thought it was a really appropriate gift.


Thank you all the MFC'ers that were there for a wonderfull day and I hope to see you all again soon!


Here you can find my pictures of the whole adventure: http://s842.photobucket.com/albums/zz341/melissa_holland/Mika%20HMH%20Amsterdam%2007-05-2010/

Edited by melissa_holland
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Omg! It was soo amazing!! It was my first Mika gig, but now i want more. :aah:

I was there at 11.00 and my friend came on 11.15 so we had number 61 and 62!

I didn't know that we got numbers, so i was suprised! But it's a really good thing!

And pretty well done that we got a special entrance and we got earlier access than other people.

This is something that i never ever experienced that with a concert, it was the best quening i ever had(But the weather sucks, but the rest was goood!)

And you people all had beautiful costumes!

Finally after all waiting for hours, we got inside and we were FRONT ROW! Amazing! It was AMAZING!! What a show, and what a voice, and man. I even love him more now.

He's got a lot of great energy!


Well after the show, i bought a t-shrit, Mika shout tshirt but my size was sold out. There was only size large, but i needed size small. But i just bought the shirt and it fit really well, not perfect, but i can wear it with a Legging.

I really wanted to wait on Mika, but my dad don't really like to wait soooo long in the car.. how late he came out of the HMH?


Sorry for my bad english, i'm just 15. :aah:

Edited by Madonnagirl3
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I just got back home! - had to go to work first- Yesterday was absolutely amazing. I had so much fun!:wub2:

I was blown away by the show, I didn't expect it to be so big. I was right in front of Imma and Jimmy, which was really cool and Imma kept smiling at us.

I gave Jimmy a present after the gig and he said he loved it and he gave me a hug :biggrin2: He's so nice. I also took a picture with him.

I was wearing the same watch as Mika- the green one- and he said: Hey, nice watch! :naughty: but yeah, he was in a bit of a hurry, which is understandable as he was probably pretty tired.

Oh and has anybody seen this yet? pretty good review and some nice pictures:



and my memory card has just DELETED all of my pictures! they weren't that great anyway, but it still kinda sucks.

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WOWSER!! How good does everyone look in costumes??..why we stopped doing costumes is beyond me as people look so fab!!!!..Ingie's wig looks like my hair on a daily basis! LOL..she has the excuse of falling down a rabbit hole :roftl:

Sooo pleased for Fred and Ingie.. Where is Ingie on the vid I couldn't see her only David..*I edit as I think I see her like a little jumping bean next to Imma :)...is it her?

Happy for Fred especially as he was so disappointed last time not being on stage..I understand this feeling :tears:


On the plus side....for me!!

Luke Donegan..was on stage too and as I couldn't go told MIKA 'Daisy says Hi' and that I wasn't well'...M replied 'Send her my Love!' How kind is he? :wub2: ...Luke for telling him and MIKA for saying that...Thanks Boyz!!! :huglove:


I so wish I could have been there I know I have said it 100x already but I had a feeling this was 'THE' show to be at.


Loving the reviews and pics..the quality of photos is astonishing!...Thanks for all who post :thumb_yello:

Edited by daisylou
*watched vid again and THINK I saw Ingie*
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Yesterday was one of the greatest day ever! :teehee:


Came around 13:20 and Nadina told me to get a number for the special queue. But couldn't get a number first. But I had a plan to stand in the HMH with Eline and others, but they've got a number and i didn't. So Eline and I went to Freddie with a cute face and asked again. THANKS FREDDIE FOR THE NUMBER :teehee: 103 is kinda my new lucky number


well waiting before the gig was very fun, meeting people, practising flashmob and stuff like that. Saw a beautiful book full with pics of MIKA from Annemaaike, wish i had something like that! :blush-anim-cl:


Well hours later, in the HMH I had a beautiful place to stand with the new friends. Nine o'clock starts the show, the opening was soooo awesome. Thought I had filmed it, but i forgot to push the record button :blink: And Mika shirtless :wub2: The gig was sooo much fun, the show around the songs was genious. Loved every piece of it. And i think Mika can speak really good Dutch haha


"Hallo, dit is Mika. Ik ben dood.Wanneer ik tot drie heb geteld, moeten jullie allemaal springen.” :biggrin2::biggrin2:


Well there is so much to tell about the gig but I am not going to do, i want to sort out my 228 (most are crap damn) pics :biggrin2: But i really really really loved this show and MIKA. And again a signature on my iPod, sooo cool.


sorry for maybe crappy english

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WOWSER!! How good does everyone look in costumes??..why we stopped doing costumes is beyond me as people look so fab!!!!..Ingie's wig looks like my hair on a daily basis! LOL..she has the excuse of falling down a rabbit hole :roftl:

Sooo pleased for Fred and Ingie.. Where is Ingie on the vid I couldn't see her only David

Happy for Fred especially as he was so disappointed last time not being on stage..I understand this feeling :tears:


On the plus side....for me!!

Luke Donegan..was on stage too and as I couldn't go told MIKA 'Daisy says Hi' and that I wasn't well'...M replied 'Send her my Love!' How kind is he? :wub2: ...Luke for telling him and MIKA for saying that...Thanks Boyz!!! :huglove:


I so wish I could have been there I know I have said it 100x already but I had a feeling this was 'THE' show to be at.


Loving the reviews and pics..the quality of photos is astonishing!...Thanks for all who post :thumb_yello:


Ingie was on the other side of the stage, next to iMMa.

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