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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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One "weird" thing I noticed yesterday: Since when he is holding his t-shirt while singing the really high notes. I have a pic; http://www.twitpic.com/1m52e4 but he is not singing at that moment and the pic is not great though. And I have seen him before, and then he didn't do that...


Maybe he felt like he needed to, don't know :blink:

From what I've seen in some videos over YT he did it as well when he wasn't singing, so maybe he just had a tic :wink2:

Edited by petra_ale
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I read a comment on YT about Mika lipsynching the first (high) notes of Relax, because he had a soare throat. Is that true? (I didn't here it tho..)

Yeah, I also saw it on http://www.nu.nl. I think it's not right. He sang the whole show live, also parts that were even higher then notes in Relax! :wink2:

I often have the feeling that some people are just looking for something bad to say about him in some reviews. Not very cool.


The gig was awesome! I loved the part where Mika was 'killing his bandmembers'. It was so funny: 'Hi this is Mika, and I'm dead'. And in dutch: 'Dit is mika, en ik ben dood'.:naughty:

Also loved the part with Ida during Good Gone Girl, she has a beautiful voice! His facial expressions during the gig are too awesome for words, he's such a nice actor. :teehee:


And the show itself is so good technical. Every little bit fits, perfect timing, and so original. :wub2:


Saw him after the show, but he was in a hurry. Guess he was tired. Nice to see him though! He signed my CD and thanked me for my present. And he smiled very sweet. :wub2:

I also saw Christian Louboutin!! I was so excited, but everyone around me ignored it because they were all over Mika. :roftl:

Hey, I thought it was pretty special that the greatest shoedesigner in the world was standing 2 meters away from me! :teehee:


Hmmn, it was simply epic. :wub2:

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Yeah, I also saw it on http://www.nu.nl. I think it's not right. He sang the whole show live, also parts that were even higher then notes in Relax! :wink2:

I often have the feeling that some people are just looking for something bad to say about him in some reviews. Not very cool.


The gig was awesome! I loved the part where Mika was 'killing his bandmembers'. It was so funny: 'Hi this is Mika, and I'm dead'. And in dutch: 'Dit is mika, en ik ben dood'.:naughty:

Also loved the part with Ida during Good Gone Girl, she has a beautiful voice! His facial expressions during the gig are too awesome for words, he's such a nice actor. :teehee:


And the show itself is so good technical. Every little bit fits, perfect timing, and so original. :wub2:


Saw him after the show, but he was in a hurry. Guess he was tired. Nice to see him though! He signed my CD and thanked me for my present. And he smiled very sweet. :wub2:

I also saw Christian Louboutin!! I was so excited, but everyone around me ignored it because they were all over Mika. :roftl:

Hey, I thought it was pretty special that the greatest shoedesigner in the world was standing 2 meters away from me! :teehee:


Hmmn, it was simply epic. :wub2:


When did you saw Christian Louboutin? Was that after the show?

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Saw him after the show, but he was in a hurry. Guess he was tired. Nice to see him though! He signed my CD and thanked me for my present. And he smiled very sweet. :wub2:

I also saw Christian Louboutin!! I was so excited, but everyone around me ignored it because they were all over Mika. :roftl:

Hey, I thought it was pretty special that the greatest shoedesigner in the world was standing 2 meters away from me! :teehee:


Hmmn, it was simply epic. :wub2:


When did you saw Christian Louboutin? Was that after the show?


:naughty: Me thinks that he was in a hurry to go partying with Loubotin and co :fisch:

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Here is a short report from me:


We arrived at the HMH after 09.30. I got number 33. Saw some people I had seen at other gigs. I really liked how so many where so nice dressed-up. Looked so cool.

To bad it was such a bad weather. Around 12.00 we got drinks and food from John. That was so nice. I got a dellicious chocolat muffin.

It was fun watching people who were passing by. The look on their face when they looked at the queue and especially when they saw all the dressed-up people.

Around 18.30 we were let in the venue. I got front row in front of the piano :biggrin2:

Around 21.00 just before the show was about to start I was taking a good look at the podium and when I looked at the right I saw Mika getting in his astronaut costum :mf_lustslow:

The show was amazing. I liked how we were the first audience that applauded for the puppet for just waving. He also did that thing with his hand during Touches You twice (if I'm correct) and the first time he did in front of me :mf_lustslow:

I did the flash mob during Kick-Ass but unfortenately I stood somewhere no other did it. I did saw some people at the stage doing it and some where at the right and the left. It would have been cool if the whole first row and second row had done it. When a group was practising during the waiting outside it looked so cool.

After the gig we waited for him. There were so many people. He came around 00.30 and he did the whole line. I had a little something for him. A tulp of marsepein in a long round box with a ribbon around it with little cloggs on it and a little box of chocolat tulps. He wanted to sign it, but I said ''no, it's for you'''. He took a good look at it, smiled so sweet and said thank you :wub2: He look so tired. So sweet of him that he took time to sign :wub2:

After he left in a white van, we went home to. On our way home I passed by two of Mika's trucks. I wish I could be in Luxembourgh tonight. This was my last gig. I will go to Pinkpop, but that's a festival. Maybe I will go to one in an other country, then I can combine it with a short holiday. Vacation will start over 1,5 month, so. I miss him already. It was amzing night :wub2:


I will post some pictures later.

Edited by Marly
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They were going out afterwards, weren't they?

Yeah guess so! Louboutin looked like he was ready for a party with his golden sparkly shoes. :naughty:

I saw him too- it was after the show. I liked his shoes :teehee:

I thought it was pretty exciting to see him as well actually!:biggrin2:

Oh you also saw him? Yeah! The shoes rocked right? :teehee:

Was he the one who wore golden shoes?

Yes that was him!

Edited by Mika_Addiction
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Yeah guess so! Louboutin looked like he was ready for a party with his golden sparkly shoes. :naughty:


Oh you also saw him? Yeah! The shoes rocked right? :teehee:


Yes that was him!


Golden sparkly shoes? That sounds interesting :naughty:. Mika was also dressed in the theme, wasn't he? All in golden-y cream colour :teehee:.

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Yes that was him!


I was trying to remember if I saw him, then I read a comment from someone who liked his shoes. I remember that I saw a man walking by me and when I saw his shoes and I said to my mom ''look at his shoes, there so cool''.

So that was Christian Louboutin. I knew how he looked like, but I didn''t expect to see him walking out the HMH. So I just thought that was a man with super cool shoes, but it was Christian Louboutin. I almost wanted to throw out to him that I love his shoes :naughty:

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Totally! I was making my boss jealous today by telling her I saw louboutin :naughty: damnit I want him to make me some shoeeees.

Haha, awesome. My dad didn't believed it, he thought I was joking. :naughty:

(Btw, I'm the girl from Druten :teehee:)


I was trying to remember if I saw him, then I read a comment from someone who liked his shoes. I remember that I saw a man walking by me and when I saw his shoes and I said to my mom ''look at his shoes, there so cool''.

So that was Christian Louboutin. I knew how he looked like, but I didn''t expect to see him walking out the HMH. So I just thought that was a man with super cool shoes, but it was Christian Louboutin. I almost wanted to throw out to him that I love his shoes :naughty:

Yeah, I also didn't believed it. I was like: huh? This is a bit surreal! :aah:

Oh! You should have done that! I'd love to see his reaction. :naughty:


Gawd, I feel a bit sad now. 24 hours ago we were there! I've been waiting for so long, and now: Bam, it's over. I was sitting in the train home this morning, just staring outside, listening to Happy Ending, and I seriously felt bad. I had a weird feeling in my tummy, disapointed it was over, but yet so happy because of the awesome night. I felt a bit.. empty or something. :blink:

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Haha, awesome. My dad didn't believed it, he thought I was joking. :naughty:

(Btw, I'm the girl from Druten :teehee:)



Yeah, I also didn't believed it. I was like: huh? This is a bit surreal! :aah:

Oh! You should have done that! I'd love to see his reaction. :naughty:


Gawd, I feel a bit sad now. 24 hours ago we were there! I've been waiting for so long, and now: Bam, it's over. I was sitting in the train home this morning, just staring outside, listening to Happy Ending, and I seriously felt bad. I had a weird feeling in my tummy, disapointed it was over, but yet so happy because of the awesome night. I felt a bit.. empty or something. :blink:


Oh hello girl from druten :biggrin2: I bet we're the only ones around Nijmegen who can say that they've seen Christian Louboutin :mf_rosetinted:


I feel the same by the way, I'm so happy when I think about how amazing it was, but sad that its over now.. Although I do have Pinkpop to look forward to, but that will be very different. I'm glad I have the MFC to relive memories, else it would probably be extra empty.It feels surreal to think that we were in the HMH singing/screaming along just 24hours ago !


oh I just remembered something- a guy who's in my class lives in druten! I thought it sounded very familiar :naughty:

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Here are two video's from me. I did really feel like filming a lot. Especially not those songs were you are dancing a lot to. These two song are my favourite slow songs of Mika. Although Happy Ending is also a favourite. And Over My Shoulder is that too when he songs it live.


:wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

Edited by Marly
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One "weird" thing I noticed yesterday: Since when he is holding his t-shirt while singing the really high notes. I have a pic; http://www.twitpic.com/1m52e4 but he is not singing at that moment and the pic is not great though. And I have seen him before, and then he didn't do that...


He always does that when he has trouble with his voice. I have noticed it a view times before. Somehow it helps him get the sound just right. :wub2:


btw, he also touches his neck or pulls his skin near his adam's apple when he is nervous or feeling uncomfortable :wub2::naughty:

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I'm not really one for writing a detailed report, so here are just a few quick things I felt like sharing.


Q-ing was cold and wet, but a lot of fun. (Whose idea was it to start Q-ing at such ungodly hours though? :aah:)

I loved meeting all of the MFCers! For me it's the main reason to queue. :wub2:

And I really appreciated the coffee/tea/hot chocolate & brownies/muffins that John arranged. :wub2:


The gig was awesome. I had a front row spot right in front of Jimmy & Imma. They're just absolutely amazing. I spend most of the gig wachting them instead of Mika. :naughty:


Right now I just got back from having drinks with Ingie, Freddie, Babz, Jazzy, Monie and Vivienne. I had a great time. :wub2:

Edited by Nielo
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He always does that when he has trouble with his voice. I have noticed it a view times before. Somehow it helps him get the sound just right. :wub2:


btw, he also touches his neck or pulls his skin near his adam's apple when he is nervous or feeling uncomfortable :wub2::naughty:


It's also called feeling :roftl: I tend to do things like that as well (when I'm in my bedroom...belting out a few tunes...pretending I'm a superstar...:lmfao:) Don't know why, but when you start putting emotion/effort into a song you sometimes end up looking like a tit and pulling funny faces when you do it LOL :aah:

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It's also called feeling :roftl: I tend to do things like that as well (when I'm in my bedroom...belting out a few tunes...pretending I'm a superstar...:lmfao:) Don't know why, but when you start putting emotion/effort into a song you sometimes end up looking like a tit and pulling funny faces when you do it LOL :aah:

I do that too.. :teehee:

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