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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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I have some pics ... Was second row so filming wasn't an option, since I had a new camera I thought I should test it out. But I'm not used to taking pics at gigs, and it was a new camera so don't expect too much :aah: Just selected a few from the beginning, will post others as soon as possible.






















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I feel I should do a report of some sort but all the stuff that happened has already been mentioned. But then again who cares?

So, on Thursday I went to pick up Freddie, Ingie and Tiibet at Schiphol airport, and just as we got home Linde, Jose and Nielo arrived as well. We had a bit of a preparty and couldn't stop talking until past midnight, which was maybe not the smartest idea considering the alarms were set for 5.45 the next day....

but it wasn't too bad, I woke up and just decided to go with the flow, and we got there at a bit past 7 and I was nr 11. I wouldn't usually queue that early and when I got there and it was raining and cold and there was no one there I had a bit of a FML moment, but after a while more and more people got there and it became more and more fun. I felt very proud walking around in my Queen of Hearts costume, everyone was staring at me and giving me weird looks :naughty: the fun really started when someone told Ingie she looked like Lady Gaga in the blonde wig and then we started calling her Gaga and we decided that BubblesPurry was Adam Lambert and this turned into some kind of endless comedyact :roftl: Even though it was a cold, wet, long day I must say this was one of the most enjoyable queues ever!

Anyway, on to the gig. I had a really good spot, front row centre, and the gig was absolutely amazing! I just loved the intro with the band in the little livingroom. It was really more like a theatre show then just a gig! My favourites would have to be Touches you, Rain and Love today (even though I did an actual FLASHmob during the jumping, as in having my strapless dress come down....:blush-anim-cl:) And of course one of the best bits was suddenly seeing Ingie and Freddie on stage!!! I was very proud of them :wub2:

We waited for Mika to come out, it was raining really heavily and I was just starting to get a bit fed up when I saw Jimmy coming out :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: Droopsy and Katrien gave him the wonderful book and I really didn't want to interrupt them so I waited like a good girl until they were finished and then asked him for a pic and a hug. He smells really nice :wub2: *sigh* I really do have a bit of a crush on him.

Mika came out shortly after, he seemed to be in a bit of a hurry so I didn't really say anything to him, but it was fun watching Ingies and Bubbles/Adam's conversations with him :teehee:

Sooo we went home (Elise and Shady now also staying at mine) and all of our original partyplans went out of the window, we were all knackered and just wanted to go to bed as soon as possible :naughty:


Anyway, thank you MFCers and Mika and band for making this a totally amazing weekend!!

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Ummmmmmmmmm ... silly question as I've not looked through the thread at all ... but I don't suppose anyone got a pic or video of Mika hugging me at the M&G at all ....

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Loving all the reports, pics and vids, it's almost as if I had been there!!!! Thank you people, you're tops!:flowers2:


And that pic of Cherisse and the gals is awesome!!!!


aahhahahahahahahaha of course!

but i think she looks lovely in her glasses anyway :wub2:


queenie...come back :tears:


thank you bienje! exciting report!:thumb_yello:


Why of course! Queenie's always lovely, she's only a poser sometimes:roftl: I want her back too, me feels lonely without me other half :no:

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I don't know. It was kind of hectic and rainy but perhaps Mellody filmed it, I'm not sure. Mika was in a real hurry so the signing etc. went quite quick.


yup, should have it. :thumb_yello:

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I feel I should do a report of some sort but all the stuff that happened has already been mentioned. But then again who cares?

So, on Thursday I went to pick up Freddie, Ingie and Tiibet at Schiphol airport, and just as we got home Linde, Jose and Nielo arrived as well. We had a bit of a preparty and couldn't stop talking until past midnight, which was maybe not the smartest idea considering the alarms were set for 5.45 the next day....

but it wasn't too bad, I woke up and just decided to go with the flow, and we got there at a bit past 7 and I was nr 11. I wouldn't usually queue that early and when I got there and it was raining and cold and there was no one there I had a bit of a FML moment, but after a while more and more people got there and it became more and more fun. I felt very proud walking around in my Queen of Hearts costume, everyone was staring at me and giving me weird looks :naughty: the fun really started when someone told Ingie she looked like Lady Gaga in the blonde wig and then we started calling her Gaga and we decided that BubblesPurry was Adam Lambert and this turned into some kind of endless comedyact :roftl: Even though it was a cold, wet, long day I must say this was one of the most enjoyable queues ever!

Anyway, on to the gig. I had a really good spot, front row centre, and the gig was absolutely amazing! I just loved the intro with the band in the little livingroom. It was really more like a theatre show then just a gig! My favourites would have to be Touches you, Rain and Love today (even though I did an actual FLASHmob during the jumping, as in having my strapless dress come down....:blush-anim-cl:) And of course one of the best bits was suddenly seeing Ingie and Freddie on stage!!! I was very proud of them :wub2:

We waited for Mika to come out, it was raining really heavily and I was just starting to get a bit fed up when I saw Jimmy coming out :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: Droopsy and Katrien gave him the wonderful book and I really didn't want to interrupt them so I waited like a good girl until they were finished and then asked him for a pic and a hug. He smells really nice :wub2: *sigh* I really do have a bit of a crush on him.

Mika came out shortly after, he seemed to be in a bit of a hurry so I didn't really say anything to him, but it was fun watching Ingies and Bubbles/Adam's conversations with him :teehee:

Sooo we went home (Elise and Shady now also staying at mine) and all of our original partyplans went out of the window, we were all knackered and just wanted to go to bed as soon as possible :naughty:


Anyway, thank you MFCers and Mika and band for making this a totally amazing weekend!!


Yes, thank you for that! I'm glad nobody came crowding us and stuff like that:teehee: The pic of you two is so cute btw!! And yes, he smells nice :aah:

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Yes, thank you for that! I'm glad nobody came crowding us and stuff like that:teehee: The pic of you two is so cute btw!! And yes, he smells nice :aah:


definitely :wub2:

I'm so proud of my pic with him :teehee: I've been showing it to everyone.


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Ummmmmmmmmm ... silly question as I've not looked through the thread at all ... but I don't suppose anyone got a pic or video of Mika hugging me at the M&G at all ....


The hug was sweet, I saw it from a distance. Did someone tell Mika what happened?

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I have to say another thing about the gig. I didn't like the way the guys who put the dragon on stage were dressed: they wore woollen hats (in Dutch:bivakmutsen). I thought it was quite scary I must say. I'm sorry but they looked like criminals. Why was that necessary?

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I also want to write a little report. First of all I want to thank all the fantastic people I met there, you all are so great and I love being a member of this community.

On Thursday in the morning I arrived at Amsterdam and met Faballa who was there since Wednesday. After checking in in our hotel we went for sightseing the whole day. Amsterdam is really a beautiful city and I enjoyed the sunny weather. At least we drove to the Heinecken Hall to check out the location, but there was a soccer match and a lot of drunk people were running around, so we decided to leave the place. But we discovered that the trucks and tourbusses stood behind the hall. We went to bed really early that evening because we were very tired.

On Friday we arrived the Heinecken Hall at 7.10 am and got number 7 and 8, a few minutes later Ingie, Freddie and Tiibet arrived and I had to laugh because Freddie looked so good in his costume. As all the other said before it was soooo cold and rainy but we had so much fun all together, it was so nice to meet a lot of people for the first time and other for the second or third time. I filmed the rehearsal of the flash mob. All other things were said before.

I didn´t recognize the support act, I only heard some music. About the gig I only can say that I loved every second. For me it was the third gig of this tour and I can´t say which one was the best, I think every gig was the best ..... Sadly I couldn´t move as I wanted because of my injured arm but it was fun to copy the choreo of rain. Never heard before Martin saying the trompetsolo was ****. I think Ida feels so much more comfortable now, she danced like mad, loved her. I filmed three songs, not the best quality but I´m happy to have a few vids of my own.

After the gig we run to the merchandise to get our tour programms and then we went outside to the m&g. I could give Mika the gift I had for him and got my tour programm signed.

After the m&g our group allocates very quick and I´m sorry that I had not the chance to say goodbye to everyone.

here are the links to my vids and sorry for the bad quality, my camera is not the best.


rehearsal of the flash mob ( the sound ist terrible, you only can hear the strong wind )


Mika´s arrivel


Stuck In The Middle


Happy Ending


Good Gone Girl



Did anyone film Over my Shoulder?

Edited by Sabine64
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Quick report from me


I brought my friend Ruth along (tealstar21) and it was her first EVER gig - not just first Mika gig but first gig ever. So it was quite a big deal for her. I explained in advance that i would want to be queuing from early on and she was happy to go straight to HMH from the airport


So we arrived in the queue just before 10am. I would just like to say thank you :thumb_yello: to all the MFCers who made her feel so welcome. The queuing was great, despite it being cold and wet (the wind was horrid). We especially loved the drinks and cakes/doughnuts from Mika :wub2: but also just generally how lovely and friendly everyone was.


We went over to the cafe for lunch at the wrong time - just as Freddie was trying to get everyone back into number order and to discuss what was happening with the MFC queue. So we ran back, leaving half eaten meals behind us (though we did manage to glug down our wine before leaving!). We were then delighted to hear that we could leave the queue for a bit so we went to our hotel and checked in/got changed etc. We then went back to the queue later on


Tealstar21 tried to be a big girl but MrsP told her she was too small and there were enough LollipopGirls already. Thanks to Vicky who tried to change MrsP's mind :wink2:


We were lucky enough to get front row positions, slightly to the left of centre. The concert was amazing :wub2:, I had tried really hard to avoid seeing too much about the new concert material, so most of it was new/a surprise to me. I especially loved GGG and Ida's singing.


I was a little sad though to be completely on the other side of the stage to Jimmy and iMMa - they really help make the show, and we couldnt see them much from where we were :(


There was quite a lot of pushing when the gig started :sneaky2: with people trying to get through to the front. Wasnt overly impressed with that, but we didnt let anyone through :teehee: i wasnt going to give up my position after hours of queuing.


Afterwards we went and bought a programme :wub2: and walked around outside but couldnt see any other MFCers, so went back to the hotel (as it was cold and wet and we had only had 3hrs sleep the night before). I am sure i will have plenty more opportunities to meet Mika in the future, and i also felt that those with costumes on had more of a right to meet him, as they had made such a fantastic effort :) The costumes were awesome, they looked amazing :thumb_yello:


I did feel that there was less eye contact than normal, well on our side of the stage anyway. He seemed a little distracted or tired. But maybe that was just me that felt that. But despite that, the whole gig was fantastic, I loved every single minute of it :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:

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Without reading anything I'll try a report:


When I arrived at the venue at about 6am (just because my bus was that early...) I thought I'd be number 1. Was a bit proud of that. But then Leator came, told me about the night before and I became number 3. Am still sorry for him and Sasje and their car. The next few hours went by quite quickly because there were so many MFCers in funny costumes arriving. It was great to meet so many new people and to see well-known faces again :wub2: Queueing from lunch time on was awful. It was all rainy, cold and windy. And because the wheather was that disgusting time went by really slowly. I missed the free coffee / chocolate, because I had some journey-issue and was on my way to three different stations then (felt like 700 though). After that long time of waiting it was a blast to be let in. Everthing worked out well, but Leator, Sasje and tiibet had some ticket problems. That's why I was the really first who entered the venue. That was so exciting! I was completely lost, just ran and I got confused because I didn't know the way and couldn't see the stage. Thank God there were some people who told me where the stage was in the end. I got the perfect spot in front row, centered. A bit strange that there were already four people when I came in. We had a weird time waiting 'til the gig started because of a girl that was let in earlier. But I won't bother you with details (report is getting too long anyway :teehee:). I liked that we didn't see a support act. I don't know why but this way we didn't look at the time that often and it didn't seem to be that long 'til the master came on.

Then finally Jimmy entered the stage. I didn't watch videos of the new show before (well, couldn't resist Ida and the shooting-scene :biggrin2:) so I was busy getting the whole thing and wasn't concentrated on details. I love the show, I love Mika and I love the band. I was a bit worried that it would be too much of show and too less of a concert, but it was good. I'm glad I got to see the North American intro :naughty: even though I prefer the other one. The little poem in the beginning of the other intro just gets you into the Mikaworld. This intro now is just amazing without that little addition :biggrin2: Mika was in a good mood, he sang very well and I loved that he messed up the lyrics of Lollipop and Love Today :roftl: But he wasn't as chatty as usual. He spoke a bit of Dutch but just the necessary stuff, nothing new or spontaneous (as far as I can judge that :fisch:). The band was on fire. As a Martin-fan I could have died laughing about him when he sneaked off during the shooting-scene :roftl: BGs and LGs (and the boys!) did a good job. As always I took many pictures and tried to get as many fans as possible on stage. I will upload everything asap :wink2:. Then Kick-Ass was played and the flashmob took place (thanks to Monie and Ingie!). I guess it wasn't that clear that we had kind of a choreography because almost everybody had their hands in the air in the first rows, though :sad: After Kick-Ass Cherisse came and gave me one of her drumsticks :mf_lustslow: That was like the cherry on top of a great gig-cake!

During the M&G and I let the stick sign by Mika. But because it was raining the signature disappeared within two minutes :sad: Anyway, I loved the gig, I loved Ida singing opera (even though I don't like operas in general), I loved the stage invasion with Freddie and Ingie, I loved meeting the MFCers again, the band, the M&G. I loved it all!

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one pic from the m&g (quality isn't that good, it's from my mobile phone)



he looked stunning :wub2:


and my wallet :fangurl:



Oh Celien, you just made my day! Thank you so much for the pic where he signs my glove, it doesn't matter that the quality isn't that good (and his autograph looks great on your wallet). I relate to what you said about him not responding to you, he didn't respond to me either, I think he was in a hurry.

When he signed something for Queenie who was standing behind/in between Miek and me I leaned to the side to give him some space to sign. There was still little space so he was leaning on me quite heavily. I tried to lean to the side even more to give him more space when I thought: ahm...why am I trying to avoid touching him :teehee:? If it's no problem for him it isn't for me :bleh:.


I met you very very quick: you were sitting next to Ingie and I asked if you practised the slash-mob already with all the MFC'ers... :biggrin2:


Edit: Thank you Nielo... flash-mob :P


I like slash-mob. Let's keep calling it slash-mob :biggrin2:. Were you in fancy dress?

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I don't know whether to do a review of this show or not ... it's gonna be a tad different to everyone else's


Whatever you want Laurel. It's amazing that you are back on here, I am happy about it. :huglove:


Sabine: I love the flash mob rehearsal vid, at least here you can see that we are doing it :bleh:.

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