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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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And yet.. so true. :mf_rosetinted:

Don't mess with the Toppers.

For real. Let your light shine baby. :mf_rosetinted:


So if one them decides to leave again, Mika could be considered as a replacement? :naughty:

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the adventures of Mika in Amsterdam...


first he found a suitable massage chair to have a rest in in Doncaster airport


safety first! he made sure he was well strapped in on the plane


taking in the wonderful view


at his hotel room at last, and Mika chooses to enjoy a bit of slagroom



There is also photographic evidence of Mika enjoying himself a bit too much but you'll have to ask Jazzy for that photo, unfortunatley I don't have a copy :)


Hahaha, this is sooo funny!:roftl: You should tweet the story to Mika!!:biggrin2:

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Found a report on Hyves, it's in Dutch: http://ddaarrccyy.hyves.nl/blog/33918402/OMG_de_bijzonderste_dag_van_mijn_leven_D_O/MDDu/


On May 7th I went to a concert of Mika in the HeinekenMusicHall.

We were very exited.

But we drove the wrong way so it took longer before we got there.

We stopped at the traffic light at the Arena...

Here it comes:

I started screaming very loud because we drove by a normal taxi, but not just any taxi: the guy who was in it look a hell lot like Mika!! OMG

At first noone believed me, Nicole said: "It is 5 past six!" And yes that was a bit late for an artist to show up.

But I was screaming: "No really! i swear."

And Nicole said to drive around the corner and let the taxi drive by and indeed it was Mika! So me and Mirjam shouted even harder.

My mother said: "shall we follow him?", but we said "No,then we will be stalkers."

But my mother did follow him anyway.

When he got out the taxi at the artist entrance, my mother ran after Mika with pen and paper. She 3 times said: "Mika, excuse me." He only just listened after the 4th time because he was busy paying for the taxi.

Then my mother asked: "Can I have your autograph?" and Mika answered:"I am really sorry but I have to go to my soundcheck."

(bit strange if you have to do that that late, but whatever..)

My mother said: "Please, I have two screaming girls in my car (hahaha me and Mirjam)

And then me and Mirjam came along a bit screaming and he said Okay, quickly than. Not angry but just very stressed. An other woman also came running en she also asked for an autograph and Mika said smt about going to have to go inside, but that he would come back shortly because he had to pay money for the taxi.

But when he came back he didn't have a lot of time and said: "I am really sorry, I've got to go."

So he walked away and I shouted loud: "I love your shoes!" He heard me but didn't answer.

I thought when he was standing with us I gonna ask: "Can I have a hug" but I waited too long.

Me, Nicole and Mirjam were trembling a lot.

Me and Mirjam didn't stop shouting that evening. It even didn't matter to us anymore that the didn't have time for a photo because we thought: "We are the only ones in Holland who have seen him from that close by and have an autograph!'

At the concert he was much too later, so we concluded that Mika is a 'latecomer'.

I will never forget this day Mika thanks!!

Next time again!

Edited by AnnaMariaPetra
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The Toppers are really something that makes me proud to be Dutch..... :biggrin2:


Yeah, they're the perfect representatives of our country. :naughty:


you don't have to like it , i would just go there cover my ears and watch mika :roftl:



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"Me and Mirjam didn't stop shouting that evening. It even didn't matter to us anymore that the didn't have time for a photo because we thought: "We are the only ones in Holland who have seen him from that close by and have an autograph!'"


Pfffssst please...Mika and I are almost like BFFs forevaaah:mf_rosetinted:

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Srsly those people..... a bit out of line


Yeah well, they're 13, still not cool. If the man says no I have no time, then it means he actually doesn't have time. Stoopid peoples:mf_rosetinted:

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Srsly those people..... a bit out of line


Totally agree, and what was their mother thinking?:blink:

It was after 6, they themselves said it was strange he was doing a soundcheck that late, surely they must have realised he was late, and not stopped him!

Not impressed!:aah:

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Yeah well, they're 13, still not cool. If the man says no I have no time, then it means he actually doesn't have time. Stoopid peoples:mf_rosetinted:


Yeah but like Rose says, the mom!!! Come on, have a bit of sense :blink:

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Sometimes mothers are even worse...Not mine though...she can't stand Mika:roftl:


This is true, maybe she's as fangurly as the daughter!

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This is true, maybe she's as fangurly as the daughter!


Poor Mika though, I would go insane if they kept harassing me like that when I'm actually politely saying that I have no time.

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since this, sadly, is the "normal" fan behaviour that most stars get, it just reminds me again how lucky we and mika are to have each other - he comes out to meet us after almost every show and does so many special things for us, and we treat him respectfully. :wub2:

there'll always be people like that though, but i love it that mika tells them that he doesn't have time (after they wouldn't understand that him ignoring them means exactly that :aah:), instead of pretending to be all happy about them approaching him and let some bodyguards do the "dirty work" of keeping the fans away. :bleh:


and about the mum, maybe her daughters have been bothering her for weeks that they want mika's autograph, and she didn't want to have the complaints afterwards but hoped she'd get a peaceful time if finally they had their autographs. :teehee:

Edited by mellody
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"Me and Mirjam didn't stop shouting that evening. It even didn't matter to us anymore that the didn't have time for a photo because we thought: "We are the only ones in Holland who have seen him from that close by and have an autograph!'"


Pfffssst please...Mika and I are almost like BFFs forevaaah:mf_rosetinted:



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I wrote my report a couple of days ago, but something went wrong and I deleted everthing :aah: Didn't had time to do it all over again, so I'm gonna try now :aah:


We arrived at the venue around 9:00AM, after I had to wake at 4:15AM (:aah:) and got number 25. Queuing went quite slowly, mainly because of the cold and the rain.. It was really nice to meet all the MFCers, since it was my first Mika-gig! We had to practice the queue around 2:00PM. Also stayed in a restaurant for a while, which was really nice after all the hours outside! When we went back to the queue, it suddenly went a lot faster and we were able to get in. Security told us we were allowed to go in 10 minutes before the queuers without a number, so I got front row, exactly in front of iMMa! :biggrin2: Didn't really liked the support act. They also didn't show up on the stage, which was a bit disappointing. I guess they would have more interaction with the crowd if they did show up on stage. Mika was amazing, what a voice and what a show! Mika's voice was even better live as I expected! Everything was better as I expected it would be! I realize now I really have to work out, since I was already gasping for air after the first song :aah: After the gig, AMP and I went to the cloakroom. I was SO tired, so I just sat down on the dirty floor :aah: After a couple of minutes I felt a lot better, and we all waited for Mika outside the venue. It didn't took as long as I expected, we didn't had to wait for more than one hour. Mika was in a rush and he already passed me by before I knew it! :roftl: Luckely I did got a signature and I was able to give him the chocolates I brought. I fcked up the line I was saying a little bit, since I got really nervous when he passed me by :aah: Can't even remember if he looked at me, or smiled at me or said thank you :aah:

We went home quite fast after the M&G. I was exhausted, but after this day it didn't matter at all :biggrin2:


I did took some pictures during the first song of the gig and during the M&G. The quality isn't that well, but I'll post them anyway :biggrin2:

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