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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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I can't say I didn't try: being an experienced and well-travelled rock chick I really did my best to brainwash my lovely babes ... it was working quite fine ...


and then Mika came along ...


And it's a slippery slope from that point on. :naughty:


Welcome to MFC! Glad to hear you and your kids enjoyed the show. :wub2:


Whoops, forgot what I came in here for - video links!


Mika's Murderous Rampage - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8JMte0u9jw


Erm... does Mika toss his pistol aside and whip out a bazooka or something to take out Cherisse? Talk about overkill. :naughty:


Thanks for the lovely pics, vids, and reports everyone. Almost as good as being there... almost. :aah:

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Ugh lying in bed recovering.


And I don't snore, it was all viv that you could hear.


LIAR!!!!! (who do you think you are....MIKA? :teehee: it took me AGES to get to sleep from YOUR snoring I had to put on my mp3 player with Paul Mkenna boring my to sleep with his hypnosis to drown you out :naughty:



Lovely movie. Over My Shoulder seriously was one of the best songs of the evening for me. I had goosebumps the whole time!

I officially <3 you two, his voice on this gave me goosebumps and brought a tear to my eye (again) but his voice sounded different esp at the start. *faints*



I look like a bit of a twat but :wub2:

you look fab and it was fab to hang out with you all, we had so much fun with the flirty waiter lol.

LOLZZ this is such a coincidence because me, Ingie and Freddie were just saying last night that we should do a Rocky Horror themed gig next!!!!


LOVE this pic, he looks sooo stylish, relaxed and happy (ready for a night on the town no doubt lol)

I also LOVE the jewels on the girls face on the pic and thought that every time I saw her during the day.

Thanks :blush-anim-cl:


I have a Panasonic DMC-ZX3.

I only have since a month. I still have to learn how to use it good at gigs. Especially when there isn't much light. The pictures from after the gig are really bad. We weren't allowed to use flash. Should go practise making pictures in the dark.

The filming is really good. It films in HD

I have a Panasonic Tz6 that I need to learn how to use, jsut got it last week. YOUR pix are awesome.

Do you remember 2008? Mika had a new song called 'rain'. After that we had rain for weeks.



When Mika did some tv and radioshows in december 2009 he did 'let it snow'. After that we had a terrible snowy mess for weeks.



I suggest our weatherman Mika should write a song about SUN. Or cover 'let the sunshine in'. Especially with all these outdoor festivals coming up it's a good idea.

WOAH your right!! lol.

Edited by lollipop_monkey
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I never noticed the details on the planets as good before, you can see it better from a distance obv

I can't say I didn't try: being an experienced and well-travelled rock chick I really did my best to brainwash my lovely babes ... it was working quite fine ...


and then Mika came along ... !

Welcome and super review made me laugh.

I wonder if the cars were slowing down for him like they were for me, Viv, Sharon and Caroline. Hahahha.

hahaha more than likely if he was at the other side of town that is red ;p

Too late? He started 21:00, right on time :thumb_yello:



Is that why we didn't get let in until 7?

Fancy going shopping, on the day of the show:naughty:

"shopping" .....I see, in AMSTERDAM eh yes yes I see, I wonder what part of Amsterdam he went shoping in that apparently made him late for his gig and run out of money hmmmm.:teehee:

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Anyway my late review, had the best time ever with a really really GREAT bunch of people some rockin' new friends to hang with too yeey, they made the hours fly past so fast.


we Q-ed from about 9am I think and I was number 30 so when we sorted out the MFC Q later on it was a nice relief to get out of the rain for a while without the worry of loosing your place cos we were told we could ALL come back at a certain time so go do your own thing since we all knew where we were in the Q by now (good idea that).


I spent a fair bit of time getting holes in my fingers sewing Roses costume (:blink: ouch), I didnt put mine on till very late cos I didnt want to sit in it on the floor. (I didnt like it anyway)


The Q-ing ran soooo smoothly thanks to Freddie and Ingie :aah: (oh and John too). I thought I might get stopped and searched forever by security cos I had 3 bags but it all went fine.


I got in and couldnt find anyone I was running up and down at the front trying to find ppl I knew to stand with cos I didnt want to be front row but with no mates nearby, so I found Freddie but by then there was no front row near him so I was 2nd row... thats great (unless your behind some mad ginger guy 6ft tall with a 3ft hat on lol) I didnt mind though I managed to dodge him now n then and got a few good pics. It was great to see him having the time of his life and belive me HE DID lol.


Unfortunately I started to feel a bit ill during the gig so by the last 3 or 4 songs I was flagging so much I thought I might have to leave cos I felt faint (that has NEVER happend to me at a gig before), so when Freddie got hand picked by MIKA to go up on stage with him and then Ingie too :biggrin2: I was pleased for them sooo much (and I could steal their space and flop over the barrier for a little support) lol.


I missed parts of the gig by feeling poorly etc but the parts I DID see I enjoyed as you can imagine, I loved it all, though not 100% certain about the shooting all the band tho IMMA sliding down the floor is rather hilarious, oh and Martin trying to sneak off too. :naughty:


song wise OMS made me shed a tear again.... his voice seemed different and very intense and powerful espcially at the start; I love him (did I say that out loud oops).:wub2:


I spent a lot of time looking at the props and stage setting etc and trying to take in all what was going on since it was the first time I had seen this particular version of the show.



Was going to Q for a pretty prog after the gig but still felt ill and hot and just couldnt face it.

Was still feeling like this for the M&G and really wanted to go home but obv had to wait for everyone else and his lordship to show his face :P


was right next to Jimmy when he got his book, tried to stay out of the pics he was having with ppl, he was really chuffed with his gift awwww.


Mika came out and the crowd was well behaved though quite large. when he got to me I had been asked to record Caroline giving him her Mika doll, so he looked up at me holding the brolly and I felt awkward and just told him I was just recording for Caroline lol so he moved on.

I did keep noticing how divine he looked, smart/casual obv going out with ppl afterwards.


I was glad when it was all over and thats a first (hope it doesnt happen again either, this giging at my age is just not a good idea pfft).


Shame we couldnt find a taxi for what seemed forever, walking streets of Amsterdam in the rain,tired,and lost (and in florecent pink tights).....lots of cars kept slowing down, surely you dont get ladys of the night who are MY age fgs!


Anyway we got on a main road and in 2 mins a bus came that went to Central rail station so we got that Phew!

Edited by sparkly1
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Guess I should stop being lazy and get on with my report.


My journey started Thursday, got a coach to London, and my connection was supposed to leave at 7pm to get us to the 10.15 ferry at Dover. But the coach broke down on it's way to us, and didn't arrive til 8.15pm! Because of this we had to get a later ferry, which I thought would get me to the venue about 9.30-10am instead of the original 8-8.30am I would have done.

As it turned out our driver was a man possessed!

He made up the time, I have no idea how, but he did, and we got to Amstel at 8.15am! So I managed to get the 8.25 train to Bijlmer ArenA, which is right beside the venue, so I got there just a few minutes later than planned, instead of the 1-1and a half hours later than I expected.

I was number 20 in the queue, and spent about half an hour getting my make up put on, mostly because of my eye phobia, and Ingie had a hard job getting the eyeliner on me. In the end Freddie had to nearly get me in a head lock to keep my head still to get it on!:naughty:

One of the funniest things of the day was Fred and Johns conversation through the front door of the venue. Fred was trying to talk to him, but couldn't hear properly, so asked him to come out, John pulled on the door and said, he couldn't because it was locked. So Fred asked him to get some one to let him out, but no one was there, so John just kept pulling feebly on the door saying it was locked,he couldn't get out, it was funny at the time:naughty:

Well you know about the queuing and cakes and the handy bar next door. But there was a sports shop opposite the venue, which had the biggest selection of bicycles I've EVER seen! Jimmys head would have exploded seeing them all! Sparkly took a picture of the fluorescent orange and yellow ones for him as a treat.

At 6.20 we were all ready to go in, but we didn't get in until a good 20 mins later, and then myself, Shady, Buttons and Corline ended up gettind directed to a completely different entrance to eveyone else!

Ended up right over by the speakers on Martins side, I'm sure if we'd gone in the other door everyone else went through we'd have been in the centre with the others, so I was seperated from all the other Alice characters, which kind of spoilt it a little for me, not being with them. But I like being on Martins side he always makes me laugh a lot. But it means not seeing much of Jimmy and Imma, so it's a bit tricky.

Andy came out and talked for a while with all the Alice characters, at first I didn't think he'd come over to us, as everyone else was on that side, but Vicky (many thanks again) told him I was dressed up as the Cheshire Cat, so he came over and we had a little chat, he was VERY impressed by whoever was dressed in the leaves. I asked what was going on with the lack of support act and he said he thought Cheryl Cole was supporting, I think (hope) he was joking! He told me he filmed the Ian MacKellen part of the show, which he is very proud of, along with the nightmare part before Rain, which he is on briefly at the beginning. He then went off as it was nearly time for the show to start.

I love the new start to the show, and Mika floating down in he spacesuit, his facial expressions during the show, for reactions to what's going on around him with the band or the little vignettes he has created, are priceless, I love them:wub2:

I was stood beside the girl who had the big eye (which was actually her bag!), and during Blue Eyes, Mika gestured for her to throw it to him, but she didn't catch him doing it. So I told her about it and she said, "I can't it's my bag", so when he came back, he looked at her again, and we both shook our heads at him. I think this may have confused him, not knowing why she wouldn't throw it, so I hope she saw him at the M&G to explain. I got a look and a smile during Blue Eyes as well, which made the 16 hour coach trip, with not much sleep, worth while:wub2:

Ida's Queen Of The Night part of GGG, is so beautiful, I found myself conducting along with her as she sung:naughty:

But later when Lollipop was on it was great to have Imma come to our side, and she saw us and was singing down to us smiling, so we sang loudly back to her waving our arms to her.

I loved ToyBoy, and what Jimmy and Imma were doing with the puppet during GK, so funny!:roftl:

The bit where Mika killed the band, just before he went after Martin, I was shouting to him" Run Martin run".

That was the craziest part of the show, reminded me a bit of the Teddy Bears picnic from the 07 show.

The procession with Luke carrying the statue, we were screaming his name, I hope it didn't put him off his stride, he did really well.

Freddie on stage, came down our side and we were screaming for him too.


Afterwards the M&G, we all got a bit damp waiting, but the rains eemed to stop a bit when Mika came out to sign.

He seemed to be in a hurry, but I guess he was pretty tired and wanted to get going on to his next destination.

He signed my programme and he looked at my face and said "you and your facepaint" and smiled, I said I was worried that he might have been offended by the penguin in Bristol and apologised, but he said he found it really funny, so I was quite relieved by that. I also asked about the tweet from Abu Dhabi, and how it freaked me out and he gave some cryptic answer about it. So I'm no wiser about it now as I was then!:naughty:


I'd just like to thank some people who made this trip for me. Biekje, without whom I would never have got there, Ingie, who did wonders with the make up, and got me looking like a crazy cat, Miek and Alexander, who took me into their lovely home and gave me a bed for the night and breakfast next morning, I miss Murphys friendly little face:wub2:, Monie for her amazing flashmob choreography, which I finally got the hang of when doing it in a group of people! Fred for being the great organiser that he is and John for being the amazing man he is getting thing sorted for us on his end, Viv for helping me get the costume finished in the nick of time, Laurel for the programme, you didn't have to considering the circumstances, I wasn't expecting you to!:huglove::flowers2: Jazzy and Vicky for being Jazzy and Vicky, you guys always make gigs fun for me and I never tire of hanging out with you, you ROCK!

And all the other MFCers to numerous to mention, who it's always a pleasure to be at a gig with:thumb_yello:

And obviously Mika, without whom there would be no show, I hope I can continue to make you laugh, always happy to feed your strange sense of humour:wink2:

Edited by RAK1
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I See You:


Any Other World:




Grace Kelly (with some Jimmy moments):


These are HD. I think I have a couple of more, will upload them today. Didn't film that much in Amsterdam.

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was right next to Jimmy when he got his book, tried to stay out of the pics he was having with ppl, he was really chuffed with his gift awwww.


Awwww, yay! Did you get a chance to have a look in it? It's really quite spectacular...


It was a lovely report!


I'd just like to thank some people who made this trip for me. Biekje, without whom I would never have got there, Ingie, who did wonders with the make up, and got me looking like a crazy cat, Miek and Alexander, who took me into their lovely home and gave me a bed for the night and breakfast next morning, I miss Murphys friendly little face:wub2:, Monie for her amazing flashmob choreography, which I finally got the hang of when doing it in a group of people! Fred for being the great organiser that he is and John for being the amazing man he is getting thing sorted for us on his end, Viv for helping me get the costume finished in the nick of time, Laurel for the programme, you didn't have to considering the circumstances, I wasn't expecting you to!:huglove::flowers2: Jazzy and Vicky for being Jazzy and Vicky, you guys always make gigs fun for me and I never tire of hanging out with you, you ROCK!

And all the other MFCers to numerous to mention, who it's always a pleasure to be at a gig with:thumb_yello:

And obviously Mika, without whom there would be no show, I hope I can continue to make you laugh, always happy to feed your strange sense of humour:wink2:


Nice report Rose!


This bit sounds like you've won an award, with all the people you're thanking!

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I had such a wonderfull time on friday and am still of a 'aaah mika concert is over depression ;-)'. It was my 2nd Mika gig but the first time I sat all the way in the back so I didnt really remember that one. Friday we had good spots at the side balcony ( I went with a friend of mine who cant stand long so she mailed the HMH and they offered her those spots). I sang and danced a lot and had the best time!!!

My pictures arent that good.









Hope to meet other Mika fans at the next concert. Unfortunately I cant come to Pinkpop but pherhaps at the next one. :)


A lot of very nice pics, thank you. :biggrin2:


So much fotos, videos and reports - I'll need a lot of time to read and see all the stuff. Thank you all!

Edited by Graciosa
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Shame we couldnt find a taxi for what seemed forever, walking streets of Amsterdam in the rain,tired,and lost.....lots of cars slowing down surely you dont get ladys of the night who are MY age fgs!


It's not custom in Holland to catch a taxi. You normally phone one.

I read Mika had the same problem:wink2:


I See You:


Any Other World:




Grace Kelly (with some Jimmy moments):


These are HD. I think I have a couple of more, will upload them today. Didn't film that much in Amsterdam.


Nina, your vids are really wonderfull. Great quality!:thumb_yello:

And the fact that I was standing behind you makes it even better: it's the same point of view as I had.

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I'd just like to thank some people who made this trip for me. Biekje, without whom I would never have got there, Ingie, who did wonders with the make up, and got me looking like a crazy cat, Miek and Alexander, who took me into their lovely home and gave me a bed for the night and breakfast next morning, I miss Murphys friendly little face:wub2:, Monie for her amazing flashmob choreography, which I finally got the hang of when doing it in a group of people! Fred for being the great organiser that he is and John for being the amazing man he is getting thing sorted for us on his end, Viv for helping me get the costume finished in the nick of time, Laurel for the programme, you didn't have to considering the circumstances, I wasn't expecting you to!:huglove::flowers2: Jazzy and Vicky for being Jazzy and Vicky, you guys always make gigs fun for me and I never tire of hanging out with you, you ROCK!

And all the other MFCers to numerous to mention, who it's always a pleasure to be at a gig with:thumb_yello:

And obviously Mika, without whom there would be no show, I hope I can continue to make you laugh, always happy to feed your strange sense of humour:wink2:

You're very welcome!!! I really really really wanted you there!!!:wub2::wub2: No Alice in Wonderland without the mighty Cheshire Cat :biggrin2:

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"shopping" .....I see, in AMSTERDAM eh yes yes I see, I wonder what part of Amsterdam he went shoping in that apparently made him late for his gig and run out of money hmmmm.:teehee:


He went to Prinsengracht!

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He went to Prinsengracht!


This is a store on the Prinsengracht I found on Google: http://www.frozenfountain.nl/?pageAlias=


And another one: http://www.bebobamsterdam.nl/








Must be enough choice for Mika. Some store look very approriate for him.

Edited by AnnaMariaPetra
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Yesterday when I was looking at pics from the Qing and at Mika's tour book I got an idea. Our costumes were great, there are some great pictures of them and it was such a special day that I want to make a Q book a la tour book (in case you are interested as well).

Of course I will need your help, since I would like to have photo's in high quality. My idea is to let everyone who wants to participate send me a few of their best pictures and then combine them to a beautiful book (my b/f who is a web designer will advise me about the layout). It can be photo's about people putting their make up on, getting dressed, wearing the clothes, gathering together, Mika signing stuff for them etc. As long as it is mainly about the dress up theme.


I don't want to make this book for Mika (tho if it turns out good I might give him a copy) but for ourselves.


Of course these days everyone can make their own photo book easily. But I thought a combined album would be nice. What do you think of this idea?

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Love the idea!

I'll e-mail you some pics tonight :thumb_yello:


Great, thank you :thumb_yello:.


If anyone wants to contribute but hasn't got my email address yet, let me know in this thread (or through a visitors messages, my PM box is often full :bleh:) and I'll PM you my address.

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Yesterday when I was looking at pics from the Qing and at Mika's tour book I got an idea. Our costumes were great, there are some great pictures of them and it was such a special day that I want to make a Q book a la tour book (in case you are interested as well).

Of course I will need your help, since I would like to have photo's in high quality. My idea is to let everyone who wants to participate send me a few of their best pictures and then combine them to a beautiful book (my b/f who is a web designer will advise me about the layout). It can be photo's about people putting their make up on, getting dressed, wearing the clothes, gathering together, Mika signing stuff for them etc. As long as it is mainly about the dress up theme.


I don't want to make this book for Mika (tho if it turns out good I might give him a copy) but for ourselves.


Of course these days everyone can make their own photo book easily. But I thought a combined album would be nice. What do you think of this idea?


I think it's a great idea. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed about the weather making it impossible for us to "shine" in our costumes and it would be lovely to have a book with pics. :wub2:

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I think it's a great idea. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed about the weather making it impossible for us to "shine" in our costumes and it would be lovely to have a book with pics. :wub2:


I am glad you like the idea. I made an official thread about it:




If anyone who had a handmade costume has drawings of their costume: I am interested in them as well, it would make a nice contribution I think.

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Great, thank you :thumb_yello:.


If anyone wants to contribute but hasn't got my email address yet, let me know in this thread (or through a visitors messages, my PM box is often full :bleh:) and I'll PM you my address.


I didn't have my camera with me. But ofcourse you can use the pics you've taken of me.

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if he sings about sunshine we will probably get a major heat wave :teehee:


Yes, you're probably right. Maybe if he just mention the word sun is enough to get just a little sun and let's say 20 degrees :naughty:


Yes, his battery was empty.


Just bought the AD to read the whole artikel.

At the end they wrote: the highlight was in the closing song: a buried under a balloon version of Lollipop. For Mika himself broke the party apart when he was back in his favorite part of The Netherlands: the Amsterdamse Jordaan. ''There I know lots of fun pubs. With who I go? Alone. At least then you meet new people.''


I hope the translation is understandable.

But does this mean he went to pubs after the gig? Because he looked so tired and the next night he had a gig in Luxembourg.

But if it is true, we know what we have to do after a next Mika gig in Amsterdam. Gonna party in the Amsterdamse Jordaan. Maybe we will run into Mika then :naughty:


He was already in Amsterdam on thursday :biggrin2:. So I guess he visited some pubs thursday night.


Wait! What time was that? Pretty late I guess, since the show already started one hour too late. oh well, I didnt wait there for 2hrs, but okay.. Im still curious, how long did you wait there outside? just,.. next to the entrance? :blink:


It was past midnight. 0:30? So about 1,5 hours after the show. And yes you have to be patient if you want to see him, but in the end you WILL see him :fisch: "I see you"


Guess I should stop being lazy and get on with my report.


I'd just like to thank some people who made this trip for me. Biekje, without whom I would never have got there, Ingie, who did wonders with the make up, and got me looking like a crazy cat, Miek and Alexander, who took me into their lovely home and gave me a bed for the night and breakfast next morning, I miss Murphys friendly little face:wub2:, Monie for her amazing flashmob choreography, which I finally got the hang of when doing it in a group of people! Fred for being the great organiser that he is and John for being the amazing man he is getting thing sorted for us on his end, Viv for helping me get the costume finished in the nick of time, Laurel for the programme, you didn't have to considering the circumstances, I wasn't expecting you to!:huglove::flowers2: Jazzy and Vicky for being Jazzy and Vicky, you guys always make gigs fun for me and I never tire of hanging out with you, you ROCK!

And all the other MFCers to numerous to mention, who it's always a pleasure to be at a gig with:thumb_yello:

And obviously Mika, without whom there would be no show, I hope I can continue to make you laugh, always happy to feed your strange sense of humour:wink2:


You're welcome. You were a nice, lovely guest :thumb_yello:. And a great report. Thanx !

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