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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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By the way, we have a little story to tell! After the gig we too were waiting outside for Mika to come! And I hoped to see Imma and Jimmy, for I had stroopwafels for them! Before Jimmy came out I had asked John if J and I were coming out of the building. John answered with yes, they'll be there! Jimmy came out, but as you all know he didn't stay too long. We were standing on the far end of the line, shouted at him, but I don't think he heard!

After Mika's leaving I spoke John again and told him about the stroopwafels and asked him if he could take them inside and give them to Jimmy and Imma. Lovely as he is, he responded with asking me: "Sure I can take them, but don't you want to give it to them your self? With how many are you? Follow me!

On our way in I had a lovely conversation with John. Inside he braught us upstairs and there they were! All bandmembers.

Jimmy said hi to us with 3 kisses and a hug, Imma did the same! And they both liked their little gift.

After a while Cherese and David joined us. Jimmy made some pictures, everyone signed the scrapbook of Annemaaike and Jimmy showed us his photo's of Breakfast on his I-Phone. And after say 20 minutes we said goodbeye and went outside again!

This was a perfect ending of a lovely day! Thank you all for being there, it made my day!







Awwww! Awesome story!


And that first pic is great! :wub2:

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i've finally had enough sleep so now i can write my report. part 1:


me and dutchy went to bed at 2.30 (we had so much to do) and my alarm went of at 4.30 but i couldn't sleep.


i think i've only slept 1,5 hour that night.

we wanted to go to the trainstation by bike but it was raining and we were already late so i called a taxi. we arrived intime but the ticketoffice was still closed. a man helped us to buy tickets in a machine with his pinpass and we gave him the cash.


then we saw liza waiting for us and we went into the train. the 2,5 hours in the train were over before we knew it.


we arived at the venue at 9.00 and got numbers 23,24 ,25.

it was sooo cold, i remenber us saying when this gig wa postponed : at least the weather will be better in may :aah:.

i met alot of nice people in the queue and freddie told us to change into out costumes :roftl: so we did.

i made the half man half woman costumes from the biotg video.so i was half cold all day :roftl:.


the day went by slowly because it was so cold and i was worried my irish friends wouldn't be arriving intime.thank god they arrived intime , i was so happy. then mika's mother came out for lp and bg but because i already was a bg before i wasn't chosen was very happy for my friends ofourse but then they went in with my presents etc so felt sad . then i was prepairing my handbag so the security could check it faster and then maria came for me ! they wanted me to be bg :biggrin2: i was so happy and luke was chosen to be one of the boys . i went with her and biekje was also chosen like me .

it's just more fun to do together with friends and people you know .

We had to practise : left right left right :roftl:


after that they brought us to the costume room and let us try out the costumes . me and dutchy were the last 2 and we chatted a bit with mika's mother , she was so sweet. i showed her the tshirts i made for mika and jimmy and she loved them . there was another woman there who looked like mika's mother and i asked if they were related and she said yes. she was also very sweet and said oh i wish i could make things like that :blush-anim-cl:

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part 2 :


Me and dutchy had made a hat for mika and the theme was biotg (thats why we were dressed like that) they loved that one also , so we asked if she could give the presents to mika and jimmy and she had put them into their dressing rooms.


she loved the costumes and i told her i always make special dresses for gigs and she said yes i know about that . i was so surprised she knew because i've never met her before but that made me happy too , so mika didn't forget about it after he saw me:wub2:


then they took us to our dressing room. i saw andy and said hi , he quickly asked me how i was .


The dressingroom was huge :shocked: and we really had a nice group of lp and bg + 2 boys. mika's mother gave us chocolates and there was enough food for us but don't think anyone was really hungry.


after that we went into the venue and ended up at the right side 3rd row , not too bad you would think but since i'm really very small i couldn't see anything so i regretted beeing bg for a second. but then i saw these huge screens and that made it all ok again :biggrin2: we were dancing and were totally in the mood to go onstage , it really felt so good. i wasn't as nervous as the first time . maria let us see as much songs as possible .


i don't have to tell about the gig itself because many already did.


lollipop was just amazing i tried to "dance" as crazy as i could but its not easy as most of you know with the skulls. but this time i just went up to the middle of the stage (in berlin i didn't dare to do that) i forgot all about monies dance (sorry:blush-anim-cl:) so i just did something haha.


after we went off stage jimmy saw me and he wanted to hug me but i said nooo i'm all sweaty and he said so what and then hugged me because of the tshirt. that made me so happy .


after we got dressed jimmy came into our dressingroom to thank me again and he gave another hug :biggrin2: we took pictures with him . he was taking pics with anyone who wanted and chatted to us all that was really nice.

then he left and imma came in and she also took pics with everyone and chatted.


then we waited a long time for mika .

he suddenly came in and said he loved the costumes i made , i didn;'t even had to tell him i made all 3 , he just knew :wub2: he thanked me for the tshirt and for our hat he loved them he said.


then we took a picture with him and he held my shoulders :wub2:.

he wanted to sign my costume and did it at the back because he didn't want to ruin it:aah: he still doesn't get it that he makes it better??:roftl:


well he signed the other costumes and suddenly came back to me and said i'm going to give you a medal and drew a medal on me :wub2: i couldn't stop staring at him , now i'm beeing teased by the girls by the way i looked :roftl: mikasaw me looking at him and he looked back and smiled. i should have said anything (maybe i did) but i don't remember . ahh well i think my eyes were doing the talking so he knows it made me happy

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Aaaw, thanks for the cool report! Sounds like an amazing night! And everyone of them seems to nice...:blush-anim-cl:

Your costumes are really great :thumb_yello: I love that you made them yourself, fab!


Also thanks @everyone else for the reports, pics and vids that make the gig so visual and somehow 3dimensional even if I wasn't there. :thumb_yello:

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I finally got some pics from Milorad, a nice Serbian guy I met at the gig - he is probably also the only one who got pics of me dressed up as the Jabberwocky :biggrin2:










that`s me...


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WHATTEHELL! I stood right behind you! XD You horns damaged my beautiful photos T_T Don't ever wear them again when you stand in front of me XD


Oh.. I think that girl on the right, with the black hairs, that's a friend of mine xD

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WHATTEHELL! I stood right behind you! XD You horns damaged my beautiful photos T_T Don't ever wear them again when you stand in front of me XD


Oh.. I think that girl on the right, with the black hairs, that's a friend of mine xD


xD..so YOU were the one pushing this camera in my back all the time, damn you XD

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xD..so YOU were the one pushing this camera in my back all the time, damn you XD


Mwahah.. Maybe.. (A) Nah, there was one line of people between us.. But seriously xD.. you got to the concert while wearing that costume the whole trip to the HMH? xD

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I finally got some pics from Milorad, a nice Serbian guy I met at the gig - he is probably also the only one who got pics of me dressed up as the Jabberwocky :biggrin2:










that`s me...



Did you get the pictures in high quality? I would love the picture of you in your costume for the Qbook, if that's all right with you. If it is, I'll PM you my email address so you can send it to me.


Saskia, did you make any pictures of the people in their costumes?


Any one else who wants to contribute to the Q book (I'll post the link here again, just to be sure)?



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I finally got some pics from Milorad, a nice Serbian guy I met at the gig - he is probably also the only one who got pics of me dressed up as the Jabberwocky :biggrin2:










that`s me...




Andy was raving to me about your costume, he loved it!:thumb_yello:

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obviously the quality of my pix decreases exponentially towards the distance i stand away from the center of the stage. :lmfao: or to say it short, i only have 10 acceptable pix from this gig. :teehee: you got much better ones on here, but here they are anyway: http://s778.photobucket.com/albums/yy68/mikafanclub_de/2010%2005%2007%20Amsterdam/ :bleh:


the ones of jimmy are the best:





jimmy after the show with the mfc book :biggrin2:



more interesting should be this album, with the mfc group pix: http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i91/mellody76/Mika%20Imaginarium%20Tour%202010%20-%20MFC%20and%20other%20pix/








our messed up queuing pic ;-p



and my costume in close-up:


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Andy was raving to me about your costume, he loved it!:thumb_yello:


He was? How nice :blush-anim-cl: after all the disappointment standing alone in a "regular que" ìt`s nice to know this

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here's the 2nd grouppic (the best one imo) in original size: http://www.sendspace.com/file/430lpb - let me know if you want the others as well. :wink2:


and my videos (also not the best quality, but maybe someone's interested nevertheless. :bleh:)

intro (band+astronaut):

blue eyes:

intro+end of GGG:

nightmare sequence + rain intro:

band introduction:

death march:

talk & toy boy:

part of lollipop (with freddie+ingie):

different bits+pieces (talking bits, end of biotg, mika shooting himself):

jimmy looking through the mfc book (too far away, unfortunately):

mika m+g (posted this already, but so the list is complete...): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAKt1ETFD6k

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here's the 2nd grouppic (the best one imo) in original size: http://www.sendspace.com/file/430lpb - let me know if you want the others as well. :wink2:


and my videos (also not the best quality, but maybe someone's interested nevertheless. :bleh:)

intro (band+astronaut):

blue eyes:

intro+end of GGG:

nightmare sequence + rain intro:

band introduction:

death march:

talk & toy boy:

part of lollipop (with freddie+ingie):

different bits+pieces (talking bits, end of biotg, mika shooting himself):

jimmy looking through the mfc book (too far away, unfortunately):

mika m+g (posted this already, but so the list is complete...): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAKt1ETFD6k


i'm always interested in your vids. love how you manage to film all the talking bits etc:biggrin2:

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Seriously, our newspaper doesn't mention anything about Antwerp but they do mention that Mika was too late in Amsterdam? :blink::lmfao:

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