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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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Woo your necklace is amazing! Made it yourself? Love it!!


thanx. :blush-anim-cl: yup, was a lot of fuzzy work with nail scissors, that felt didn't make it easy to me! :sneaky2::lmfao: but it was all worth it, mika liked it and signed the heart. :wub2:

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He was? How nice :blush-anim-cl: after all the disappointment standing alone in a "regular que" ìt`s nice to know this


I'm not sure about this, but I thought I have read somewhere that Mika liked your costume as well. (Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong!)

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I'm not sure about this, but I thought I have read somewhere that Mika liked your costume as well. (Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong!)


if you remember where you read it can you link it to me please? :-)

At the M&G he just stared at me and I stared back :aah: - my brain was melting....couldnt say anything at all :blush-anim-cl:

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if you remember where you read it can you link it to me please? :-)

At the M&G he just stared at me and I stared back :aah: - my brain was melting....couldnt say anything at all :blush-anim-cl:


Did you still wear your yabberwocky mask? That might have explained the staring from his part :roftl:.


He should like your costume. He should like all of our costumes, they were amazing :wub2:.

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Did you still wear your yabberwocky mask? That might have explained the staring from his part :roftl:.


He should like your costume. He should like all of our costumes, they were amazing :wub2:.


yes, I wore the mask - but on my head so he could see my face.

Indeed, I think all of our costumes were fantastic, we have outdone ourselves :thumb_yello::wub2:

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yes, I wore the mask - but on my head so he could see my face.

Indeed, I think all of our costumes were fantastic, we have outdone ourselves :thumb_yello::wub2:


Did you see in my report, where Andy was raving about your costume?

He showed me on the camera where he'd filmed you, and said that was his favourite:thumb_yello:

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Did you see in my report, where Andy was raving about your costume?

He showed me on the camera where he'd filmed you, and said that was his favourite:thumb_yello:


Did he ... I don't even remember seeing him ... which is not ... actually surprising ... :naughty:


You were with Vicky and Monie for the M&G weren't you ... inbetween them - my memories are kind of hazy :aah:

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Did you see in my report, where Andy was raving about your costume?

He showed me on the camera where he'd filmed you, and said that was his favourite:thumb_yello:


read your report but up until now I didnt understand that by "whoever was dressed up in leaves" he actually ment me :teehee:


YOu just made my day :wub2:

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read your report but up until now I didnt understand that by "whoever was dressed up in leaves" he actually ment me :teehee:


YOu just made my day :wub2:


Sorry, wasn't sure if you were the Jabberwocky or not.

He was quite excited at your costume.:thumb_yello:

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Did he ... I don't even remember seeing him ... which is not ... actually surprising ... :naughty:


You were with Vicky and Monie for the M&G weren't you ... inbetween them - my memories are kind of hazy :aah:


It was inside before the show started, when Andy came out and filmed the Alice characters.

Yes I was with them at the M&G:thumb_yello:

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I also asked about the tweet from Abu Dhabi, and how it freaked me out and he gave some cryptic answer about it. So I'm no wiser about it now as I was then!:naughty:


what did the say? :naughty:

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if you remember where you read it can you link it to me please? :-)

At the M&G he just stared at me and I stared back :aah: - my brain was melting....couldnt say anything at all :blush-anim-cl:


Sorry, I'm an Oldling:wink2:...


Did you see in my report, where Andy was raving about your costume?

He showed me on the camera where he'd filmed you, and said that was his favourite:thumb_yello:


See: now I remember: it was Andy:doh:

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Found this on Twitter just now:





Mika! Mika! Mika!



Afgelopen vrijdag stond Mika in een uitverkochte Heineken Music Hall. Dat had eigenlijk al eerder moeten gebeuren, maar het concert (dat oorspronkelijk gepland stond voor 13 maart) werd verplaatst naar deze datum. De Heineken Music Hall is niet de gezelligste zaal, maar het geluid maakt dat meer dan goed.


Het voorprogramma bestond uit DJ Claire & Sheila Hill. Tenminste, dat moeten we aannemen, want we hebben ze nooit gezien. Er werd voorafgaand aan het concert best leuke muziek gedraaid, maar of dat nou was dankzij DJ Claire & Sheila Hill… ik kan het je niet vertellen.


Rond 9 uur was het tijd voor Mika zelf, die zoals altijd een spetterende entree maakte, een gelikte show afleverde, een paar knappe staaltjes Nederlands ten beste gaf en het overduidelijk erg naar zijn zin had.


Hij begon met twee grote hits van zijn eerste album om te vervolgen met een goeie mix van nieuw en oud materiaal. Hier en daar waren wat klassieke stukjes in het geheel verwerkt, waarvan de aria van de Koningin van de Nacht uit Mozarts Zauberflöte, uitgevoerd door een van de achtergrondzangeressen, wel het meest opvallend en zeker een hoogtepuntje was! DAMN!


Verder was het allemaal erg goed te behappen, hoewel de overgrote meerderheid van het publiek ernstig afhaakte bij de mooie balades ‘Over My Shoulder’ en ‘I See You’. Erg jammer voor de mensen die dat wél mooi vinden en willen horen.


De decors waren ook meer dan verbluffend. Iets over de helft stond er ineens een groot schrift op het podium waar even later de blazijden van verbrandden om een verschrikkelijk mooi tafereel te onthullen. Echt heel erg gaaf.


Het slot van het concert werd gevormd door de kneiters ‘Grace Kelly’ en ‘Lollipop’ en een grote hoeveelheid uit de kluiten gewassen ballonnen die het publiek gretig heen en weer sloeg door de zaal. Het was net niet zo’n groot feest als het openluchtconcert in het Westerpark in 2008, maar het was zeker fantastisch!


Being lazy tonight I let Babelfish do the translating:


Mika! Mika! Mika!


Last Friday stood Mika in sold off Heineken Music Hall. That would have had happen in fact already earlier, but the concert (that planned initially stood for 13 March) was moved to this date. Heineken Music Hall is not the most sociable room, but the sound makes up for that. The voorprogramma existed from DJ Claire & Sheila Hill. At least, that must we assume that, because we have never seen them. There was twisted before the concert quite nice music, but if that was thanks to DJ Claire & Sheila Hill… I cannot tell it you. Around 9 o'clock it was time for Mika himself, he made like always a splattering entry, a licked show delivered, a couple rahter good Dutch sentences at bests and it obvious a lot to its sense had. He started with two large hits of its first album to mix of new and old material continue with goeie. Here and there were what traditional bits in entirely processes, of which the aria of the queen of the night from Mozarts Zauberflöte, carried out by was of the context singers, however, most striking and the certainly highlight! DAMN! Furthermore was all terrible well at behappen, although the major majority of public pulled out seriously at the beautiful balades `Over My Shoulder' and `I See You' a lot moan You'. for people who that much beautiful find and want hear. The settings were also more than staggeringly. Something concerning half there all of a sudden a large book on the podium stood where just as later the booklet sides of burned to reveal a terrible beautiful tableau. Really complete very groovy. The end of the concert was formed by the hits such as `Grace Kelly' and `Lollipop' and a lot from the large balloons washed which beat publicly eager back and forth by the room. It was not exactly such a grand festival as the open air concert in the Westerpark in 2008, was, but certainly fantastic!


edit: the same guy posted this on Twitter the day after the HMH-concert:

Mika in de HMH was weer een geweldige show! glitters, glamours, ballonnen, opera, filmpjes, rare outfits, leuke geintjes, nederlands praten

12:16 AM May 8th via Seesmic

meaning: Mika in the HMH was again a wonderful show! Glitter, glamour, balloons, opera, video's, weird outfits, funny jokes, talking Dutch

Edited by AnnaMariaPetra
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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:


This was only the second time I've ever been on a plane anywhere ... I went to Miami in 2007 with family ... though it was actually a cruise from Miami ... but this was the first time I'd been anywhere on my own ... I was so excited ... but really nervous too ... I was nervous I wouldn't get through security or something ... wouldn't find the gate ... would miss the plane ... even If I was on time for everything I wouldn't be allowed on the plane for some unseeable reason - loads of stuff ... so getting to Amsterdam without any hassle at all was amazing ... Got a window seat on the plane ... which I'd not experienced for the Miami flight and it was pretty magical the flight there ... I was planning to tell Mum all about it when I got home .... :( I phoned my Mum from the airport shortly after I arrived ... and we decided I wouldn't phone her much as we weren't sure how much I'd be charged ... I don't use my mobile alot and try to keep costs down to a minimum on it ... so I only phoned her about 3 times that day ... Met Vicky shortly after ... and were then picked up by Monie ... had a lovely day at her house ... watching some of Monie's videos from Antwerp - I hadn't watched anything at all as I wanted Amsterdam to be a surprise and to enjoy it more ... we went out for dinner at a lovely pub restaurant place ... it was such nice food .. the portions were tiny and I was abit like WTF ... but to be honest ... you didn't need more than that ... it was divine ... :wub2: Got back to Monie's were we met her lovely fella Kai ... Monie and Vicky tried on their costumes and they both looked amazing ... I poohpaahed mine as It was only a t-shirt ... so didn't try it on then ... phoned Mum just before I went to bed and had alittle chat with her ... had no idea then that this would be my second to last conversation ever ....


Friday ... we got lost on the way to the venue ... ended up going around Schipol airport ... the queueing was really nice ... when we arrived I think we all ended up with 48,49,50 I think ... it was quite cold and windy and raining .. but it was really nice to be with everyone - the costumes were amazing ... it was so nice to meet Miek and AMP finally ... and everyone else ... I had so many people coming up saying Hi I'm ... I can't remember half of you now ... but it was such a nice atmosphere ... the fact there was a nice place to go and eat and drink helped ... I'd been given a Programme by Mellody - well not given ... I'd paid for it :teehee: And alot of people wanted to look at it ... most fell in love with it and wanted to buy it once inside ... I'd already promised to buy extra's for Oldlings not able to get one ... so was pleased to see it was worth the money ... it is a beautiful book ... I don't really know what to say about my Mum at this point ... I phoned her in the morning at 12.15pm ... Amsterdam time ... so that would have been 11.15am UK ... she was off sick with an upset stomach ... that's all I know ... that's all I still know ... but I can't do this review without writing about it ... she sounded ill ... she asked me not to keep phoning and checking up on her throughout the day as she just wanted to rest ... and didn't want to drag herself off of the settee answering annoying phonecalls from a worried daughter ... and again .. moneywise .. weren't sure how much it costs to phone .... and I said to her to phone for a doctor or ambulance if she felt worse ... she said she would ... she promsied me she would ... but ... I wasn't that worried about her ... I had drinks ... I had a laugh ... I went for food ... I had an amazing time until I was let into that venue ... I didn't have any gut feeling that anything was wrong ... Nothing ... I mean ... I was more anxious about the queueing going wrong and us MFC'ers not being let in first and them opening up the main doors first ... and us all being left there ... Vicky knows this ... worries about my mother didn't even enter my head .... I even had a fleeting thought about going off to be a BG when Mrs P was desparately asking for them ... thank **** I didn't do that ... cos' I still would have made that phone call eventually when I was inside and it would have been her and Yasmine etc that would have had to deal with my utter breakdown ... I wanted to see the show though ... it was supposed to be amazing ... and it was a huge thing for me to be there ... in a foreign country ... Mum knew this ... she'd done her upmost to get me there ... even though she wasn't actually that happy about me going abroad, as she knew that if it all went well I'd want to go to other European gigs ... So we were let inside before the others and I got a really good spot ... well I thought it was good ... I'm always happy if I'm front row ... and have a good view of the stage ... obviously middle is better ... but I'm happy with front ... anywhere to be honest ... I have a good camera - lovely zoom ... so normally can film good stuff from anywhere ... I then decided to phone my Mum about 7.00pm .... Amsterdam time ... UK it would have been 6.00pm ... I always phone her once I'm in the venue and settled in my place ... just to tell her I'm ok and that I'll phone her after the show ... but I wanted to check she was ok obviously ... she never answered the phone ... 5 times I called ... I then phoned my brother Tony who lives in our hometown about 5 mins away from us to go and check on her ... he was dead quiet for a few seconds ... asked when I'd actually phoned her in the morning ... I said 11.15am UK time ... there was silence again ... he then asked if I could sit down ... nope ... front row of a Mika concert ... He then told me she'd died ... she was dead ... exactly like that .... I told him not to even joke about that - it wasn't even funny - he wasn't joking though ... I ended up hanging up on him and just dissolving ... Vicky must have clocked something was going on as she asked me what was wrong ... I told her ... I know it went round pretty quickly after that - MFC'ers wise I mean ... but I wasn't really aware who knew apart from Monie and Vicky ... and Mellody ... who were all around me ... I don't remember much after that ... about the concert ... anyway ... I stayed where I was ... I don't think I could have moved if I'd wanted too .... and I tried to enjoy it ... but ... it was pointless ... Any Other World ... Over My Shoulder and Happy Ending had me in bits ... I do know that ... I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a Mika concert and not have it entwined with memories of that night ... and I don't mean that in a negative thing ... but he'll always have a connection to it ... whether he wants it or not ... I love his music ... it usually makes me feel so many emotions ... but that night ... it was just ... like I was emphasized a million times ... even the songs I love to bits like Touches You ... God Rain ... I was screaming the sentence "I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS" at the top of my voice .. even the uplifting songs had me in tears ... I just can't even explain it really ... even now it's too raw too try too ... I know I heard the songs ... but I never really took in the stage or theatrics or anything ... I don't remember anything but the music ... The concert ended ... and .... I somehow remember getting hugs off people - alot of people and making my way out to the merchandise stand to buy the programmes I'd said I'd buy ... went down the side of the venue after we got outside ... found someone's wallet on the floor ... hope they got it back ... I gave it to some other people in the queue .. and eventually found where Monie, Vicky and Rose were ... Mika came out ... I got a hug ... I got a hug off of many people that night ... but I don't really remember most ... travelled back to Monie's and went to bed ... didn't sleep obviously ... Monie ... was a star ... and payed for an early flight home for me ... cos' the last thing I wanted was to be in Amsterdam now til' 7.00pm ... Just wanted family round me ... that's it ... really ... I didn't take any videos ... or take any pictures ... I wasn't ... really .... there ...

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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:


This was only the second time I've ever been on a plane anywhere ... I went to Miami in 2007 with family ... though it was actually a cruise from Miami ... but this was the first time I'd been anywhere on my own ... I was so excited ... but really nervous too ... I was nervous I wouldn't get through security or something ... wouldn't find the gate ... would miss the plane ... even If I was on time for everything I wouldn't be allowed on the plane for some unseeable reason - loads of stuff ... so getting to Amsterdam without any hassle at all was amazing ... Got a window seat on the plane ... which I'd not experienced for the Miami flight and it was pretty magical the flight there ... I was planning to tell Mum all about it when I got home .... :( I phoned my Mum from the airport shortly after I arrived ... and we decided I wouldn't phone her much as we weren't sure how much I'd be charged ... I don't use my mobile alot and try to keep costs down to a minimum on it ... so I only phoned her about 3 times that day ... Met Vicky shortly after ... and were then picked up by Monie ... had a lovely day at her house ... watching some of Monie's videos from Antwerp - I hadn't watched anything at all as I wanted Amsterdam to be a surprise and to enjoy it more ... we went out for dinner at a lovely pub restaurant place ... it was such nice food .. the portions were tiny and I was abit like WTF ... but to be honest ... you didn't need more than that ... it was divine ... :wub2: Got back to Monie's were we met her lovely fella Kai ... Monie and Vicky tried on their costumes and they both looked amazing ... I poohpaahed mine as It was only a t-shirt ... so didn't try it on then ... phoned Mum just before I went to bed and had alittle chat with her ... had no idea then that this would be my second to last conversation ever ....


Friday ... we got lost on the way to the venue ... ended up going around Schipol airport ... the queueing was really nice ... when we arrived I think we all ended up with 48,49,50 I think ... it was quite cold and windy and raining .. but it was really nice to be with everyone - the costumes were amazing ... it was so nice to meet Miek and AMP finally ... and everyone else ... I had so many people coming up saying Hi I'm ... I can't remember half of you now ... but it was such a nice atmosphere ... the fact there was a nice place to go and eat and drink helped ... I'd been given a Programme by Mellody - well not given ... I'd paid for it :teehee: And alot of people wanted to look at it ... most fell in love with it and wanted to buy it once inside ... I'd already promised to buy extra's for Oldlings not able to get one ... so was pleased to see it was worth the money ... it is a beautiful book ... I don't really know what to say about my Mum at this point ... I phoned her in the morning at 12.15pm ... Amsterdam time ... so that would have been 11.15am UK ... she was off sick with an upset stomach ... that's all I know ... that's all I still know ... but I can't do this review without writing about it ... she sounded ill ... she asked me not to keep phoning and checking up on her throughout the day as she just wanted to rest ... and didn't want to drag herself off of the settee answering annoying phonecalls from a worried daughter ... and again .. moneywise .. weren't sure how much it costs to phone .... and I said to her to phone for a doctor or ambulance if she felt worse ... she said she would ... she promsied me she would ... but ... I wasn't that worried about her ... I had drinks ... I had a laugh ... I went for food ... I had an amazing time until I was let into that venue ... I didn't have any gut feeling that anything was wrong ... Nothing ... I mean ... I was more anxious about the queueing going wrong and us MFC'ers not being let in first and them opening up the main doors first ... and us all being left there ... Vicky knows this ... worries about my mother didn't even enter my head .... I even had a fleeting thought about going off to be a BG when Mrs P was desparately asking for them ... thank **** I didn't do that ... cos' I still would have made that phone call eventually when I was inside and it would have been her and Yasmine etc that would have had to deal with my utter breakdown ... I wanted to see the show though ... it was supposed to be amazing ... and it was a huge thing for me to be there ... in a foreign country ... Mum knew this ... she'd done her upmost to get me there ... even though she wasn't actually that happy about me going abroad, as she knew that if it all went well I'd want to go to other European gigs ... So we were let inside before the others and I got a really good spot ... well I thought it was good ... I'm always happy if I'm front row ... and have a good view of the stage ... obviously middle is better ... but I'm happy with front ... anywhere to be honest ... I have a good camera - lovely zoom ... so normally can film good stuff from anywhere ... I then decided to phone my Mum about 7.00pm .... Amsterdam time ... UK it would have been 6.00pm ... I always phone her once I'm in the venue and settled in my place ... just to tell her I'm ok and that I'll phone her after the show ... but I wanted to check she was ok obviously ... she never answered the phone ... 5 times I called ... I then phoned my brother Tony who lives in our hometown about 5 mins away from us to go and check on her ... he was dead quiet for a few seconds ... asked when I'd actually phoned her in the morning ... I said 11.15am UK time ... there was silence again ... he then asked if I could sit down ... nope ... front row of a Mika concert ... He then told me she'd died ... she was dead ... exactly like that .... I told him not to even joke about that - it wasn't even funny - he wasn't joking though ... I ended up hanging up on him and just dissolving ... Vicky must have clocked something was going on as she asked me what was wrong ... I told her ... I know it went round pretty quickly after that - MFC'ers wise I mean ... but I wasn't really aware who knew apart from Monie and Vicky ... and Mellody ... who were all around me ... I don't remember much after that ... about the concert ... anyway ... I stayed where I was ... I don't think I could have moved if I'd wanted too .... and I tried to enjoy it ... but ... it was pointless ... Any Other World ... Over My Shoulder and Happy Ending had me in bits ... I do know that ... I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a Mika concert and not have it entwined with memories of that night ... and I don't mean that in a negative thing ... but he'll always have a connection to it ... whether he wants it or not ... I love his music ... it usually makes me feel so many emotions ... but that night ... it was just ... like I was emphasized a million times ... even the songs I love to bits like Touches You ... God Rain ... I was screaming the sentence "I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS" at the top of my voice .. even the uplifting songs had me in tears ... I just can't even explain it really ... even now it's too raw too try too ... I know I heard the songs ... but I never really took in the stage or theatrics or anything ... I don't remember anything but the music ... The concert ended ... and .... I somehow remember getting hugs off people - alot of people and making my way out to the merchandise stand to buy the programmes I'd said I'd buy ... went down the side of the venue after we got outside ... found someone's wallet on the floor ... hope they got it back ... I gave it to some other people in the queue .. and eventually found where Monie, Vicky and Rose were ... Mika came out ... I got a hug ... I got a hug off of many people that night ... but I don't really remember most ... travelled back to Monie's and went to bed ... didn't sleep obviously ... Monie ... was a star ... and payed for an early flight home for me ... cos' the last thing I wanted was to be in Amsterdam now til' 7.00pm ... Just wanted family round me ... that's it ... really ... I didn't take any videos ... or take any pictures ... I wasn't ... really .... there ...


this is so sad i'm sorry for you , i've send you a pm

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Laurel, so brave of you to type up your report. I have tears in my eyes at reading it. I know we have had a brief chat on PM but I just want to send you my love again and to tell you that I am thinking of you often at the moment xxx

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