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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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Laurel, your report is a moving to me now, as when we were in Amsterdam on the day.

You are amazing the way you are handling things, I have a lot of admiration for you. Stay strong:wub2:

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laurel, thankyou for the report. i really admire you for being able to make it through that gig the way you did... you even were singing and clapping along at times, iirc, and your "breakdowns" were hardly noticeable to me, though of course i saw that the slow songs made you sad. i guess if i had been in your situation i'd have had a hysterical nervous breakdown, left the concert and then regretted it because then i'd have been on my own. :doh:

i'm sorry that i couldn't/didn't help you more, i really had no idea what to do or say, or whether you wanted a hug or talk or be distracted or be left alone, i'm just rubbish at that. :no: glad to hear that the girls on your other side could help you a bit.

but... you still don't know what your mum died of?? i can very well imagine that this makes it even harder for you! i hope you'll soon know, so at least you'll be able to understand it on the rational side... maybe that helps at least a little bit. :sad:


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Even on a rainy day (picture found on Flickr):





How apt :aah:


I am glad you like the idea. I made an official thread about it:




If anyone who had a handmade costume has drawings of their costume: I am interested in them as well, it would make a nice contribution I think.

I didnt like my costume, so I didnt put it on till very late and tried to hide from pix etc, it was a bit uncomfortable lol.

After seeing the video of Lollipop I feel so stupid that I did not see him putting his hand out and just ignored him:roftl: I could have his strong arm pull me up:wub2:


Whatevah I'm just hard to get:mf_rosetinted:

And that is why he wanted you sooooo bad, guess he aint into easy girls lol. :naughty:

amazing pics, especially this one



(think I feel faint again), that is one mighty fine pic of one mighty fine fella.

Andy was raving to me about your costume, he loved it!:thumb_yello:

it was an awesome costume, what where the leaves made out of?

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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:

This was only the second time I've ever been on a plane anywhere ... I went to Miami in 2007 with family ... though it was actually a cruise from Miami ... but this was the first time I'd been anywhere on my own ... I was so excited ... but really nervous too ... I was nervous I wouldn't get through security or something ... wouldn't find the gate ... would miss the plane ... even If I was on time for everything I wouldn't be allowed on the plane for some unseeable reason - loads of stuff ... so getting to Amsterdam without any hassle at all was amazing ... Got a window seat on the plane ... which I'd not experienced for the Miami flight and it was pretty magical the flight there ... I was planning to tell Mum all about it when I got home .... :( I phoned my Mum from the airport shortly after I arrived ... and we decided I wouldn't phone her much as we weren't sure how much I'd be charged ... I don't use my mobile alot and try to keep costs down to a minimum on it ... so I only phoned her about 3 times that day ... Met Vicky shortly after ... and were then picked up by Monie ... had a lovely day at her house ... watching some of Monie's videos from Antwerp - I hadn't watched anything at all as I wanted Amsterdam to be a surprise and to enjoy it more ... we went out for dinner at a lovely pub restaurant place ... it was such nice food .. the portions were tiny and I was abit like WTF ... but to be honest ... you didn't need more than that ... it was divine ... :wub2: Got back to Monie's were we met her lovely fella Kai ... Monie and Vicky tried on their costumes and they both looked amazing ... I poohpaahed mine as It was only a t-shirt ... so didn't try it on then ... phoned Mum just before I went to bed and had alittle chat with her ... had no idea then that this would be my second to last conversation ever ....


Friday ... we got lost on the way to the venue ... ended up going around Schipol airport ... the queueing was really nice ... when we arrived I think we all ended up with 48,49,50 I think ... it was quite cold and windy and raining .. but it was really nice to be with everyone - the costumes were amazing ... it was so nice to meet Miek and AMP finally ... and everyone else ... I had so many people coming up saying Hi I'm ... I can't remember half of you now ... but it was such a nice atmosphere ... the fact there was a nice place to go and eat and drink helped ... I'd been given a Programme by Mellody - well not given ... I'd paid for it :teehee: And alot of people wanted to look at it ... most fell in love with it and wanted to buy it once inside ... I'd already promised to buy extra's for Oldlings not able to get one ... so was pleased to see it was worth the money ... it is a beautiful book ... I don't really know what to say about my Mum at this point ... I phoned her in the morning at 12.15pm ... Amsterdam time ... so that would have been 11.15am UK ... she was off sick with an upset stomach ... that's all I know ... that's all I still know ... but I can't do this review without writing about it ... she sounded ill ... she asked me not to keep phoning and checking up on her throughout the day as she just wanted to rest ... and didn't want to drag herself off of the settee answering annoying phonecalls from a worried daughter ... and again .. moneywise .. weren't sure how much it costs to phone .... and I said to her to phone for a doctor or ambulance if she felt worse ... she said she would ... she promsied me she would ... but ... I wasn't that worried about her ... I had drinks ... I had a laugh ... I went for food ... I had an amazing time until I was let into that venue ... I didn't have any gut feeling that anything was wrong ... Nothing ... I mean ... I was more anxious about the queueing going wrong and us MFC'ers not being let in first and them opening up the main doors first ... and us all being left there ... Vicky knows this ... worries about my mother didn't even enter my head .... I even had a fleeting thought about going off to be a BG when Mrs P was desparately asking for them ... thank **** I didn't do that ... cos' I still would have made that phone call eventually when I was inside and it would have been her and Yasmine etc that would have had to deal with my utter breakdown ... I wanted to see the show though ... it was supposed to be amazing ... and it was a huge thing for me to be there ... in a foreign country ... Mum knew this ... she'd done her upmost to get me there ... even though she wasn't actually that happy about me going abroad, as she knew that if it all went well I'd want to go to other European gigs ... So we were let inside before the others and I got a really good spot ... well I thought it was good ... I'm always happy if I'm front row ... and have a good view of the stage ... obviously middle is better ... but I'm happy with front ... anywhere to be honest ... I have a good camera - lovely zoom ... so normally can film good stuff from anywhere ... I then decided to phone my Mum about 7.00pm .... Amsterdam time ... UK it would have been 6.00pm ... I always phone her once I'm in the venue and settled in my place ... just to tell her I'm ok and that I'll phone her after the show ... but I wanted to check she was ok obviously ... she never answered the phone ... 5 times I called ... I then phoned my brother Tony who lives in our hometown about 5 mins away from us to go and check on her ... he was dead quiet for a few seconds ... asked when I'd actually phoned her in the morning ... I said 11.15am UK time ... there was silence again ... he then asked if I could sit down ... nope ... front row of a Mika concert ... He then told me she'd died ... she was dead ... exactly like that .... I told him not to even joke about that - it wasn't even funny - he wasn't joking though ... I ended up hanging up on him and just dissolving ... Vicky must have clocked something was going on as she asked me what was wrong ... I told her ... I know it went round pretty quickly after that - MFC'ers wise I mean ... but I wasn't really aware who knew apart from Monie and Vicky ... and Mellody ... who were all around me ... I don't remember much after that ... about the concert ... anyway ... I stayed where I was ... I don't think I could have moved if I'd wanted too .... and I tried to enjoy it ... but ... it was pointless ... Any Other World ... Over My Shoulder and Happy Ending had me in bits ... I do know that ... I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a Mika concert and not have it entwined with memories of that night ... and I don't mean that in a negative thing ... but he'll always have a connection to it ... whether he wants it or not ... I love his music ... it usually makes me feel so many emotions ... but that night ... it was just ... like I was emphasized a million times ... even the songs I love to bits like Touches You ... God Rain ... I was screaming the sentence "I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS" at the top of my voice .. even the uplifting songs had me in tears ... I just can't even explain it really ... even now it's too raw too try too ... I know I heard the songs ... but I never really took in the stage or theatrics or anything ... I don't remember anything but the music ... The concert ended ... and .... I somehow remember getting hugs off people - alot of people and making my way out to the merchandise stand to buy the programmes I'd said I'd buy ... went down the side of the venue after we got outside ... found someone's wallet on the floor ... hope they got it back ... I gave it to some other people in the queue .. and eventually found where Monie, Vicky and Rose were ... Mika came out ... I got a hug ... I got a hug off of many people that night ... but I don't really remember most ... travelled back to Monie's and went to bed ... didn't sleep obviously ... Monie ... was a star ... and payed for an early flight home for me ... cos' the last thing I wanted was to be in Amsterdam now til' 7.00pm ... Just wanted family round me ... that's it ... really ... I didn't take any videos ... or take any pictures ... I wasn't ... really .... there ...


This made my eyes fill up again, I really felt for you when we found out what had happend Laurel, I can only begin to imagine how you must have been feeling stranded in a different country, unable to just down tools and go, it wasnt as easy as that, if you had left you would have had no where to go your stuff was at Monies.

Under the circumstances I think you did the right thing by staying cos at least you were still with friends who wanted to make sure you were not going to be alone.


I felt sad during the gig too whenever Mika sang the melancholy songs etc. I just wanted to hug you but.... it wasnt possible during the gig and well, I dont think any amount of hugs could have eased your pain at that point, ( tho Mika did try later on, his face when he was told..... genuine concern from a sweet guy).


I know in time you will not feel so bad, but just let yourself feel what comes naturally. xxx

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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:


This was only the second time I've ever been on a plane anywhere ... I went to Miami in 2007 with family ... though it was actually a cruise from Miami ... but this was the first time I'd been anywhere on my own ... I was so excited ... but really nervous too ... I was nervous I wouldn't get through security or something ... wouldn't find the gate ... would miss the plane ... even If I was on time for everything I wouldn't be allowed on the plane for some unseeable reason - loads of stuff ... so getting to Amsterdam without any hassle at all was amazing ... Got a window seat on the plane ... which I'd not experienced for the Miami flight and it was pretty magical the flight there ... I was planning to tell Mum all about it when I got home .... :( I phoned my Mum from the airport shortly after I arrived ... and we decided I wouldn't phone her much as we weren't sure how much I'd be charged ... I don't use my mobile alot and try to keep costs down to a minimum on it ... so I only phoned her about 3 times that day ... Met Vicky shortly after ... and were then picked up by Monie ... had a lovely day at her house ... watching some of Monie's videos from Antwerp - I hadn't watched anything at all as I wanted Amsterdam to be a surprise and to enjoy it more ... we went out for dinner at a lovely pub restaurant place ... it was such nice food .. the portions were tiny and I was abit like WTF ... but to be honest ... you didn't need more than that ... it was divine ... :wub2: Got back to Monie's were we met her lovely fella Kai ... Monie and Vicky tried on their costumes and they both looked amazing ... I poohpaahed mine as It was only a t-shirt ... so didn't try it on then ... phoned Mum just before I went to bed and had alittle chat with her ... had no idea then that this would be my second to last conversation ever ....


Friday ... we got lost on the way to the venue ... ended up going around Schipol airport ... the queueing was really nice ... when we arrived I think we all ended up with 48,49,50 I think ... it was quite cold and windy and raining .. but it was really nice to be with everyone - the costumes were amazing ... it was so nice to meet Miek and AMP finally ... and everyone else ... I had so many people coming up saying Hi I'm ... I can't remember half of you now ... but it was such a nice atmosphere ... the fact there was a nice place to go and eat and drink helped ... I'd been given a Programme by Mellody - well not given ... I'd paid for it :teehee: And alot of people wanted to look at it ... most fell in love with it and wanted to buy it once inside ... I'd already promised to buy extra's for Oldlings not able to get one ... so was pleased to see it was worth the money ... it is a beautiful book ... I don't really know what to say about my Mum at this point ... I phoned her in the morning at 12.15pm ... Amsterdam time ... so that would have been 11.15am UK ... she was off sick with an upset stomach ... that's all I know ... that's all I still know ... but I can't do this review without writing about it ... she sounded ill ... she asked me not to keep phoning and checking up on her throughout the day as she just wanted to rest ... and didn't want to drag herself off of the settee answering annoying phonecalls from a worried daughter ... and again .. moneywise .. weren't sure how much it costs to phone .... and I said to her to phone for a doctor or ambulance if she felt worse ... she said she would ... she promsied me she would ... but ... I wasn't that worried about her ... I had drinks ... I had a laugh ... I went for food ... I had an amazing time until I was let into that venue ... I didn't have any gut feeling that anything was wrong ... Nothing ... I mean ... I was more anxious about the queueing going wrong and us MFC'ers not being let in first and them opening up the main doors first ... and us all being left there ... Vicky knows this ... worries about my mother didn't even enter my head .... I even had a fleeting thought about going off to be a BG when Mrs P was desparately asking for them ... thank **** I didn't do that ... cos' I still would have made that phone call eventually when I was inside and it would have been her and Yasmine etc that would have had to deal with my utter breakdown ... I wanted to see the show though ... it was supposed to be amazing ... and it was a huge thing for me to be there ... in a foreign country ... Mum knew this ... she'd done her upmost to get me there ... even though she wasn't actually that happy about me going abroad, as she knew that if it all went well I'd want to go to other European gigs ... So we were let inside before the others and I got a really good spot ... well I thought it was good ... I'm always happy if I'm front row ... and have a good view of the stage ... obviously middle is better ... but I'm happy with front ... anywhere to be honest ... I have a good camera - lovely zoom ... so normally can film good stuff from anywhere ... I then decided to phone my Mum about 7.00pm .... Amsterdam time ... UK it would have been 6.00pm ... I always phone her once I'm in the venue and settled in my place ... just to tell her I'm ok and that I'll phone her after the show ... but I wanted to check she was ok obviously ... she never answered the phone ... 5 times I called ... I then phoned my brother Tony who lives in our hometown about 5 mins away from us to go and check on her ... he was dead quiet for a few seconds ... asked when I'd actually phoned her in the morning ... I said 11.15am UK time ... there was silence again ... he then asked if I could sit down ... nope ... front row of a Mika concert ... He then told me she'd died ... she was dead ... exactly like that .... I told him not to even joke about that - it wasn't even funny - he wasn't joking though ... I ended up hanging up on him and just dissolving ... Vicky must have clocked something was going on as she asked me what was wrong ... I told her ... I know it went round pretty quickly after that - MFC'ers wise I mean ... but I wasn't really aware who knew apart from Monie and Vicky ... and Mellody ... who were all around me ... I don't remember much after that ... about the concert ... anyway ... I stayed where I was ... I don't think I could have moved if I'd wanted too .... and I tried to enjoy it ... but ... it was pointless ... Any Other World ... Over My Shoulder and Happy Ending had me in bits ... I do know that ... I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a Mika concert and not have it entwined with memories of that night ... and I don't mean that in a negative thing ... but he'll always have a connection to it ... whether he wants it or not ... I love his music ... it usually makes me feel so many emotions ... but that night ... it was just ... like I was emphasized a million times ... even the songs I love to bits like Touches You ... God Rain ... I was screaming the sentence "I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS" at the top of my voice .. even the uplifting songs had me in tears ... I just can't even explain it really ... even now it's too raw too try too ... I know I heard the songs ... but I never really took in the stage or theatrics or anything ... I don't remember anything but the music ... The concert ended ... and .... I somehow remember getting hugs off people - alot of people and making my way out to the merchandise stand to buy the programmes I'd said I'd buy ... went down the side of the venue after we got outside ... found someone's wallet on the floor ... hope they got it back ... I gave it to some other people in the queue .. and eventually found where Monie, Vicky and Rose were ... Mika came out ... I got a hug ... I got a hug off of many people that night ... but I don't really remember most ... travelled back to Monie's and went to bed ... didn't sleep obviously ... Monie ... was a star ... and payed for an early flight home for me ... cos' the last thing I wanted was to be in Amsterdam now til' 7.00pm ... Just wanted family round me ... that's it ... really ... I didn't take any videos ... or take any pictures ... I wasn't ... really .... there ...


I read the whole thing...



:huglove: I have tears in my eyes now... I'm still thinking of you, and I have been since I found out what happened...

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How apt :aah:



I didnt like my costume, so I didnt put it on till very late and tried to hide from pix etc, it was a bit uncomfortable lol.



I liked it! I have a picture of you, is it OK if I put it in the book?



Laurel, you were very brave that night and you are brave again, writing your report. I am sure there are moments you feel less brave, that is all right too. It was a surreal situation, it still is. We are thinking of you :huglove:.

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How apt


it was an awesome costume, what where the leaves made out of?


Thank you :teehee:They were made out of foam rubber (German: Moosgummi). I had to cut them out by hand. Some got a special varnish treatment that made them crack up into a reptile pattern, some were painted with gold and some had glitter on them.

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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:


... I got a hug ... I got a hug off of many people that night ... but I don't really remember most ... travelled back to Monie's and went to bed ... didn't sleep obviously ... Monie ... was a star ... and payed for an early flight home for me ... cos' the last thing I wanted was to be in Amsterdam now til' 7.00pm ... Just wanted family round me ... that's it ... really ... I didn't take any videos ... or take any pictures ... I wasn't ... really .... there ...




You're very brave writing this. I got tears in my eyes. Everybody in front row knew very quickly, we couldn't believe this. And you couldn't go anywhere else than being at this concert, which should have been great for you. Now it wasn't. Now it was the worst day of your life. I'm glad you could take an early flight next morning (tnx Monie).


I wish you and your family all the best getting through this.

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I didnt like my costume, so I didnt put it on till very late and tried to hide from pix etc, it was a bit uncomfortable lol.


are you kidding?! :shocked: you were the flamingo with the mask, right? i loved that costume, it looked fantastic!

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I saw a picture from the outside of the Heineken Music Hall passing by but I have no idea who's or where it is :aah:. Does anyone know? Or does anyone else took a picture from the HMH? Might make a nice front page.

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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:



Ofcourse I don't skip your report Laurel!

The word indeed got round very quickly. We all were very saddened by it. Still thinking of you:huglove:

And it was very nice to meet you in real life. Before the concert we had a nice chat at the square before the HeinekenMusicHall and afterwards all I could do was give you a hug.

Wishing you and your brother a lot of strenght:huglove:


I saw a picture from the outside of the Heineken Music Hall passing by but I have no idea who's or where it is :aah:. Does anyone know? Or does anyone else took a picture from the HMH? Might make a nice front page.


Didn't Ingie take that one? I remember a pic of the front of the HMH with the artists who're gonna perform and the first one ofcourse being Mika!


(edit: Nevil made pics of the building, see first page...)

Edited by AnnaMariaPetra
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Ofcourse I don't skip your report Laurel!

The word indeed got round very quickly. We all were very saddened by it. Still thinking of you:huglove:

And it was very nice to meet you in real life. Before the concert we had a nice chat at the square before the HeinekenMusicHall and afterwards all I could do was give you a hug.

Wishing you and your brother a lot of strenght:huglove:




Didn't Ingie take that one? I remember a pic of the front of the HMH with the artists who're gonna perform and the first one ofcourse being Mika!


(edit: Nevil made pics of the building, see first page...)


Wasn't me, I was too busy not poking Rose's eye out:roftl:

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I saw a picture from the outside of the Heineken Music Hall passing by but I have no idea who's or where it is :aah:. Does anyone know? Or does anyone else took a picture from the HMH? Might make a nice front page.


Do you mean this one:



dont know where Annemaaike's got it from, but this was in our folder!

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I'm gonna try and write a review of this gig and stuff ... I'm gonna try anyway ... it's taken awhile ... so please read or skip ... you might want to skip :aah:


This was only the second time I've ever been on a plane anywhere ... I went to Miami in 2007 with family ... though it was actually a cruise from Miami ... but this was the first time I'd been anywhere on my own ... I was so excited ... but really nervous too ... I was nervous I wouldn't get through security or something ... wouldn't find the gate ... would miss the plane ... even If I was on time for everything I wouldn't be allowed on the plane for some unseeable reason - loads of stuff ... so getting to Amsterdam without any hassle at all was amazing ... Got a window seat on the plane ... which I'd not experienced for the Miami flight and it was pretty magical the flight there ... I was planning to tell Mum all about it when I got home .... :( I phoned my Mum from the airport shortly after I arrived ... and we decided I wouldn't phone her much as we weren't sure how much I'd be charged ... I don't use my mobile alot and try to keep costs down to a minimum on it ... so I only phoned her about 3 times that day ... Met Vicky shortly after ... and were then picked up by Monie ... had a lovely day at her house ... watching some of Monie's videos from Antwerp - I hadn't watched anything at all as I wanted Amsterdam to be a surprise and to enjoy it more ... we went out for dinner at a lovely pub restaurant place ... it was such nice food .. the portions were tiny and I was abit like WTF ... but to be honest ... you didn't need more than that ... it was divine ... :wub2: Got back to Monie's were we met her lovely fella Kai ... Monie and Vicky tried on their costumes and they both looked amazing ... I poohpaahed mine as It was only a t-shirt ... so didn't try it on then ... phoned Mum just before I went to bed and had alittle chat with her ... had no idea then that this would be my second to last conversation ever ....


Friday ... we got lost on the way to the venue ... ended up going around Schipol airport ... the queueing was really nice ... when we arrived I think we all ended up with 48,49,50 I think ... it was quite cold and windy and raining .. but it was really nice to be with everyone - the costumes were amazing ... it was so nice to meet Miek and AMP finally ... and everyone else ... I had so many people coming up saying Hi I'm ... I can't remember half of you now ... but it was such a nice atmosphere ... the fact there was a nice place to go and eat and drink helped ... I'd been given a Programme by Mellody - well not given ... I'd paid for it :teehee: And alot of people wanted to look at it ... most fell in love with it and wanted to buy it once inside ... I'd already promised to buy extra's for Oldlings not able to get one ... so was pleased to see it was worth the money ... it is a beautiful book ... I don't really know what to say about my Mum at this point ... I phoned her in the morning at 12.15pm ... Amsterdam time ... so that would have been 11.15am UK ... she was off sick with an upset stomach ... that's all I know ... that's all I still know ... but I can't do this review without writing about it ... she sounded ill ... she asked me not to keep phoning and checking up on her throughout the day as she just wanted to rest ... and didn't want to drag herself off of the settee answering annoying phonecalls from a worried daughter ... and again .. moneywise .. weren't sure how much it costs to phone .... and I said to her to phone for a doctor or ambulance if she felt worse ... she said she would ... she promsied me she would ... but ... I wasn't that worried about her ... I had drinks ... I had a laugh ... I went for food ... I had an amazing time until I was let into that venue ... I didn't have any gut feeling that anything was wrong ... Nothing ... I mean ... I was more anxious about the queueing going wrong and us MFC'ers not being let in first and them opening up the main doors first ... and us all being left there ... Vicky knows this ... worries about my mother didn't even enter my head .... I even had a fleeting thought about going off to be a BG when Mrs P was desparately asking for them ... thank **** I didn't do that ... cos' I still would have made that phone call eventually when I was inside and it would have been her and Yasmine etc that would have had to deal with my utter breakdown ... I wanted to see the show though ... it was supposed to be amazing ... and it was a huge thing for me to be there ... in a foreign country ... Mum knew this ... she'd done her upmost to get me there ... even though she wasn't actually that happy about me going abroad, as she knew that if it all went well I'd want to go to other European gigs ... So we were let inside before the others and I got a really good spot ... well I thought it was good ... I'm always happy if I'm front row ... and have a good view of the stage ... obviously middle is better ... but I'm happy with front ... anywhere to be honest ... I have a good camera - lovely zoom ... so normally can film good stuff from anywhere ... I then decided to phone my Mum about 7.00pm .... Amsterdam time ... UK it would have been 6.00pm ... I always phone her once I'm in the venue and settled in my place ... just to tell her I'm ok and that I'll phone her after the show ... but I wanted to check she was ok obviously ... she never answered the phone ... 5 times I called ... I then phoned my brother Tony who lives in our hometown about 5 mins away from us to go and check on her ... he was dead quiet for a few seconds ... asked when I'd actually phoned her in the morning ... I said 11.15am UK time ... there was silence again ... he then asked if I could sit down ... nope ... front row of a Mika concert ... He then told me she'd died ... she was dead ... exactly like that .... I told him not to even joke about that - it wasn't even funny - he wasn't joking though ... I ended up hanging up on him and just dissolving ... Vicky must have clocked something was going on as she asked me what was wrong ... I told her ... I know it went round pretty quickly after that - MFC'ers wise I mean ... but I wasn't really aware who knew apart from Monie and Vicky ... and Mellody ... who were all around me ... I don't remember much after that ... about the concert ... anyway ... I stayed where I was ... I don't think I could have moved if I'd wanted too .... and I tried to enjoy it ... but ... it was pointless ... Any Other World ... Over My Shoulder and Happy Ending had me in bits ... I do know that ... I don't think I'll ever be able to go to a Mika concert and not have it entwined with memories of that night ... and I don't mean that in a negative thing ... but he'll always have a connection to it ... whether he wants it or not ... I love his music ... it usually makes me feel so many emotions ... but that night ... it was just ... like I was emphasized a million times ... even the songs I love to bits like Touches You ... God Rain ... I was screaming the sentence "I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS" at the top of my voice .. even the uplifting songs had me in tears ... I just can't even explain it really ... even now it's too raw too try too ... I know I heard the songs ... but I never really took in the stage or theatrics or anything ... I don't remember anything but the music ... The concert ended ... and .... I somehow remember getting hugs off people - alot of people and making my way out to the merchandise stand to buy the programmes I'd said I'd buy ... went down the side of the venue after we got outside ... found someone's wallet on the floor ... hope they got it back ... I gave it to some other people in the queue .. and eventually found where Monie, Vicky and Rose were ... Mika came out ... I got a hug ... I got a hug off of many people that night ... but I don't really remember most ... travelled back to Monie's and went to bed ... didn't sleep obviously ... Monie ... was a star ... and payed for an early flight home for me ... cos' the last thing I wanted was to be in Amsterdam now til' 7.00pm ... Just wanted family round me ... that's it ... really ... I didn't take any videos ... or take any pictures ... I wasn't ... really .... there ...


Poor Laurel! I'm so sorry for you! I wish you strengh for the time ahead! We don't know each other, but we are connected through Mika! The night in Amsterdam must have been surreal! I went to Mika's gig in Westerpark in 2008, at that same day my father had been cremated! I had that feeling that night.

Wish you all the best and a shoulder to lean on every now and then!

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the adventures of Mika in Amsterdam...


first he found a suitable massage chair to have a rest in in Doncaster airport




safety first! he made sure he was well strapped in on the plane




taking in the wonderful view




at his hotel room at last, and Mika chooses to enjoy a bit of slagroom




There is also photographic evidence of Mika enjoying himself a bit too much but you'll have to ask Jazzy for that photo, unfortunatley I don't have a copy :)

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Laurel I got tears in my eyes while reading your post.

I don't know how to express my feelings in English... I just want to wish you and your family all the best getting through this.

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