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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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YAAAAY for Ingie and FD for being on stage, i am so happy for you guys!! :huglove:



Queen of hearts and Alice:



Awwww i love all the photos, guys job well done on the costumes and the makeup. :thumb_yello:


rockinbabzz, i simply love your outfit. :wub2:

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Here are some of my favorite pics i made yesterday....enjoy!!! Usually i don't take pictures at a gig, but this time i wanted to test my new camera and i am very happy with the result!!











Let me now if you want to see more!! I am happy to post them!!

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Wow, Floor, what a great camera you have! What brand is it? You were standing at exact the opposite side from me. Have you made photo's from the dressed up people as well?

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had the best time ever , me dutchy sylvana and luke were backstage for lp and bg. mika gave me a medal!!! i'll do a report later right now i have to get breakfast for my irish friends. and jimmy loved my gift:biggrin2:

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Wow, Floor, what a great camera you have! What brand is it? You were standing at exact the opposite side from me. Have you made photo's from the dressed up people as well?


It's the ever famous fabulous fantastic Panasonic Lumix TZ10!!


No, i am sorry i don't have pictures of the dressed up people...As you know i arrived late (around 17:00) and had to move to the 'regular que'. Luckly i found a very good spot (3rd row in the middle) but there were no dressed up people....

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Don't mess with a white rabbit :naughty:. It was lovely meeting you again :wub2:.


Being there yesterday with all the MFC'ers was huge part of the fun yesterday. I think Mika and his band were responsible for 50 % of it, and the MFC for the other 50 :thumb_yello:.




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Here some piccies :biggrin2::


Our Mad Waiter:



March Hare (and husband), red Queen:



Queen of hearts and Alice:



Alice making a white rabbit out of me:




Playing card, Alice, March Hare:




Mad hatter and white rabbit:



Thanks for the awesone pics and reports. Freddie's outfit's just made my day.:teehee: Looks like you had fabulous night all:wub2:

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Ugh lying in bed recovering. Was an amazing gig. Got my programme and ticket signed a d told him it was my 25th gig, to which he said 'bloody hell!' then i told him i think i need sectioning and he laughed. Jimmy was dead sweet, had a photo with him and chatted a little bit.


I filmed Freddie and Ingie on stage but not the bit where they got pulled up. I saw Mika go over to the side, point at Freddie and then point to the stage so I said to him 'you're going up there!' haha. His face when he saw Fred for the first time was priceless. I think i might have it on film but not sure if i caught it.


Heading off to meet rose in a bit and we'll be seeing fred and co later on. Will do a more major report when i get home.


And I don't snore, it was all viv that you could hear.

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to answer some questions: Black queen darling, I can't tweet from my phone since I have an old fashioned one with no internet on it :roftl:.


Monie dear!!!!!!!:wub2: Don't worry, I was so anxoius to know from you I couldn't wait:naughty: Soooooo glad you had such a good time. Next we MUST be together, woman!!!!!!!! :huglove:

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Ugh lying in bed recovering. Was an amazing gig. Got my programme and ticket signed a d told him it was my 25th gig, to which he said 'bloody hell!' then i told him i think i need sectioning and he laughed. Jimmy was dead sweet, had a photo with him and chatted a little bit.


I filmed Freddie and Ingie on stage but not the bit where they got pulled up. I saw Mika go over to the side, point at Freddie and then point to the stage so I said to him 'you're going up there!' haha. His face when he saw Fred for the first time was priceless. I think i might have it on film but not sure if i caught it.


Heading off to meet rose in a bit and we'll be seeing fred and co later on. Will do a more major report when i get home.


And I don't snore, it was all viv that you could hear.


:lmfao: jaz, you're so funny :wub2:


i'm SO happy for FD, when he missed out barcelona he was so sad!

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It was the most MAGICAL night EVER!!! met jimmy, imma and mika backstage i was lollipop girl.. GOD! there was so much what i actually can't believe.. it feels like a dream! hahaha.. First we were outside and it was very cold and rainy.. but even we were all cold and wet we had such an amazing time outside. At 6 o'clock Mama P was outside to pick bg and lg.. And i really thought she would never pick me.. but she DIIID!!! god i was sooo exciting.. In the first place I was only inside with dutchy.. patricia4u wasn't picked because she did it before.. but when we were practising the dead steps.. patricia4u was picked too.. we were SO happy cos we could do it together.. we had soooo much fun. I think we did 6 times the dead march in de venue and it was very nice. We were the carriers from the toyboy.. and we practise with the toy boy also.. it was very heavy hahaha..


After this we went to our dressing room and mama p picked our dresses.. after this we were in the venue again and at 8 o'clock we go back to get dressed.. after this we were back in the venue with the black cloak and it was veryyyy HOT!!! hahaha.. then we could see the show till i see you! WOW.. what an AMAZING show.. had such a great time.. then we go backstage at "I see you" to do the death walk.. it was very weird to see the show backstage.. then we picked up the toyboy.. and again it was soooo heavy haha.. we walked on stage and i heard people scream "SYLVANAAAAAA" hahahaha veryyyy funny moment.. but i have no idea who said it hahahaha.. after this we went back to the audience.. We had sooo much fun and danced like crazy girls.. after toy boy we went backstage for lollipop and we get a mask. But my mask was falling down.. so Mama P. put her hairclip in my hair haha.. then mama P. said GO GO GO!!! and i really didn't know what i was doing. I was in 1 second on stage and i saw alllllll the people who were dancing and singing.. saw mika jumping in the front of me.. and i couldn't believe it.. it really felt like a dream..


After this we went backstage again.. and could take our own clothes again.. then Jimmy come in the room.. and said.. HIII SYLVANA!!! hahaha.. i was veryyy happy that he knew who i was haha..then i gave him my presents and he was so honoured and happy with the presents.. then we made an pic together.. twice actually haha.. first he had my bracelet in his mouth and he wanted a pic without it hahahaha.. He gave me 3 hugs and a big kiss on my cheek.. LOVE HIM :wub2:.. Then Imma comes in the room and we talked to her and made some pictures.. for her I bought a rose from marzipan and gave me a hug too.. love her :)..


After this.. there was THE MAN!!! Mika was coming to make pictures.. we made an lovely picture with all the girls.. I gave him my book with the fans from holland and He loved it very much.. i told him that it was about dreams that we had about him.. cos every single fans dreamed about him.. he was laughing and look like OMG.. did you dreamed about me??? hahahaha..


It was the best day of my life.. and i really can't wait to see him again over 3 weeks :D

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Me with jimmy



Me as lg and dutchy and patricia4u as bg


Me, dutchy and patricia4u as BIOTG with Jimmy (he didn't know what to choose haha)






Edited by Sylvana
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It was a great concert yesterday, he is a hell of a live performer with a brilliant voice and loads of energy.

The crowed was mixed and I think for many people Mika's visuale show wasn't supporting the songs or the audience simply didn't get it.

Personally I love the ballads and would love to see more of the darker and a 'naked' striped down Mika.


Just have to wait and see which direction his music will go. I do hope Mika will be able to do what he wants (musically and in life in general).



I agree with that. I would also like to see Mika once maybe in a small club, unplugged, or whatever, with just a single piano and some more talking. Sometimes I think we needed more speeches between the songs to have our right interpretation.

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very quick report from yesterday, think you have enough mfcers reporting bout the details, so just quickly my personal impressions...

my train arrived 1 hour late, so i ended up being no. 54, which after a looong cold queuing day in the wind+rain left me a place pretty much at the side, where imma was, in front of the speakers. dunno if it was because of that far-off place or generally, but i had expected more from amsterdam, because everyone had said that it'd be such a fantastic atmosphere always in amsterdam... it was a good gig, which started off slowly and got more enthusiastic towards the end. but it wasn't one of the best gigs i've been to. anyway regarding the show.

regarding the mfc meetup, it was fantastic to meet everyone (again), and even more fantastic to see all those beautiful costumes! :mf_lustslow: freddie looked so cool with his green contact lenses! and loved it when mika got freddie+ingie up on stage! :wub2: and several on stage dancing the ka choreography, hope someone videoed that.

i had made a poster saying "happy un-birthday" and held it up during the show - first imma saw it and laughed, later mika saw it too and giggled, aw! :wub2:


loved the m+g, i asked mika to sign my tree-necklace, thought he'd sign it on the back, as there was paper, and on the front it was felt, which is hard to write on... so i held up the back to sign, but he decided to sign it on the front, inside of the little heart. :wub2: and then he also said that he liked my costume. :wub2:

you could tell that he was tired, but of course he was sweet as always! :wub2:


here's one of the grouppics we took after the show, will post the rest when i'm back home (sunday night or monday).



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You guys!!!!Must have had the most amazing time of your life!!!!:boing:

I just read all the reports so far,pics,vids,and i'm speechless!:boing:


Your costumes looked AWESOME!!!!:punk:


FD IS a legend after all!I think we should create a FDFanClub!!!!:teehee:

I even saw him in my dreams tonight,ffs!I saw that he was trying to save Alice from her nightmares,by talking to her in the MFC....:lmfao:

I'm nuts....:boxed:

Jimmy is such a cute guy!!!!:biggrin2:

And Imma is lovely too!!!!:biggrin2:


I'm telling you,from all the concerts so far,this is the one i most enjoyed through pics,reports,etc...:thumb_yello:

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