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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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Quite a detailed report again:blush-anim-cl: and still think I missed a few things :aah:


At 4am I woke up and I felt so much better than the 2 days before *I was really ill during the whole gig in Antwerp and the day after at home* and texted Koekoekakaknijn that we could leave early, because I was allright again, thankfully! Thursday I was soooo scared that I would feel like that on Friday…I couldn’t have gone then…I also had a fever, but that was gone too!

At about 8:30am we left for Amsterdam! We got at the HMH at about 10:30am and got number 57 and 58.

I didn’t want to try in Amsterdam for BG before, because I thought I should see his whole show now, but that morning I decided I wanted to try anyway. I missed the show in Antwerp, because I felt so crappy (we were front row, almost the middle of the stage, but I had to leave my spot, to run for a toilet and after that we got seats totally at the back of the venue…sucks…but I needed that toilet a lot haha) so I thought: ah, why not. And Koekoekakaknijn never been on stage and I knew she really wanted to, so she would try as well, but for LG.

In the queue it was so nice. Good to see familiar faces at every gig! <3

Since we had the numbers, we were free to go everywhere. SO much nicer than needing to stay in one spot the whole day!

We got muffins and donuts and brownies, coffee, hot chocolate and tea from our King Curl. Love him to bits for making gigs so personal. I still cant believe how much he does for his fans. He doesn’t need to, but he still does…. Awwww!!! And it was good to have my bestest friend with me, so she could experience this all too!!! (she wasn’t with me in Dublin or with our MFC Christmas party).

Weather was not so lovely, but didn’t spoil the fun!

I was so glad that MikaMadLuke and Rak1 made it to Amsterdam!!!

The man who got us the coffee, took our 2 shopping bags with presents for Jimmy, iMMa, Mrs P, Yasmine and Mika with him, to give it to them.

A while after, Miek came running to me, telling me Jimmy tweeted a “thank you”. He is such a wonderfull guy. Also iMMa sent a tweet… awwww. Lovely people!!! Love it that Jimmy immediately put the monKEYS on his keys hahaha.

Then just before 6pm I think it was, we were in line by number and then Mrs P came out to pick LG and BG’s. THANKFULLY this time I was prepared for a NO, as she was only going for people who didn’t do it before, which is very logical hahaha. So she saw me again and recognized me. In Antwerp she pointed at my hair and said she loved the colour. This time she said that again :P (its pink now). And she said: you trying again? I really want new girls. Which ofcourse, I knew :P

But I also know, that people who are big, are shy to show their body to a crowd of a couple of thousand heh heh heh. And she was looking for the bigger big girls.

My best friend wasn’t picked at first, because Mrs P thought she was on stage already, which was NOT the case. She only tried out twice before…so after a bit, she finally got picked! SO happy for her!!! Then Mrs P had enough people, although she actually would have loved to have more BG’s.

I got back in line and stood next to Kaatje, telling her I was ofcourse a bit disappointed, but that it was all good. I have been BG twice before and it has been awesome already!!

Then Maria (the girl with the porto) came back to me and asked me where the other girl was, who also had been BG before and wanted to try out. I didn’t have a clue, so she started looking for her…and asked me to wait…I was confused a bit and looked at Kaatje with a big question mark on my face hahahaha. A few moments later Maria waved at me, to come with her and Patricia4U.

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I couldn’t believe it! We were so happy!

Turned out Mrs P wanted more BGs and after a bit, she decided to let us participate anyway.

Happy times!

We got inside and we rehearsed with the rest of the LG’s, BG’s and the boys.

Then it was time to fit the masks and to get our suits and go to our dressingroom. WOW that dressingroom was BIG and LUXURIOUS!!! WOOHOO!!! In Dublin and Dusseldorf the rooms were VERY small!!!

Sooo happy to have my best friend there!!

Mrs P had some chocolates for us, but I couldn’t have them  My stomach felt a bit weird after having a donut, so I thought I shouldn’t eat this. I only had a bit of chicken soup and some rusk before we went to Amsterdam.

I asked Mrs P if she got her presents and she said she already wanted to ask us, who it was from. She said it contained everything she needed. :P it was a small bag with some stuff to relax and a card.  she is putting so much efford in making it perfect for the BGs and LGs. She works very hard. MUCH appreciated!!!

She also said I should keep my hair this colour, she liked it so much! Awwww! <3 I’m not keeping it this colour though! LOL

After a while, we could go into the audience until 8pm. Met quite a nice man there. Koekoekakaknijn already said he was nice, but at that time I didn’t want to admit that. I was a bit too shy to ask for his phone number. Gosh I don’t even know if he was single! But we talked for a while and he told me he was at the venue March 13th and the venue was closed. He didn’t know the gigdate got moved to May 7th. LOL! He wasn’t a fan, but liked the music. So I told him, what MIKA does for his fans and he said he started to appreciate MIKA more because of that. We talked a bit more and … then we had to leave. We stayed at the barriers for a bit, to watch one more song. The nice man was looking at me the whole time…omg.

Then it was time to get dressed :D I had the orange corset and the green mask.

We got our coats on and then we could go back into the audience. I was next to the nice man, but since MIKA was on, we didn’t talk anymore. Unfortunately.. :P

But we could see a fair bit of the show and …omg…OVER MY SHOULDER…I really hate that song on the cd, but live… GEEEEZZZZ what a voice that man has!!Goosebumps!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE IT!!! Cant remember that he did the same with his voice in the Concertgebouw last year, ….!

The show really got better and better since Dublin!!!

With I See You it was time to leave and get our masks on, but Maria wanted us to see the song. She really gave us the opportunity to watch as much of the show as possible. She is sweet!

After our bit with the procession we could go back into the audience again, until Toy Boy (I think it was). When we got back, she let us see more of the show, untill after We Are Golden (…I think hahaha). She thought we HAD to see that, as it was so good. And it was VERY good! Loved the drawing of Mika’s head at the back!WOW!!!

And then it was time to have some fun!

I think this time I moved a lot on stage this time, MikaMadLuke took me by the hands and we started jumping around. Thanks for that MML! Was lovely!!!  SO MUCH FUN!!!

Cant wait for the vids of this LOL!

Then I thought we had to leave the stage, but no one was moving! Didn’t know what to do, but then Kick Ass started to play! We could stay on there for that song too!!! WOOHOO!

And there was IngievV next to me and Freddie also somewhere jumping around on stage! NICE !!!

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Awesome that MIKA picked them out of the audience himself, I’m soooo happy for them! I know they both wanted to be on stage so much!! Happy times for them too!!!! :D

I didn’t practice for the flashmob, I was busy with work before and when I planned to practice, I was ill  so I was looking like a twat on there. I decided to just clap to the song then…. And was very surprised to find out, that I clapped at the right time! Usually I can’t clap in time with the music…dunno where that came from, but I was pleased to know I wouldn’t look like a twat with that too hahahaha!

After Kick Ass (REALLY hope there are videos of that!!!) we got off stage and Jimmy walked next to me and grabbed my mask and put it on his head, telling me that he really couldn’t see ANYTHING with that thing on and didn’t know how we did that. Awww 

We got dressed and then they came for our tickets. Had a feeling that they took them to MIKA to get them signed and indeed, we got our tickets back with his siggy!

Then we had to make 2 groups for 2 group pictures. We stood there for a while, but MIKA didn’t come…

After a bit, the door opened and Jimmy got in!!! YAYYYY!!! Asked him if he liked his presents and he stuttered something like “ooo, from the… kchh thaaa hhmmm” yeah, I was the one from the kchhh thaaa thingies yeah! LOL And he gave me a big hug and thanked me for the pressies. Gotta love him!

People who know me a bit, know I’m not reeeaaallyyyy the hugging kind of person, but … ahhh come on…its Jimmy!!!!

Jimmy stayed with us quite a while and after he left (giving hugs away again), iMMa came over to our dressing room!!! She said she loved the syrup waffles which were in her goodybag! She is so sweet too!!

We had our pictures taken with them both!

Its so nice of them to do. Still cant get over that bit. They all make it SO personal! (in a good way, ofcourse hahaha).

And then MIKA came in! YAYYYY!!!

He was looking really tired and was holding his neck the whole time. His throat really isn’t well. I hope he takes good care of himself and takes enough rest… he also spoke very quiet. I think he wasn’t supposed to talk at all. But we know MIKA, he does anyway…

Got the pictures taken and then it was time to leave again 

Had a GREAT time, especially because my bestest friend was there with me!

When MIKA left, mr sandman came to the dressingroom, some of us (all of us?) were soooo tired!!!

When we got downstairs, Maria told us “our fans” were waiting outside. LOL. Twas funny to walk outside, through the path that was made with barriers, with all those people on the side, waiting for MIKA. We decided not to hang with the gang anymore, we had quite a long drive ahead and we were very very very tired. Too bad, would have loved to chat a bit more with Rak1 and some others!

Twas a very very very cool gig!

Cant wait for the last one: Pinkpop! Been going to that festival since 1996, only missed 1 year ever since. Working there since…I dunno, 5 years? Was sooo happy to hear that he was coming to “my” festival!!! HAPPY!!!

But now its time to get my thesis done. It should be finished right before Pinkpop!

MFC: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Biekje
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She was clearly wanting to look at her very best, that's why she was wearing her contacts:naughty:


aahhahahahahahahaha of course!

but i think she looks lovely in her glasses anyway :wub2:


queenie...come back :tears:


thank you bienje! exciting report!:thumb_yello:

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Omg... After looking at Nielo's siggie, I realised who Babzz reminded me of :fisch:...











Minus the Transylvanian outfit and Riff Raff of course :mf_rosetinted:


Now if only Jimmy had looked like Riff Raff. :naughty:

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First of all I want to say thanks to all the MFC'ers! I was there with my friends, so I didn't meet as many MFC'ers as I wanted to, but the ones I met were really nice. The MFC'ers who arranged the queueing deserve a special thanks in my opinion: the number system worked fantastic!


At this moment I'm almost over my post gig depression (the fact that I'm going to Pinkpop really helps). There are so many things I want to type...


I arrived at 13.00 at the HMH in Amsterdam and was number 98 (my train had a delay, I missed my train transfer to Amsterdam Arena, but I arrived just in time to get a number). The first thing I noticed were the fantastic costumes!

I really liked the fact that so many of you were so nice dressed-up; people who came accross the square were really staring at us! I had a wonderfull queueing period, even though the weather was really bad.

I got second/third row, just in front of the aslope standing plateau in the middle of the stage (rockinbabzz was standing in front of me). I've never been that close of the stage before.

The support act was disappointing: why didn't they put the DJ's on stage?


Mika's show on the other hand, was fantastic! I can't comparise it with other shows, but in my opinion Mika and the band were overwhelming! I loved the interaction between the bandmembers and Mika: they all have a very strong mimicry. I loved the story around the songs, that makes his shows so special.

Mika, the band, the clothings, the decor, ... everything was just perfect to me. Ida's voice was just stunning and I do understand why so many people loved Imma: she has so much energy on stage.

Unfortenately the flash mob didn't turn out as it should be. In the row where I was standing nobody knew the moves. I saw a lot of people on my right hand who were doing it and of cource the MFC'ers on stage (I felt all warm and fuzzy inside when I saw Ingie and Freddie on stage)! But it would have been cool if the whole first and second row had done it. Despite of the fact it didn't turn out that well, I want to say that Monie did a wonderfull job: it was a lovely dance!


Afterwards, I didn't wait for Mika, my friends wanted to go home (travelling alone in Amsterdam is not my strongest point). It's a shame I couldn't get on the Alice and Wonderland group pic and didn't meet Mika afterwards. But besides that I had a lovely day!


Thank you to all the MFC'ers, I hope to see you all again soon (Pinkpop?)!

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I have some pics made with my handy about the rearly cold and wet queuing - but you will see, we've enjoyed it anyhow! wouldn't posted them here directly, but you can scroll through my twitpics http://twitpic.com/photos/_ulrike


(and please feel free to send me an PM if one isn't satisfied with his own pic, then I will delete it :wink2: )

Edited by faballa
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Two vids from the M&G:


Bienie giving her present to Mika


Jimmy receiving the book

. I was standing at the other side of the queue, so the sound you hear is from the people around me. Well, and some of the Ahhhh's are mine. :teehee:

The video is still being processed.

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I look like a bit of a twat but :wub2::wub2::wub2:


You wear matching colours! Lovely picture.


Sasje, how awful about your car. I was wondering why Leator wasn't wearing his costume! Even tho it was rainy and cold, I liked this Qing (most of the time :bleh:) because of all the (colorful) MFC'ers.


Thank you Wicky for your compliment, it is a shame we didn't get to meet.

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Two vids from the M&G:


Bienie giving her present to Mika


Jimmy receiving the book

. I was standing at the other side of the queue, so the sound you hear is from the people around me. Well, and some of the Ahhhh's are mine. :teehee:

The video is still being processed.


Mamaaaaa...can you send your emailaddress, so that I can send you the pictures of your sister-in-law? ;)

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The white rabbit is actually sweet :blush-anim-cl:, until you touch her Mika stuff :boxed:



Q-ing was definitly 50% of the fun that day.


Another Alice and Mad Hatter movie:

:thumb_yello: I hope someone has lollipop complete including the pointing at Freddie and 'Lady gaga' Ingievv.


Ingievv: "Freddie, Mika is pointing at you, he wants you on stage"

Freddie: "No he doesn't"

I: "Yes he did"

Security came, Mika pointing again, Freddie on stage. Mika pointing another time, this time at Ingievv. Ingievv on stage. Freddie and Ingievv ROCKED!!


Both did a great job representing the Alice crew on stage. I think Mika picked exactly the right people. After their performance they were both in shock. Mika picked them personally. WOW!! They both couldn't believe it. And both wanted to be on stage with Mika a long time, weren't picked by Mama P.




I stood in front of Jimmy and Imma. Jimmy is such a fun guy. Followed him playing with the 'pop' all the time, didn't see Mika then. Both Imma and Jimmy had a lot of fun, you could see they did, also together making fun. Afterwards Jimmy came out to our Belgium fans (I stand right after them following their conversation) and he was joking with them, but also loved the book he got. "I would cry if it's possible, but my tears tubes got removed" :naughty:


Nobody touches my Mika stuff :biggrin2:!

And thanks for being not only Miek's but also my personal (balloon) assistant :original:.


On this vid you can see that Mika is circling around the place Ingie and Freddie will come on stage, great. It felt like they represented all of us dressed up people.

Edited by Monie
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Nobody touches my Mika stuff :biggrin2:!

And thanks for being not only Miek's but also my personal assistant (balloon) :original:.

Am happy to share :mf_rosetinted:

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Am happy to share :mf_rosetinted:


That was my luck :biggrin2:. How are you darling, on mothers day? Are you being pampered?


Ulrike, I love your pictures. :wub2:

Somehow I like the pictures of the queuing even more then the pictures of the gig, perhaps because I've seen the show a few times now and because it was a special Q.

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