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2010 - Amsterdam @ HMH - 07 May - REPORTS/VIDEOS/PICTURES

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Awesome that MIKA picked them out of the audience himself, I’m soooo happy for them! I know they both wanted to be on stage so much!! Happy times for them too!!!! :D

I didn’t practice for the flashmob, I was busy with work before and when I planned to practice, I was ill  so I was looking like a twat on there. I decided to just clap to the song then…. And was very surprised to find out, that I clapped at the right time! Usually I can’t clap in time with the music…dunno where that came from, but I was pleased to know I wouldn’t look like a twat with that too hahahaha!

After Kick Ass (REALLY hope there are videos of that!!!) we got off stage and Jimmy walked next to me and grabbed my mask and put it on his head, telling me that he really couldn’t see ANYTHING with that thing on and didn’t know how we did that. Awww 

We got dressed and then they came for our tickets. Had a feeling that they took them to MIKA to get them signed and indeed, we got our tickets back with his siggy!

Then we had to make 2 groups for 2 group pictures. We stood there for a while, but MIKA didn’t come…

After a bit, the door opened and Jimmy got in!!! YAYYYY!!! Asked him if he liked his presents and he stuttered something like “ooo, from the… kchh thaaa hhmmm” yeah, I was the one from the kchhh thaaa thingies yeah! LOL And he gave me a big hug and thanked me for the pressies. Gotta love him!

People who know me a bit, know I’m not reeeaaallyyyy the hugging kind of person, but … ahhh come on…its Jimmy!!!!

Jimmy stayed with us quite a while and after he left (giving hugs away again), iMMa came over to our dressing room!!! She said she loved the syrup waffles which were in her goodybag! She is so sweet too!!

We had our pictures taken with them both!

Its so nice of them to do. Still cant get over that bit. They all make it SO personal! (in a good way, ofcourse hahaha).

And then MIKA came in! YAYYYY!!!

He was looking really tired and was holding his neck the whole time. His throat really isn’t well. I hope he takes good care of himself and takes enough rest… he also spoke very quiet. I think he wasn’t supposed to talk at all. But we know MIKA, he does anyway…

Got the pictures taken and then it was time to leave again 

Had a GREAT time, especially because my bestest friend was there with me!

When MIKA left, mr sandman came to the dressingroom, some of us (all of us?) were soooo tired!!!

When we got downstairs, Maria told us “our fans” were waiting outside. LOL. Twas funny to walk outside, through the path that was made with barriers, with all those people on the side, waiting for MIKA. We decided not to hang with the gang anymore, we had quite a long drive ahead and we were very very very tired. Too bad, would have loved to chat a bit more with Rak1 and some others!

Twas a very very very cool gig!

Cant wait for the last one: Pinkpop! Been going to that festival since 1996, only missed 1 year ever since. Working there since…I dunno, 5 years? Was sooo happy to hear that he was coming to “my” festival!!! HAPPY!!!

But now its time to get my thesis done. It should be finished right before Pinkpop!

MFC: thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thx for yu report. Sounds great except for the part in the end with his voice :tears:

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Thank you Wicky for your compliment, it is a shame we didn't get to meet.


I met you very very quick: you were sitting next to Ingie and I asked if you practised the slash-mob already with all the MFC'ers... :biggrin2:


Edit: Thank you Nielo... flash-mob :P

Edited by ~Wicky~
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I met you very very quick: you were sitting next to Ingie and I asked if you practised the slash-mob already with all the MFC'ers... :biggrin2:



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I could go in right after the First 100 people of MFC. I had a amazing spot, 3th row in the middle. After a while a guy from HMH came to me and said that I had to go sit in the back, on the wheelchair stage. I didn’t want to because you can’t see anything from there. The people around me where also angry at the man and the said that he had to leave me alone. But the jackass insisted that I had to go. I gave up and went crying to the wheelchair stage. After a while he came back and he made all sorts of ****ty remarks and acted like I was a monster. After 10 minutes I became calm but after that I became furious. You can’t just push me away like a monster!

So I went to another guy from HMH and asked him who is responsible for this, he said the production. So I told the guy that I wanted to see someone of the production immediately. After 15 minutes a lady from mojo showed up and John! The lady said that they couldn’t to anything about it. I told them that I also want to dance like the people in front, not sitting still like the boring people in the back. After that I saw John laughing and he looked very nice and happy at me. After that John insisted that I would get a better spot. So they went to the other side of the stage, to see if there was a better spot over there and they came back and said to me that I could go stand there. They made my day, and especially John! We could go backstage to go to the other side and during that walk, John said to Tjeu (my friend) “If the sister wants to dance, you can’t stop her!”

When we arrived at the other side, John said excuse me, and walked away with the lady. They talked for 5 minutes and after that they told us that we could have a meet & greet! I was sooooo freaking happy!

The concert was totally freaking amazing, best show ever and his voice was superb!

After the concert we had to go stand on the side and they would come get us. We got a paper bracelet with MEET & GREET MIKA on it. They brought us upstairs where we had to wait in the canteen of the band. David came in and he signed my SFS book. A lady came in and we had to give her our things that we wanted to be signed and she would bring it to MIKA. 15 minutes later Jimmy came and he also signed my SFSbook. I asked him about Breakfast and he was very happy that I knew who Breakfast was. He also loved my glasses and showed us a picture of Breakfast on his IPhone.

After talking with him for 15 minutes we saw MIKA standing in the hallway. When we could go to him, he recognized us from Paul de Leeuw! It was the best moment of my life! He asked if I liked the show and signed my SFSbook for the second time. John told him “She insisted on being front row”. And MIKA totally agreed. He was very angry that we had to sit at the back. We made a picture, talked a little and then he had to go. We saw Imma and we went to her and talked to her for a while. About her hair, Pinkpop, her own band and the show. She was so incredibly nice!

After that we went home but when we came to the entrance we saw Jimmy again. He grabbed my glasses again, said I had to be careful because it was really cold outside. He said to me that the fans outside would scream if I came outside and then he jelled that I was MIKA in disguise! Whaha, that guy is nuts! He sais he hopes to meet me again and then the day was over.

It was one of the best days in my life!

A special thanks to John of course (you made my day!) and to MIKA (you made my life) and to Jimmy, Imma and David (you’re great!)

XOXO Anne :mf_lustslow:

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Omg... After looking at Nielo's siggie, I realised who Babzz reminded me of :fisch:...






Minus the Transylvanian outfit and Riff Raff of course :mf_rosetinted:


LOLZZ this is such a coincidence because me, Ingie and Freddie were just saying last night that we should do a Rocky Horror themed gig next!!!!

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LOLZZ this is such a coincidence because me, Ingie and Freddie were just saying last night that we should do a Rocky Horror themed gig next!!!!


I'm assuming they liked the movie then? :naughty:

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Yes they did of course :biggrin2:


They've gone home now, the weekend is officially over :(


It's hard not to like that movie. :naughty:



Too bad it's over, I don't wanna go back to normal life. :sad:

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It's not the best video, I know, but perhaps one LG or BG will like it to see her again :) - it's the beginning of LT with the famous march of the death!



:wub2: thank you! Very good video!!!:thumb_yello:

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I don't know whether to do a review of this show or not ... it's gonna be a tad different to everyone else's


i think its important for everyone to give their views, isnt it?


I havent written my report yet, havent had time to get it all down.



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It's not the best video, I know, but perhaps one LG or BG will like it to see her again :) - it's the beginning of LT with the famous march of the death!




Oh thanks a lot!!!:wink2:

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Just found these tweets from a dutchie:


@Mikasounds Mika, you were great tonight in Amsterdam! Thx for the autographs for the girls, on the way back home they were still yelling!

12:26 AM May 8th via web


PS en nee, we hebben niet gewacht, we kwamen Mika gewoon tegen. Hoezo toeval. Mika was de weg kwijt en wij ook!

12:22 AM May 8th via web


Mika bij de artiesteningang gezien... hij was met een taxi! Aardig jong, wat is hij lang in het echt! Concert was gaaf, theater combi pop!

12:21 AM May 8th via web


translation: Ps and no, we didn't wait, we just ran into Mika. How do you mean coincidence. Mika was lost and so were we!


Saw Mika at the artist entrance....he was there by taxi! What a nice kid, how tall he is in real life! Concert was awesome, theater combi pop!

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Just found these tweets from a dutchie:


@Mikasounds Mika, you were great tonight in Amsterdam! Thx for the autographs for the girls, on the way back home they were still yelling!

12:26 AM May 8th via web


PS en nee, we hebben niet gewacht, we kwamen Mika gewoon tegen. Hoezo toeval. Mika was de weg kwijt en wij ook!

12:22 AM May 8th via web


Mika bij de artiesteningang gezien... hij was met een taxi! Aardig jong, wat is hij lang in het echt! Concert was gaaf, theater combi pop!

12:21 AM May 8th via web


translation: Ps and no, we didn't wait, we just ran into Mika. How do you mean coincidence. Mika was lost and so were we!


Saw Mika at the artist entrance....he was there by taxi! What a nice kid, how tall he is in real life! Concert was awesome, theater combi pop!



They just ran into Mika :shocked: Would like to knoe more about that.

Hope that will happen to me someday.

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Finally got my (crappy) pics online!


We got food backstage



And some crisps



Mrs P also gave chocolates <3


The dressing room











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It's not the best video, I know, but perhaps one LG or BG will like it to see her again :) - it's the beginning of LT with the famous march of the death!



ooooooh thank you!!! great vid :D.. now i believe i was on stage hahaha :roftl:

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