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Hi Françoise :bye:


I really hope the 3rd album will be out by sept/oct 2011... :teehee:


Of course, if it could be june I would be thrilled !!! :thumb_yello:


I've been doing some vey serious Mikalgebra lately :aah:

>> 1st album 2007, 2nd album 2009... so logically, 2 years = 1 album >>>


My (scientific based :D) conclusion : 2011 will definitely be the year of the 3rd album :thumb_yello:




Yes I think the same Alexandra, but maybe will be at the end of 2011.


If he begins to recorded in March and spend six months....like TBWNTM....recording I think we will have the new album at the end of 2011

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Hi Françoise :bye:


I really hope the 3rd album will be out by sept/oct 2011... :teehee:


Of course, if it could be june I would be thrilled !!! :thumb_yello:


I've been doing some vey serious Mikalgebra lately :aah:

>> 1st album 2007, 2nd album 2009... so logically, 2 years = 1 album >>>


My (scientific based :D) conclusion : 2011 will definitely be the year of the 3rd album :thumb_yello:[/size]


That's what I was also thinking until it hit me that he released LICM at the BEGINNING of 2007 and TBWKTM quite at the END of 2009, so there were actually 2,5 years between the two albums. According to these calculations the third one should thus come out in the first months of 2012. It's too long!

The good thing is that months before that we should already be able to see the first fruits :wub2:.

And maybe, just maybe, since he's going to start recording in March, it'll be less than 2,5 years this time.


MIKA! Relax and take it easy at Christmas and have the wildest new year's party, but then - back to work, boy! :biggrin2: We're waiting, impatiently!

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Hi Françoise :bye:


I really hope the 3rd album will be out by sept/oct 2011... :teehee:


Of course, if it could be june I would be thrilled !!! :thumb_yello:


I've been doing some vey serious Mikalgebra lately :aah:

>> 1st album 2007, 2nd album 2009... so logically, 2 years = 1 album >>>


My (scientific based :D) conclusion : 2011 will definitely be the year of the 3rd album :thumb_yello:


That's what I was also thinking until it hit me that he released LICM at the BEGINNING of 2007 and TBWKTM quite at the END of 2009, so there were actually 2,5 years between the two albums. According to these calculations the third one should thus come out in the first months of 2012. It's too long!

The good thing is that months before that we should already be able to see the first fruits :wub2:.

And maybe, just maybe, since he's going to start recording in March, it'll be less than 2,5 years this time.


MIKA! Relax and take it easy at Christmas and have the wildest new year's party, but then - back to work, boy! :biggrin2: We're waiting, impatiently!


:roftl: I like this kind of maths..

I've had the same scientific :naughty: approach for the release of the next DVD : Live@PDP was out in november 2008 after a gig in july..

but obviously it didn't work this time as the Imaginarium Tour is over since many more months :sad:

Edited by francoise
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For me the last drought was soooo hard because I didn´t know how it would last. I always thought it was impossible that we didn´t hear about a release for another month ( do you know what I mean?)


Yes I know exactly what you mean. It got to the point where I just couldn't imagine it ever happening. We were just waiting and waiting for everything - the new website, the EP, the album, the acoustic tour. It just seemed like it was getting pushed farther and farther back and then one day everything came together at once.


When I was in LA I barely slept for 3 days I was so excited about the new music and finally seeing Mika again after 14 months. I can't imagine ever being that excited again but we'll see what happens after another seemingly endless drought. :naughty:


I've been doing some vey serious Mikalgebra lately :aah:

>> 1st album 2007, 2nd album 2009... so logically, 2 years = 1 album >>>


My (scientific based :D) conclusion : 2011 will definitely be the year of the 3rd album :thumb_yello:


Ha, those are some nice calculations but the problem is Mika recorded LICM in 2006 and he started recording TBWKTM in 2008. Since he's not starting until 2011 I would be very surprised if it's released by the end of the year. I suppose if Mika is looking for a less complicated, less layered work as he's been saying, it could be produced faster but there are other factors in a release date than just having the recording completed. He was more or less done in April 2009 but it wasn't released for another 4 months. :dunno:




Oh I've never seen that jacket. I like the lining.

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Yes I think the same Alexandra, but maybe will be at the end of 2011.


If he begins to recorded in March and spend six months....like TBWNTM....recording I think we will have the new album at the end of 2011


:thumb_yello: Hey alba :bye:


Well as long as we have it in 2011, works for me !! But 2012 really sounds too far away :blink:


That's what I was also thinking until it hit me that he released LICM at the BEGINNING of 2007 and TBWKTM quite at the END of 2009, so there were actually 2,5 years between the two albums. According to these calculations the third one should thus come out in the first months of 2012. It's too long!

The good thing is that months before that we should already be able to see the first fruits :wub2:.

And maybe, just maybe, since he's going to start recording in March, it'll be less than 2,5 years this time.


MIKA! Relax and take it easy at Christmas and have the wildest new year's party, but then - back to work, boy! :biggrin2: We're waiting, impatiently!


Awww... yeah I thought about that, maybe it will be end of 2011 + a few months... :crybaby:


But as you said, I hope he gets a rest and enjoys christmas time, but then, no more time for fun !!! He needs to think about poor us, dying to listen to his new album again and again and to see him on tour again :wink2:



Ha, those are some nice calculations but the problem is Mika recorded LICM in 2006 and he started recording TBWKTM in 2008. Since he's not starting until 2011 I would be very surprised if it's released by the end of the year. I suppose if Mika is looking for a less complicated, less layered work as he's been saying, it could be produced faster but there are other factors in a release date than just having the recording completed. He was more or less done in April 2009 but it wasn't released for another 4 months. :dunno:


Hi Christine :bye:


:emot-sad: I do have to admit that starting to recording in March 2011 and releasing the album by the end of the year barely seems possible.


You're totally right, there is not only the recording, it is only a link in the process of the album release... I guess I'll have to be patient :angel_not:


God, I already feel so post Mika depressed...:sad:

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Beginning of 2012?



It's too late


It's way too late !!!! :shocked:


I am expecting it for the last trimester of 2011.... Am I asking for it too soon ? Do you really think there won't be anything until 2012 ??


I heard him saying he would start recording in MArch 2011 :shocked:


Oh btw, I was here to post a pic...




how sweet :wub2:


Aww... the hair... the smile... the neck touching thing with the handsome hand... :D


I didn´t say that to tease you. Last time he had finished the album in the middle of April then all the promotion stuff started for months. Even if he will finish recording earlier than the last time the promotion will last a few months before the release. I learnt the last time that it is better to be prepared for a looooong drought than to be impatient. This time we already know that he will start recording in March and that is much more than we knew tha last time at this stage.

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It's way too late !!!! :shocked:


I am expecting it for the last trimester of 2011.... Am I asking for it too soon ? Do you really think there won't be anything until 2012 ??


I heard him saying he would start recording in MArch 2011 :shocked:


Oh btw, I was here to post a pic...




how sweet :wub2:


Aww... the hair... the smile... the neck touching thing with the handsome hand... :D


I love this pic!Aww :swoon::mf_lustslow::fangurl::stretcher:

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