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!xkirstyx!, you don't even know how it was before ... You came here when it already had changed, and it's only gotting worse ever since .... It was funny at first, with the WAG video and all .. but how it was going lately .. :no:


Seriously, how insane is it to go to a gig, with the only goal you have is to take pics of a certain area of a guy? I just can't understand that .. And talking about it over and over and over again get's boring too .. it doesn't change every day you know ... And it's not something you should constantly talk about to begin with, but that's my opinion..




Anyway, since I'm here now ..



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I agree with all the ''naughty'' MFCers!I mean,what is bad with the chatting thing?I don't really think that someone will come in here to find news about Mika,and lose his time with the chatting!And about the pics?If Mika let these pics be published then that means he was OK with it!:aah:I mean,he was the one who was shot the video for WAG!He is the one who is posing for the pics!We are the naughty ones just because we reposting them????:aah:

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WE ALL WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just said exactly what we are all thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello::thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

Hopefully mods will see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why we cant chat here anyway????!!!!!!!!! Is in the CHAT about Mika session!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


whhhhhhhy ohhh whhhy. Its in a "chat about Mika" se ction and we cant chat about him much.... only pics.... :blink: cos if we talk about what he us wearin, his hair, eyes, lips... that will just be too much chatting... ha been before... i remember a few times where we got a "less chat, more pictures" even when we was chatting about THAT!!!!!!!!! :shocked:

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!xkirstyx!, you don't even know how it was before ... You came here when it already had changed, and it's only gotting worse ever since .... It was funny at first, with the WAG video and all .. but how it was going lately .. :no:


Seriously, how insane is it to go to a gig, with the only goal you have is to take pics of a certain area of a guy? I just can't understand that .. And talking about it over and over and over again get's boring too .. it doesn't change every day you know ... And it's not something you should constantly talk about to begin with, but that's my opinion..




Umm nope i didnt i was here when it was ALIVE and Buzzing with people. I liked it so i stayed! This is my favorite thread! And thats not why people go to gigs well certainly not ME anyway! But like you said its my opinion!

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And the tags now... ok i understand why its only down to a less more than it was before cos it was INSANE how many there was before in the last gasmic :blink: But shouldnt they take care of other threads too theres open atm? :blink:is this too much talking cos the gasmic has changed from what it was like before? :dunno:?

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I've spend a lot of time here in the past ... And I've chatted a lot, and there were even some naughty remarks/comments every now and then .... And there was never any problem .. Just think about that :wink2:





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I Agree!!!! i was just chatting w. a few abut it and they miss what it was like a few weeks ago. im seriously sitting with tears rolling from my eyes cos this has been my fave place and the place i use to check out as soon as i logged on as the first place. Use to be 10+ pages when i woke up but now.... 1-3 and i think some knows why! We cant chat like we did before...Like 1 week ao someone said "hi how are you" or something like that a mod show after came w. some like less hat and more pics... not like it was before. before we could chat and post 2.3 pics a side... now it the other way around and not the "wrong" kinda pics and talk...

Whats wrong about chatting about how Mika looks on a pic, his closh ect? sounds like they they want it in 1 line...but it takes more than 1 line and can most time relate to another old pics that can be posted that maybe some hasnt seen before.... BUT if we cant do that .... only talk about how he looks NOW... not refer to how he looked before cos its too much talking... i miss the good old days 1 month time ago where we could chat and post as much as like another thread made when the rules got changed (except for the snaps and i understand snaps 120%)

i could say a lot more.... this thread has died... it use to be on 2000/3000 posts by now back like what it was like 1 month time ago... but cos of the rules has changed... not like that... the gasmic has died...


DA, kirsty -- for about the one millionth time:

There is NOTHING wrong with talking about how Mika looks on a photo.

Why do you insist on twisting what we've said to you?


The problem comes from the constant attention to his private parts, the

lewd remarks, etc. As we have said to you repeatedly, no one minds a

little innuendo now and then, you can surely make risque comments here and

there. But when you dish up a steady diet of :das: type comments,

which encourage others to

that's where we draw the line.


The MFC guidelines have NOT changed! These are the same

guidelines that have been in place for years,

which you and several others have chosen to ignore repeatedly.


Clearly, the fault lies with us for giving you chance after chance. But

we didn't want to be too heavy-handed, and thought that you would

understand and follow the guidelines here, as the majority of the members



As I have told you time and again, if you want to post here

you follow the guidelines. If you don't want to follow the guidelines,

the solution is simple: don't post. But along with not posting, don't

complain. When you joined here you accepted the guidelines, you

agreed to follow them. If you find now that you can't, then that choice

is yours.

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I agree with all the ''naughty'' MFCers!I mean,what is bad with the chatting thing?I don't really think that someone will come in here to find news about Mika,and lose his time with the chatting!And about the pics?If Mika let these pics be published then that means he was OK with it!:aah:I mean,he was the one who was shot the video for WAG!He is the one who is posing for the pics!We are the naughty ones just because we reposting them????:aah:


But a lot of comments about this vid were getting boring. And of course I don't suppose Mika imagined the whole thing was going to be posted frame by frame and gone over in minute detail - he was filming something to illustrate a song

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DA, kirsty -- for about the one millionth time:

There is NOTHING wrong with talking about how Mika looks on a photo.

Why do you insist on twisting what we've said to you?


The problem comes from the constant attention to his private parts, the

lewd remarks, etc. As we have said to you repeatedly, no one minds a

little innuendo now and then, you can surely make risque comments here and

there. But when you dish up a steady diet of :das: type comments,

which encourage others to

that's where we draw the line.


The MFC guidelines have NOT changed! These are the same

guidelines that have been in place for years,

which you and several others have chosen to ignore repeatedly.


Clearly, the fault lies with us for giving you chance after chance. But

we didn't want to be too heavy-handed, and thought that you would

understand and follow the guidelines here, as the majority of the members



As I have told you time and again, if you want to post here

you follow the guidelines. If you don't want to follow the guidelines,

the solution is simple: don't post. But along with not posting, don't

complain. When you joined here you accepted the guidelines, you

agreed to follow them. If you find now that you can't, then that choice

is yours.


I never have said anything naughty (well not too bad) And im not twisting anything you said, im just making a point! This is my opinion so im happy i got it across!

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But a lot of comments about this vid were getting boring. And of course I don't suppose Mika imagined the whole thing was going to be posted frame by frame and gone over in minute detail - he was filming something to illustrate a song


Well,if someone is bored then he can easily go to another thread where they are posting things that might interest him!I'm not fighting with you,i don't even know you,but the thing is that MFC gets new members everyday!And smth that is old and forgotten for you may get us newbies excited!:aah:

I'm not saying there must not be any lines or whatsoever,but we must be able to chat!If not we could just make a photo album of him and watch it when we are bored!:aah:


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Well,if someone is bored then he can easily go to another thread where they are posting things that might interest him!I'm not fighting with you,i don't even know you,but the thing is that MFC gets new members everyday!And smth that is old and forgotten for you may get us newbies excited!:aah:

I'm not saying there must not be any lines or whatsoever,but we must be able to chat!If not we could just make a photo album of him and watch it when we are bored!:aah:



I think that's exactly what happened :wink2:







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Well,if someone is bored then he can easily go to another thread where they are posting things that might interest him!I'm not fighting with you,i don't even know you,but the thing is that MFC gets new members everyday!And smth that is old and forgotten for you may get us newbies excited!:aah:

I'm not saying there must not be any lines or whatsoever,but we must be able to chat!If not we could just make a photo album of him and watch it when we are bored!:aah:



I agree with you!

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Where is this one from?


Maybe from Tokyo last December?


I agree with all the ''naughty'' MFCers!I mean,what is bad with the chatting thing?I don't really think that someone will come in here to find news about Mika,and lose his time with the chatting!And about the pics?If Mika let these pics be published then that means he was OK with it!:aah:I mean,he was the one who was shot the video for WAG!He is the one who is posing for the pics!We are the naughty ones just because we reposting them????:aah:


You're missing the point. This was always meant to be a PHOTO thread.

The original idea was that it would be a place to post photos that

were incredibly hot (orgasmic => Mika-gasmic). Obviously, comments

were going to be posted along with the photos. But primarily it was

supposed to be a place for photos. NOT every single photo of Mika ever

made, and NOT every single frame of every single video he ever shot.


I get that threads evolve, conversations evolve... but I think a majority

of fans still look to this thread to see whatever the latest hot photos

of Mika are that they might have missed elsewhere. They don't

come here to read about your day, or about how you are going

to cover Mika in whipped cream and lick it all off. :blink:


And the tags now... ok i understand why its only down to a less more than it was before cos it was INSANE how many there was before in the last gasmic :blink: But shouldnt they take care of other threads too theres open atm? :blink:


I have no idea what this means. Take care of what other threads? The

new tag limits apply to all threads, not just this one. I don't think they

kick into effect until you try to change the tags on an existing thread,

but will apply to any new thread created.


No, you want the new gasmics back :naughty:


Exactly. :aah:

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Well,if someone is bored then he can easily go to another thread where they are posting things that might interest him!I'm not fighting with you,i don't even know you,but the thing is that MFC gets new members everyday!And smth that is old and forgotten for you may get us newbies excited!:aah:

I'm not saying there must not be any lines or whatsoever,but we must be able to chat!If not we could just make a photo album of him and watch it when we are bored!:aah:



But that's the point, you are new members, and so you think that what you see is how you are supposed to behave in a thread. But this thread has got far too explicit.


It used to be suggestive :das: without the obsession about the contents of Mika's trousers (which is very juvenile).



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DA, kirsty -- for about the one millionth time:

There is NOTHING wrong with talking about how Mika looks on a photo.

Why do you insist on twisting what we've said to you?


The problem comes from the constant attention to his private parts, the

lewd remarks, etc. As we have said to you repeatedly, no one minds a

little innuendo now and then, you can surely make risque comments here and

there. But when you dish up a steady diet of :das: type comments,

which encourage others to

that's where we draw the line.


The MFC guidelines have NOT changed! These are the same

guidelines that have been in place for years,

which you and several others have chosen to ignore repeatedly.


Clearly, the fault lies with us for giving you chance after chance. But

we didn't want to be too heavy-handed, and thought that you would

understand and follow the guidelines here, as the majority of the members



As I have told you time and again, if you want to post here

you follow the guidelines. If you don't want to follow the guidelines,

the solution is simple: don't post. But along with not posting, don't

complain. When you joined here you accepted the guidelines, you

agreed to follow them. If you find now that you can't, then that choice

is yours.


B ut getting a post after only 2-3 post that "post more pictures and less chat" from a mod can cam make you change your mind about this place... there havnet been much chat about his "persnonal parts" since back then... only about that part that he is wearing all the time... that is a part of what he is wearing... but its still dead.... and i personlly know its cos of the almost always "chat less, post more pics"... and especially after the fulle bpage w. pics and 2-3 posts w. "hey how are you?" kinda post....

I personlly have learned my lesson.... BUT i cant see the prob in he whar he is wearng around the waist? many talks about it... even in reports.....

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But a lot of comments about this vid were getting boring. And of course I don't suppose Mika imagined the whole thing was going to be posted frame by frame and gone over in minute detail - he was filming something to illustrate a song


if they were going to be posted frame-by-frame it would be in anotrher thread :wink2:

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But that's the point, you are new members, and so you think that what you see is how you are supposed to behave in a thread. But this thread has got far too explicit.


It used to be suggestive :das: without the obsession about the contents of Mika's trousers (which is very juvenile).




yep, i as a newbie when i first came here, thought this was how the MFC worked. And becaus you're new you don't know any better (that's my case anyway, so you play along just to fit in)



Hey i could be a case-study for this

:lmfao::teehee: (just kidding, don't want this to get too heavy again:aah:)


and now i'll stop meddling in, seeing as im just a newbie i stil have lots to learn and learned a lot already:wink2:

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