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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS - Mika @ Rock in Roma, Rome, Italy, 6-JUL-2010

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she's nina from finland, her nickname here is tiibet


omg how ugly I look in that pic!! :roftl: The another one was better, lol!


So,finally we got in and I litterally run across Capannelle to reach the first row.. AND I SUCCESSFULLY DID IT I was between DANI56 and tiibet,a very nice person!I'm so glad to have met her We also chatted a little bit so I could make some exercise my english:aah:

I forgot to tell,I made for the event a sheet where I wrote AVE,MIKA ! ("Ave" is the ancient way of the Roman people to say "Hello" 2000 years ago),and I put it in front of me.Then I realized the stage was veeeeeery very high and I got disappointed. That's why I didn't see immediately he fell down while playing Big Girl

Jonh also came to us to check if everything was OK,I appreciated it!He's very kind,the best manager Mika could ever have :thumb_yello:

The band who introduced the gig,well...WAS HORRIBLE!I advise you,please NEVER-EVER try to listen to some of their songs,they are senseless and repetitive me and Dani shouted them to leave the stage because it was impossible to stand them!

Finally,the gig started.. I was soooo excited,I've been waiting for this day more than 3 years and I didn't completely realize that day was arrived!I shouted all gig long,photografers also made me some photos I can't describe myself actually,maybe you should ask my gig mates

then we made the flashmob during Doctor John.. as he started to sing the chorus,we all took our glowsticks and during Happy Ending we were holding a lot of papers with "GRAZIE!" written on it.. a tear came down my face. And then,when he dedicated to us Gace Kelly.. I was lost!I don't remember what I did,or what I said.. All I can do is saying to him THANK YOU AGAIN..for everything he did..


I forgot to tell he went shirtless for the most part of the gig,but someone already said it..


Thanks for your report! :thumb_yello: It was so lovely to meet you too :wub2: and btw you speak perfect English already! You and all the other Italian fans had done a lot of work to make Mika feel welcomed and I'm sure he appreciated all your effort and it was so sweet he dedicated the whole gig to his Roman fans :wub2: I loved it when you showed your signs after HE, it's one of my favorite songs too!


Everything was perfectly organized again! Of course there was a small panic in the air before going in, but in the end everything went very well. Lol, I was scared that people will run over us and someone will get hurt when we had to run over the field but it wasn't that bad though I wish I was more fit for situations like that :naughty: About opening act, I don't have words... The singer waved his microphone all the time (above his head and around his neck!) and it seriously looked that he will kill either himself or the band member :aah: About their songs, well, covers were not so bad :roftl:


Vids and more comments later, haven't slept much for three days... I really can't tell how much I enjoyed KA, finally heard it for the first time in Rome and loved it :mf_lustslow: As already told, he did many songs without a shirt because it was so hot, and it was a hilarious moment when he told before OMS how wrong it feels to sing it shirtless :roftl: Hm, I love that song even without a shirt :teehee:

Edited by tiibet
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oh didn't notice that! :wub2:


You're all welcome girls, I'm glad you enjoy them!


My hubby filmed

:wub2:thank you so much,Marina and thank to your hubby too,for those awesome videos!pure love!:wub2::mf_lustslow:

:mf_rosetinted:i hope for a similar weather on july 24 at romanian Gig!*cross fingers!

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:wub2:thank you so much,Marina and thank to your hubby too,for those awesome videos!pure love!:wub2::mf_lustslow:

:mf_rosetinted:i hope for a similar weather on july 24 at romanian Gig!*cross fingers!

my pleasure Nicoleta! :wub2:

I wish u a similar show in Romania :biggrin2:

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Live review in Italian + English + pics http://www.06live.it/live-report-mika-al-rock-in-roma-2010-7825


Live Report: Mika al Rock in Roma 2010


Roma, 6 Luglio 2010 – C’è un gruppo di ragazze (ed un paio di ragazzi) che saltellano qua e là al lato del palco, ben visibili in confronto al retroscena dei più controllati giornalisti e fotografi. Le ragazze indossano vestiti rosa shocking tipo Alice Nel Paese delle Meraviglie con ornamenti bianchi, stravaganti calzini bianchi e deliziose scarpette bianche o rosa. Sono all’ultima moda. Sono su di giri. E sono qui per Mika.


La folla è eccitata ed in fermento. Hey Hey Radio! fanno il loro buon lavoro riscaldando tutti con i loro sound elettro-rock e le loro scarpe bianche da tennis di marca nuove di zecca. Ma il pubblico romano non è qui per la band Milanese.


Squarci luminosi e orecchi di gatto di un rosa fluorescente decorano il pubblico estivo scarsamente vestito. Il caldo non si è ancora placato al calare del giorno che le luci finalmente si spengono sul palco, mentre compare una luna gigantesca, un teschio e girasoli inchiodati su crocifissi disseminati qui e là. L’immaginario è quantomeno confuso, ma stasera, funzionerà.


E infine si ha inizio, e Mika balza sul palco. La folla a Capannelle esplode per il loro tesorino inglese (libanese di nascita) dalla faccia da bambino, affascinante e brillante con i suoi riccioli, scivolando sul palco come se fosse in un musical di Broadway piuttosto che qui, in questa notte d’estate soffocante, nella sua maglietta a strisce rosse e bianche e la coda come fosse un frac, i suoi pantaloni bianchi e scarpe argentate luccicanti.


Canta ininterrottamente canzone dopo canzone, senza mai sbagliare una note in una routine che metterebbe alla prova la maggior parte dei suoi colleghi coetanei. Si sposta come se non ci fossero giunzioni tra i brani tratti da ‘The Boy Who Knew Too Much’ e ‘Life in Cartoon Motion’, con brani come Relax/Take it Easy, Rain, e Blue Eyes. La sua voce è fluida, forte e sconfinante nell’opera mentre scivola su e giù per lo spettro vocale. Si trova chiaramente nel suo elemento.


La band di Mika è salda, e lui interisce con loro con una mutua adorazione quasi infantile – il suo bassista con la faccia dipinta da clown; la sua vocalist dai corti capelli appuntiti per cui le ragazze Alice Nel Paese Delle Meraviglie andranno in cerca domani; una batterista con una incredibile acconciatura afro (ma sono seriamente suoi quei capelli) e un chitarrista silenzioso in secondo piano. Ripiegando di tanto in tanto sul suo pianoforte con una palla a specchi ‘fintamente’ spaccato, Mika scivola graziosamente tra la disco e le ballate.


E le rappresentazioni teatrali ed i materiali di scena non finiscono qui – un’enorme gamba gonfiabile rimbalza qui e là davanti al palco durante Big Girl (You are Beautiful); e durante l’esecuzione di ‘Billy Brown’, accarezza un enorme bandiera enorme con su scritto ‘Billy’ che si estende come una lingua psichedelica fuori dalla bocca della luna rappresentata sul palco; si muove graziosamente indossando una giacca multicolore un po’ alla Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, con tanto di cilindro a corredo; e gioca con il pubblico in un chiama e rispondi durante ‘Blame it on the Girls’, aizzando quelli in tribuna contro quelli in platea. E a loro piace molto.


Quando Mika dichiara che ‘questo è di sicuro il loro concerto più “hot”’, nessuno tra il pubblico ha alcun dubbio. Il sole è tramontato da tempo ormai, ma l’aria è ancora densa e bollente. E nessuno si lamenta quando il longilineo ma delizioso performer si toglie la maglietta per le sue fan in adorazione. Si sciolgono (in senso buono) quando di tanto in tanto cerca di parlare in Italiano con un sorriso affascinante.


E mentre la folla se ne va a casa, le ragazze in rosa stanno camminando sulla luna.



Mika and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

by Lisa Golden and Sophie Barrow


There is a group of girls (and a couple of boys) jumping around stage-side, conspicuous against the backdrop of the more subdued press and the photographers. The girls are dressed in bright-pink Alice-in-Wonderland type dresses with white trim, crazy stockings and cute pink or white shoes. They’re hip. They’re hyped. And they’re here for Mika.


The crowd is excited and worked up. Hey Hey Radio! do a fine job warming everybody up with their electro-rock sounds and their brand-spanking new white tennis gear. But the Roman crowd isn’t here for the Milanese.


Flashy sashes and glowing pink cat-ears decorate the scantily-clad summer crowd. The heat still hasn’t gone out of the day as the lights finally go down on a stage featuring a huge moon, a skull, and sunflowers nailed onto crucifixes scattered around. The imagery is somewhat confused, but tonight, it will work.


And then it begins, and Mika bounds on stage. The crowd at Capannelle explodes for their baby-faced British sweetheart, gorgeous and glowing with his curly hair, gliding around the stage like he should be in a Broadway musical rather than here on this sweltering summer night, in his red and white striped tailed shirt, his white pants and sparkling silver shoes.


He continues with song after sweet pop song, never missing a note in a routine that would challenge most of his contemporaries. He moves seamlessly between tunes from ‘The Boy Who Knew Too Much’ and ‘Life in Cartoon Motion’, with tunes like Relax/Take it Easy, Rain, and Blue Eyes. His voice is fluid, strong and verging on operatic as he glides up and down the vocal spectrum. He is clearly in his element.


Mika’s band is tight, and he interacts with them with almost child-like mutual adoration – his clown-faced bass player; his spiky, short-haired vocalist in a number that the Alice In Wonderland girls will be searching for tomorrow; a female drummer with a hell of an Afro (is that her real hair?) and a chilled-out guitarist taking second stage. Occasionally retreating to his faux beat-up mirror-ball style piano, Mika glides gracefully between disco numbers and ballads. And the theatricals and the props don’t stop – a huge inflated leg bounces around the stage front for Big Girl (You are Beautiful); during ‘Billy Brown’, he strokes an enormous ‘Billy’ flag which extends like a psychedelic tongue out of a the mouth of his moon-stage; he gracefully moves into a Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat moment, complete with top-hat; and he plays with the crowd in a call and response for ‘Blame it on the Girls’, pitting the bandstand against those on the ground. They love it.


When Mika declares that ‘this is their hottest gig yet’, nobody has any doubts. The sun has gone down long ago but the air is thick and hot. And nobody complains as the slim but graceful performer takes off his shirt for his adoring fans. They positively melt as he occasionally breaks into Italian with a charming smile.


And as the crowd goes home, the girls in pink are walking on the moon.

Edited by mari62
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Here's my report


First of all I'd like to say that this was a very special gig, to me one of the best ever, due to the atmosphere, the energy and the enthusiasm you could feel: he looked sooo happy to be there, was even more radiant than in Milan, he surely felt very loved; I feel that it was a dream come true to him!


The audience was on fire like him from beginning to end, almost always standing even in the gallery and singing along most of the songs


Mika is right: his shows are like parties at a friend's house, I feel so happy and at ease when I'm there


He looked and seemed in top form, both physically (how did he manage it?) and vocally, his voice was so pure and strong throughout the whole gig!!!


He always gives 100%, but at some gigs he gives even more!


About the songs:


Different beginning of the show

KA live is epic!!!!

OMS: I'm always in awe when listening to it!

LT: beginning and HE what a voice!!!!!!!!

Lollipop: more energetic than usual


I sang, danced and screamed……. I went mad :teehee: ….. and when I heard his words before GK, I was almost crying for happiness and went even crazier :taz:


After the show, which lasted 1 hour 40 min., we waited about an hour and a half, there were many people, he was in a great mood, smiling a lot, he signed and chatted briefly.


Before the show I met Mrs P, a sweet, lovely and caring lady!


It was a special day also because I met many fans, from MFC and from the Italian fanclubs, there were many of us sitting in the gallery and we really had a lot of fun together!


Mika noticed us and our enthusiasm!! yay! During BIOTG he split the audience into parterre and gallery


The girls will tell about the banner


As I always say, every Mika gig is special in a different way, and this was no exception!!

They're so worth the fatigue and the traveling!!



a few pics of the venue before the show (already posted) http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh227/mari62_album/mikashows/Mika%20Rock%20in%20Roma%2006072010/


videos http://www.youtube.com/user/marinadio#g/u

Edited by mari62
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Here's my report


First of all I'd like to say that this was a very special gig, to me one of the best ever, due to the atmosphere, the energy and the enthusiasm you could feel: he looked sooo happy to be there, was even more radiant than in Milan, he surely felt very loved; I feel that it was a dream come true to him!


The audience was on fire like him from beginning to end, almost always standing even in the gallery and singing along most of the songs


Mika is right: his shows are like parties at a friend's house, I feel so happy and at ease when I'm there


He looked and seemed in top form, both physically (how did he manage it?) and vocally, his voice was so pure and strong throughout the whole gig!!!


He always gives 100%, but at some gigs he gives even more!


About the songs:


Different beginning of the show

KA live is epic!!!!

OMS: I'm always in awe when listening to it!

LT: beginning and HE what a voice!!!!!!!!

Lollipop: more energetic than usual


I sang, danced and screamed……. I went mad :teehee: ….. and when I heard his words before GK, I was almost crying for happiness and went even more crazy :taz:


After the show, which lasted 1 hour 40 min., we waited about an hour and a half, there were many people, he was in a great mood, smiling a lot, he signed and chatted briefly.


Before the show I met Mrs P, a sweet, lovely and caring lady!


It was a special day also because I met many fans, from MFC and from the Italian fanclubs, there were many of us sitting in the gallery and we really had a lot of fun together!


Mika noticed us and our enthusiasm!! yay! During BIOTG he split the audience into parterre and gallery


The girls will tell about the banner


As I always say, every Mika gig is special in a different way, and this was no exception!!

They're so worth the fatigue and the traveling!!



a few pics of the venue before the show (already posted) http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh227/mari62_album/mikashows/Mika%20Rock%20in%20Roma%2006072010/


videos http://www.youtube.com/user/marinadio#g/u

OMS BG e SITM still missing



I can feel the mood of the day ~ envy roma~~

always thank you mari~:huglove:

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And as the crowd goes home, the girls in pink are walking on the moon.


Fantastic review, thanks for posting! :thumb_yello: I love the last line I copied, it's so true :biggrin2:


Here's my report


First of all I'd like to say that this was a very special gig, to me one of the best ever, due to the atmosphere, the energy and the enthusiasm you could feel: he looked sooo happy to be there, was even more radiant than in Milan, he surely felt very loved; I feel that it was a dream come true to him!


The audience was on fire like him from beginning to end, almost always standing even in the gallery and singing along most of the songs


Mika is right: his shows are like parties at a friend's house, I feel so happy and at ease when I'm there


He looked and seemed in top form, both physically (how did he manage it?) and vocally, his voice was so pure and strong throughout the whole gig!!!


He always gives 100%, but at some gigs he gives even more!


About the songs:


Different beginning of the show

KA live is epic!!!!

OMS: I'm always in awe when listening to it!

LT: beginning and HE what a voice!!!!!!!!

Lollipop: more energetic than usual


I sang, danced and screamed……. I went mad :teehee: ….. and when I heard his words before GK, I was almost crying for happiness and went even more crazy :taz:


After the show, which lasted 1 hour 40 min., we waited about an hour and a half, there were many people, he was in a great mood, smiling a lot, he signed and chatted briefly.


Before the show I met Mrs P, a sweet, lovely and caring lady!


It was a special day also because I met many fans, from MFC and from the Italian fanclubs, there were many of us sitting in the gallery and we really had a lot of fun together!


Mika noticed us and our enthusiasm!! yay! During BIOTG he split the audience into parterre and gallery


The girls will tell about the banner


As I always say, every Mika gig is special in a different way, and this was no exception!!

They're so worth the fatigue and the traveling!!



a few pics of the venue before the show (already posted) http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh227/mari62_album/mikashows/Mika%20Rock%20in%20Roma%2006072010/


videos http://www.youtube.com/user/marinadio#g/u

OMS BG e SITM still missing


It was lovely to meet you in Rome, Mari! Thanks for your report and pics and your brilliant vids :mf_lustslow: You had a perfect view from seats, the stage was very high!

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Fantastic review, thanks for posting! :thumb_yello: I love the last line I copied, it's so true :biggrin2:




It was lovely to meet you in Rome, Mari! Thanks for your report and pics and your brilliant vids :mf_lustslow: You had a perfect view from seats, the stage was very high!

it was lovely meeting you, too Nina! :wub2:


I'm happy you're all enjoying the vids :original:

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Live report in Italian + English + pics http://www.06live.it/live-report-mika-al-rock-in-roma-2010-7825


Live Report: Mika al Rock in Roma 2010


Roma, 6 Luglio 2010 – C’è un gruppo di ragazze (ed un paio di ragazzi) che saltellano qua e là al lato del palco, ben visibili in confronto al retroscena dei più controllati giornalisti e fotografi. Le ragazze indossano vestiti rosa shocking tipo Alice Nel Paese delle Meraviglie con ornamenti bianchi, stravaganti calzini bianchi e deliziose scarpette bianche o rosa. Sono all’ultima moda. Sono su di giri. E sono qui per Mika.



And as the crowd goes home, the girls in pink are walking on the moon.



:teehee: at the beginning it's talking about the lollipop and the big girls that were there :naughty:....if you read the article http://www.06live.it/live-report-mika-al-rock-in-roma-2010-7825 there are some pictures, and the first one, you can see my pinky shoes! :naughty: :naughty:



Here's my report


First of all I'd like to say that this was a very special gig, to me one of the best ever, due to the atmosphere, the energy and the enthusiasm you could feel: he looked sooo happy to be there, was even more radiant than in Milan, he surely felt very loved; I feel that it was a dream come true to him!


The audience was on fire like him from beginning to end, almost always standing even in the gallery and singing along most of the songs


Mika is right: his shows are like parties at a friend's house, I feel so happy and at ease when I'm there


He looked and seemed in top form, both physically (how did he manage it?) and vocally, his voice was so pure and strong throughout the whole gig!!!


He always gives 100%, but at some gigs he gives even more!


About the songs:


Different beginning of the show

KA live is epic!!!!

OMS: I'm always in awe when listening to it!

LT: beginning and HE what a voice!!!!!!!!

Lollipop: more energetic than usual


I sang, danced and screamed……. I went mad :teehee: ….. and when I heard his words before GK, I was almost crying for happiness and went even crazier :taz:


After the show, which lasted 1 hour 40 min., we waited about an hour and a half, there were many people, he was in a great mood, smiling a lot, he signed and chatted briefly.


Before the show I met Mrs P, a sweet, lovely and caring lady!


It was a special day also because I met many fans, from MFC and from the Italian fanclubs, there were many of us sitting in the gallery and we really had a lot of fun together!


Mika noticed us and our enthusiasm!! yay! During BIOTG he split the audience into parterre and gallery


The girls will tell about the banner


As I always say, every Mika gig is special in a different way, and this was no exception!!

They're so worth the fatigue and the traveling!!



a few pics of the venue before the show (already posted) http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh227/mari62_album/mikashows/Mika%20Rock%20in%20Roma%2006072010/


videos http://www.youtube.com/user/marinadio#g/u

OMS BG e SITM still missing


loved your report :wub2:

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:teehee: at the beginning it's talking about the lollipop and the big girls that were there :naughty:....if you read the article http://www.06live.it/live-report-mika-al-rock-in-roma-2010-7825 there are some pictures, and the first one, you can see my pinky shoes! :naughty: :naughty:





loved your report :wub2:

loved yr passionate report as well :wub2:


this pic?



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thank you Nina! :flowers2:

will watch them asap :mf_lustslow:


You are welcome :wub2: Did you/your hubby film Love Today? I always wish I had filmed it, but I love it so much and usually I want to only dance and not film at the same time during it...

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Here's my report


First of all I'd like to say that this was a very special gig, to me one of the best ever, due to the atmosphere, the energy and the enthusiasm you could feel: he looked sooo happy to be there, was even more radiant than in Milan, he surely felt very loved; I feel that it was a dream come true to him!


The audience was on fire like him from beginning to end, almost always standing even in the gallery and singing along most of the songs


Mika is right: his shows are like parties at a friend's house, I feel so happy and at ease when I'm there


He looked and seemed in top form, both physically (how did he manage it?) and vocally, his voice was so pure and strong throughout the whole gig!!!


He always gives 100%, but at some gigs he gives even more!


About the songs:


Different beginning of the show

KA live is epic!!!!

OMS: I'm always in awe when listening to it!

LT: beginning and HE what a voice!!!!!!!!

Lollipop: more energetic than usual


I sang, danced and screamed……. I went mad :teehee: ….. and when I heard his words before GK, I was almost crying for happiness and went even crazier :taz:


After the show, which lasted 1 hour 40 min., we waited about an hour and a half, there were many people, he was in a great mood, smiling a lot, he signed and chatted briefly.


Before the show I met Mrs P, a sweet, lovely and caring lady!


It was a special day also because I met many fans, from MFC and from the Italian fanclubs, there were many of us sitting in the gallery and we really had a lot of fun together!


Mika noticed us and our enthusiasm!! yay! During BIOTG he split the audience into parterre and gallery


The girls will tell about the banner


As I always say, every Mika gig is special in a different way, and this was no exception!!

They're so worth the fatigue and the traveling!!



a few pics of the venue before the show (already posted) http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh227/mari62_album/mikashows/Mika%20Rock%20in%20Roma%2006072010/


videos http://www.youtube.com/user/marinadio#g/u

OMS BG e SITM still missing



Lovely report, Marina. It sounds like a fantastic night.

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You are welcome :wub2: Did you/your hubby film Love Today? I always wish I had filmed it, but I love it so much and usually I want to only dance and not film at the same time during it...
unfortunately not :( just the bit where everybody's jumping :mf_lustslow:



Lovely report, Marina. It sounds like a fantastic night.
thanks Sara, it was indeed! :wub2::mf_lustslow:
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thank you so much for your videos Marina and Nina:flowers2: I was feeling really sad that I had to cancel my Rome trip but watching your vids has managed to cheer me up:wub2:

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thank you so much for your videos Marina and Nina:flowers2: I was feeling really sad that I had to cancel my Rome trip but watching your vids has managed to cheer me up:wub2:
you're most welcome Netina :wub2:

oh I didn't know you didn't come! :(

I was sorry I didn't have a chance to meet you, and now I know why

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