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My summer is cold!:aah: and i'm sick, so!?:roftl:

Looking forward visit the beach someday!:mf_rosetinted::biggrin2:

Cold summer? Oh my :huh: Sorry to hear that you are sick.. Hope Mika's new song will make you feel better tomorrow :naughty:


I will try not to mention them. :naughty:

It's ok, don't worry! Even tho I will not see them, I am really happy by the fact that they are actually coming :biggrin2:

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Hope you will find some time soon! :wink2:


I have some time off soon so hopefully the weather will hold. Sorry to hear that you're sick. I hope you're better soon.



It's ok, don't worry! Even tho I will not see them, I am really happy by the fact that they are actually coming :biggrin2:


It's nice that they're reaching a wider audience.

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Good, thanks :wink2: Tho, I am a bit disapointed, cuz Hurts are coming this autumn here, and I won't be able to see them...




At least she's doing great, that's what matters! Ohh, the Weasleys where there.. Oh. Too bad you coudn't see them guys :huh: I woud love to see Rupert live one day :naughty:

Yeah, she really does not care of us at all..n It's just her job, you know :sneaky2: Btw, find some guys who are going to go to Spain too, I wrote to them, but still waiting for answer. Good to know that there will be more Lithuanians :naughty:

Omg, are you excited about Meeks new song? Can't wait! I miss him so much!!! :wub2:


Yap, she is great!! ^_^ I wanted to go for Rupert and the twins, they are my fave characters from the books/movies :wub2: But it doesnt really matter since the most important thing right now is having mum at home and recovering so well.

Yap... Great!! Hope you will get in contact with them. Its gonna be great for you to have more lithuanian people round here to support you.

Didnt knew he was gonna realeased a new song so soon!!! Im too much into other things that I cant hardly notice the rest of the things...


I hope you mother is ok and that she recovers well and I hope you manage to get a great job soon.




That's a shame. I'm sure that you will get a chance to see them in the future. They seem to tour more countries than other bands/singers.


She is doing great, so... :wub2: The job thing is gonna be a bit harder to do. Seems like our city doesnt have any money more...


Hey how are you doing in here?:pinkbow:


Hey!!! Im fine, taking care of mum and all that. You???

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Yap, she is great!! ^_^ I wanted to go for Rupert and the twins, they are my fave characters from the books/movies :wub2: But it doesnt really matter since the most important thing right now is having mum at home and recovering so well.

Yap... Great!! Hope you will get in contact with them. Its gonna be great for you to have more lithuanian people round here to support you.

Didnt knew he was gonna realeased a new song so soon!!! Im too much into other things that I cant hardly notice the rest of the things...


Ah, I love Rupert and all gang, but of course, your mum is in the first place :wink2:

Yeah, I know! Still waiting for them to aswer tho.

Nobody knew he is going to release new song! It came out of the blue yesterday and BAM! :wub2: Man, I love the song! :wub2:

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Is she doing good?

I'm fine, thanks! :)


Yap, she is doing fine. Better than the other womens that got surgery the same day.

Glad to know that. Are you gonna spend vacation somewhere??


Ah, I love Rupert and all gang, but of course, your mum is in the first place :wink2:

Yeah, I know! Still waiting for them to aswer tho.

Nobody knew he is going to release new song! It came out of the blue yesterday and BAM! :wub2: Man, I love the song! :wub2:


Same here :wub2:

Hope they will answer soon, maybe they can help ya a bit.

That was a great surprise!!!


I'm glad to hear it. I think the whole of Europe has no money. I'm having job trouble too.


Yap, sadly. what problems are you having??

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Same here :wub2:

Hope they will answer soon, maybe they can help ya a bit.

That was a great surprise!!!


Hehe :naughty:

I hope they can :naughty: Btw, bought my tickets from London to Seville. One step closer to Spain now :naughty:

It is! I just read that Mika finished the song like 2 days ago, that's why nobody knew about this. A week ago he was still writing it! Insane! Apparently "This is how they do it these days" :roftl: But it's such a tease.. He releases new single now and a records only next year. The wait is gonna be so long! :boxed:

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Hehe :naughty:

I hope they can :naughty: Btw, bought my tickets from London to Seville. One step closer to Spain now :naughty:

It is! I just read that Mika finished the song like 2 days ago, that's why nobody knew about this. A week ago he was still writing it! Insane! Apparently "This is how they do it these days" :roftl: But it's such a tease.. He releases new single now and a records only next year. The wait is gonna be so long! :boxed:


So, when are you arriving to Seville??? I can get you (or try to) cheap train tickets, in case we can met there that day...

Then, that was the best surprise ever!!! Im pretty sure that, if the record is for next year, he will released another single before it...


The company I work for is in trouble. They're not making enough money.


Oh, sorry to hear that, hope that awfull situation will change soon :huglove:

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So, when are you arriving to Seville??? I can get you (or try to) cheap train tickets, in case we can met there that day...

Then, that was the best surprise ever!!! Im pretty sure that, if the record is for next year, he will released another single before it...


On September 29th aroud 8PM acording to the ticket. I have a feeling that no one will come from the uni to meet us there :naughty:

I really hope so! I love Mika's surprises :wub2: Can't get enough of the Elle me dit :wub2:

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I hope so too. Things were going so well.


Im pretty sure this is just momentary (does that word exist???). Hope this is gonna change soon and you nor any of your partners will loose your job :huglove:


On September 29th aroud 8PM acording to the ticket. I have a feeling that no one will come from the uni to meet us there :naughty:

I really hope so! I love Mika's surprises :wub2: Can't get enough of the Elle me dit :wub2:


Okis!!! I will try to be there. Cause no matter what I will be doing right then, I will have to skip a day of class/work/whatever. Yap, dont wait for them, they dont seem to care. But I think those kind of things go that way round here.

Yap, same here :wub2:

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Okis!!! I will try to be there. Cause no matter what I will be doing right then, I will have to skip a day of class/work/whatever. Yap, dont wait for them, they dont seem to care. But I think those kind of things go that way round here.

Yap, same here :wub2:



You will be there? :teehee::pinkbow: Yeah, they don't seem to care.. :huh:

Aah, can't wait for the new record :wub2:

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Haha, tell me about it.. :roftl:


Have you got any other concerts lined up?


Im pretty sure this is just momentary (does that word exist???). Hope this is gonna change soon and you nor any of your partners will loose your job :huglove:


It's just fingers crossed at the moment. (That word does exist :biggrin2:)

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Have you got any other concerts lined up?


No, no good bands/artists here this summer. There's Tiesto, but I am not a fan of that kind of music :blink:


Any concerts for you?

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You will be there? :teehee::pinkbow: Yeah, they don't seem to care.. :huh:

Aah, can't wait for the new record :wub2:


I will try, tho I got some bad news this morning and Im not sure what Im gonna do next school year and... Well, I cant say for sure now, but I will let ya now, ok?? :wub2:

Same here. Tho Im listening a lot to Glee's songs. There is an actor I really like how he sings, he has a great voice!!


Have you got any other concerts lined up?




It's just fingers crossed at the moment. (That word does exist :biggrin2:)


Then, fingers crossed for you round here too. (Great! :aah:)

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I will try, tho I got some bad news this morning and Im not sure what Im gonna do next school year and... Well, I cant say for sure now, but I will let ya now, ok?? :wub2:

Same here. Tho Im listening a lot to Glee's songs. There is an actor I really like how he sings, he has a great voice!!


What happened? What did you heard? :huglove: Hope erything will be great, you deserve it :wub2: Ok, hun, don't worry :teehee:

Btw, if there's any news about apartments in Huelva? Me and partner really considering on getting one, but we have no idea how :aah:

Oh, Glee. They show it here, but on very inconvenient time, so I don't watch it. But from I know, they do have great voices! :naughty:

The more I listen to "Elle me dit" the more I think that this upcoming Mika's record might be the best thing he ever has done, as he said before. Tho, it's too early to say :naughty:

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No, no good bands/artists here this summer. There's Tiesto, but I am not a fan of that kind of music :blink:


Any concerts for you?


Just one. I'm seeing The Feeling in October.


What do you think of Mikas new song?





Then, fingers crossed for you round here too. (Great! :aah:)


Thanks. How is your mother?

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Just one. I'm seeing The Feeling in October.


What do you think of Mikas new song?

Oh, The Feeling, great band! I was addicted to their "Sewn" few years ago!

I really like it! I always liked songs in the languages I don't really understand :naughty: Then you just start to listen to the song, not the meaning behind it, tho sometimes the meaning and the lyrics are the thing that hooks you up to the song :naughty: I don't know, I enjoy the new song very much :naughty: How about you?

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