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MIKA's Finger Nipping Fan Club


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someone posted a link to em 1 years time ago i think.... found em in one of my photobucket accounts today!


A truly good finding! I haven't seen these before.


Snatched the following from the new gasmics (which woow! has gone from nonexistence to page 18! in just a day!!!)



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A truly good finding! I haven't seen these before.


Snatched the following from the new gasmics (which woow! has gone from nonexistence to page 18! in just a day!!!)




theres A LOT more from that page...


(18 pages is nothing compared to 1 years time ago... sometimes made 25 pages a day... and when a new gasmic was made a lot more )



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theres A LOT more from that page...


(18 pages is nothing compared to 1 years time ago... sometimes made 25 pages a day... and when a new gasmic was made a lot more )




I'm already struggling between work and gasmics, the former, unfortunately, at defeat. At that pace I guess I have to at one point make the choice between MFC and work. I'm not ready to place a bet on either one just yet :lmfao:

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WOW! We've moved! I love moving - house, country, you name it! :biggrin2:


Hi girls, time for a little housewarming and we even have a guest of honour



Oh ok... Let's celebrate with a '' not such a nipping but pretty close'' pic...:naughty:




P.S. Loved ur guest of honour... Can we meet him?? Is he a friend of yours??:shocked::roftl:

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Oh ok... Let's celebrate with a '' not such a nipping but pretty close'' pic...:naughty:




P.S. Loved ur guest of honour... Can we meet him?? Is he a friend of yours??:shocked::roftl:



He's not my ex, you know that much, dot ya :wink2:?



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I love his jacket :mf_lustslow:


He has a truly amazing collection of jackets. My fav of casual jackets is this




and I like this a lot too




and these






and there are others, but I'm not going make a jacket parade here ATM :lmfao: , though I' love to see his stylish jackets all on one page :wub2:

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He has a truly amazing collection of jackets. My fav of casual jackets is this




and I like this a lot too




and these






and there are others, but I'm not going make a jacket parade here ATM :lmfao: , though I' love to see his stylish jackets all on one page :wub2:


yes, he's very stylish, I love his jacket collection too haha, we could make a thread hahaha :naughty:

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My favourite casual fav. is this one...:wink2:


He has a truly amazing collection of jackets. My fav of casual jackets is this





and there are others, but I'm not going make a jacket parade here ATM :lmfao: , though I' love to see his stylish jackets all on one page :wub2:



And another favourite is his Viktor&Rolf jacket...



And oh yeah...the nipping thread...:lmfao:



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And oh yeah...the nipping thread...:lmfao:




Oh, yeah! It is THE nipping thread! :lmfao: almost forgot :lmfao: I wish I had something to post too, but no - haven't been out hunting for sooo long. :emot-sad:


I picked up on that too, it's soo cute :wub2:


gonna have to be looking out for more pictures of this :)


Welcome to MFC and to the nipping thread! :welcomeani: Please do look out for pics of MIKA the Nibbler! I'd be soo grateful :blush-anim-cl: !

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