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Elle me dit - Song and Lyrics Discussion

What do you think of Mika's new single 'Elle Me Dit'?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of Mika's new single 'Elle Me Dit'?

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Love that vid. It was great to hear the intro! Is THAT why Mika left home? LOL


Maybe :naughty:

thanks for the video. It was too hard to resist against my desire to watch it live

Interesting... Imma sings the chorus too! She'll feel more and more confident and will sing it louder very soon :thumb_yello:

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I DONT KNOW FRENCH...SO I recompose THIS :P hope it useful for u



lle me dit "écris une chanson contente,

pas une chanson déprimante,

une chanson que tout le monde aime".


{She tells me "make a happy song,

not a depressing one,

a song that everybody loves".}


Elle me dit "tu deviendras milliardaire.

T'auras de quoi être fier.

Ne finis pas comme ton père".


{She tells me "you'll be a billionaire.

You'll have something to be proud of.

Don't end up like your father".}

Elle me dit "ne t'enferme pas dans ta chambre,

vas-y, secoue-toi et danse

dis moi c'est quoi ton problème?"


{She tells me,

"don't lock yourself up in your room.

Come on, do something!

Tell me what your problem is".}



Elle me dit "qu'est ce que t'as t'as l'air coincé,

t'es défoncé ou t'es gai

Tu finiras comme ton frère"


{She tells me "what's up with you,

you look uncomfortable,

Are you on drugs (you're high) or happy?

You'll end up like your brother".}




Elle me dit,

Elle me dit "c'est ta vie

fais ce que tu veux tant pis

un jour tu comprendras

un jour tu t'en voudras"


{She tells me, "it's your life.

Do what you want, whatever.

One day you'll understand and

then you'll blame yourself/feel bad about it".}

Elle me dit "t'es trop nul,

sors un peu de ta bulle.

Tu fais n'importe quoi

on dirait que t'aimes ca."


{She tells me "you're so lame,

get out of your bubble.

You're doing whatever you fancy,

it looks like you enjoy it".}

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?

Danse danse danse danse elle me dit danse". x2


{"Why are you wasting your life?

Dance dance, she tells me to dance."}


Elle me dit "fais comme les autres garcons,

va taper dans un ballon,

tu deviendras populaire".


{She tells me "

do like other boys and kick a ball.

You'll become famous"}

Elle me dit, "qu'est-ce que tu fous sur internet,

ca va pas bien dans ta tête.

Regarde le temps que tu perds."


{She tells me "what are you doing on the internet?

There's something wrong in your head.

Look at all the time you're wasting".}

Elle me dit "pourquoi tu te plains tout le temps?

On dirait que t'as huit ans.

C'est pas comme ca que tu vas plaire"


{"Why are you complaining all the time?

You look like an 8 year old.

You're not going to please anybody that way".}



Elle me dit "un jour je ne serai plus là

et c'est quand elle me dit ça

qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.


{She tells me "one day I won't be there anymore"

and it's when she tells me this that she's telling me something I like to hear.}




Elle me dit, "t'as pas encore des cheveux blancs,

mais t'auras bientôt 30 ans,

faudrait que tu te réveilles".

{She tells me, "you don't have white hair yet

but you're almost 30,

you should wake up now".}


Elle me dit "tu es toujours un enfant,

tu ne seras jamais grand.

Et moi je suis déjà vieille"

{She tells me, "you're still a child,

you'll never grow up and I'm already old"}

Elle me dit "regarde un peu tes amis,

qu'est-ce qu'ils vont faire de leur vie,

y' a de quoi se foutre en l'air".


{She tells me,

" look at your friends and what they're doing with their lives.

It's really depressing"}



Elle me dit, "oui un jour tu me tueras"

et c'est quand elle me dit ca

qu'elle me dit un truc que j'aime.


{She tells me,

"one day you'll kill me" and when she tells me this

she's telling me something I like to hear.}

Edited by jimmy1111
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lolololol honestly, this is what I play in my head


elle mi dit mmm mmm mmm ah

elle me dit mmm mmm mmm baby


elle mi dit mmm mmm mmm ah

elle mi dit mmm mmm mmm crotch


elle mi dit dance dance dance




I see now crotch is actually pourqoui tu gauche

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Yeah that's about where I'm at :lmfao: I find myself singing the entire chorus though if the song is not playing. He just sings too fast but if I can do it at my own pace I'm okay. But it is a real tongue twister. :aah:


lolololol honestly, this is what I play in my head


elle mi dit mmm mmm mmm ah

elle me dit mmm mmm mmm baby


elle mi dit mmm mmm mmm ah

elle mi dit mmm mmm mmm crotch


elle mi dit dance dance dance




I see now crotch is actually pourqoui tu gauche


:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

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Reading the translation of the song, I think the story/meaning is interesting. As for the rest - I think it's only alright. The thing I dislike the most is that Mika's gorgeous voice sounds so distorted and fake (if fake is the right word to use).


I don't mean to sound rude, but I truly hope the other songs aren't like this. :bleh:


EDIT: I listened to the above link of him singing it live and I think it sounds better live. Better than the studio recorded crap version. :huh:

Edited by iadoremika
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I love it too much :wub2:


Reading the translation of the song, I think the story/meaning is interesting. As for the rest - I think it's only alright. The thing I dislike the most is that Mika's gorgeous voice sounds so distorted and fake (if fake is the right word to use).


I don't mean to sound rude, but I truly hope the other songs aren't like this. :bleh:


EDIT: I listened to the above link of him singing it live and I think it sounds better live. Better than the studio recorded crap version. :huh:


Yeah, he's voice sounds fake, I tought I'm the only one who had notice this!

But live sounds muuuuuuuuuuch better, I was there!!! :wub2:

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i must admit i don't quite enjoy the song either because of that sound effect (don't know what is called) which seems to me he talks on the phone :blink: and i can't hear his amazing voice...i can understand it's what everybody uses these days, but ...:sneaky2:


i hope he won't use that on the whole third album...

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I LOVE the song !!! But Mika doesn't give justice to his fabulous voice in it. As Mika said it's the perfect song for summer and that's it. I'm glad it'll be a bonus track in his new album though.

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i must admit i don't quite enjoy the song either because of that sound effect (don't know what is called) which seems to me he talks on the phone :blink: and i can't hear his amazing voice...i can understand it's what everybody uses these days, but ...:sneaky2:


i hope he won't use that on the whole third album...


I think the term is compression, from what I remember of my days studying sound engineering.

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Wow I haven't posted anything in a long long time but I really want to express my feelings about this song to know if anyone feels the same way. Maybe somebody has already said it, I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I need to get this off my chest.


Well the song overall is not a bad song. On some level, it is a good mika song (as somebody mentioned it before)


Paradoxically enough, that is what bugs me. It is a Mika song. Sure, I should not be expecting more, but I have the feeling I heard it already, just in another language, but it is basically the same thing. "Hello, I'm rejected, everybody wants me to be someone I am not, the peer pressure is tough..."


I don't mean this in a mean way of course. It's just that I feel like Mika can do so much better and he has so much potential but he is getting comfortable with his success. Sure, he has changed his voice, and the fact that it s more electro than pop does not mean that it is very different (concerning the meaning of the song)

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Sure, he has changed his voice, and the fact that it s more electro than pop does not mean that it is very different (concerning the meaning of the song)


Yep, I totally undersand what you mean, and I do love the song. :teehee:

My only concern is that he will turn into just another over-produced, auto-tuned artist that are so plentiful these days. No criticism of Elle Me Dit though!


Also, does anyone know if the song is going to be released in the UK?

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Paradoxically enough, that is what bugs me. It is a Mika song. Sure, I should not be expecting more, but I have the feeling I heard it already, just in another language, but it is basically the same thing. "Hello, I'm rejected, everybody wants me to be someone I am not, the peer pressure is tough..."



well, you're probably right...he CAN do better, but i'd rather listen to this then to things like "tonight i'll give it to you harder" or "come here, rudeboy, can you get it up..." or other crazy lyrics pretty much used in all songs these days :sneaky2:

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well, you're probably right...he CAN do better, but i'd rather listen to this then to things like "tonight i'll give it to you harder" or "come here, rudeboy, can you get it up..." or other crazy lyrics pretty much used in all songs these days :sneaky2:

Yes I agree, and I'm sick of people with much less talent than Mika getting their songs all over the radio.

It's brave of Mika to try something different. I'm sure it will pay off.

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Paradoxically enough, that is what bugs me. It is a Mika song. Sure, I should not be expecting more, but I have the feeling I heard it already, just in another language, but it is basically the same thing. "Hello, I'm rejected, everybody wants me to be someone I am not, the peer pressure is tough..."



I think someone touched on this a little in the other thread in that the song seems to defy his assertion that he is no longer going to make songs about childhood, etc. Sure this is his almost-30 self, but he still sounds like a teenager who relates to his mother as an adolescent and not an adult.


I am also sick of the "rejection" theme but it's not all Mika's fault since Gaga, Katy Perry et al have been carrying on where he last left off :aah: I have never related to this message and would not have even at 15 years old. I mean sure everyone feels misunderstood ,blah, blah. These are normal teenage emotions. But everyone cannot really be a "freak". That would by definition make them "normal". It all seems very gimmicky, especially coming from people who were most likely beautiful, gregarious, wealthy, etc. during that time of their lives and probably did not suffer anywhere near the real hardships of some of their fans.

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I think someone touched on this a little in the other thread in that the song seems to defy his assertion that he is no longer going to make songs about childhood, etc. Sure this is his almost-30 self, but he still sounds like a teenager who relates to his mother as an adolescent and not an adult.


I am also sick of the "rejection" theme but it's not all Mika's fault since Gaga, Katy Perry et al have been carrying on where he last left off :aah: I have never related to this message and would not have even at 15 years old. I mean sure everyone feels misunderstood ,blah, blah. These are normal teenage emotions. But everyone cannot really be a "freak". That would by definition make them "normal". It all seems very gimmicky, especially coming from people who were most likely beautiful, gregarious, wealthy, etc. during that time of their lives and probably did not suffer anywhere near the real hardships of some of their fans.


Like rich people talking about how relieved they feel now that they can pay their bills?? :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:

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I can't get enough of this song! :jawdrop: There are no words for how much I love it! I see some people have mentioned that his voice sounds distorted, I've noticed that there are two versions going around on youtube and in the one posted by Universal France his voice sounds perfect, whereas in some others, even in the one posted by Mikasounds the quality sounds like it was recorded off the radio or something... so don't listen to that one :naughty:

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I can't get enough of this song! :jawdrop: There are no words for how much I love it! I see some people have mentioned that his voice sounds distorted, I've noticed that there are two versions going around on youtube and in the one posted by Universal France his voice sounds perfect, whereas in some others, even in the one posted by Mikasounds the quality sounds like it was recorded off the radio or something... so don't listen to that one :naughty:


And again Mika fans must skip mikasounds :mf_rosetinted:

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I can't get enough of this song! :jawdrop: There are no words for how much I love it! I see some people have mentioned that his voice sounds distorted, I've noticed that there are two versions going around on youtube and in the one posted by Universal France his voice sounds perfect, whereas in some others, even in the one posted by Mikasounds the quality sounds like it was recorded off the radio or something... so don't listen to that one :naughty:


Too right you are , I noticed it too :thumb_yello:

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