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2011 - MIKA @ B’estfest -Bucharest, Romania 02 July - REPORTS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS


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:roftl: I thought about the word 'Internet' too, and 'gay' depending on which meaning we should take for this word


But more seriously, I had the feeling that when he ****s it up as you said, he was going to sing in English.. Doesn't he start with something like 'Let the future..?' Or am I really going crazier than before :mf_rosetinted:


I can't hear any of that....:dunno:


I still think that he should ditch all the backing tracks though :aah:



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I can't hear any of that....:dunno:






So I guess he just mumbles something that doesn't make sense in any language.. Mika language :biggrin2:


And I agree about the backing vocals :wink2:

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Okay, so my review if officially finished. I'll post it now if it's okay for you. I just need to mention that my English might fail pretty often, so try not to focus on the quality of the language too much, please :aah:

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Okay, so my review if officially finished. I'll post it now if it's okay for you. I just need to mention that my English might fail pretty often, so try not to focus on the quality of the language too much, please :aah:


no problem, just post it :aah::aah::aah:

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:roftl: I thought about the word 'Internet' too, and 'gay' depending on which meaning we should take for this word


But more seriously, I had the feeling that when he ****s it up as you said, he was going to sing in English.. Doesn't he start with something like 'Let the future..?' Or am I really going crazier than before :mf_rosetinted:


no no, he was still singing in French, he just lost his words for a moment I think :naughty:

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I know this is supposed to be only a gig review, but I’m going to start with the beginning of the day, cause all that waiting was for us just as important as the concert. @petra, @diana and I got at the Bestfest Park by bus. There was a special bus going there, and we caught it thanks to Diana who saw it and thanks to our abilities of running really fast
. When we arrived there, the area was quite empty, except for two MFCers from Spain and some of the Romanian members. We checked the main attractions, and while we were walking peacefully I had this flash before my eyes. And I was like “Diana, is that Cherisse?” - “Daria, is that iMMa, next to her?”
That’s when our fangurl attitude took over, but in silence.
Cause we didn’t want them to hear and then see us doing strange excitement faces. When we calmed down, we ran to them and I mumbled something that was supposed to introduce us. There was Ben also and they were all extremely kind to us. They gave us autographs, we talked a bit.. They left, and we realized we forgot to take photos. So we ran back and took two awesome pics.

After that, basically, we’ve waited for the concert for 10 hours, but it wasn’t boring. It was like a MFC meeting. The atmosphere was great. We talked, took photos, gossiped, sang, danced, made suppositions about the structure of the show and the setlist.. It was really awesome. Mika was going to sing on the main stage of the festival, so while waiting for him we also saw the headline bands of the day, which was like a bonus for us.

Two hours before the concert, the crowd got much bigger. Everyone was pushing us against the railing and the pressure was big. That’s when Yasmine came up like a salvation and turned everything into a miracle. She started asking us if we wanted to dance on stage with Mika. Everyone was so shocked that they didn’t answer. Thanks God she picked me too… She gave us these stickers which let us access the backstage. The second we got here, I started trembling, and it wasn’t because of the temperature. It was literally too freaked out to realize what was happening, and I wasn’t the only one in that situation. Yasmine told us to wait outside, and she called us two by two in the changing room. While we were waiting, we saw this amazing, superior creature called Mika. He was walking across the hallway, wearing that awesome dark red jacket. The second time he walked in front of us, he was.. he was.. well, shirtless.

In the room in which we dressed up there were iMMa and Cherisse. iMMa recognized Diana and me, because we both talked to her in the morning. She was extremely friendly and cool with us, and this diluted our stress a bit. While we were putting on our LG/BG costumes, helped by Yasmine, we heard him. He was in the next room and he was warming up by singing Elle Me Dit. It was so unexpected, powerful, beautiful, that we started moving in complete silence just to hear his voice..

I asked Yasmine if there was a way for us to still watch the show, so she told us to go back to our friends. We literally walked on people to get there, but it was worth the view. I was 4 meters away from him.. When he got on stage I was so amazed that I just couldn’t move. I was there, looking at him and not believing my eyes. Funny part is that at the same time I was filmed, and my stunned face appeared on the big screens on the sides of the stage..

We were supposed to return in the backstage when hearing WAG, but the crowd was so massive that we were afraid to remain stuck on our way out. So, after the first 4 or 5 songs, we left the front row and went to the right side of the scene. People were really quiet there, some of them were sitting on the grass, smoking, chillin’ out.. We basically rocked them all. We were three LGs and we started shouting the lyrics, dancing ourselves out, spinning, jumping.. Well, you see what I mean. EVERYONE was staring at us, especially that most of them had no idea what was the thing with our costumes. Some drunk guys joined us and we danced like this through Kich Ass, Elle Me Dit, Love Today.. I stopped after that one cause I was about to faint and we ran out of water.

We finally heard the magic notes announcing the beginning of WAG, and we rushed to the backstage with eyes like radars, looking for Yasmine. She took us behind the scene. She put our wigs on while holding a lantern with her teeth (yeah, it was pretty impressive). From there we could hear the music, the people, and we realized that it was a really massive gig. As for me, I felt like melting on the floor, so I just turned around, grabbed the first bottle of water that I saw, probably thrown by an artist (first time I drank from an unknown bottle) and swallowed as much water as I could. Just in time to miss Yasmine’s sign to go on stage, so I started running in ninja mode to catch the others. You can still see on the videos that I’m a tad late when I get on stage. And this is where things get really dizzy. I’ll try to be as precise as I can, cause it’s an important moment. Here are the images I still have left in my head: there was a lot of light, and then a huge number of people. It was so big that I couldn’t see the end of the crowd. Everyone seemed to be plugged in the same machine, cause they were all jumping in the same time. I felt like everything around me was moving on Mika’s rhythm. And I simply lost myself. I started going round and round, holding my wig, holding my dress, and there was that large shirtless Mika back running across the stage. I was afraid to walk in his way; he was so fast that he would have definitely squeezed me. It all happened so fast!! I remember trying to get closer to him, but I was scared, so I dropped the idea quickly. Before we knew it, the song was over. I was looking at the public and at him, and I felt (don’t laugh) proud of him. It was like understanding his feelings in front of all those faces. We waved goodbye, he ran backstage, and that was the last time we saw him properly.

We returned to the dressing room, took off our costumes without even taking a picture with Mika. It wasn’t that bad though, cause iMMa was there and she kind of cheered us up. She took pictures of us while we were changing, but I hope she’s not going to post them anywhere. Yasmine asked for things we wanted to be signed by Mika. I told her that a lot of MFC members where outside waiting for an m&g, and she said she would ask her brother what he was up to. She left with our stuff and we went out of the room. Mika’s door was opening sometimes, and we were desperately waiting for those moments. Diana noticed that he left his jacket on a chair, so we sneaked there and caressed it. I know it was an odd reaction but we couldn’t help it. She was about to take a photo when Yasmine came. She gave us the signed things, thanked us for our help and said something like “it’s time for you to go”. I was pretty surprised, cause she was definitely doing this to get Mika rid of us. I took it as a clear no for the m&g, but at that moment I didn’t really care. The day was already much better than my imagination had ever been. Front row, dancing in the crowd and on stage, all during the same gig. Our friends were waiting for us at the entry of the backstage, with a lot of hugs & questions. We shared impressions, still hoping for an m&g. Some girls started calling for Mika, but it was clearly hopeless. I remained there for an hour, but I started feeling the effects of those 12 hours spent in the B’estfest Park. I left, with a strange feeling in my heart, a mix of magical happiness and dark depression. Today I heard that he eventually came out one hour and a half later and spent exactly 5 minutes with the people that waited for him for an entire day. My point isn’t to finish this review on a negative tone. I hope I made it clear that this was definitely a huge day for me, and I will always remember it. But there are things that hurt us, and I can’t just skip them because they could affect Mika’s image. I'd really like to know what you think about this, if I'm overacting or not. But except this part, if you have any more questions, if there are things you didn't understand or things I didn't mention, I'll be happy to tell you all that I still remember

Oh, and I'm not quite sure how this attachment thing goes, but you should have here a picture of the backstage pass and one with the autographs



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I know this is supposed to be only a gig review, but I’m going to start with the beginning of the day, cause all that waiting was for us just as important as the concert. @petra, @diana and I got at the Bestfest Park by bus. There was a special bus going there, and we caught it thanks to Diana who saw it and thanks to our abilities of running really fast
. When we arrived there, the area was quite empty, except for two MFCers from Spain and some of the Romanian members. We checked the main attractions, and while we were walking peacefully I had this flash before my eyes. And I was like “Diana, is that Cherisse?” - “Daria, is that iMMa, next to her?”
That’s when our fangurl attitude took over, but in silence.
Cause we didn’t want them to hear and then see us doing strange excitement faces. When we calmed down, we ran to them and I mumbled something that was supposed to introduce us. There was Ben also and they were all extremely kind to us. They gave us autographs, we talked a bit.. They left, and we realized we forgot to take photos. So we ran back and took two awesome pics.

After that, basically, we’ve waited for the concert for 10 hours, but it wasn’t boring. It was like a MFC meeting. The atmosphere was great. We talked, took photos, gossiped, sang, danced, made suppositions about the structure of the show and the setlist.. It was really awesome. Mika was going to sing on the main stage of the festival, so while waiting for him we also saw the headline bands of the day, which was like a bonus for us.

Two hours before the concert, the crowd got much bigger. Everyone was pushing us against the railing and the pressure was big. That’s when Yasmine came up like a salvation and turned everything into a miracle. She started asking us if we wanted to dance on stage with Mika. Everyone was so shocked that they didn’t answer. Thanks God she picked me too… She gave us these stickers which let us access the backstage. The second we got here, I started trembling, and it wasn’t because of the temperature. It was literally too freaked out to realize what was happening, and I wasn’t the only one in that situation. Yasmine told us to wait outside, and she called us two by two in the changing room. While we were waiting, we saw this amazing, superior creature called Mika. He was walking across the hallway, wearing that awesome dark red jacket. The second time he walked in front of us, he was.. he was.. well, shirtless.

In the room in which we dressed up there were iMMa and Cherisse. iMMa recognized Diana and me, because we both talked to her in the morning. She was extremely friendly and cool with us, and this diluted our stress a bit. While we were putting on our LG/BG costumes, helped by Yasmine, we heard him. He was in the next room and he was warming up by singing Elle Me Dit. It was so unexpected, powerful, beautiful, that we started moving in complete silence just to hear his voice..

I asked Yasmine if there was a way for us to still watch the show, so she told us to go back to our friends. We literally walked on people to get there, but it was worth the view. I was 4 meters away from him.. When he got on stage I was so amazed that I just couldn’t move. I was there, looking at him and not believing my eyes. Funny part is that at the same time I was filmed, and my stunned face appeared on the big screens on the sides of the stage..

We were supposed to return in the backstage when hearing WAG, but the crowd was so massive that we were afraid to remain stuck on our way out. So, after the first 4 or 5 songs, we left the front row and went to the right side of the scene. People were really quiet there, some of them were sitting on the grass, smoking, chillin’ out.. We basically rocked them all. We were three LGs and we started shouting the lyrics, dancing ourselves out, spinning, jumping.. Well, you see what I mean. EVERYONE was staring at us, especially that most of them had no idea what was the thing with our costumes. Some drunk guys joined us and we danced like this through Kich Ass, Elle Me Dit, Love Today.. I stopped after that one cause I was about to faint and we ran out of water.

We finally heard the magic notes announcing the beginning of WAG, and we rushed to the backstage with eyes like radars, looking for Yasmine. She took us behind the scene. She put our wigs on while holding a lantern with her teeth (yeah, it was pretty impressive). From there we could hear the music, the people, and we realized that it was a really massive gig. As for me, I felt like melting on the floor, so I just turned around, grabbed the first bottle of water that I saw, probably thrown by an artist (first time I drank from an unknown bottle) and swallowed as much water as I could. Just in time to miss Yasmine’s sign to go on stage, so I started running in ninja mode to catch the others. You can still see on the videos that I’m a tad late when I get on stage. And this is where things get really dizzy. I’ll try to be as precise as I can, cause it’s an important moment. Here are the images I still have left in my head: there was a lot of light, and then a huge number of people. It was so big that I couldn’t see the end of the crowd. Everyone seemed to be plugged in the same machine, cause they were all jumping in the same time. I felt like everything around me was moving on Mika’s rhythm. And I simply lost myself. I started going round and round, holding my wig, holding my dress, and there was that large shirtless Mika back running across the stage. I was afraid to walk in his way; he was so fast that he would have definitely squeezed me. It all happened so fast!! I remember trying to get closer to him, but I was scared, so I dropped the idea quickly. Before we knew it, the song was over. I was looking at the public and at him, and I felt (don’t laugh) proud of him. It was like understanding his feelings in front of all those faces. We waved goodbye, he ran backstage, and that was the last time we saw him properly.

We returned to the dressing room, took off our costumes without even taking a picture with Mika. It wasn’t that bad though, cause iMMa was there and she kind of cheered us up. She took pictures of us while we were changing, but I hope she’s not going to post them anywhere. Yasmine asked for things we wanted to be signed by Mika. I told her that a lot of MFC members where outside waiting for an m&g, and she said she would ask her brother what he was up to. She left with our stuff and we went out of the room. Mika’s door was opening sometimes, and we were desperately waiting for those moments. Diana noticed that he left his jacket on a chair, so we sneaked there and caressed it. I know it was an odd reaction but we couldn’t help it. She was about to take a photo when Yasmine came. She gave us the signed things, thanked us for our help and said something like “it’s time for you to go”. I was pretty surprised, cause she was definitely doing this to get Mika rid of us. I took it as a clear no for the m&g, but at that moment I didn’t really care. The day was already much better than my imagination had ever been. Front row, dancing in the crowd and on stage, all during the same gig. Our friends were waiting for us at the entry of the backstage, with a lot of hugs & questions. We shared impressions, still hoping for an m&g. Some girls started calling for Mika, but it was clearly hopeless. I remained there for an hour, but I started feeling the effects of those 12 hours spent in the B’estfest Park. I left, with a strange feeling in my heart, a mix of magical happiness and dark depression. Today I heard that he eventually came out one hour and a half later and spent exactly 5 minutes with the people that waited for him for an entire day. My point isn’t to finish this review on a negative tone. I hope I made it clear that this was definitely a huge day for me, and I will always remember it. But there are things that hurt us, and I can’t just skip them because they could affect Mika’s image. I'd really like to know what you think about this, if I'm overacting or not. But except this part, if you have any more questions, if there are things you didn't understand or things I didn't mention, I'll be happy to tell you all that I still remember

Oh, and I'm not quite sure how this attachment thing goes, but you should have here a picture of the backstage pass and one with the autographs


That sounds amazing! I wish it could be like that for me. :wub2: It's sad that you didnt get to meet him but you got everything else! And hopefully you'll get to meet him another time! =)

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He did sing Lollipop, that's when we got on stage. And it was Yasmine who organized everything. She was sooo kind to us :teehee:


My eye's doing this: :shocked:

I WaNT TO BE LOLLIPOP GIRL!!!! At tw-classic my mother was Big girl, and I just stood there in the crowd with Sylvana and my sister.. I was SO angry she was allowed! The just needed big girls, they already HAD lollipop girls! And its my dream to perform in front of soooo many people! and OOOOH!!!:sneaky2:


ahem.. ok.. *calms down* really lucky that you were lollipop girl!:biggrin2:

Great pictures everyone!:D it makes me happy to see him happy and healthy and not too skinny!:thumb_yello: I loooooove the shirtless photo's! :teehee:

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My eye's doing this: :shocked:

I WaNT TO BE LOLLIPOP GIRL!!!! At tw-classic my mother was Big girl, and I just stood there in the crowd with Sylvana and my sister.. I was SO angry she was allowed! The just needed big girls, they already HAD lollipop girls! And its my dream to perform in front of soooo many people! and OOOOH!!!:sneaky2:


ahem.. ok.. *calms down* really lucky that you were lollipop girl!:biggrin2:

Great pictures everyone!:D it makes me happy to see him happy and healthy and not too skinny!:thumb_yello: I loooooove the shirtless photo's! :teehee:


I thought you WERE a lollipopgirl? :aah:

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My eye's doing this: :shocked:

I WaNT TO BE LOLLIPOP GIRL!!!! At tw-classic my mother was Big girl, and I just stood there in the crowd with Sylvana and my sister.. I was SO angry she was allowed! The just needed big girls, they already HAD lollipop girls! And its my dream to perform in front of soooo many people! and OOOOH!!!:sneaky2:


ahem.. ok.. *calms down* really lucky that you were lollipop girl!:biggrin2:

Great pictures everyone!:D it makes me happy to see him happy and healthy and not too skinny!:thumb_yello: I loooooove the shirtless photo's! :teehee:

hahah I read that your brother was a big girl and I was like :blink: how her brother can be big girl and I try to read again and I again I read your brother and I still van't believe it and after 3rd time I saw that you wrote your mother :aah: :aah:

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I know this is supposed to be only a gig review, but I’m going to start with the beginning of the day, cause all that waiting was for us just as important as the concert. @petra, @diana and I got at the Bestfest Park by bus. There was a special bus going there, and we caught it thanks to Diana who saw it and thanks to our abilities of running really fast
. When we arrived there, the area was quite empty, except for two MFCers from Spain and some of the Romanian members. We checked the main attractions, and while we were walking peacefully I had this flash before my eyes. And I was like “Diana, is that Cherisse?” - “Daria, is that iMMa, next to her?”
That’s when our fangurl attitude took over, but in silence.
Cause we didn’t want them to hear and then see us doing strange excitement faces. When we calmed down, we ran to them and I mumbled something that was supposed to introduce us. There was Ben also and they were all extremely kind to us. They gave us autographs, we talked a bit.. They left, and we realized we forgot to take photos. So we ran back and took two awesome pics.

After that, basically, we’ve waited for the concert for 10 hours, but it wasn’t boring. It was like a MFC meeting. The atmosphere was great. We talked, took photos, gossiped, sang, danced, made suppositions about the structure of the show and the setlist.. It was really awesome. Mika was going to sing on the main stage of the festival, so while waiting for him we also saw the headline bands of the day, which was like a bonus for us.

Two hours before the concert, the crowd got much bigger. Everyone was pushing us against the railing and the pressure was big. That’s when Yasmine came up like a salvation and turned everything into a miracle. She started asking us if we wanted to dance on stage with Mika. Everyone was so shocked that they didn’t answer. Thanks God she picked me too… She gave us these stickers which let us access the backstage. The second we got here, I started trembling, and it wasn’t because of the temperature. It was literally too freaked out to realize what was happening, and I wasn’t the only one in that situation. Yasmine told us to wait outside, and she called us two by two in the changing room. While we were waiting, we saw this amazing, superior creature called Mika. He was walking across the hallway, wearing that awesome dark red jacket. The second time he walked in front of us, he was.. he was.. well, shirtless.

In the room in which we dressed up there were iMMa and Cherisse. iMMa recognized Diana and me, because we both talked to her in the morning. She was extremely friendly and cool with us, and this diluted our stress a bit. While we were putting on our LG/BG costumes, helped by Yasmine, we heard him. He was in the next room and he was warming up by singing Elle Me Dit. It was so unexpected, powerful, beautiful, that we started moving in complete silence just to hear his voice..

I asked Yasmine if there was a way for us to still watch the show, so she told us to go back to our friends. We literally walked on people to get there, but it was worth the view. I was 4 meters away from him.. When he got on stage I was so amazed that I just couldn’t move. I was there, looking at him and not believing my eyes. Funny part is that at the same time I was filmed, and my stunned face appeared on the big screens on the sides of the stage..

We were supposed to return in the backstage when hearing WAG, but the crowd was so massive that we were afraid to remain stuck on our way out. So, after the first 4 or 5 songs, we left the front row and went to the right side of the scene. People were really quiet there, some of them were sitting on the grass, smoking, chillin’ out.. We basically rocked them all. We were three LGs and we started shouting the lyrics, dancing ourselves out, spinning, jumping.. Well, you see what I mean. EVERYONE was staring at us, especially that most of them had no idea what was the thing with our costumes. Some drunk guys joined us and we danced like this through Kich Ass, Elle Me Dit, Love Today.. I stopped after that one cause I was about to faint and we ran out of water.

We finally heard the magic notes announcing the beginning of WAG, and we rushed to the backstage with eyes like radars, looking for Yasmine. She took us behind the scene. She put our wigs on while holding a lantern with her teeth (yeah, it was pretty impressive). From there we could hear the music, the people, and we realized that it was a really massive gig. As for me, I felt like melting on the floor, so I just turned around, grabbed the first bottle of water that I saw, probably thrown by an artist (first time I drank from an unknown bottle) and swallowed as much water as I could. Just in time to miss Yasmine’s sign to go on stage, so I started running in ninja mode to catch the others. You can still see on the videos that I’m a tad late when I get on stage. And this is where things get really dizzy. I’ll try to be as precise as I can, cause it’s an important moment. Here are the images I still have left in my head: there was a lot of light, and then a huge number of people. It was so big that I couldn’t see the end of the crowd. Everyone seemed to be plugged in the same machine, cause they were all jumping in the same time. I felt like everything around me was moving on Mika’s rhythm. And I simply lost myself. I started going round and round, holding my wig, holding my dress, and there was that large shirtless Mika back running across the stage. I was afraid to walk in his way; he was so fast that he would have definitely squeezed me. It all happened so fast!! I remember trying to get closer to him, but I was scared, so I dropped the idea quickly. Before we knew it, the song was over. I was looking at the public and at him, and I felt (don’t laugh) proud of him. It was like understanding his feelings in front of all those faces. We waved goodbye, he ran backstage, and that was the last time we saw him properly.

We returned to the dressing room, took off our costumes without even taking a picture with Mika. It wasn’t that bad though, cause iMMa was there and she kind of cheered us up. She took pictures of us while we were changing, but I hope she’s not going to post them anywhere. Yasmine asked for things we wanted to be signed by Mika. I told her that a lot of MFC members where outside waiting for an m&g, and she said she would ask her brother what he was up to. She left with our stuff and we went out of the room. Mika’s door was opening sometimes, and we were desperately waiting for those moments. Diana noticed that he left his jacket on a chair, so we sneaked there and caressed it. I know it was an odd reaction but we couldn’t help it. She was about to take a photo when Yasmine came. She gave us the signed things, thanked us for our help and said something like “it’s time for you to go”. I was pretty surprised, cause she was definitely doing this to get Mika rid of us. I took it as a clear no for the m&g, but at that moment I didn’t really care. The day was already much better than my imagination had ever been. Front row, dancing in the crowd and on stage, all during the same gig. Our friends were waiting for us at the entry of the backstage, with a lot of hugs & questions. We shared impressions, still hoping for an m&g. Some girls started calling for Mika, but it was clearly hopeless. I remained there for an hour, but I started feeling the effects of those 12 hours spent in the B’estfest Park. I left, with a strange feeling in my heart, a mix of magical happiness and dark depression. Today I heard that he eventually came out one hour and a half later and spent exactly 5 minutes with the people that waited for him for an entire day. My point isn’t to finish this review on a negative tone. I hope I made it clear that this was definitely a huge day for me, and I will always remember it. But there are things that hurt us, and I can’t just skip them because they could affect Mika’s image. I'd really like to know what you think about this, if I'm overacting or not. But except this part, if you have any more questions, if there are things you didn't understand or things I didn't mention, I'll be happy to tell you all that I still remember

Oh, and I'm not quite sure how this attachment thing goes, but you should have here a picture of the backstage pass and one with the autographs



Hahahaha I love your way of writing!!:naughty::biggrin2: I'm really jealous! If I was allowed to be lollipop girl in Werchter, I would have looked at the crowd jumping up and down and maybe I would have hidden a camera somewhere to watch everything back of all the people..:naughty: Really nice report..:biggrin2: (i have said that..:aah:) uuh.. I don't know what I wanted to say.. never mind.. LOVE IT! can't wait till liege! july 10th!

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hahah I read that your brother was a big girl and I was like :blink: how her brother can be big girl and I try to read again and I again I read your brother and I still van't believe it and after 3rd time I saw that you wrote your mother:aah:



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I thought you WERE a lollipopgirl? :aah:


I WAS! in Düsseldorf! But it wasn't even sold out!!!:shocked::( My Mother was a big girl too then, but ALSO at werchter and that made me angry..:mf_rosetinted::wink2: and I was not at werchter.

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I know this is supposed to be only a gig review, but I’m going to start with the beginning of the day, cause all that waiting was for us just as important as the concert. @petra, @diana and I got at the Bestfest Park by bus. There was a special bus going there, and we caught it thanks to Diana who saw it and thanks to our abilities of running really fast
. When we arrived there, the area was quite empty, except for two MFCers from Spain and some of the Romanian members. We checked the main attractions, and while we were walking peacefully I had this flash before my eyes. And I was like “Diana, is that Cherisse?” - “Daria, is that iMMa, next to her?”
That’s when our fangurl attitude took over, but in silence.
Cause we didn’t want them to hear and then see us doing strange excitement faces. When we calmed down, we ran to them and I mumbled something that was supposed to introduce us. There was Ben also and they were all extremely kind to us. They gave us autographs, we talked a bit.. They left, and we realized we forgot to take photos. So we ran back and took two awesome pics.

After that, basically, we’ve waited for the concert for 10 hours, but it wasn’t boring. It was like a MFC meeting. The atmosphere was great. We talked, took photos, gossiped, sang, danced, made suppositions about the structure of the show and the setlist.. It was really awesome. Mika was going to sing on the main stage of the festival, so while waiting for him we also saw the headline bands of the day, which was like a bonus for us.

Two hours before the concert, the crowd got much bigger. Everyone was pushing us against the railing and the pressure was big. That’s when Yasmine came up like a salvation and turned everything into a miracle. She started asking us if we wanted to dance on stage with Mika. Everyone was so shocked that they didn’t answer. Thanks God she picked me too… She gave us these stickers which let us access the backstage. The second we got here, I started trembling, and it wasn’t because of the temperature. It was literally too freaked out to realize what was happening, and I wasn’t the only one in that situation. Yasmine told us to wait outside, and she called us two by two in the changing room. While we were waiting, we saw this amazing, superior creature called Mika. He was walking across the hallway, wearing that awesome dark red jacket. The second time he walked in front of us, he was.. he was.. well, shirtless.

In the room in which we dressed up there were iMMa and Cherisse. iMMa recognized Diana and me, because we both talked to her in the morning. She was extremely friendly and cool with us, and this diluted our stress a bit. While we were putting on our LG/BG costumes, helped by Yasmine, we heard him. He was in the next room and he was warming up by singing Elle Me Dit. It was so unexpected, powerful, beautiful, that we started moving in complete silence just to hear his voice..

I asked Yasmine if there was a way for us to still watch the show, so she told us to go back to our friends. We literally walked on people to get there, but it was worth the view. I was 4 meters away from him.. When he got on stage I was so amazed that I just couldn’t move. I was there, looking at him and not believing my eyes. Funny part is that at the same time I was filmed, and my stunned face appeared on the big screens on the sides of the stage..

We were supposed to return in the backstage when hearing WAG, but the crowd was so massive that we were afraid to remain stuck on our way out. So, after the first 4 or 5 songs, we left the front row and went to the right side of the scene. People were really quiet there, some of them were sitting on the grass, smoking, chillin’ out.. We basically rocked them all. We were three LGs and we started shouting the lyrics, dancing ourselves out, spinning, jumping.. Well, you see what I mean. EVERYONE was staring at us, especially that most of them had no idea what was the thing with our costumes. Some drunk guys joined us and we danced like this through Kich Ass, Elle Me Dit, Love Today.. I stopped after that one cause I was about to faint and we ran out of water.

We finally heard the magic notes announcing the beginning of WAG, and we rushed to the backstage with eyes like radars, looking for Yasmine. She took us behind the scene. She put our wigs on while holding a lantern with her teeth (yeah, it was pretty impressive). From there we could hear the music, the people, and we realized that it was a really massive gig. As for me, I felt like melting on the floor, so I just turned around, grabbed the first bottle of water that I saw, probably thrown by an artist (first time I drank from an unknown bottle) and swallowed as much water as I could. Just in time to miss Yasmine’s sign to go on stage, so I started running in ninja mode to catch the others. You can still see on the videos that I’m a tad late when I get on stage. And this is where things get really dizzy. I’ll try to be as precise as I can, cause it’s an important moment. Here are the images I still have left in my head: there was a lot of light, and then a huge number of people. It was so big that I couldn’t see the end of the crowd. Everyone seemed to be plugged in the same machine, cause they were all jumping in the same time. I felt like everything around me was moving on Mika’s rhythm. And I simply lost myself. I started going round and round, holding my wig, holding my dress, and there was that large shirtless Mika back running across the stage. I was afraid to walk in his way; he was so fast that he would have definitely squeezed me. It all happened so fast!! I remember trying to get closer to him, but I was scared, so I dropped the idea quickly. Before we knew it, the song was over. I was looking at the public and at him, and I felt (don’t laugh) proud of him. It was like understanding his feelings in front of all those faces. We waved goodbye, he ran backstage, and that was the last time we saw him properly.

We returned to the dressing room, took off our costumes without even taking a picture with Mika. It wasn’t that bad though, cause iMMa was there and she kind of cheered us up. She took pictures of us while we were changing, but I hope she’s not going to post them anywhere. Yasmine asked for things we wanted to be signed by Mika. I told her that a lot of MFC members where outside waiting for an m&g, and she said she would ask her brother what he was up to. She left with our stuff and we went out of the room. Mika’s door was opening sometimes, and we were desperately waiting for those moments. Diana noticed that he left his jacket on a chair, so we sneaked there and caressed it. I know it was an odd reaction but we couldn’t help it. She was about to take a photo when Yasmine came. She gave us the signed things, thanked us for our help and said something like “it’s time for you to go”. I was pretty surprised, cause she was definitely doing this to get Mika rid of us. I took it as a clear no for the m&g, but at that moment I didn’t really care. The day was already much better than my imagination had ever been. Front row, dancing in the crowd and on stage, all during the same gig. Our friends were waiting for us at the entry of the backstage, with a lot of hugs & questions. We shared impressions, still hoping for an m&g. Some girls started calling for Mika, but it was clearly hopeless. I remained there for an hour, but I started feeling the effects of those 12 hours spent in the B’estfest Park. I left, with a strange feeling in my heart, a mix of magical happiness and dark depression. Today I heard that he eventually came out one hour and a half later and spent exactly 5 minutes with the people that waited for him for an entire day. My point isn’t to finish this review on a negative tone. I hope I made it clear that this was definitely a huge day for me, and I will always remember it. But there are things that hurt us, and I can’t just skip them because they could affect Mika’s image. I'd really like to know what you think about this, if I'm overacting or not. But except this part, if you have any more questions, if there are things you didn't understand or things I didn't mention, I'll be happy to tell you all that I still remember

Oh, and I'm not quite sure how this attachment thing goes, but you should have here a picture of the backstage pass and one with the autographs


ooh, you have had so much fun! It's a really nice report! :thumb_yello:

It's my biggest dream to be a LG once ! (maybe July 10th? :naughty:) but I don't know, I also want to see Mika perform.. can you still see Mika perform then? 'cause while I was reading it looked like you were dancing next to the stage and couldn't see Mika ?

really jealous! :sneaky2::aah:

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I WAS! in Düsseldorf! But it wasn't even sold out!!!:shocked::( My Mother was a big girl too then, but ALSO at werchter and that made me angry..:mf_rosetinted::wink2: and I was not at werchter.


ohh...hahaha :aah: well, at least you got a chance! ;D

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This is for Darriah... i didn't quote you cuz this post would have been too long :naughty:



Sounds to me like you had a wonderful day. I love reading gig reports :wub2:


My opinion is this: You had a very busy day & went through soooooo much!

It's normal that you wanted a little more. In a way, it is to prolong the experience you had. No one wants a good thing to end right?


When i know Mika is coming to my town, i find the wait almost as exciting as the concert itself. Once the concert is over, he packs his bag and leaves & i go back to my regular life.


It's a bit like Christmas... dreaming of what's inside the box is as fun as opening it :naughty:

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Darriah, thank you so much for your report. I loved reading it. And I can understand your feeling about the M&G but I also can understand that Mika didn´t want to come out because he was tired and had to think about the first gig and what he wants to change .....

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I really enjoyed your report Darriah, thanks :flowers2: Your English is wonderful and expressive!


I understand your disappointment about not getting a chance to meet him. I've always said that meeting Mika is extra and it's not something you pay for when you buy a concert ticket. But I am surprised that the LGs/BGs are not prioritized for meeting him. If he has enough time and energy to go outside and meet fans later I don't understand why the LGs/BGs are not able to meet with him as well.

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Darriah, thank you so much for your report. I loved reading it. And I can understand your feeling about the M&G but I also can understand that Mika didn´t want to come out because he was tired and had to think about the first gig and what he wants to change .....


don't they have a little meeting after the gig? i think i heard that from Vero in Montreal (not sure)


this gig was late at night, wasn't it?

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Atmosferă colorată la concertul Mika. Ce trupe cânta în această seară la B'ESTFEST, festivalul care a mutat oraşul în câmp







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:teehee: Can I just say, that I like how the piano parts sound in the live Elle Me Dit version a LOT more than how they sound on the recorded one? It somehow sounds like it belongs more, if you know what I mean


I agree with you, it's blended better

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