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2011 - Benidorm Low Cost Festival, Spain - July 22 - REPORTS/PHOTOS/VIDEOS


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Woouu! Did it hurt?


Does Mika hurts?:naughty:


It didn't hurt whilst he was holding my arm writing it............it was very nice. :naughty:


Having the tattoo hurt a little.....but it didn't take very long.

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Security were very over zealous – and they would not let us hardly film:aah:

but i had just bought my new Lumix camera!!


I did manage most of Touches You but then got told off – Mika saw this and had a giggle – that was nice!

He gave us some nice smiles :blush-anim-cl:


It was over too soon of course even though it wasn’t that short but I could have stayed all night of course!


We headed out and did not wait long until he came out and chatted to people-

I wasn’t so in the mood to chat too much so I just hung back and watched him – this is nice….. We waved to him goodbye and then went to another Q –:aah: this time for a taxi home to our hotel!

It was all round a fab trip – thanks to everyone who made it a great experience – not only Mika – but thanks Mika for being a great guy and appreciating us!


I’m now listening to OK GO!

- this was the hand bell song!



Here’s a link to my pics



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OMG, it's funny and an honour to be in your home and in your work computer, hahaha!:blush-anim-cl:




I must try and sort your red eyes out :naughty:


Thanks Vicky....lovely report. :thumb_yello::biggrin2:


Thanks Eriko for the great pics. :biggrin2:

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Are you turning him down again?:wink2:




It didn't hurt whilst he was holding my arm writing it............it was very nice. :naughty:


Having the tattoo hurt a little.....but it didn't take very long.


Pain for Mika - ah - the double edged sword of devotion!:aah:


Thanks for the report Vicky, nice to hear from you :wink2:



Nice report Vicky. Sounds like a great trip!

Thanks for reading :biggrin2:

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Finally I could read everything today! Not only from Benidorm, but from Marés Vivas too. I promise I'll try to write a proper report tomorrow!





It´s a bit "bitter".... cause my best memories of meeting people are both in Portugal, first time in Lisbon, and second time in Porto. And only few people came to Benidorm, in fact, apart from Spanish friends, only Liliana and Kath were there (and I met Vicky :aah:), so if this gig would had been in Porto, I could say it was the best gig of my life.




Oh, my stepdaughter came with me (she´s 12) and he absolutely loved Mika.

It should be the gig of your life because I was there! :mf_rosetinted:


more things to update, Guy




I can see Sérgio's head and myself on my tiptoes trying to see Mika! :aah:

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thanks Eriko and Nico:thumb_yello:

wish the vid was a bit longer since it's great quality.

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It was a very nice gig and Mika was amazing as usual.:wub2:

Here's a vidéo found on you tube:Elle me dit.

Hhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dL6u-mkDgo&feature=related Hope you'll like it.:wub2:

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Part I


Probably by this time no one cares about my report, but since I said I would do it, now I’m going to write everything that I remember.:teehee:


I have to mention that, this entire journey was made by car with me driving all the time. It was more or less 2200Km. I started in Porto and finished in Algarve, where I’m now. It was tiring but a great and specially a different experience. ;)


So, I left home last tuesday in direction to Madrid. It was great to re-visit some of the places that I love in the city. In the next day I had to go to Benidorm, for three days and half of beach, noise, confusion and a lot of more things. These kinds of places are not my ideal of places to be on vacations, I love beach and warm water, but I don’t like to be so surrounded by so many people, but I enjoyed the best that I could.:biggrin2:


On Friday I decided to sleep till lunch. It rained in the morning, the sky was grey and it was a little bit windy, so I decided to rest that day, since the concert was predicted to end very late. After lunch I went to the beach, took a very relaxing bath, ate a lovely sandwich from sybway and went to the festival. This time, I decided not to queue early like the rest of the people. Honestly I’m getting tired of all the madness in the last concerts and I don’t want to be “involved” on the same “wave” of craziness. I knew the possibility of find a place in front row it would be almost none, but maybe I would get lucky like in Benicassim, where I arrived at 10 p.m. at the festival and got front row with no effort and without stealing anyone’s place.


So, I arrived around 7.pm. at the festival and immediately went to say “hi” to Rosa and the rest of the lovely Spanish people. I saw Kath too! Just had a little chat and then I saw that, the front and second row centre was a little bit crowded! I decided to leave there and went to the bathroom. By that time, the concerts were about to start. I saw a little bit of the first band in the middle of the crowd, then I realised that were a free place in the left side of the stage, completely in the left, but at least I was in the barriers. :thumb_yello:So, I could rest my body there without being squeezed and I didn’t had no one in front of me too, so I would have a chance to take a few pics and videos. Like I suspected, most of the people went away in the end of each performance, like in Benicassim. The most positive thing is that, besides front and second row, people weren’t stressed about their place, they were enjoying and having fun, drinking and eating first and then they went back near the stage. So, because of this relaxed environment, I could be sat without anyone trying to steal my place, and went to the bathroom around 10 p.m. with no problem at all. That was like heaven.


I really enjoyed the Ok Go’s performance. They were really funny and very entertaining, but I cannot say the same thing about the first and third performance.


Security guys were being really stupid with some people. :sneaky2: Always complaining with everything. Water or food wasn't allowed, no videos, no professional cameras or big cameras (since they think big is the same as professional), bla bla bla. I saw some of them checking brands and models of cameras and if people were really photographing or filming. After all that, I thought they wouldn’t allow me to put my flag in the barriers (since we weren’t allowed to put our bags there too), but for my surprise they said I could. My beautiful flag that goes with me in all my foreign adventures. 7 till now!


The set was being prepared and the excitement was growing… Here’s Mika again!:biggrin2:

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Part II


I went to Marés Vivas but I felt like I didn’t saw him for ages. It was so good to see him again.:wub2:


I was super excited to this gig as I was to Marés Vivas, although I felt less connection in Benidorm. :boxed:I know some people wrote the opposite, but that was how I felt. Like I said to Rosa in the end of the show, people around me weren’t as excited as me, neither as the people that was around me in Marés Vivas. They were just clapping and singing the singles or when he asked to. I’m not saying they were a bad crowd or they didn’t like him, or it wasn’t a good gig, I’m saying (in my opinion) it wasn’t as good as Marés Vivas.:wink2:


I enjoyed the concert and felt intensely every second of it, since it was the last one of this year, but I didn’t liked the “Torero and toro” thing. I don’t understand why he does that, and to be honest I didn’t wanted to participate in that “competition”. Bullfighting goes against of so many things that I believe. I don’t want to develop this subject since some people may like these kinds of things, but for me it was a very negative thing in the gig.:boxed:


Besides that unhappy moment, I loved to see him smiling and jumping all the time. I couldn’t believe when he said that he only arrived 25 minutes before the show and he was full of energy.:teehee:


Like some people said, the set list was the same as Marés Vivas, but with Touches You. Finally I could hear this song again. I don’t know what is going on between this song and me, but I feel like I’m possessed every time I hear it. :aah:I wasn’t expecting hearing it on Benidorm, since he didn’t play in Porto, so when I heard the first chords I wanted to jump on stage and dance like crazy. Happy Ending was another great moment and Imma was amazing that night, like always is.:wub2:


I was able to record “Touches You” but it isn’t a great video. It was hard to pretend that I was photographing and not filming.:roftl:


So, another great show. No need to queue early. No rain at all. The weather was so good. Everything was perfect for a magical night, but I still missed some of my portuguese friends.

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Part III


After the show I found the Spanish group in the middle of the crowd. We exchange some comments about the gig and then decided to find where were the artists’ entrance. I got lost from the group and found the entrance in first. Sent a message to Rosa and then she called me, now imagine how it was to explain in Spanish where I was and how she could get there! I’m very bad in giving directions to people, especially if it’s not in Portuguese.:teehee:


Mika took a little longer to appear in comparison with Porto and more people were gathering around the entrance. Like I said to Mary through message, it was a bit calmer, but still… I think the name "Meet&Mess" fits perfectly!:roftl:


I love the fact that, after a tiring show, Mika decides to appear and give some attention to his fans, but this could start to be a “dangerous” thing to him. First of all, people will start to expect him to do this always, and when he won't do it, it will be the end of the world. Besides, if people know by antecipation that he might appear to give some autographs, more people would appear and consequently, it'll become messier.:boxed:


In Marés Vivas I could manage an autograph. This time I just gave up. I didn't wanted to be in the same circle of confusion like the last time. I was in the back of the people in my tiptoes, trying to see him and if I had the chance that he look at me, saying a quick "hi".


I think Mika is afraid of being surrounded by so many people, specially when they are really near him, touching him, calling for him all at the same time. I think he's lucky for having that high. I just noticed that, in these kinds of moments, Mika is completely hypnotic, signing photos and other stuff, coming back into the real world when he sees someone that he knows. I think this is a way of protection. Because of this hypnotic state, the bodyguards were really upset (I heard them talk) because they were trying to force Mika taking a pic with a security woman. She was leaning on him, smiling to the camera and Mika continued signing photos that people put in front of his face. They gave up of the photograph and said that he wasn't very nice.


These meet&mess killed my nerves because of the security people. In a certain time, they were denying me to be near Mika, put themselves in front of him because they wanted to take photos of his face and then of the security women and Mika. They were supposed to guard him.:sneaky2:


Besides the security people, some fans went crazy, like I expected. Nothing special besides pushing, talking loud, not leaving him even after having their stuff signed.





I loved this experience. It was really tiring, especially because I had to drive so many kilometres each day, but I saw fantastic places.:wub2:


I wish I could do this again in a few weeks, because that would mean that I would see Mika again! I don’t know how I will handle without gigs till next year!


I’m sorry for my giant report and please forgive my english errors! I guess I never wrote anything so bigger!:teehee:


(Besos grandes for my Spanish girls!:wub2:)

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Part III


After the show I found the Spanish group in the middle of the crowd. We exchange some comments about the gig and then decided to find where were the artists’ entrance. I got lost from the group and found the entrance in first. Sent a message to Rosa and then she called me, now imagine how it was to explain in Spanish where I was and how she could get there! I’m very bad in giving directions to people, especially if it’s not in Portuguese.:teehee:


Mika took a little longer to appear in comparison with Porto and more people were gathering around the entrance. Like I said to Mary through message, it was a bit calmer, but still… I think the name "Meet&Mess" fits perfectly!:roftl:


I love the fact that, after a tiring show, Mika decides to appear and give some attention to his fans, but this could start to be a “dangerous” thing to him. First of all, people will start to expect him to do this always, and when he won't do it, it will be the end of the world. Besides, if people know by antecipation that he might appear to give some autographs, more people would appear and consequently, it'll become messier.:boxed:


In Marés Vivas I could manage an autograph. This time I just gave up. I didn't wanted to be in the same circle of confusion like the last time. I was in the back of the people in my tiptoes, trying to see him and if I had the chance that he look at me, saying a quick "hi".


I think Mika is afraid of being surrounded by so many people, specially when they are really near him, touching him, calling for him all at the same time. I think he's lucky for having that high. I just noticed that, in these kinds of moments, Mika is completely hypnotic, signing photos and other stuff, coming back into the real world when he sees someone that he knows. I think this is a way of protection. Because of this hypnotic state, the bodyguards were really upset (I heard them talk) because they were trying to force Mika taking a pic with a security woman. She was leaning on him, smiling to the camera and Mika continued signing photos that people put in front of his face. They gave up of the photograph and said that he wasn't very nice.


These meet&mess killed my nerves because of the security people. In a certain time, they were denying me to be near Mika, put themselves in front of him because they wanted to take photos of his face and then of the security women and Mika. They were supposed to guard him.:sneaky2:


Besides the security people, some fans went crazy, like I expected. Nothing special besides pushing, talking loud, not leaving him even after having their stuff signed.





I loved this experience. It was really tiring, especially because I had to drive so many kilometres each day, but I saw fantastic places.:wub2:


I wish I could do this again in a few weeks, because that would mean that I would see Mika again! I don’t know how I will handle without gigs till next year!


I’m sorry for my giant report and please forgive my english errors! I guess I never wrote anything so bigger!:teehee:


(Besos grandes for my Spanish girls!:wub2:)


I care about your report, it's fantastic, thanks for your words!


I hope you and Sergio have spent a great time in our country.Kisses :wink2:

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Great report missy! Glad everything went well, and that you had fun! :biggrin2:


So, another great show. No need to queue early. No rain at all. The weather was so good. Everything was perfect for a magical night, but I still missed some of my portuguese friends.




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Part I


So, I arrived around 7.pm. at the festival and immediately went to say “hi” to Rosa and the rest of the lovely Spanish people. I saw Kath too! :


I love the way this reads. You met some LOVELY people....................and Kath :roftl::naughty:


Part III


Mika took a little longer to appear in comparison with Porto and more people were gathering around the entrance. Like I said to Mary through message, it was a bit calmer, but still… I think the name "Meet&Mess" fits perfectly!:roftl:



In Marés Vivas I could manage an autograph. This time I just gave up. I didn't wanted to be in the same circle of confusion like the last time. I was in the back of the people in my tiptoes, trying to see him and if I had the chance that he look at me, saying a quick "hi".


I think Mika is afraid of being surrounded by so many people, specially when they are really near him, touching him, calling for him all at the same time. I think he's lucky for having that high. I just noticed that, in these kinds of moments, Mika is completely hypnotic, signing photos and other stuff, coming back into the real world when he sees someone that he knows. I think this is a way of protection. Because of this hypnotic state, the bodyguards were really upset (I heard them talk) because they were trying to force Mika taking a pic with a security woman. She was leaning on him, smiling to the camera and Mika continued signing photos that people put in front of his face. They gave up of the photograph and said that he wasn't very nice.


These meet&mess killed my nerves because of the security people. In a certain time, they were denying me to be near Mika, put themselves in front of him because they wanted to take photos of his face and then of the security women and Mika. They were supposed to guard him.:sneaky2:


Besides the security people, some fans went crazy, like I expected. Nothing special besides pushing, talking loud, not leaving him even after having their stuff signed.



I agree with a lot of your points here............and I love the Meet and mess name - I have been trying to think of a more relevant term then Meet and greet for a while! You are right about Mika being in a hypnotic state where he barely even looks at what he is signing or certainly at who he is signing it for. This is in total contrast to the 'relaxed' meet and greets (like in Belgium) which he really seems to enjoy. It all goes wrong when there is no (or poor) organisation. It just becomes a free for all and a rugby scrum. Everyone for themselves and you will always get those that will not move off when they have had their moment.


I, like you, gave up. As I did in Porto. I just held the camera above my head and pressed the button - I certainly couldn't see anything and didn't even try to speak to Mika. But then I had been lucky to be in Belgium where as I said, it was lovely. I don't have a need to speak to him everytime - but I don't like to see him being crowded. :shocked:


Thank you for your lovely detailed report. :thumb_yello:

Edited by kath
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