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REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS - Das Festival, Aug. 6 Aug. 2011, Schaffhausen, Switzerland


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ok, i'll also try a report, had no time yesterday because i was sightseeing in munich with statue of liberty. ;-) most has been said yet, but there are a few more bits+pieces i remembered when reading the other reports.


statue, tiibet, graciosa and me arrived from munich shortly before 2... actually we had planned to have a look at the queuing situation and if there weren't too many people (and indeed there weren't, guess it was ca. 10-15) we would've gone to see the rhine falls. but after we had said hello to everyone and looked around the area a bit (the gig place was open to everyone at that time, and we saw the marie antoinette paintings :biggrin2:), we were told we could stay there to watch the soundcheck. of course the rhine falls were forgotten. :naughty: the band came on and played (iirc it was grace kelly and big girl), and at some point i decided to go to the car, bring a few things there, and put in my contact lenses. when i was almost about to go back, i got a text from statue saying "MIIIKKAAAA!!" :naughty: and i immediately knew that he must be on stage, so i hurried up to get back! i missed his first song (sitm), but saw the rest of the soundcheck, phew!


he interacted with us a few times during the soundcheck... when he sang billy brown, statue and me started waving like during the gig, and that made him laugh. :roftl: (aww, i love his sweet giggle! :wub2:). and something else with dancing, but i'll let statue tell that in her report (which she'll probably post tomorrow). at one point he said sth like "won't you get bored if you see the same show twice in one day?!" - as if!! :lmfao: and the elle me dit story has been told already by mariposa (that's the way i remember it too), but i also remember that when we cheered for his question about doing it in english (i think some of those who were there also said "nooo!", but the majority went "yeeeesss!!"), he said "oh god!" :naughty: and one or two times (one time was after touches you, and then he did the song again), he said sth like that we were so kind because we were clapping after the song, but that in fact it wasn't good.


after the soundcheck we could exchange our tickets into wristbands, and then we crowded around the barriers they had set up at the entrance. security was nice, but you could tell they weren't used to fans as crazy as us. :naughty: some of them were like OMG :shocked: when we started running like mad as soon as the doors opened, others made fun of us (but i think that wasn't security guys but other staff, from the bars/sales stands). but they tried (and managed) to organize it all in a good way. :thumb_yello:


all of those who had been crowding around the barriers at the entrance got to front row, and i had a good spot quite close to the centre, on imma's side, between tiibet and statue. the 3 other bands were ok (though this girl from the 2nd band was a bit weird, she looked like kirsten dunst but acted like bjork on drugs :aah:), best one was the rambling wheels imo, they made us sing and dance along. :thumb_yello:



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part 2

about the gig itself, apart from what has already been said, i also remember that at the biotg singing competition this time marie antoinette won, and not the guillotine! dunno if that has been the case at another gig as well, but at least not in liege or compiegne. i was already happy because i was in the guillotine group for the first time, and then our group lost again! arrgh! xD

mika was in a fantastic mood, and made lots of eye contact. oh, and he threw his love today blindfold to us, tiibet caught it and let him sign it after the show. :biggrin2: btw, we noticed that it smelt quite chemical. :naughty: he also threw the penguin mask in the crowd, but far behind us. and a rose, that was caught by a guy. and a hat (that had been thrown to him before), that flew back into the space between crowd+stage several times, because too many tried to grab it at once. yasmine threw it back in the crowd, but it kept returning like a boomerang. :lmfao:


waiting for the m+g wasn't exactly fun, since it was pouring down, and the security guards had sent us to the end of the street behind barriers. the street was actually not blocked, it was the entrance/exit to the festival grounds (the festival was still open, there was some sort of afterparty for all visitors). the cars were waiting in the street, ca. 50m away from us, and we didn't really expect mika to stop in that weather. when his car came, you could see on his face how he was pondering the alternatives for a second or so, it looked something like "ah damn, i'm tired and i don't want to go out in that weather! ... but it's the last gig, and they've been waiting for me in the rain ... well OK let's do it!", and then he got out. :-D :wub2: a security guy carried an umbrella for him. he talked to nina and allegra first, then statue, then he signed graciosa's german yearbook, and when he came to me, i asked him whether he got the dmfc yearbook (we sent it to his management in march), and he said he did and that he loved it. :wub2: i then asked him to sign my mika bag, since it's the end of this album tour. at some point he said something about these gigs feeling like a mini tour. and that he has a gig in sardinia for some rich people, and started to say something nasty about playing to those, but then went like "don't you dare film this!" (or something along those lines... i don't recall any of us filming though... *g*) and said in an acting way "oh, i LOVE playing to those rich people in sardinia!" :lmao: i also mentioned the korea gig, and he remembered that one too. (on stage he had still said this was the last gig before the release of his 3rd album... *g*). then he went on signing, i filmed a bit (it's quite dark though), and before he went back into his car, he came to our group again, gave statue her marker back that he had borrowed for the signing, and talked a few more words with everyone (of course it was "ciao allegra!" again! :teehee:). to me he said thank you for coming and shook my hand with both of his hands. :fangurl:


yasmine had gotten out of the car too and took some pix of us. i asked her what they were for, and she said "you'll see!" - guess they might appear on facebook at some point. :naughty: and something very funny, they had stopped the people coming out of the festival grounds a minute before mika got into the car at the backstage exit, so they wouldn't pass by at this moment - and they held them back the whole time while mika was singing for us! at one point a girl from the festival crew came and told yasmine sth like they should hurry, and yasmine answered, "tell HIM that!" and pointed towards mika. :lmfao: the girl then went on to tell mika, but i think even then it took another 2 minutes or so before he got back into his car... the poor festival guests had to wait for ages! :roftl:


it really was a perfect day (apart from the rain and all the driving to get there), and i already miss my mfc girls! :group_hug: and mika too, it'll be a long cold lonely winter without his gigs. but i'm really happy about this perfect ending for this "mini-tour". :-D

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waiting for the m+g wasn't exactly fun, since it was pouring down, and the security guards had sent us to the end of the street behind barriers. the street was actually not blocked, it was the entrance/exit to the festival grounds (the festival was still open, there was some sort of afterparty for all visitors). the cars were waiting in the street, ca. 50m away from us, and we didn't really expect mika to stop in that weather. when his car came, you could see on his face how he was pondering the alternatives for a second or so, it looked something like "ah damn, i'm tired and i don't want to go out in that weather! ... but it's the last gig, and they've been waiting for me in the rain ... well OK let's do it!", and then he got out. :-D :wub2: a security guy carried an umbrella for him. he talked to nina and allegra first, then statue, then he signed graciosa's german yearbook, and when he came to me, i asked him whether he got the dmfc yearbook (we sent it to his management in march), and he said he did and that he loved it. :wub2 i then asked him to sign my mika bag, since it's the end of this album tour. at some point he said something about these gigs feeling like a mini tour. and that he has a gig in sardinia for some rich people, and started to say something nasty about playing to those, but then went like "don't you dare film this!" (or something along those lines... i don't recall any of us filming though... *g*) and said in an acting way "oh, i LOVE playing to those rich people in sardinia!" :lmao: i also mentioned the korea gig, and he remembered that one too. (on stage he had still said this was the last gig before the release of his 3rd album... *g*). then he went on signing, i filmed a bit (it's quite dark though), and before he went back into his car, he came to our group again, gave statue her marker back that he had borrowed for the signing, and talked a few more words with everyone (of course it was "ciao allegra!" again! :teehee:). to me he said thank you for coming and shook my hand with both of his hands. :fangurl:


yasmine had gotten out of the car too and took some pix of us. i asked her what they were for, and she said "you'll see!" - guess they might appear on facebook at some point. :naughty and something very funny, they had stopped the people coming out of the festival grounds a minute before mika got into the car at the backstage exit, so they wouldn't pass by at this moment - and they held them back the whole time while mika was singing for us! at one point a girl from the festival crew came and told yasmine sth like they should hurry, and yasmine answered, "tell HIM that!" and pointed towards mika. :lmfao the girl then went on to tell mika, but i think even then it took another 2 minutes or so before he got back into his car... the poor festival guests had to wait for ages!


it really was a perfect day (apart from the rain and all the driving to get there), and i already miss my mfc girls! :group_hug: and mika too, it'll be a long cold lonely winter without his gigs. but i'm really happy about this perfect ending for this "mini-tour". :-D


Thank you for your report, Karin, so many details!! :biggrin2: His face in the car was priceless, it was obvious he didn't actually like the weather, but I guess he felt sorry for us because we were standing in the rain and he felt he had to meet us :roftl: Poor boy, but it was so sweet!! :wub2: And I loved it that he came to say good bye before going to the car, made me all :fangurl:


Yasmine seemed to be in charge for many things, she checked the stage before and after the show and she she was walking around and taking a lot of photos, I'm sure they will add some more to FB.


I'm still so happy I did this festival, it was a perfect day. Thanks for driving Karin, it was dark and wet but you are an excellent driver (I wish I could drive as well :aah: ) :huglove:

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You didn’t! Your Spanish is ok, it really is. It was fun talking with you.


Yes, it was lovely talking to you girls!


after the soundcheck we could exchange our tickets into wristbands, and then we crowded around the barriers they had set up at the entrance. security was nice, but you could tell they weren't used to fans as crazy as us. :naughty: some of them were like OMG when we started running like mad as soon as the doors opened, others made fun of us


I loved seeing them having this expression on their faces :blink::shocked: and then go :floor:


The guy who was always announcing the bands etc. even mentionned our little sprint to the front row :naughty:


It then looked something like this :aah:



(pic taken from the official facebook of Monophon https://www.facebook.com/pages/Monophon/81225234288)


and a hat (that had been thrown to him before), that flew back into the space between crowd+stage several times, because too many tried to grab it at once. yasmine threw it back in the crowd, but it kept returning like a boomerang. :lmfao:


lol, I remember it now that I'm reading your report. That was really funny.


and something very funny, they had stopped the people coming out of the festival grounds a minute before mika got into the car at the backstage exit, so they wouldn't pass by at this moment - and they held them back the whole time while mika was singing for us! at one point a girl from the festival crew came and told yasmine sth like they should hurry, and yasmine answered, "tell HIM that!" and pointed towards mika. :lmfao: the girl then went on to tell mika, but i think even then it took another 2 minutes or so before he got back into his car... the poor festival guests had to wait for ages! :roftl:


YES! Haha, I didn't feel sorry AT ALL for all of those people who had to wait :naughty:


Oh, and I've only just noticed that the yt user Gerdundula99 almost filemd the whole gig! :thumb_yello:

Edited by mariposa
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this one was funny, we still don't know whether it had anything to do with mika's bee tweet, or if it was related to the festival (on some of the festival logos, there was a bee as well)... probably the latter, but we found it funny anyway. :naughty:




and this pic reminded me of another funny/sweet situation during the gig, don't remember what song it was, but mika pushed imma to the side with his hip/shoulder, just an impulsive action that somehow fitted to the song at that place... but it came quite as a surprise to imma, who stumbled about a metre to the side. :naughty: she didn't fall though, wasn't hurt and took it with humour - but nevertheless mika immediately looked worried and motioned to her sth like "are you ok? i'm sorry!" - aww! :wub2: dunno if the pic is from that situation, but it reminded me of it.

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After a looooong time without proper internet I'm finally able to post my *report*. Most of the basics is already said so I'll just add some details and my pics.


he interacted with us a few times during the soundcheck... when he sang billy brown, statue and me started waving like during the gig, and that made him laugh. :roftl : (aww, i love his sweet giggle! :wub2 : ). and something else with dancing, but i'll let statue tell that in her report (which she'll probably post tomorrow).


Thank you for your great report!

Yeah, I'll add something here :biggrin2: At one point Mika said he wants to give us something to do. Don't ask me why but I started to dance "MIKA" as in "YMCA" :naughty: The first time around he looked at me like :blink: So I did it again and he got it and smiled. :wub2:


security was nice, but you could tell they weren't used to fans as crazy as us. :naughty : some of them were like OMG :shocked : when we started running like mad as soon as the doors opened, others made fun of us (but i think that wasn't security guys but other staff, from the bars/sales stands). but they tried (and managed) to organize it all in a good way. :thumb_yello :


I had a funny moment there. Because they told us that food and drinks were forbidden and I don't like rules like that I wanted to sneak some stuff in. So I put those orange juice thingies in my socks (an old trick I got told at previous concerts :naughty:). When running to front row I lost both of them, though. And nobody of the securities cared nor did they check our bags well XD Anyway, when mellody came I forced her to collect my lost juice :roftl:


about the gig itself, apart from what has already been said, i also remember that at the biotg singing competition this time marie antoinette won, and not the guillotine! dunno if that has been the case at another gig as well, but at least not in liege or compiegne. i was already happy because i was in the guillotine group for the first time, and then our group lost again! arrgh! xD


Just don't stand next to me, I'm ALWAYS on the side that is losing :aah:

I also remember that he did a bit of a singing competition during Big Girl which was - of course - won by the other side as well. And iirc he changed the end of Stuck in the Middle. But don't ask for details there I just remember the fact :naughty:


and a hat (that had been thrown to him before), that flew back into the space between crowd+stage several times, because too many tried to grab it at once. yasmine threw it back in the crowd, but it kept returning like a boomerang. :lmfao :


The hat-thing was so funny! Yasmine was there to take photos but didn't want to disturb anybody (as if!) and so she tried to hide while throwing the hat on stage earlier. I think Mika noticed her when she was between us and the stage. But iMMa didn't. So she was a bit shocked when there was a hat flying out of nowhere on stage :roftl:


he talked to nina and allegra first, then statue, (...) gave statue her marker back that he had borrowed for the signing, and talked a few more words with everyone (of course it was "ciao allegra!" again! :teehee : ).


I could give him my birthday present. I wonder if he opened it already, wouldn't be surprised :naughty:

The marker thing was funny as well. He asked me if he could steal it. Like twice. And always said "yes, of course" but in the end I still wanted it back. Stupid fangurl moment!


it really was a perfect day (apart from the rain and all the driving to get there), and i already miss my mfc girls! :group_hug : and mika too, it'll be a long cold lonely winter without his gigs. but i'm really happy about this perfect ending for this "mini-tour". :-D


Couldn't have said it better! :thumb_yello: It was a perfect experience :wub2: and I already miss you all and can't wait to plan the next tour.

Edited by Statue_of_Liberty
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part 2

about the gig itself, apart from what has already been said, i also remember that at the biotg singing competition this time marie antoinette won, and not the guillotine! dunno if that has been the case at another gig as well, but at least not in liege or compiegne. i was already happy because i was in the guillotine group for the first time, and then our group lost again! arrgh! xD

mika was in a fantastic mood, and made lots of eye contact. oh, and he threw his love today blindfold to us, tiibet caught it and let him sign it after the show. :biggrin2: btw, we noticed that it smelt quite chemical. :naughty: he also threw the penguin mask in the crowd, but far behind us. and a rose, that was caught by a guy. and a hat (that had been thrown to him before), that flew back into the space between crowd+stage several times, because too many tried to grab it at once. yasmine threw it back in the crowd, but it kept returning like a boomerang.


waiting for the m+g wasn't exactly fun, since it was pouring down, and the security guards had sent us to the end of the street behind barriers. the street was actually not blocked, it was the entrance/exit to the festival grounds (the festival was still open, there was some sort of afterparty for all visitors). the cars were waiting in the street, ca. 50m away from us, and we didn't really expect mika to stop in that weather. when his car came, you could see on his face how he was pondering the alternatives for a second or so, it looked something like "ah damn, i'm tired and i don't want to go out in that weather! ... but it's the last gig, and they've been waiting for me in the rain ... well OK let's do it!", and then he got out. :-D :wub2: a security guy carried an umbrella for him. he talked to nina and allegra first, then statue, then he signed graciosa's german yearbook, and when he came to me, i asked him whether he got the dmfc yearbook (we sent it to his management in march), and he said he did and that he loved it. :wub2: i then asked him to sign my mika bag, since it's the end of this album tour. at some point he said something about these gigs feeling like a mini tour. and that he has a gig in sardinia for some rich people, and started to say something nasty about playing to those, but then went like "don't you dare film this!" (or something along those lines... i don't recall any of us filming though... *g*) and said in an acting way "oh, i LOVE playing to those rich people in sardinia!" :lmao: i also mentioned the korea gig, and he remembered that one too. (on stage he had still said this was the last gig before the release of his 3rd album... *g*). then he went on signing, i filmed a bit (it's quite dark though), and before he went back into his car, he came to our group again, gave statue her marker back that he had borrowed for the signing, and talked a few more words with everyone (of course it was "ciao allegra!" again! :teehee:). to me he said thank you for coming and shook my hand with both of his hands. :fangurl:


yasmine had gotten out of the car too and took some pix of us. i asked her what they were for, and she said "you'll see!" - guess they might appear on facebook at some point. :naughty: and something very funny, they had stopped the people coming out of the festival grounds a minute before mika got into the car at the backstage exit, so they wouldn't pass by at this moment - and they held them back the whole time while mika was singing for us! at one point a girl from the festival crew came and told yasmine sth like they should hurry, and yasmine answered, "tell HIM that!" and pointed towards mika. :lmfao: the girl then went on to tell mika, but i think even then it took another 2 minutes or so before he got back into his car... the poor festival guests had to wait for ages! :roftl:


it really was a perfect day (apart from the rain and all the driving to get there), and i already miss my mfc girls! :group_hug: and mika too, it'll be a long cold lonely winter without his gigs. but i'm really happy about this perfect ending for this "mini-tour". :-D


Awesome report! And yah for the finger to the rich bastards:roftl:

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After too many detail :naughty: here are the promised pictures (as already mentioned some are blurry as I had to turn off my flash in the middle of the gig and my camera is very sensitve then): http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx92/Statue_of_Liberty/Mika%20Das%20Festival%20Schaffhausen%206th%20August%202011/ and some I like:




The laces and the outfit - I don't know! :naughty:




I'm kinda proud of that one :teehee: Took me many tries to finally catch him during the jump...




The toilets weren't nice so I can understand him :mf_rosetinted:




She's so pretty! :fangurl:




Especially for Rose!





Edited by Statue_of_Liberty
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