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Bue...ok lemme not try. xD I'm good thanks...just got out of bed a few minutes ago, you? :P


Aw. They make me feel nostalgic :tears:


exactly :tears:

muy bien :mikacool: me and my awesome spanish :aah: I'm bored already and gonna draw something... don't know what yet.

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SO IS MINE. :mf_rosetinted:


Ah, I'm hungry xD


anyone tinychatting?


same xD need to find smth to eat :mf_rosetinted:

no I don't think so. We were tinychatting before but then my battery died. but we can again. I guess Annu is online too ;D

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same xD need to find smth to eat :mf_rosetinted:

no I don't think so. We were tinychatting before but then my battery died. but we can again. I guess Annu is online too ;D


we got take out but i cbb to go down ;p

okie, just tell me if you guys tiny chat xD


Still in my pajamas, but too lazy to get changed. Ugh. And I need to go and post this letter DARN IT. :aah:


I fell asleep at 6...fully dressed :mf_rosetinted: Then I woke at like 8...on the sofa and it was cold and my jeans were hurting my coccyx :mf_rosetinted: so I took them off and fell back to sleep in bed :mf_rosetinted:

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Hi all. Got tinychat on my iPod so you guys can see me tonight.

yay :boing:

i'm here, kind of :aah:http://tinychat.com/ah4er i'm here if you want join :aah:

good :teehee: are you still watching the vid? :aah:

we got take out but i cbb to go down ;p

okie, just tell me if you guys tiny chat xD




I fell asleep at 6...fully dressed :mf_rosetinted: Then I woke at like 8...on the sofa and it was cold and my jeans were hurting my coccyx :mf_rosetinted: so I took them off and fell back to sleep in bed :mf_rosetinted:


I'll join tinychat now. for a while. then I need to shower :aah: or better.. I'll shower and then join xDD

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