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Oh xD


Ugh my dad just had a go at me cos I had loads of cups in my room. Um about 7 to be exact. xD


My mum does the same! :aah:


:o MY DAD JUST SAID HE THINKS HE's BETTER than MIKA!!! :sneaky2::aah::aah::shocked:


My dad says stuff like that too.... :lmfao:

He thinks he's Elvis :mf_rosetinted:

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is this one neeeeeeeew? No one told meeee:blink:


Yes I made it :boing::aah:


I got my aunt to listen last night...:naughty: She hasn't said anything yet.


Haha :naughty: Mika's talent made her speechless. :mf_rosetinted::aah:

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