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2012 - Parc Eana in Normandy, France - 20 July


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Another great concert tonight! :france:


Come on MFCers, share your experience... won't you??

remember... details! details! :mikalove:


Please remember to keep the chit chat to a minimum






Rose- http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743107&postcount=2

Nina - http://anothermikablog.blogspot.fr/2012/07/quick-updates-park-eana.html

Caillean - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743458&postcount=7

Kath - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743755&postcount=10

Steph2222 - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744836&postcount=46

Yuna - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744883&postcount=47







Mine - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743500&postcount=8

Kath - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743810&postcount=16

Mikabea - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743969&postcount=28

Mikabea - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3743973&postcount=29

Sephira - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744098&postcount=33

Sephira - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744110&postcount=35

Annelynn - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744128&postcount=36

Annelynn - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744132&postcount=37

Sephira - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744134&postcount=38

Sephira - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744138&postcount=39

Lena Machu - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744393&postcount=41

Lena Machu - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744394&postcount=42

Minnie - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744925&postcount=50

Minnie - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3744929&postcount=51





vanessa-love-mika - Lola

Lena Machu - Love Today

Lena Machu - Celebrate

DaphneLesTrois - Various

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Am I first then?


Guess either everyones in bed, or there is an M&G that we had to miss as we have to get off to Paris early in the morn.


Another electric gig, and he was incredibly playful tonight, spoke English quite a few times, which I've not heard him do at a French gig before.

He sung Any Other World. I think it was an addition as I don't recall any dropouts from the Viennne show.

The support acts were both very good, one Jawen who were quite funky, and the other band, who's name I missed, were very vibey and prog rock at times, but in a good way.


Not sure if Mika left straight away, as he is off to Russia in the morning, or if he waited for the traffic leaving to abate, but didn't go looking to find where he might have leaving from, as a fair amount of security around, as well as needing to get off.

But a good night in all.

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Pics and quick updates from Nina:





Pics from Maggie✿ @7Maggie5











Edited by BiaIchihara
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I'm in the train to Paris, I will be at home at 13:00 and I'll tweet pictures of the gig and put links here.

Sorry for yesterday, I tried several times to tweet photos during the gig but my iPhone lost all the time the connexion ><

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My 'little' report of last night's gig. We arrived at 19.30 and everything went smoothly. Weather was great, people where exited, not too crowdy (wich I love, sorry to say) and we all went for it. BUT: the supporting acts were too LONG and too HEAVY. The first group took about 35 min of enjoyable music, 25 min setting up stage for secound group. Now that was another cup of tea. Ok great drummer, music like mixture of Simply Red, U2ish but they had a bit of an ego (3 filmcameras on stage during gig!) They played 1 hour and getting lauder each song Now there I've had it and so did the crowd. Finaly MIKA started at 22.35 appr... It was like having a baby: expecting, 3 hours of waiting, getting tired, having pain in my back & legs and finaly there he is and at that minute you forget everything and you just are happy and exited.He was :wub2::naughty::kachinga: His voice was spot on and very pure just like on his albums! I loved the new arrangements of the old songs. Wish he put them on a collectors cd! His new songs were very catchy and the interaction with his new band is great. Felix looked like a cat who had cream milk, Max was very serious but in a funny way. Didn't saw much of Tim he seemed a bit on his own. The keyboardplayer: now that's a guy ! MIKA and he were playing around like 2 little kids on a playground. Joy is a great lady I like the way she's doing things. MIKA was very happy, relaxed and amusing. He played the audience like a ringmaster, he danced the night away and we all went wild (that is as wild as it gets at my age) It was the perfect gig and a perfect night. As always MIKA can make you feel happy, emotional, moved, it's a rollercoaster of emotions. That's why I love him so much. He is (imo) the greatest artist of his time and a great human being. His fanclub maybe isn't that big as Lady GaGa's but his fans really love and care about him. If your fanclub is very big you can be sure that there's a lot of hype and go with the flow involved. Organisationwize it went well, no drumming, very polite people. Bit of trouble leaving the field. Jus one remark: there was a group of minor valids and young people in wheelchairs. I found it terrible they couldn't see a thing because they were at the 4th row. Nobody seemed to care about that and I felt so sorry for them.I was on the 12th row and couldn't do much about it. Anyway, the gig went on until 23.35 and everyone left with a big smile on their faces (incl. MIKA & co) Didn't go to meet and greet (never do) had a 4h drive to Belgium ahead. Went to sleep at 5.30. If I can roll up my wrinckles it's up 2 London on Thursday ! Hope I did'n bore you all with this 'little' :wink2: report.

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This was a great gig. Huge contrast from Vienne. ( Which I haven't reported on but was one of the best gigs I have ever been to) The stage here was about 2m high and the gap in front was about 3m so there wasn't any intimacy. It felt like a very professional performance- not that Vienne wasn't professional - it certainly was - but Mika seemed a lot more remote this time as he was so far away - even from the front row.


The lighting was amazing. Particularly in Love Today - incredible effects.


Happy Ending was totally awesome - one of the best performances I have seen him do of it. I too love all the new arrangements of the old stuff. I particularly like Blue Eyes.


Lola/ Origin/Underwater and Karen are just incredible - they seem to get better every time.


The band seem to be really settling in. All individuals of course, I think they are all great and all bring something different.


All in all it is a great show. It was nice to see a few changes last night as Nice/Vienne were exactly the same set.


Anyone with a gig still to come - I am sure you will have an awesome night.

Edited by kath
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My 'little' report of last night's gig. ...


It was like having a baby: expecting, 3 hours of waiting, getting tired, having pain in my back & legs and finaly there he is and at that minute you forget everything and you just are happy and exited..




Thanks for the report - see you in London :thumb_yello:

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I have to say, I am really beginning to hate that bowler hat. It really doesn't suit him - it makes him look goofy (and not in a good way).

I prefer to see his hair too :naughty: Each time he was taking his hat off, I removed mine too :lmao:

I took four pics with my phone, but they're not very good and after that I got so much into the gig that I didn't take any other.

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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I have to say, I am really beginning to hate that bowler hat. It really doesn't suit him - it makes him look goofy (and not in a good way).


I don't mind Mika with the hat. However, I am struggling to understand the relevance of the suited/bowler hated 'dancers' in Lollipop.

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I prefer to see his hair too :naughty: Each time he was taking his hat off, I removed mine too :lmao:

I took four pics with my phone, but they're not very good and after that I got so much into the gig that I didn't take any other.


Hi Anne :bye: I'm expecting a report from you :wink2:

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Oh you got to meet Yuna too :thumb_yello: Was that before the gig?


No, afterwards. This is just in front of the stage. Yes, we took Yuna back to her hotel last night. But we also met her in Vienne - when Mika told her about the Korean gig. :thumb_yello:

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I have to say, I am really beginning to hate that bowler hat. It really doesn't suit him - it makes him look goofy (and not in a good way).


I was sceptical about the hat when I was looking at pics on here, but when you see him on stage I find it suits him quite well.


No, afterwards. This is just in front of the stage. Yes, we took Yuna back to her hotel last night. But we also met her in Vienne - when Mika told her about the Korean gig. :thumb_yello:


Oh thank you for saying that!! I've been trying to help her via the Internet for a few weeks now and as I was not coming to Gruchet it was hard to figure it all out. At the end I said I thought the best solution was to ask for help to MFCers, I'm glad you were so helpful.

Thank you for the photo, it reminds me of this amazing night in Vienne.

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I was sceptical about the hat when I was looking at pics on here, but when you see him on stage I find it suits him quite well.




Oh thank you for saying that!! I've been trying to help her via the Internet for a few weeks now and as I was not coming to Gruchet it was hard to figure it all out. At the end I said I thought the best solution was to ask for help to MFCers, I'm glad you were so helpful.

Thank you for the photo, it reminds me of this amazing night in Vienne.


We were glad to be able to take her back. It really was incredibly inaccessible without a car which I think is what put a lot of people off.


It was a great night wasn't it. :thumb_yello:

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I have to say, I am really beginning to hate that bowler hat. It really doesn't suit him - it makes him look goofy (and not in a good way).


On the contrary: I think it suits him fine. But the thing gets out of shape, bowl is getting flatter:wink2:

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