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Secret listening party in Milan!


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I'm so tired, I realize I'm making a lot of typos!


Oh dear, Robertina, rest up now! Thanks so much for taking the time to

share this very special experience with us! :wub2: I so wish I could have been

there with you! It's been a very exciting day here in Mikalandia, hasn't it,

between the gig last night, Google+ chat and now this playback session?

So much to soak up, and so much to anticipate! What an amazing autumn

we're going to have! :excite:

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Rich Isaacson was there, sitting on the floor among us! :thumb_yello:

Were there no chairs? Who is Rich Isaacson?



I suspend my judgement because I didn't like the new new songs at first listening. But don't dispair! I know other fans liked them, so it's better youread their reports first.


I'm so tired, I realize I'm making a lot of typos!

Is it fair to listen to some of Mika's new songs before they are released and before other people have heard them? :lol3:

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Robi said almost everything but maybe I could add some informations:


- after the listening Mika takes time to answer to one question (seems he was late) that became 3-4 in the end. Maybe no who asked them will write what they were about. There was anyway no time to chat with Mika about random stuff and he ran away in a heartbeat!


- Heroes IMO is a great song and i understood that will be in the album. Mika's voice is really amazing in it..the music is great too! I fall in love with it. Mika explained that the song isn't finished so it migh change a little more than the others cause it is work in progress..


- Lola and Underwater are amazing, the first one is more dancy than the live version, the second one seemed a bit slower than the live version. Please consider that the opinion could be different from person to person so people could not agree with me.


- Stardust is an amazing song, it has "climax" like Kick Ass, it's a powerful one that reminds me Coldplay's music somehow, like it but I found it a bit too disco (bass fault).


- Popular is a duo....there are some nice chorus of Mika and a girl (Priscilla? Dont know but her voice is amazing) and some rap parts that I dont particularly love :doh:


- Emily (ex Elle me Dit) is hilarious! I like the mash-up of french and english it has..


Mika started to explain the making process with specific words. I was a bit surprised that there wasn't a questionnaire to fill after the section..would have been useful as feedback.


The experience was amazing..I feel really lucky for this opportunity and the CD will be a good one IMO! Maybe a bit too dancy in few songs but with with some amazing chorus and many instruments and different sounds!



I'd like to thank again Mika, the Universal, MFC and Nerys that make me her +1 :mikalove:

Edited by Sarina
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Tks for the report, Rob & Sara, you help me to survive to the news that I've just had: I had won the contest, the Mika Italia one.

I've discovered just now that people from Universal sent the mail only this morning!!


My second concert, the first one as MFcer, my first picture with the curly one, and above all the meeting with Roberta, Mari, Orietta, Mauri, Lucrezia, Nerys and Allegra, maybe too many things at the meantime!!



By the way, suggestions to forget that 10.08 mail?

Wine, tons of nicorette :aah:, hammer on my head?

Why can't I "predict the future" and above all can't "erase the past"?


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Robi said almost everything but maybe I could add some informations:


- after the listening Mika takes time to answer to one question (seems he was late) that became 3-4 in the end. Maybe no who asked them will write what they were about. There was anyway no time to chat with Mika about random stuff and he ran away in a heartbeat!


- Heroes IMO is a great song and should be in the new CD..it's a ballad ad Mika's voice is really amazing in it..the music is great too! I fall in love with it. Mika explained that the song isn't finished so it might be different than what we've heard.


- Lola and Underwater are amazing, the first one is more dancy than the live version, the second one seemed a bit slower than the live version. Please consider that the opinion could be different from person to person so people could not agree with me.


- Stardust is an amazing song, it has "climax" like Kick Ass, it's a powerful one that reminds me Coldplay's music somehow, like it but I found it a bit too disco (bass fault).


- Popular is a duo....there are some nice chorus of Mika and a girl (Priscilla? Dont know but her voice is amazing) and some rap parts that I dont particularly love :doh:


- Emily (ex Elle me Dit) is hilarious! I like the mash-up of french and english it has..


Mika started to explain the making process with specific words. I was a bit surprised that there wasn't a questionnaire to fill after the section..would have been useful as feedback.


The experience was amazing..I feel really lucky for this opportunity and the CD will be a good one IMO! Maybe a bit too dancy in few songs but with with some amazing chorus and many instruments and different sounds!



I'd like to thank again Mika, the Universal, MFC and Nerys that make me her +1 :mikalove:


Thankyou for telling us a bit more!


Got to say, Stardust sounds quite exciting to me :teehee: I adore Coldplay and pretty much all of their songs. I also adore bass, and I like the title. I'm excited to hear it. :teehee:

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Thankyou for telling us a bit more!


Got to say, Stardust sounds quite exciting to me :teehee: I adore Coldplay and pretty much all of their songs. I also adore bass, and I like the title. I'm excited to hear it. :teehee:


I'm sure there'll be a wide audience for this album :original:

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Tks for the report, Rob & Sara, you help me to survive to the news that I've just had: I had won the contest, the Mika Italia one.

I've discovered just now that people from Universal sent the mail only this morning!!



So you missed it? :huh: That's terrible!! So sorry to hear that.

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So you missed it? :huh: That's terrible!! So sorry to hear that.


I'm sure she's not the only one. Universal italia notified their 10 + 10 winners only this morning :doh: isn't it crazy? with all the people out of home for the gig and less prompt to check emails?

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Tks for the report, Rob & Sara, you help me to survive to the news that I've just had: I had won the contest, the Mika Italia one.

I've discovered just now that people from Universal sent the mail only this morning!!


My second concert, the first one as MFcer, my first picture with the curly one, and above all the meeting with Roberta, Mari, Orietta, Mauri, Lucrezia, Nerys and Allegra, maybe too many things at the meantime!!



By the way, suggestions to forget that 10.08 mail?

Wine, tons of nicorette :aah:, hammer on my head?

Why can't I "predict the future" and above all can't "erase the past"?



Sorry to hear you missed it :(


Thankyou for telling us a bit more!


Got to say, Stardust sounds quite exciting to me :teehee: I adore Coldplay and pretty much all of their songs. I also adore bass, and I like the title. I'm excited to hear it. :teehee:


I love Coldplay too :) about bass and dancy stuff I usually prefer quite songs with no too dancy but happier sound :mf_rosetinted:


I'm sure she's not the only one. Universal italia notified their 10 + 10 winners only this morning :doh: isn't it crazy? with all the people out of home for the gig and less prompt to check emails?


Maybe I'm wrong but they couldnt bring a guest so they were probably only 10 (only 3 showed up cause they were near Milan).

Edited by Sarina
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He was running out of time and and stormed all songs in, then he came in front of us againg, as a pupil at his examination desk :naughty:


He said there was time for one question only, but we succeeded in asking more.

I would like the fans who asked something would post it in their report, I will tell you mine...


I asked: Origin of Love would have been a great first single. Why didn't you choose it?


he stared at me at said: "THIS.IS.EXACTLY.WHAT.I.THINK.

but here you have my managers....so!!! (and make as gesture as saying: I'm powerless! in a funny way, and we all laughed, cause again poor Giulio seemed the origin of All Evils!)

but then I think OLL will have a life of its own."


After some other questions, his managers literally lifted him up and took him away...he was missing his flight! Mama P was already there in the restaurant waiting for him, her usual sweet self.


We had been told to stay and help ourselves with food and drinks, which we did, but soon almost everyone was gone. I stayed a bit longer and chatted with the Universal guy and other fans, and eventually I left.


It was such a simple, friendly, natural thing to do, so I'll be eternally thankful to Mika, Universal peeps and Mika management who made it possible.





A pair of questions.


I didn't imagine the "unfinished" aspect, is it a thing that was known in the forum, or it has been a news for everybody?

They explained to you the real goal - let me say - of this wonderful opportunity?

I mean, have you had the definite feeling that was a sort of exam as you stated in the first lines?

with the objective of having back feedbacks in order to "consolidate" the product within the due date before the final release, or just to test the first sensations of the most faithful audience?

I don't think it has only been a marketing campaign, a fidelization of the fan target, not for the way Mika and Universal decided to share all this, what do you think, above all the people who was there?

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I'm sure she's not the only one. Universal italia notified their 10 + 10 winners only this morning :doh: isn't it crazy? with all the people out of home for the gig and less prompt to check emails?


Oh, that's such a shame! How heartbreaking to not get the news until

it was too late to do anything about it! So sorry for those people! :itsok:



A pair of questions.


I didn't imagine the "unfinished" aspect, is it a thing that was known in the forum, or it has been a news for everybody?

They explained to you the real goal - let me say - of this wonderful opportunity?

I mean, have you had the definite feeling that was a sort of exam as you stated in the first lines?

with the objective of having back feedbacks in order to "consolidate" the product within the due date before the final release, or just to test the first sensations of the most faithful audience?

I don't think it has only been a marketing campaign, a fidelization of the fan target, not for the way Mika and Universal decided to share all this, what do you think, above all the people who was there?


I don't think the goal was to get feedback -- I think the idea was

truly to let the fans have a sneak preview -- but I think they probably

will be happy to hear what everyone thought.

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I agree Deb, but I also think they want the album to be talked and discussed, and that fans spread the word to raise expectation.

This is good, I think, and a way to get free advertisement :naughty:


so let's start buzzing around! :thumb_yello:

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience and thoughts here! What a fantastic gift for you :clap:



I love Coldplay too :) about bass and dancy stuff I usually prefer quite songs with no too dancy but happier sound :mf_rosetinted:


So you didn't really like Stardust?


I agree Deb, but I also think they want the album to be talked and discussed, and that fans spread the word to raise expectation.

This is good, I think, and a way to get free advertisement :naughty:


so let's start buzzing around! :thumb_yello:


I don't know how it works everywhere else but I know that in France they have musical premieres with hairdressers in the audience so that they spread the word about the show around Paris. You are Mika's hairdressers :roftl:

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience and thoughts here! What a fantastic gift for you :clap:




So you didn't really like Stardust?




I don't know how it works everywhere else but I know that in France they have musical premieres with hairdressers in the audience so that they spread the word about the show around Paris. You are Mika's hairdressers :roftl:





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Thank you so much for sharing your experience and thoughts here! What a fantastic gift for you :clap:




So you didn't really like Stardust?




I don't know how it works everywhere else but I know that in France they have musical premieres with hairdressers in the audience so that they spread the word about the show around Paris. You are Mika's hairdressers :roftl:


I like it very much when the bass are not too heavy :wink2:

Is a beautiful song with an energetic vibe!

Till now I have more doubts on Popular ;)

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I like it very much when the bass are not too heavy :wink2:

Is a beautiful song with an energetic vibe!

Till now I have more doubts on Popular ;)


me too, it's rappish enough not to appeal to me.

but maybe I'm too old :wink2:

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I don't know how it works everywhere else but I know that in France they have musical premieres with hairdressers in the audience so that they spread the word about the show around Paris. You are Mika's hairdressers :roftl:




Oh, I love that!!! So funny.

Anyway, this sounds fantastic. It's great to see that he's doing this with the fans (even if he wasn't fully aware of it until last night :naughty:) and I am very excited about the fact that he's gone down that route. I'm certain that he must welcome the feedback.

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me too, it's rappish enough not to appeal to me.

but maybe I'm too old :wink2:


I share your opinion about that one (probably I'm too old too)! Also, after hearing the songs today agree even more than I earlier did about TOOL.


I will write some thoughts about the event/songs later (when my head works better :naughty:), just want to say how lucky I felt to have this special opportunity. After waiting for the album for such a long time it's difficult to describe how amazing it felt when Mika took his laptop and started to play songs telling about making of them. Some things are just priceless :wub2:


I didn't ask anything smart, I only wanted to know about the title, because in Nice I heard mentioned a song called My Hero but it's actually Heroes (I guess titles can change until the album is finished). Also, one song we heard today is called Kids. We heard it during Tallinn soundcheck and asked about it/title. It was softer/slower live, I think, but I do like it recorded too.

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