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you've got to love the books my aunt bought me today :naughty:


what you should have learned in school: But you didn't because you were to busy doing life


weird things customers say in bookshops



i. Love. That. So. Much. Gah. Must. Have. Need. Yearn. pine.

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i. Love. That. So. Much. Gah. Must. Have. Need. Yearn. pine.




CUSTOMER: What kind of bookshop is this?

BOOKSELLER: We're an antiquarian bookshop.

CUSTOMER: Oh, so you sell books about fish.



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Give ME that BOOK right NOW.


Buy it, it's in English :aah:


'Do you have this children's book I've heard about? it's supposed to be very good. It's called "Lionel Richie and the Wardrobe." '


:lmfao: I love it :aah:

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Man: *picks up a copy of 'Weird Things...' and reads the front out loud*: Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops, by Jen Campbell.

Me: Yep.

Man: You wrote this?

Me: I did.

Man: Cool. What's your name?

Me: ...Jen Campbell.

Man: And what's the book about? Is it a thriller or something?




Man: You should follow my wife around; she say stupid things all the time.

Me: Really?

Man: Yeah. Not necessarily in bookshops, just in life.

Me: Oh.

Man: Yeah. Like, she thinks I poisoned our cat. But I didn't.






From her website :lmfao:

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Man: *picks up a copy of 'Weird Things...' and reads the front out loud*: Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops, by Jen Campbell.

Me: Yep.

Man: You wrote this?

Me: I did.

Man: Cool. What's your name?

Me: ...Jen Campbell.

Man: And what's the book about? Is it a thriller or something?




Man: You should follow my wife around; she say stupid things all the time.

Me: Really?

Man: Yeah. Not necessarily in bookshops, just in life.

Me: Oh.

Man: Yeah. Like, she thinks I poisoned our cat. But I didn't.






From her website :lmfao:



True :mf_rosetinted:

so she works in a bookshop then? :lmao: haha I like the picture!

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