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Haha she doesn't seriously mean it she just had to make sure you're who you claim to be (which you obviously are) she's fine now. :aah:


Ffffff still.


Getting told people on here think am a attention whore is one thing then for your mum to think I'm a creep...If I was I would comment on your pics saying stuff to creep you out.


Take a wild guess :mf_rosetinted:


Um..King Charles? :aah:

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Ffffff still.


Getting told people on here think am a attention whore is one thing then for your mum to think I'm a creep...If I was I would comment on your pics saying stuff to creep you out.




Um..King Charles? :aah:


She thinks everyone I meet's a creep, real life or Internet :naughty:

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CUSTOMER: Hi, do you have that sperm cookbook?

BOOKSELLER: No, we don't.

CUSTOMER: That's a shame; I really want to try it. Have you tried it?

BOOKSELLER: I have not.



I would buy a sperm cookbook :mf_rosetinted:Ya know for the novelty of it:naughty:

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Yeah right :mf_rosetinted::naughty:




Celebrate? :mf_rosetinted:

exactly :naughty: I liked the vid version beginning better :mf_rosetinted:

for my phone and it stars with I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO CELEBRATE but exactly like in the new vid:mikacool: and i cut some parts so no pharell's voice in the beginning :mf_rosetinted:
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for my phone and it stars with I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO CELEBRATE but exactly like in the new vid:mikacool: and i cut some parts so no pharell's voice in the beginning :mf_rosetinted:

Guess who cant see the vid yet? :aah:

Yeah right :mf_rosetinted::naughty:




Celebrate? :mf_rosetinted:


I'm being SO serious though, I would ABSOLUTELY buy it no doubt about that. Whether I'd ever USE it is the real question :lmfao:

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Guess who cant see the vid yet? :aah:



I'm being SO serious though' date=' I would ABSOLUTELY buy it no doubt about that. Whether I'd ever USE it is the real question :lmfao:[/quote']


:shocked::shocked: it's blocked there? :aah:

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I'm being SO serious though' date=' I would ABSOLUTELY buy it no doubt about that. Whether I'd ever USE it is the real question :lmfao:[/quote']


I would love to see your parents reaction if they found the book :naughty::roftl:


yes they do :aah: vid one starts with once i get up... and audio one - i wanna come home... :mf_rosetinted:


I listened to them and the vid are better as you said :mf_rosetinted:


I don't know if it's that' date=' or just my ipad, or what >.<[/quote']


I think it's your Ipad, but you can try to use this :mf_rosetinted:


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I would love to see your parents reaction if they found the book :naughty::roftl:




I listened to them and the vid are better as you said :mf_rosetinted:




I think it's your Ipad, but you can try to use this :mf_rosetinted:



I have No. Clue. what they would do :floor: But that said, I'm fairly certain I'd have to use it at some point in life, thats pretty damn hilarious :lmfao: Lol *wonders dafuq recipes you could make out of sperm anyways* *probably alot* *holy damn that's freakin adorable for some reason beyond my comprehension* *a lot of crazy random thoughts* *blah blah blah tumblr* *blah blah sperm cakes?* :lmao:

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ahh poor ya xDD he won't tell it? :aah:


Nope xD His old one was 1Yngwiemalmsteen because he's epic like that but I can't guess the new one because my mom probably put it in and its something like chocolatecakeftw (which was her last one btw...) :aah:

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