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I'll never watch Killer Kids again....





I'm surprised at how f*cking delicious that looks. :naughty: Like' date=' seriously. The inner geek in me is rejoicing. God this is what I was scared of, but all you guys had to figure out eventually that I'm a right weirdo so... :teehee: God I honestly do hope I get that at some point, gah :floor: I'd like to invite my enemies to a dinner party![/quote']
Whoever wrote that' date=' I will marry them. :aah:[/quote']


I'm not surprised at all :mf_rosetinted:


I love that show! But best American show? Honey that's insulting. :aah:


You never heard the word sarcasm? :mf_rosetinted::aah:

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The question is have YOU ever heard the word sarcasm? :mf_rosetinted::teehee:

Not surprised? Hmm... Why' date=' exactly? :naughty:[/quote']


Good comeback, ha :mf_rosetinted: No I haven't, never understood it, irony is my device... :mf_rosetinted:

You have showed us your inner thoughts and desires quite clearly. Nothing wrong of course, but yeah we're not stupid :mf_rosetinted::aah:

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Good comeback, ha :mf_rosetinted: No I haven't, never understood it, irony is my device... :mf_rosetinted:

You have showed us your inner thoughts and desires quite clearly. Nothing wrong of course, but yeah we're not stupid :mf_rosetinted::aah:


BWAHAHAHHAA *gasps for breath* :floor::lmfao::lmao::roftl:

.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD :'D roflcopter you have me so wrong xD



And I thought you guys knew me better than that. Lol good one Sherly. :aah:

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BWAHAHAHHAA *gasps for breath* :floor::lmfao::lmao::roftl:

.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD :'D roflcopter you have me so wrong xD



And I thought you guys knew me better than that. Lol good one Sherly. :aah:


I don't answer that....

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Haha I feel bad now :aah: But that's what I get for leading you on :naughty:





I think I expect to much of you then' date=' lmao. :aah:[/quote']


All I say is that: My motto is irony :mf_rosetinted: And that you never have understood my laziness... or is it answers in swedish you want...? :mf_rosetinted:

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All I say is that: My motto is irony :mf_rosetinted: And that you never have understood my laziness... or is it answers in swedish you want...? :mf_rosetinted:


I'm pleasantly surprised by how little you actually know about me! That's all... I've never told a lie to any one of you so why is it that you don't... Gah. I don't know, this is weird... And if you must know one thing about me it's that I have a certain affinity for the weird, odd, any and all which could be categorized as such....m

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I'm pleasantly surprised by how little you actually know about me! That's all... I've never told a lie to any one of you so why is it that you don't... Gah. I don't know' date=' this is weird... And if you must know one thing about me it's that I have a certain affinity for the weird, odd, any and all which could be categorized as such....m[/quote']


And I'm surprised by how little you understand of the things that I have answered you, even if I was nice and gave you irony and laziness... :mf_rosetinted:

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And I'm surprised by how little you understand of the things that I have answered you, even if I was nice and gave you irony and laziness... :mf_rosetinted:

Haha I see that, but it surprises me still :aah:

You haven't? I just don't see why you won't do something for me..


Lol good, I'm just in an 'interesting' mood, I'll be there anyways, I just aww I should shut up. So yeah.

Edit: haha no matter as it doesn't work on iPad anyway.

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