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He does' date=' and so I shall :teehee:



Ehem: 'You have showed us your inner thoughts and desires quite clearly.'

That and you said you weren't surprised.


YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THAT KILLS ME. Mainly because you have it wrong, and much as I like to goof off I feel like I give you the wrong impression of my personality.[/quote']


As I suspected then. :mf_rosetinted:

Ofc you haven't showed us your inner thoughts and desires, no one would be that stupid to believe that. As I said I'm lazy, the sentence sounded great even if that's not exactly what I meant. I wrote it because I didn't have the patience to explain in english what I really meant and I thought you would understand :mf_rosetinted: And why I wasn't surprised, everyone here's are a bit weird, ofc we're behind a keyboard not face to face, and I was lazy and because of the other post you had written...


Look how long that post is, I didn't want to write anything long that's why I wrote what I did in the first place. I guess being lazy have a price :mf_rosetinted:

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As I suspected then. :mf_rosetinted:

Ofc you haven't showed us your inner thoughts and desires, no one would be that stupid to believe that. As I said I'm lazy, the sentence sounded great even if that's not exactly what I meant. I wrote it because I didn't have the patience to explain in english what I really meant and I thought you would understand :mf_rosetinted: And why I wasn't surprised, everyone here's are a bit weird, ofc we're behind a keyboard not face to face, and I was lazy and because of the other post you had written...


Look how long that post is, I didn't want to write anything long that's why I wrote what I did in the first place. I guess being lazy have a price :mf_rosetinted:


Lol you still dont get what I mean. :aah:

Well I'm in an odd mood as it is, throw Swedish at me if you feel like it. Now that you let slip that you didn't explain fully I WILL TAKE AN EXPANATIIN AT ANY COST AND IN ANY LANGUAGE. I. Have. To. Know. :aah:

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I think I need to get into Panic. They seem good, but I just haven't been bothered to try and get to like them :naughty:


Hehe yes you should, they're simply AMAZING. Especially if you're into their writing style-- very... Prose? It's like a riddle. And it's FULL of pop culture references, which is lovely. Brendon's voice is just impossible to explain, and the whole thing has an atmosphere that just encapsulates me fully and if I might add his head voice- out of this world, closure wise. Blah blah blah look at what I'm reduced to, I could go on for days about their artistic merit :naughty:

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Lol you still dont get what I mean. :aah:

Well I'm in an odd mood as it is' date=' throw Swedish at me if you feel like it. Now that you let slip that you didn't explain fully I WILL TAKE AN EXPANATIIN AT ANY COST AND IN ANY LANGUAGE. I. Have. To. Know. :aah:[/quote']


You have to know why I wrote that... Well I was bored :mf_rosetinted:

Ska jag vara helt ärlig så betyde de orden, de meningarna jag skrev, absolut ingenting. Jag är trött, jag är på det konstiga humöret där man försöker tänka men det går inte, man försöker tänka i flera steg men det går inte. Informationen går inte in och ingen ny skapas heller. Väldigt frustrerande! Som om hjärnan har sprungit ett maraton.

I alla fall, jag ville inte lämna din fråga, dina svar obesvarade så vad gjorde jag? jag skrev bara något, första bästa jag kom att tänka på. Så om du redan har skrivit:

I would buy a sperm cookbook Ya know for the novelty of it.


They forgot the amazing high protein of semen and the 7 cals per like tablespoon.... God I have issues don't I? Yep that sealed it, I'm buying that book for sure.

och sen

EDIT: neglected as a food? Haha NOPE I really don't agree with that statement

förvånar det mig inte så mycket om du sedan skriver:

Whoever wrote that, I will marry them.

jag fattar varför du skriver The inner geek in me is rejoicing. för det är intressant! Inget som går att förneka, jag tycker det bara att jag inte har visat det lika tydligt som du.

Och jag hoppas du fattar att jag inte syftade:

You have showed us your inner thoughts and desires quite clearly. Nothing wrong of course, but yeah we're not stupid.

på vad du har skrivit om sperma och om spremakokboken :mf_rosetinted:


EDIT: en sak till varför jag skrev: I'm not surprised. För att du påminner så extremt mycket om min kompis att det är sjukt, ni smälter in i varandra. Jag har seriöst svårt att skilja er åt, speciellt när du skriver såna kommentarer.

Edited by Lilasko
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Hehe yes you should' date=' they're simply AMAZING. Especially if you're into their writing style-- very... Prose? It's like a riddle. And it's FULL of pop culture references, which is lovely. Brendon's voice is just impossible to explain, and the whole thing has an atmosphere that just encapsulates me fully and if I might add his head voice- out of this world, closure wise. Blah blah blah look at what I'm reduced to, I could go on for days about their artistic merit :naughty:[/quote']


I like riddles. I like poppy, loudish, wordy stuff :naughty: Something you can really get your teeth into!


I heard his cover of 'I believe in a thing called love' by the darkness. Oh wow.

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You have to know why I wrote that... Well I was bored :mf_rosetinted:

Ska jag vara helt ärlig så betyde de orden, de meningarna jag skrev, absolut ingenting. Jag är trött, jag är på det konstiga humöret där man försöker tänka men det går inte, man försöker tänka i flera steg men det går inte. Informationen går inte in och ingen ny skapas heller. Väldigt frustrerande! Som om hjärnan har sprungit ett maraton.

I alla fall, jag ville inte lämna din fråga, dina svar obesvarade så vad gjorde jag? jag skrev bara något, första bästa jag kom att tänka på. Så om du redan har skrivit:

I would buy a sperm cookbook Ya know for the novelty of it.


They forgot the amazing high protein of semen and the 7 cals per like tablespoon.... God I have issues don't I? Yep that sealed it, I'm buying that book for sure.

och sen

EDIT: neglected as a food? Haha NOPE I really don't agree with that statement

förvånar det mig inte så mycket om du sedan skriver:

Whoever wrote that, I will marry them.

jag fattar varför du skriver The inner geek in me is rejoicing. för det är intressant! Inget som går att förneka, jag tycker det bara att jag inte har visat det lika tydligt som du.

Och jag hoppas du fattar att jag inte syftade:

You have showed us your inner thoughts and desires quite clearly. Nothing wrong of course, but yeah we're not stupid.

på vad du har skrivit om sperma och om spremakokboken :mf_rosetinted:


EDIT: en sak till varför jag skrev jag är inte förvånad. För att du påminner

extremt mycket om min kompis att det är sjukt, ni smälter in i varandra. Jag har seriöst svårt att skilja er åt, speciellt när du skriver såna kommentarer.

*doesn't feel like wasting time on google translate, so is winging it*

Haha well then there's where we're the same because I'm in that exact same mood tonight, and here's my underlying reason--

I mentioned I was bored earlier, and that my being bored wasn't a good thing. Earlier on this week I believe I was telling you my awful experiences of an afternoon without MFC? This mood... Does things to me. Emotionally that is. I can't stand doing nothing, cant stand it at all, I kick myself. So basically what you got was me trying desperately to distract myself from doing something destructive akin to shooting the wall... xD Haha I doubt we're any much alike, your friend and I, because I'm not like this in actual life. Honesty yeah? I don't even speak. Hardly, barely. Because there's nothing for me to say, I'd rather think and distract myself other ways. Mostly when someone tries to speak with me I either A. Scare them off immediately or B. Say something snarky. So there, detailed reason why I say what I say and I hope you're happy with the psychoanalysis. :naughty:

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I like riddles. I like poppy, loudish, wordy stuff :naughty: Something you can really get your teeth into!


I heard his cover of 'I believe in a thing called love' by the darkness. Oh wow.


Brilliant, you'll probably like it then! :teehee: TBH Panic!'s records are so scattered... There's alt stuff, steampunk, classically inspired, snazzy broadway performance inspired pieces, and more simplistic pop bits as well. Quite diverse. :naughty:

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I'm not naming names.


Brilliant' date=' you'll probably like it then! :teehee: TBH Panic!'s records are so scattered... There's alt stuff, steampunk, classically inspired, snazzy broadway performance inspired pieces, and more simplistic pop bits as well. Quite diverse. :naughty:[/quote']


I guess a bit like Mika then? :das: Mika's a little bit all over the place.

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I guess a bit like Mika then? :das: Mika's a little bit all over the place.


A bit, but... Heavier. I think it's less of a light listen and more of a... How do I put it... Well it's much more obvious of influences than mika has. As in, song titles directly taken from movie quotes (take for example, Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off... But it's better if you do. A quote from the movie Closer. And two of their song titles- might I admit those two songs sound nothing alike, btw? ) aha they have more density I think in terms of stylistic choice. If that made any sense. :teehee:

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A bit' date=' but... Heavier. I think it's less of a light listen and more of a... How do I put it... Well it's much more obvious of influences than mika has. As in, song titles directly taken from movie quotes (take for example, Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off... But it's better if you do. A quote from the movie Closer. And two of their song titles- might I admit those two songs sound nothing alike, btw? ) aha they have more density I think in terms of stylistic choice. If that made any sense. :teehee:[/quote']


Oh I've heard of that one from my fans who are friends :naughty: I kindn of get what you mean. They are much more solid? And the style is set and isn't mixed too much? But between each song.

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Haha lol guys... Neither of those things are as snazzy as they seem. :naughty:


I guess they're just toys that people get bored of eventually... WHICH IS ODD FOR THEIR PRICES.

I need a laptop that way you can see my ugly mug via webcam.:mf_rosetinted:


They are fun' date='my friend has/had one he's lost his.[/quote']


I soooo want to see your ugly mug via webcam!!!


What are you using at the moment?

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I guess they're just toys that people get bored of eventually... WHICH IS ODD FOR THEIR PRICES.



I soooo want to see your ugly mug via webcam!!!


What are you using at the moment?


A standard desktop computer which has had to been fixed twice.Clear sign it is dying on me.



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