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2012 - Expofacic, Portugal - 4 August - REPORTS/PICTURES/VIDEOS


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I’m still dreaming about Saturday. It was such an amazing day in so many levels :wub2:


So let’s start this report…




Me, Mary and my boyfriend arrived at Cantanhede around 12:30 pm. A little bit early in fact, but we never know what people are going to do and I really wanted to be front row in this gig. I was afraid that something could happen like last year in Mares Vivas. I took my professional photographic camera to the show and I was expecting to find a great spot to shoot some photos, so I needed to be sure I was going to be at the front. We also knew that we were going to have two different queues: before entering and after. I was more concerned with the after one, because I was afraid I couldn’t leave my place till the end of the show, but fortunately that didn’t happen. ;)


So, we arrived, saw that were just a few fans and decided not to queue. We went back near the car, sat down under a tree and actually stayed there till 20 minutes to the time to enter the festival. We played football, took pictures, had lunch, chat, laugh, it was pretty calm and relaxing. No sunburns or stress. More fans started to arrive and we start talking about the new songs, the new Mika and more important, the surprises we had prepared for him. :mf_rosetinted:


We enter the festival and got a great spot at the front. We put our flag at the barriers (I guess Mary will post photos of it later) that represents the Portuguese fan club since the very first show :wub2: .

We had a great time during all day. We were able to leave our place at the queue everytime we wanted. This was amazing and I guess that’s why we had such relaxed and funny day. We didn’t need to be worried to lose our place.


The fair was amazing, so big and full of Portuguese traditional things.

We spend the all day chatting, mixing Portuguese, with English, with Spanish and even Catalan LOL. We had a fabulous time all together. I just wish that my language skills were a little bit better, it still annoys me to want to say something and get stuck with words. I just hope I didn’t insulted anyone :naughty:


I almost forgot… We started to distribute the things for our surprise, some hearts and papers with the word “Love” written on it, so everyone could show to Mika in the Origin of Love song. Most of the people were actually excited about this.


And to finish this first part, I want to make you feel jealous and show you the bracelet that Wonka gave me! Beautiful, right?

Thank you Carla :huglove:



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The show didn’t start at the time it was announced. But it’s very rare in Portugal, a show to start at the time it should, unless it’s a festival. But, I never thought it would start with a delay of a 1 hour and 15 minutes, in these cases, the delay uses to be 30 minutes, not more. This situation was very unpleasant. :sneaky2:


So, I wasn’t so excited to this gig like I was to the others I went to. I think it’s because of the new songs maybe. We were actually talking about this during the day. I don’t feel the connection with Mika with his new songs like I felt with his previous albums. His songs don’t seem so sarcastic and don't have the double meaning that I liked and even the melody of his songs changed in a way that I don’t like. But this is just a matter of taste and only my opinion. I was also afraid that the gig was going to be softer, without the energy he used to have, and this was my major concern.


I was wrong, I was so wrong. I don’t know if the show seemed amazing (and really short) to me because my expectations were really low, or because I missed seeing him live or just because it was really amazing. But I did have fun, he was explosive, full of energy, and the crowd loved him sang with him and everything went like it should. :thumb_yello:


I still don’t love the new songs, I maintain my opinion, but they don’t sound that bad live. Relax should be the first song of the concert forever. I know he has to change things from time to time, but I still think Relax is the song to open a gig. I also liked the new version of Lollipop.


The show was really short for me, I don’t know if I’m the only one who thinks this. But when I got home and the excitement was starting to go away, I realised that he left so many songs that I wanted to hear…


But then again everything went well. Good vibe in the audience, no pushing, I think it was the very first show I started and ended in the same place lol. And….. he loved our surprise :mf_rosetinted::wub2: When the Origin of Love started, everyone raised their papers and when he saw, he made that smile that we were waiting for… there’s no words to describe when he reacts like that. When we see that something made for us has that kind of effect on him, it makes everything worth it. :wub2::wub2:


I don’t remember any more relevant information to add from the show, just that all of us got confetti in some weird places. :aah: I actually had one in my tongue and probably I swallowed a few more. Besides all the confetti, balloons and other things that Mika decides to bring to his shows, we actually had same bags of it and started to throw to each other. It was like a confetti fight! LOL


We really had a blast! I want more now…. :wub2:

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After the show we were trying to discover if we were going to have the opportunity to be with him.

First we tried inside of the festival but then we realised that with so many people, it would be impossible for him to come near the barriers and we have the opportunity to talk with him. So, we leave the fair and went to the artists’ entrance. We were just 20 or 30 fans, so if everyone were respectful we could have such a wonderful time with him if he stopped the car.


And that actually happened! After 2 hours waiting for him the car appeared and it stopped. I had the Portuguese flag with me and decided that was the day I was going to give him to sign it (can you believe it that I didn’t remembered earlier?:doh:).


He got out of the car and there were no screaming and no overexcitement, at least visible.:naughty: He made an effort to talk with everyone and that was really sweet.:wub2: When it was my turn I asked him to sign the flag and he remembered the flag from the very first show and said he saw it in the front on Cantanhede.:wub2: He was actually looking at the details and that made me happy, seeing his interest in something that we did for him. I asked if we could take a group pic with the flag and he said a convincing “YES”! I was so happy, thanked him and left to the back to give opportunity to others.


Oh, I remember someone asking him if he liked our surprise and he said with a huge smile “YES”, and the person said again “it has been harder and harder to surprise”, and it actually admitted “yes, it has been harder to surprise me”. So I think for November we’re going to have a huge challenge.:naughty:


When he signed everyone’s stuff he said to take the group pic. We put in position with the flag and he was at the front, staring at it and we had to call him to be in the picture.:naughty: I thought that moment was so funny, seeing him in the photographer’s side, looking at the flag and we were waiting for him to take the photo! I want to say that I was really happy that people from other countries respected our moment, thank you! I just wanted more Portuguese fans were with us in that moment.


After the photograph I asked him what he wrote on the flag because I still don’t understand his handwriting and he answer me that he doesn’t know what he usually writes. LOL

So, I’ll post the photo of his signature and if someone can help me, I would appreciate.:naughty:


Then, I was at the back again, but I guess he took some pics with more people and chatted a little bit and then he left. And it was over.


I guess I didn’t forget any detail.



I loved all the day. That’s all I can say to resume this.:wub2:


I want to thank to everyone I met and talked that day. You all made part of this dreamy day.

All the Portuguese gang as usual, in special to Mariana, Carla and her family, Patrícia, Sandra, the other Patrícia, Marta, etc, etc. The Spanish group, in special to my guapa Rosa. Then David, Rose, Yulia, etc, etc… Loved to be with you guys. I’m sorry if I forgot someone, but that’s typical of me!

Love you all! :group_hug:




(I will upload my videos to youtube during the day and I’ll post them here)!



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Awwww Lils! That was the best report ever! :wub2:


It was me who said that it's getting harder and harder to surprise him! :aah: (*challenge accepted!*)


Love the group pics! You can really see how happy and relaxed we all were! :wub2:

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It was a fabulous gig and I would thank the portuguese team for dispatching the papers with "LOVE" and heart! It was a great idea to have them during "the origin of love" and Mika was happy!

Here are my pics





















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Awwww Lils! That was the best report ever! :wub2:


It was me who said that it's getting harder and harder to surprise him! :aah: (*challenge accepted!*)


Love the group pics! You can really see how happy and relaxed we all were! :wub2:


Thanks! :wub2:






VERMEJO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmfao:


And I forgot.... Portuñol! :naughty::naughty:

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