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2012 - Expofacic, Portugal - 4 August - REPORTS/PICTURES/VIDEOS


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Hey there!!!


Let´s see if I can do a proper report *falls asleep on the keyboard*


When me and Asun,Elisa and Yolanda (all MFCers) arrived in Coimbra, we already had David, Rose and Yuls waiting for us. We met, kissed, hugged, (I tried AGAIN to understand Rose xD) and went for dinner. Had an amazing time, and after that, went for Marian to the train station, and after that went to party hard at our room. Yes, the eight of us shared a room. A big one.


The next day, we decided to have a relaxed breakfast. Since Portugal is THE BEST PLACE TO QUEUE EVER we decided to arrive in the venue like at 4pm. So, whilst we were waiting to get our VIP tickets (WTF means "VIP"????) I got a text from Team Mika: "MAYBE" you´ll get the chance to meet Mika after the gig. Wait for Thoma´s call.






*gets excited* (so, that´s what VIP tickets means)


We got the tickets, went to have a drink with the English and then, at 5pm went inside the venue. Only Portuguese and Spanish gang there, so we got second/third row. Amazing.



I don´t need to say anything about all the people, I met, do I? Obviously I loved to meet my Spanish crazy friends again. And what can I say about the portuguese, oh God, Mary, Liliana, Carla, Carlota, the new girls... erm... Sandra and... OH GOD, MARY, Y U DIDN´T MAKE ME LEARN THEIR NAMES BY HEART?!?! I had an amazing time. I stayed with the portuguese people during the gig (Spanish where by my right, and English by my left LOL so I just got stuck in the middle :mf_rosetinted:).


Let´s go to what´s important...


At 11.15pm (exactly the time TM said he would be on stage, not 10pm as Expofacic said....) Mika appeared.


Bitter-sweet feelings.... He started with BG instead of Relax (GREAT DISSAPOINTING FOR ME) and... no feelings at all o.O like... "oh, yeah, there he is, Mika...."


I shunned myself for it, trust me... I also realised I forgot the lyrics to most of the old songs :shocked: (someone kick my ass at this point, please)



Anyway... I even felt a bit "bored" during the old songs...and I´m not happy with that, cause I already got my ticket to see him in November again. I don´t know what happened, but I didnt get nervous as ever and... oh well, whatever.


During the gig, I got a new text from Team Mika: "Slight change... instead of Thomas calling you, here you are his number, call him after the gig.


Thanks for giving me Mika´s tour manager´s number :mf_rosetinted:


So, after the gig, I went with David, who got the same text and he called Thomas. (Thank God, cause I´m UNABLE to speak English on the phone)


Oh, wait, funny things of the gig:


I think it was during Happy Ending, when Mika made the band shut so he could hear us singing, and Felix kept on singing, so Mika stopped playing the piano and asked: "Who´s that?", all the band pointed Felix, and Mika, pretending he was angry, said: "Oh, of course, Felix, come on, show off!!" LOL


He said about SITM that he wrote it when he was 17 and it was for his grandma. Never heard it before.


Oh, and I found quite "disgusting" how music is over Mika´s voice... erm... not sure if you understand me... Music is louder than Mika´s voice.



And guys... as much as I also loved the old members... these new guys sound much better live. Felix is just awesome. This is just my opinion, but I love the way he plays drums.


The new songs sounded FANTASTIC. You know I don´t love UW but his voice in that song is just :swoon:... to die for. I´m not that enthusiastic about Celebrate either, but... I think it happens as with WAG. They are great live songs. And The Origin Of Love... oh well... *sighs*



Ok, so after the gig, we went to meet Thomas (aka the new John) and he led us to backstage, and made us (David, Rose, Elisa and me) sit down right in front of where Mika was being interviewed. Then Max and Curtis appeared, said hi, and I asked to them if I could take a pic of them for MFC, they said "OH, SUREEEEE!!!" so, I took the pic. I tweeted it, and since it´s not in my camera, but in my phone I don´t know how to add it here, so, if you are curious, go stalk my tweets LOL


So, after the interview, literally, Thomas grabbed Mika´s arm and brought him to us :mf_rosetinted:


"oh hello!!!"


So, after the "hello, nice to see you!" part, we started talking to him, I told him his new songs were amazing and he was like "really?? oh, thank you very much, I really appreciate these comments, you know?" me: "yeah, sure no one told it before :mf_rosetinted:" (it was just my thought, I didn´t tell him that"


Then I asked him about Overrated.


me: Mika, is Overrated the same song we have in demo?

Mika: oh, no, no, it´s a very different song!!

me: so, nothing to do with the demo..

Mika: oh well.....:aah:

me: o.O

Mika: maybe a part.... :aah: .... erm... it´s a new song but it has a part which is like the demo


So.... LOL we will need to wait for the album.


I also asked him how he was feeling about the new album, and he said: "you have only heard a few songs, but trust me, the whole thing sounds amazing, with all the songs together"


Then I told him that I thought The Origin of Love was great, and asked him if he thought it could be the new GK, as the song which would put him in the place he deserves in charts and he said: "oh, I really think that too, I love that song, I think it´s great, it´s maybe my favorite..." and again he talked about "the whole album". I´m so happy to see him that excited about it, it´s like... he really shows his excitement when he talks about it, which is great.


Then we all chatted a bit, mostly about the gig and stuff, but I´ll let each one do their own reports about their chat with Mika.


Oh, I forgot, I asked him if I could speak in Spanish, and he said "oh, claro, por supuesto" so we had a little chat in Spanish, but then, I DON´T F*CKING KNOW WHY, I switched to English again, so, he did too... he sounds more...erm.. his voice sounds louder in Spanish, really different LOL



Then, we took a group pic, but it´s taking ages to upload, so I´ll post it later, and when we were about to leave, I remembered Mary asked me to tell him that Portuguese people wanted to see him, so... it was like this:


me: Mika, excuse me, please, Portuguese fans want to meet you... should they wait for you?

Mika: oh, sure!! but I don´t know if we have here a place to meet them... Thomas!! where can they wait for me?

Thomas: I think I have a place over there *points to the main entrance*

Mika: ok, then tell them to wait for me them

me: oh, thank you very much, Mika!!



So we left, I texted Mary, but they were already waiting at the exit door... To be honest, I found odd that Thomas said he had a place right in the main entrance :aah:


But then, when Mika left the venue and found the portuguese girls there, he said "hey, we were looking for you before!!!!", So, they really did!! Seriously... how many popstars do that?? He is such an amazing guy...


Oh well, that´s all. This wasn´t my first time talking to him, but deffinitely, this will be in my memory forever. He smelt good, btw... :aah:



oh, the pic is already uploaded. Here you are.



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Oh, I forgot... when Mika kills the band (really, Mika?? never seen that before :mf_rosetinted:) Max keeps on singing "darari dari doom" like... FOREVER... so, Mika, laying on the piano, said:



"when you´ll be in the street...... shopping...... making love to your wife.... YOU´LL HAVE MAX´S VOICE SINGING STUCK IN YOUR HEAD FOREVER!!!!"











IT´S TRUE!!! I HAVE IT!!!! :aah:

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Amazing reports :D


There's not much more I can add. It was nice not to queue and to get front row... The gig was awesome. Mika was full of energy, joking, dancing and singing... It was nice to see him again. He played a version I had never heard of 'Rain', very slow becoming rhythmic at the chorus. Also 'Lollipop' is different. The new songs were amazing and the audience was enthusiastic jumping, throwing confetti, holding hearts up...

The private M&G Rosa talks about here above was amazing. I was unable to say anything apart from 'fantastic/amazing/awesome'. Mika might have thought I'm stupid or something. We took a pic, I was between him and David (quite tall too) and so I was literally hanging between them both LOL


Well, basically that's all I can say. It was good to see most people I met last year and also to meet others. It's been an incredible weekend :)

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Hey there!!!


Let´s see if I can do a proper report *falls asleep on the keyboard*


When me and Asun,Elisa and Yolanda (all MFCers) arrived in Coimbra, we already had David, Rose and Yuls waiting for us. We met, kissed, hugged, (I tried AGAIN to understand Rose xD) and went for dinner. Had an amazing time, and after that, went for Marian to the train station, and after that went to party hard at our room. Yes, the eight of us shared a room. A big one.


The next day, we decided to have a relaxed breakfast. Since Portugal is THE BEST PLACE TO QUEUE EVER we decided to arrive in the venue like at 4pm. So, whilst we were waiting to get our VIP tickets (WTF means "VIP"????) I got a text from Team Mika: "MAYBE" you´ll get the chance to meet Mika after the gig. Wait for Thoma´s call.



*gets excited* (so, that´s what VIP tickets means)


We got the tickets, went to have a drink with the English and then, at 5pm went inside the venue. Only Portuguese and Spanish gang there, so we got second/third row. Amazing.



I don´t need to say anything about all the people, I met, do I? Obviously I loved to meet my Spanish crazy friends again. And what can I say about the portuguese, oh God, Mary, Liliana, Carla, Carlota, the new girls... erm... Sandra and... OH GOD, MARY, Y U DIDN´T MAKE ME LEARN THEIR NAMES BY HEART?!?! I had an amazing time. I stayed with the portuguese people during the gig (Spanish where by my right, and English by my left LOL so I just got stuck in the middle :mf_rosetinted:).


Let´s go to what´s important...


At 11.15pm (exactly the time TM said he would be on stage, not 10pm as Expofacic said....) Mika appeared.


Bitter-sweet feelings.... He started with BG instead of Relax (GREAT DISSAPOINTING FOR ME) and... no feelings at all o.O like... "oh, yeah, there he is, Mika...."


I shunned myself for it, trust me... I also realised I forgot the lyrics to most of the old songs :shocked: (someone kick my ass at this point, please)



Anyway... I even felt a bit "bored" during the old songs...and I´m not happy with that, cause I already got my ticket to see him in November again. I don´t know what happened, but I didnt get nervous as ever and... oh well, whatever.


During the gig, I got a new text from Team Mika: "Slight change... instead of Thomas calling you, here you are his number, call him after the gig.


Thanks for giving me Mika´s tour manager´s number :mf_rosetinted:


So, after the gig, I went with David, who got the same text and he called Thomas. (Thank God, cause I´m UNABLE to speak English on the phone)


Oh, wait, funny things of the gig:


I think it was during Happy Ending, when Mika made the band shut so he could hear us singing, and Felix kept on singing, so Mika stopped playing the piano and asked: "Who´s that?", all the band pointed Felix, and Mika, pretending he was angry, said: "Oh, of course, Felix, come on, show off!!" LOL


He said about SITM that he wrote it when he was 17 and it was for his grandma. Never heard it before.


Oh, and I found quite "disgusting" how music is over Mika´s voice... erm... not sure if you understand me... Music is louder than Mika´s voice.



And guys... as much as I also loved the old members... these new guys sound much better live. Felix is just awesome. This is just my opinion, but I love the way he plays drums.


The new songs sounded FANTASTIC. You know I don´t love UW but his voice in that song is just :swoon:... to die for. I´m not that enthusiastic about Celebrate either, but... I think it happens as with WAG. They are great live songs. And The Origin Of Love... oh well... *sighs*



Ok, so after the gig, we went to meet Thomas (aka the new John) and he led us to backstage, and made us (David, Rose, Elisa and me) sit down right in front of where Mika was being interviewed. Then Max and Curtis appeared, said hi, and I asked to them if I could take a pic of them for MFC, they said "OH, SUREEEEE!!!" so, I took the pic. I tweeted it, and since it´s not in my camera, but in my phone I don´t know how to add it here, so, if you are curious, go stalk my tweets LOL


So, after the interview, literally, Thomas grabbed Mika´s arm and brought him to us :mf_rosetinted:


"oh hello!!!"


So, after the "hello, nice to see you!" part, we started talking to him, I told him his new songs were amazing and he was like "really?? oh, thank you very much, I really appreciate these comments, you know?" me: "yeah, sure no one told it before :mf_rosetinted:" (it was just my thought, I didn´t tell him that"


Then I asked him about Overrated.


me: Mika, is Overrated the same song we have in demo?

Mika: oh, no, no, it´s a very different song!!

me: so, nothing to do with the demo..

Mika: oh well.....:aah:

me: o.O

Mika: maybe a part.... :aah: .... erm... it´s a new song but it has a part which is like the demo


So.... LOL we will need to wait for the album.


I also asked him how he was feeling about the new album, and he said: "you have only heard a few songs, but trust me, the whole thing sounds amazing, with all the songs together"


Then I told him that I thought The Origin of Love was great, and asked him if he thought it could be the new GK, as the song which would put him in the place he deserves in charts and he said: "oh, I really think that too, I love that song, I think it´s great, it´s maybe my favorite..." and again he talked about "the whole album". I´m so happy to see him that excited about it, it´s like... he really shows his excitement when he talks about it, which is great.


Then we all chatted a bit, mostly about the gig and stuff, but I´ll let each one do their own reports about their chat with Mika.


Oh, I forgot, I asked him if I could speak in Spanish, and he said "oh, claro, por supuesto" so we had a little chat in Spanish, but then, I DON´T F*CKING KNOW WHY, I switched to English again, so, he did too... he sounds more...erm.. his voice sounds louder in Spanish, really different LOL



Then, we took a group pic, but it´s taking ages to upload, so I´ll post it later, and when we were about to leave, I remembered Mary asked me to tell him that Portuguese people wanted to see him, so... it was like this:


me: Mika, excuse me, please, Portuguese fans want to meet you... should they wait for you?

Mika: oh, sure!! but I don´t know if we have here a place to meet them... Thomas!! where can they wait for me?

Thomas: I think I have a place over there *points to the main entrance*

Mika: ok, then tell them to wait for me them

me: oh, thank you very much, Mika!!



So we left, I texted Mary, but they were already waiting at the exit door... To be honest, I found odd that Thomas said he had a place right in the main entrance :aah:


But then, when Mika left the venue and found the portuguese girls there, he said "hey, we were looking for you before!!!!", So, they really did!! Seriously... how many popstars do that?? He is such an amazing guy...


Oh well, that´s all. This wasn´t my first time talking to him, but deffinitely, this will be in my memory forever. He smelt good, btw... :aah:



oh, the pic is already uploaded. Here you are.


Thank you so much for this lovely report :mikalove:

great you all had an amazing time!! :wink2:

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But then, when Mika left the venue and found the portuguese girls there, he said "hey, we were looking for you before!!!!", So, they really did!! Seriously... how many popstars do that?? He is such an amazing guy...




A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!! :wub2:


Thanks for your reports, girls!!

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My bad, I didn't tell you about the surprises we made this time. :doh:


We decided to go simple and practical, and do something that would work anyway, no matter how many people joined us.


For Celebrate, we asked on the portuguese fan club facebook page for people to bring stuff to party. Just that... confetti, balloons, party hats, anything. Many people forgot that, but we gave some stuff to people around us, and that group in the front row...oh boy! :aah:

We started throwing confetti and Mika and Joy seemed to be surprised but at the same time quite amused to see us partying like crazy (at some point we were having so much fun I even forgot they were on stage :aah:). It was so good! As I said before, the atmosphere of this gig was absolutely incredible! :wub2:


For The Origin Of Love, we asked people to take hearts or the word "LOVE" printed/drawn on A4 paper, and raise them during the song.


Before talking about Mika's reaction, want to thank everyone who helped us with this, especially FD, who took an amazing 50 hearts to give away! :shocked:


When the song started, everyone raised the hearts/LOVEs, and...wow... :wub2: The effect wasn't massive, but it was enough for him to feel the love! :blush-anim-cl:


Here's his reaction:



I think the fact that it was a new song, plus the meaning of it, and the fact that he felt that we are still with him no matter what, made this even more special! He was really touched! :wub2: One of the spanish girls took a sign saying "you make us proud", and she raised it during TOOL too, and... :wub2: Awwww *fangurls*

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Oh, I forgot... when Mika kills the band (really, Mika?? never seen that before :mf_rosetinted:) Max keeps on singing "darari dari doom" like... FOREVER... so, Mika, laying on the piano, said:



"when you´ll be in the street...... shopping...... making love to your wife.... YOU´LL HAVE MAX´S VOICE SINGING STUCK IN YOUR HEAD FOREVER!!!!"











IT´S TRUE!!! I HAVE IT!!!! :aah:

that is.. SO TRUE.:aah: :aah:

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Thanks for the reports everyone!


Rosa that is so awesome that you got to go backstage with the VIP tickets. I am sad about John being replaced though. :tears:


How is Asun? I remember her saying a couple of years ago that she wasn't going to any more gigs. I guess she is back on board again? :naughty:

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Thanks for the reports everyone!


Rosa that is so awesome that you got to go backstage with the VIP tickets. I am sad about John being replaced though. :tears:


How is Asun? I remember her saying a couple of years ago that she wasn't going to any more gigs. I guess she is back on board again? :naughty:


Ooooh yeah, The Black Queen is definitely back! :wub2:


Maybe she'll come here and confirm that herself, but gooooosh, it was good to see her again!



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Oh, I forgot... when Mika kills the band (really, Mika?? never seen that before :mf_rosetinted:) Max keeps on singing "darari dari doom" like... FOREVER... so, Mika, laying on the piano, said:



"when you´ll be in the street...... shopping...... making love to your wife.... YOU´LL HAVE MAX´S VOICE SINGING STUCK IN YOUR HEAD FOREVER!!!!"











IT´S TRUE!!! I HAVE IT!!!! :aah:


That was the funniest part of the gig! :lmfao:


And it's true i still have Max's voice singing in my head!!!:naughty:


Thanks for the reports everyone!


Rosa that is so awesome that you got to go backstage with the VIP tickets. I am sad about John being replaced though. :tears:


How is Asun? I remember her saying a couple of years ago that she wasn't going to any more gigs. I guess she is back on board again? :naughty:


it was wonderful to have the Black Queen back, and she seemed so happy to be back! Hope she posts here soon!

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Not exactly a review, sorry, mods, delete this if you think it's not the right place to post it. Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everybody. You made me feel so welcomed and so loved. It's great to be back in Mikaland:wub2:


*grabs leg*



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Not exactly a review, sorry, mods, delete this if you think it's not the right place to post it. Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everybody. You made me feel so welcomed and so loved. It's great to be back in Mikaland:wub2:


No you're welcome to post anything/anywhere! :huglove:

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Not exactly a review, sorry, mods, delete this if you think it's not the right place to post it. Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everybody. You made me feel so welcomed and so loved. It's great to be back in Mikaland:wub2:


You belong to the family:wub2:

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Not exactly a review, sorry, mods, delete this if you think it's not the right place to post it. Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everybody. You made me feel so welcomed and so loved. It's great to be back in Mikaland:wub2:



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*grabs leg*




Mwaaahahahahahaha, ok, ok, I won't!!!:aah:


No you're welcome to post anything/anywhere! :huglove:


Thanks Christine! :huglove:


You belong to the family:wub2:


Awwwwww, Ingie!!! :huglove:






You're all making me cry, people!!!!

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Not exactly a review, sorry, mods, delete this if you think it's not the right place to post it. Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everybody. You made me feel so welcomed and so loved. It's great to be back in Mikaland:wub2:


Language Wonka:mf_rosetinted:


Jsut seen your sexy time pic with Mika, that's worse than every bad word i can use here, Ingster!:mf_rosetinted:

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Have I?


I don't remember...:old:




You actually said you were going to kidnap him in Portugal and force him to take a picture with you or else he'd have to listen to the entire Avril Lavigne discography:mf_rosetinted:

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You actually said you were going to kidnap him in Portugal and force him to take a picture with you or else he'd have to listen to the entire Avril Lavigne discography:mf_rosetinted:




No i said Bieber, actually...:mf_rosetinted:

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