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2012 - Festival des Montgolfières - Aug 15 - REPORTS / PICTURES / VIDEOS


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I will write a full report tomorrow but for now, i'm leaving you with this





We got to give him the gift, we took a group picture.

He didn't open it in front of us.


After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:

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I will write a full report tomorrow but for now, i'm leaving you with this





We got to give him the gift, we took a group picture.

He didn't open it in front of us.


After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:


And I'm soooo glad you did!! :wub2: Finally! You've waited so long!! Can't wait to read your report :huglove:

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And I'm soooo glad you did!! :wub2: Finally! You've waited so long!! Can't wait to read your report :huglove:


yes, it was very nice, very calm, just chatting with him.


He said "oh you're the famous Guylaine"

but he didnt' ask for my autograph :sneaky2:

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yes, it was very nice, very calm, just chatting with him.


He said "oh you're the famous Guylaine"

but he didnt' ask for my autograph :sneaky2:


Aaaaaww, that's amazing!! :wub2:

Well he was just too shy to ask it of course!! I mean, he was standing there talking to the amazing Guylaine! What would you do?! :teehee:

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I will write a full report tomorrow but for now, i'm leaving you with this





We got to give him the gift, we took a group picture.

He didn't open it in front of us.


After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:


You mean, Mika finally got to meet YOU! LOL!


And so did I! :wub2:


yes, it was very nice, very calm, just chatting with him.


It was lovely. He was lovely. And the show itself was lovely.


OK, the show was actually more than lovely, it was abso-****-ing-lutely amazing! :fangurl:


Well worth the two-year wait, and the trip to Montreal!


Like Guy, I'll write more tomorrow, or Friday, once I'm home, but for now

I'll leave you with a few photos:







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I will write a full report tomorrow but for now, i'm leaving you with this





We got to give him the gift, we took a group picture.

He didn't open it in front of us.


After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:


yes, it was very nice, very calm, just chatting with him.


He said "oh you're the famous Guylaine"

but he didnt' ask for my autograph :sneaky2:

Wow!!! I am SO delighted that you finally got to meet him!

So pleased for you. It sounds fantastic! Lovely experience.


Thanks for the pics Deb :mikalove:

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AWWW there is his right in front of you working that magic:wub2:And so GREAT that Guy finally got to meet him!! :fangurl:


Yeah, Mika the magician :naughty:


I am TOTALLY in love with The Origin of Love!

i heard it at other MFCer gigs videos, but in person, it is just WOW! :swoon:

I think 90% of the crowd didn't know it, but they reponded so well to it... it has to be a single!


we had a few surprises for him, one of them required the participation of the crowd, flying colored squares all at once on Celebrate & they were so up for it! He turned around & saw all the flags (i think over 1500 of them) & made a huge smile and thanked us :naughty:

At the MFC meeting afterwards, he said later that he should commercialize the idea. :naughty:

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Une bombe s'abat sur Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu

15-08-2012 | 22h34


SAINT-JEAN-SUR-RICHELIEU - C’est à l’International de Montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu que la star de la pop Mika a choisi de tenir son électrisante fête d’anniversaire, mercredi.


Le spectacle était très attendu. Dès ses premiers instants sur scène, il a été chaudement accueilli par le public, venu voir l’énergique Libanais en grand nombre.

Il a commencé la fête avec Big Girls (You Are Beautiful), avant d’enchaîner avec Relax, Take it Easy . En quelques secondes, il a conquis son public en s’adressant à lui dans un français impeccable. Il a ensuite mesuré l’énergie de ses fans en leur demandant de chanter en chœur sur Blame it on the Girls.


Pour célébrer son anniversaire comme il se doit, la star, qui soufflera ses 29 bougies le 18 août, a sorti l’artillerie lourde, en lâchant une bonne cinquantaine de ballons durant Celebrate.


Il a interprété plusieurs chansons de son album à venir. La version somme toute plus simpliste qu’il a présenté de son spectacle, sans accessoires, n’avait rien d’ennuyeux. En véritable hyperactif, Mika s’est déplacé d’un bout à l’autre de la scène, en sautillant et en dansant même sur son piano.


C’est une Marilou remplie d’émotions qui s’est chargée de la première partie du spectacle. «C’est vraiment le fun d’être ici, surtout après trois ans dans l’ombre», a déclaré la jeune chanteuse, venue présenter les pièces de son dernier album «60 Thoughts a Minute».


La jeune femme semble s’être amusée sur scène pendant ce spectacle de 45 minutes. «Il n’en reste que deux (chansons), a-t-elle soupiré. Pas grave, nous allons en profiter au maximum !»


Les montgolfières ont pris leur départ en fin de journée, pour une cinquième envolée depuis le début des festivités. Simple Plan prendra la grande scène d’assaut jeudi.

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Ok I feel weird being the first to write a semi report but I'm at the airport with nothing to do for next 3 hrs and sleep is out of the question :aah:

So a quickie: we had dinner in downtown Montreal the night before the gig and it was really nice getting to meet everyone. I don't speak French so communication was a bit tricky with some of the gals but I think the general consensus was that we left happy and excited for the next day!

Gig day: the festival site opened at 130 and it was a weekday so we figured we'd we ok to leave at around 1030. Without a significant queue we got front row seats so that was awesome. During the hrs of wait we finished up stapling instructions onto the cloth squares we were going to hand out. We had poutine (for the second time in less than 24 hrs :aah:), watched sound check, saw the amazing balloons go up, and chatted. The opening act - Marilou was an abs gorgeous girl who composed,and played the piano and guitar. So very talented but her music isn't really to my taste...

Then it was gig time! The energy of the crowd was AWESOME. And mika was on FIRE. He did Karen and EMD as French songs.. Our little cloth square surprise was a huge hit. I was really surprised and pleased at how well ppl followed the instructions, and the crowd sang him happy birthday after :biggrin2:


Gosh typing on a phone sucks!! :aah: so I'll just finish up with we had a lovely meet up with him after, took a group pic and had a lil chat. All in all definitely worth my 36 hr trip and the extra time I'll have to put it at work now :aah:

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Thanks for the early reports guys. :flowers2:



I will write a full report tomorrow but for now, i'm leaving you with this





We got to give him the gift, we took a group picture.

He didn't open it in front of us.


After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:




Mika, Mika, Mika ... :wags_finger:



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Mika à Montréal à l’International de montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu


Aujourd’hui, Mika a été totalement envoûté par l’International de montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, publiant plusieurs photos des balloons en vol sur sa page Twitter: « C’est vraiment un honneur d’être à un endroit aussi merveilleux, aux Montgolfières! », a-t-il dit ému, lors de son spectacle.

Mika à l’International de montgolfières – Un charisme fou


Sur scène, Mika nous laisse béat. Il absorbe l’énergie de la foule et la retransmet par chaque parcelle de son corps. On a été complètement séduit par sa présence sur scène et son charisme. Mika se donne entièrement à ses fans… vit, chante et bouge au rythme de leurs applaudissement, rires et chants! Sur la scène extérieure de l’International de montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, devant une foule pleine à craquer, Mika était comme un enfant: sautant partout, faisant des move à la Michael Jackson, jouant avec son chapeau et faisant le clown. Et le plus important? Mika a le meilleur des deux mondes: il fait tellement british dans tout ce qu’il dégage ET il parle français!

Très franc avec ses fans, déconnant et riant avec ses musiciens, Mika s’est fait un plaisir d’interpréter ses plus grands succès (Grace Kelly, Relax, Take It Easy, We Are Golden, Lollipop, Happy Ending, Elle me dit) tout en incorporant des chansons de son nouvel album The Origin Of Love, qui sortira le 17 septembre prochain. On a aussi eu droit à deux nouvelles chansons tirées de son nouvel album, The Origin Of Love et Under Water: deux chansons écrites il y a un an et demi, alors qu’il était à Montréal (soudainement, après un vol Londres-Montréal, Mika a retrouvé l’inspiration et a écrit ces deux chansons – il n’avait pas écrit depuis longtemps).

Impossible de ne pas se laisser emporter par l’énergie de Mika. De ses chansons. On vous laisse sur un: « Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di »… ceux qui ont vu le show comprendront! ; )


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After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:


I'm so happy that you finally met Mika!! :huglove:


Yeah, Mika the magician :naughty:


I am TOTALLY in love with The Origin of Love!

i heard it at other MFCer gigs videos, but in person, it is just WOW! :swoon:

I think 90% of the crowd didn't know it, but they reponded so well to it... it has to be a single!


we had a few surprises for him, one of them required the participation of the crowd, flying colored squares all at once on Celebrate & they were so up for it! He turned around & saw all the flags (i think over 1500 of them) & made a huge smile and thanked us :naughty:

At the MFC meeting afterwards, he said later that he should commercialize the idea. :naughty:



Did someone took a pic of it??

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After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:


So pleased you finally met him!!!! 5 years is along time to wait :huglove:


It was lovely. He was lovely. And the show itself was lovely.


OK, the show was actually more than lovely, it was abso-****-ing-lutely amazing! :fangurl:


Well worth the two-year wait, and the trip to Montreal!



Sounds you all had a fantastic time! :wub2: Thanks for the lovely pics!


Then it was gig time! The energy of the crowd was AWESOME. And mika was on FIRE. He did Karen and EMD as French songs.. Our little cloth square surprise was a huge hit. I was really surprised and pleased at how well ppl followed the instructions, and the crowd sang him happy birthday after :biggrin2:


Thanks for the report! :thumb_yello: Can't wait to hear more details about the surprise and hope someone took pictures or vids!

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Aw Guy... :huglove:


And for the rest of the crowd there,Im happy you had the chance to give him his gift. I hope he realises he has people who actually LOVE him even if he never tours that side of the world.


Congratz to everybody!! I cant wait to see the pics!!

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I will write a full report tomorrow but for now, i'm leaving you with this





We got to give him the gift, we took a group picture.

He didn't open it in front of us.


After 5 years, I finally got to meet Mika! :excite:






yes, it was very nice, very calm, just chatting with him.


He said "oh you're the famous Guylaine"

but he didnt' ask for my autograph :sneaky2:



And how did you knowyour name??? He stalks the forums doesn't he?

Or is it because you sign the emails for TM???:naughty::naughty:

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And how did you knowyour name??? He stalks the forums doesn't he?

Or is it because you sign the emails for TM???:naughty::naughty:

I've been wondering the same thing :naughty:.


And I'm really happy for you, guylainem123, I know how it feels! I was waiting for more than 5 years to finally get a half-second eye contact with Mika and a smile. It was one month ago in Nice and I'm still fangurling over this moment :doh:. And, aww, he kind of knew who you were, how fantastic is that? :fangurl:

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True to his word, the festival representative who helped us coordinate everything yesterday sent me a couple group photos that he took. Here's the group shot -- You can just about see everyone there. Hope to have more later, but now I have to get ready for the airport!



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