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2012 - Festival des Montgolfières - Aug 15 - REPORTS / PICTURES / VIDEOS


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My first proper mika gig. I am in awe...


So... people said i would fall in love all over again... i :shun: them..

but i really did :wub2:


I would resume the night by saying that it felt like the PDP DVD, only being IN it... incredible.

I knew the crowd would be awesome.. but thats even more.

We arrived at 1:30pm when the site opened. And got front row of course:aah:

Catherine made a balloon cake for mika. When she got there we had to assemble it. Listening only to my inner artist *coughs* i managed to help. The cake was "backstage" and we had a barrier in front of us... stupid thing. So just smiled and told the security guard i needed to go there to make it. He couldnt say no:naughty: We managed to finish it in 20 mins(thats how much timethey allowed us) and then were rushed away...

Then we waited and distributed the squares of fabric we made. it had the instructions on it: "is mikas birthday, wave me in the air during celebrate!"... people actually jumped all over us to get some LOL! overal we gave about 1.500 cause thats how many labels i made:aah: cut one by one!!!

And then i was surprised to see mika come during the afternoon and do a soundcheck! my face went to: :shocked: and he smiled at me :teehee: i must have looked really fangurly LOL!!!! i was really surprised.. he did a few songs... was great... thats how i knew wed get Lola and Karen. He left waving us goodbye!!

Then we waited... oh the joy hahahaha it actually went by fast considering! i was surrounded by great people:wub2:

At one point he came back and did a tv interview in front of us... more screams from the crowd LOL!

oooh, and i took a look at twitter when all the hot air balloons at the festival were taking off.. and who did i saw? Mika :lmfao:!!! from his pics i knew exactly were he was haha! he was right beside us backstage...

and i thought NOOO hes gonna see the cake balloon!!! LOL!!!


So first act ok... didnt care much.. then there was this LOOOOOOOOONG show of lights and drumming and.. ugh.. i couldnt wait for it to be over LOL!! it finished with fireworks so that was cool!


Then the band came in :fangurl:.. and i saw mika backstage waiting to get on... :wub2:

Edited by LilStar
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True to his word, the festival representative who helped us coordinate everything yesterday sent me a couple group photos that he took. Here's the group shot -- You can just about see everyone there. Hope to have more later, but now I have to get ready for the airport!




Where's Guy that i cannot see her?


Is she the one hiding behind Mika???

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My first proper mika gig. I am in awe...


So... people said i would fall in love all over again... i :shun: them..

but i really did :wub2:


I would resume the night by saying that it felt like the PDP DVD, only being IN it... incredible.

I knew the crowd would be awesome.. but thats even more.

We arrived at 1:30pm when the site opened. And got front row of course:aah:

Catherine made a balloon cake for mika. When she got there we had to assemble it. Listening only to my inner artist *coughs* i managed to help. The cake was "backstage" and we had a barrier in front of us... stupid thing. So just smiled and told the security guard i needed to go there to make it. He couldnt say no:naughty: We managed to finish it in 20 mins(thats how much timethey allowed us) and then were rushed away...

Then we waited and distributed the squares of fabric we made. it had the instructions on it: "is mikas birthday, wave me in the air during celebrate!"... people actually jumped all over us to get some LOL! overal we gave about 1.500 cause thats how many labels i made:aah: cut one by one!!!

And then i was surprised to see mika come during the afternoon and do a soundcheck! my face went to: :shocked: and he smiled at me :teehee: i must have looked really fangurly LOL!!!! i was really surprised.. he did a few songs... was great... thats how i knew wed get Lola and Karen. He left waving us goodbye!!

Then we waited... oh the joy hahahaha it actually went by fast considering! i was surrounded by great people:wub2:

At one point he came back and did a tv interview in front of us... more screams from the crowd LOL!

oooh, and i took a look at twitter when all the hot air balloons at the festival were taking off.. and who did i saw? Mika :lmfao:!!! from his pics i knew exactly were he was haha! he was right beside us backstage...

and i thought NOOO hes gonna see the cake balloon!!! LOL!!!


So first act ok... didnt care much.. then there was this LOOOOOOOOONG show of lights and drumming and.. ugh.. i couldnt wait for it to be over LOL!! it finished with fireworks so that was cool!


Then the band came in :fangurl:.. and i saw mika backstage waiting to get on... :wub2:


Of course he was, i even twitted it to guy, he should be right behind you!


The pics u posted were alike!!!


Ohh, i'm so glad you had a ball...:huglove:

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THE man.


he came on... and.. i died:aah: he had such a great energy and looked SO HAPPY!!!! During a song, i cant remember now, he looked under his hat and looked at me as i sang the song.. i :fangurl:ed

LOTS of eye contact!!!

He even pointed my way when he said:the origin is you! during TOOl... i died again :wub2:

I cant remember the orders of the songs now.. but.. BG was great, Relax amazing!!! my first time seeing the oooooooohh-aaaaaahhh awwww!!!! really felt like i was watching a vid on youtube.. but for real!!!!!!!!

Loved that he did Blue eyes... BIOTG he separated the crowd in two.. (AWWW I WAS HOPING TO DO THAT ONE DAY!!!:wub2:) we were astronaut and elephant (he really loved those hot air balloons LOL!) and we lost. but i have this theory that the boys part always win cause its louder to say BOOYS and GIIIRLS.. maybe im just crazy.

That was amazing. the crowd was SO GREAT! yelling screaming singing.... wow..

Songs from new album got great reactions: Lola, Underwater(he explained before that he wanted to quit everything 2 years ago.. took a plane to montreal, wrote that song.. and then was inspired again... we know the story.. but it was nice to hear for us), TOOL(OK, THAT SONG SERIOUSLY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY!!! WOW!)

Love today was eve better than expected.. again i hoped he still did the jumping thing cause ive never done it of course.. so i was all hyper... :lmfao:!

Happy Ending was AMAZING... truly.. he looked happy..

I loooove the new style of lollipop!!!

i almsot drowned under confetti during WAG hahaha!


Random mika stuff:

-During SITM, he said the song was for his grandma(again we know the story..) BUT, he said: my grandma is here... so i cant say that its about her now... Its the only place shes travelled to see me perform except from Lebanon.. (NAWWWWWWWWWW)

-he tried a bit of GK in french but quickly got back to english :teehee:

-Towards the end of the gig, he talked about the first time he cancelled the show at the festival.. He had problems with his ears. And he said: .. "sometimes, you look back on your carreer.. " i dont think he finished that sentence.. he sounded kind of emotionnal.. and he said:"to be here tonight... in that magical place with balloons and an octopus n the back there(yes, there was an inflatable octopus..) is an honour. Thank you..." He really looked happy and thankful.. nawww


The surprises!!

So, when Celebrate started, i was like EEEEEEEEK!! here we gooo

All mfcers took the flags out, and the crowd followed...

Mika was busy looking down.. then looking at Joy... he mic was stuck XD, then looking down.. i was like COME ON!! the crowd were all waving their flags...

So then, he finally looked up... and stopped...

He had this HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE smile on his face!!!! he was so surprised... He kept on singing and grabbed a piece of fabric and looked at it and the label( I FANGURLED HAHAHA) and waved it also.. i think he kept it for like half the gig LOL!!! he really loved it!!! And i jumped like crazy.. and he looked at me and smiled so much... :fangurl:

At the end he just said:"...thank you.. really"

And the crowd started singing happy birthday... but we were all not synchronized! and the band started playing but mika was like: shhh!! wait!!! and tried to hear us sing hahaha.. it was cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!

OH and guy waved a banner during the song as well.. tho i didnt see it when she waved it, im sure mika did!!!! he gave us the thumbs up after hhahaha


During EMD, we had confetti poppers.. so we used them.. again mika gave us the thumbs up :naughty: (gooood fans we are LOL!)


Then the gig ended... mika ddnt look like he wanted to leave really. With all the songs he took his time and sang more choruses and at the end as well.. And he just stood there looking at us for like 30 secs... :wub2: and then he waved with the band and left...

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Roxy...your report........

makes me FANGURL SO MUCH!!!!! :swoon:


Happy to read that you had amazing time!! so sweet :wub2:


Thank you for letting me read greaaaat report before I go to bed :wink2:

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(anyone need more popcorn?)


We then got a M&G for all of us mfcers :wub2:

It was VERY short, we were told he wouldnt sign anything...but i was just thankful to see him really.. i didnt care about the rest. I was exhausted.. so i guess he was too.. and it was sweet of him to see us.

so we got backstage... i saw him and i cant remember all the chats now but at one point we talked about the balloon cake.. and then i ended up being right in front of him:wub2:(X10000000000000)

He said he went to take pics of the balloons that were taking off to put them on instagram.. and he saw the balloons ( I KNEW HE WOULD:aah:) and went:hmm.. what is that... it looks weird.. kinda looks like a cake..could it.. be.. ? no.. maybe? for me? the mfcers are crazy enough to do that..

i laughed so much:lmfao:!!!!!!!!

he loved it...:wub2: We talked about the fabric... he said he loved them and should add them to every show!:naughty:and then deb was sweet enough to tell him i did the labels.. and i got DA STARE:mf_rosetinted: DA MIKA STARE... i... died... he smiled at me.. said thanks.. and all i could say was:yeah.. i...cut...them... :doh:

omg...:rofl: seriously.. hahaha

And i dont remember the rest.. my inner fangurl was just too insane LOL!

We took the pic.. i told him i was too short.. he looked at me and tried bending foward a bit... and i laughed! it looked so awkward :lmfao:!!!

And thats it.. i wanted to cry at the end cause i was happy:wub2:


amazing... really.. the gig was splendid.. he was happy.. everything turned out great..


He got the MFC gift.. couldnt open it right away but he knew where it was:thumb_yello:


thats all.. mika is tall.. his shoes are huge.. hes sweet and cute and i love him.


-the end-

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Of course he was, i even twitted it to guy, he should be right behind you!


The pics u posted were alike!!!


Ohh, i'm so glad you had a ball...:huglove:

i know.. we had a pic fight:naughty:

i really did thank you:huglove:

Roxy...your report........

makes me FANGURL SO MUCH!!!!! :swoon:


Happy to read that you had amazing time!! so sweet :wub2:


Thank you for letting me read greaaaat report before I go to bed :wink2:


ahhhhhhhh!! im glad you like it!!! my inner fangurl cant shut up now:teehee: thank you so much:huglove:

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(anyone need more popcorn?)


We then got a M&G for all of us mfcers

It was VERY short, we were told he wouldnt sign anything...but i was just thankful to see him really.. i didnt care about the rest. I was exhausted.. so i guess he was too.. and it was sweet of him to see us.

so we got backstage... i saw him and i cant remember all the chats now but at one point we talked about the balloon cake.. and then i ended up being right in front of him:wub2:(X10000000000000)

He said he went to take pics of the balloons that were taking off to put them on instagram.. and he saw the balloons ( I KNEW HE WOULD:aah:) and went:hmm.. what is that... it looks weird.. kinda looks like a cake..could it.. be.. ? no.. maybe? for me? the mfcers are crazy enough to do that..

i laughed so much:lmfao:!!!!!!!!

he loved it...:wub2: We talked about the fabric... he said he loved them and should add them to every show!:naughty:and then deb was sweet enough to tell him i did the labels.. and i got DA STARE:mf_rosetinted: DA MIKA STARE... i... died... he smiled at me.. said thanks.. and all i could say was:yeah.. i...cut...them... :doh:

omg...:rofl: seriously.. hahaha

And i dont remember the rest.. my inner fangurl was just too insane LOL!

We took the pic.. i told him i was too short.. he looked at me and tried bending foward a bit... and i laughed! it looked so awkward :lmfao:!!!

And thats it.. i wanted to cry at the end cause i was happy:wub2:


amazing... really.. the gig was splendid.. he was happy.. everything turned out great..


He got the MFC gift.. couldnt open it right away but he knew where it was:thumb_yello:


thats all.. mika is tall.. his shoes are huge.. hes sweet and cute and i love him.


-the end-


Loved reading your report. Especially the last sentence:wub2::naughty:

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Oh My Dearest Lord... Where to start for me?


I was wayyy too excited for this gig... My first Mika gig ever was a total SUCCESS!




Pregig was long, but WORTH! Mika surprised us at the soundcheck with some nice "before the show" songs, it was magic, it wasn't the gig yet and I was already fangurling! Marilou came afterwards, tweeted a picture of us, and that girl seems soo sweet! She waved at me several times! She has a great voice.


After, the balloons appeared in the sky, I took pictures of 'em, they were stunning!


The actual gig: wow. Every song was amazing. My favorite one was Underwater, because I had chills all over my body when he sang it! We popped our confittis while Elle Me Dit, it was so great! But mostly, Celebrate was EPIC! When he saw everyone turning the fabrics in the air, he was so stunned, I adored his reaction, he WAS really surprised the poor boy! I waved the whole time, sang along, heard him sing with my two ears open wide to him.


The after gig was amazing, we got to meet him, all of us MFCers. He didn't get to sign our stuff, we took pictures with professionals handing cameras. I was beside Mika, very happy that we had the chance to talk a little with him 'cause the guards were being naughty meh meh! No signatures, no pictures. But as we say best: the memory is the best camera in the world! We are still going to have pictures, but that lil' chitchat with him is unforgettable. What I noticed was that he really gives his time to every single fan. I was the shortest one in the bunch, yet I got to speak to him a little with a: me: Hope to see you soon him: I really hope to see you soon too at the end of the conversation. I'm going to top this off with: Yesterday I met someone that I've been admiring for 5 years already, and his gig, his energy, his sympathy impressed me loads. I hope to meet him again SOON!


Yep, best day in my life so far, meeting everyone was perfect, meeting Mika will be a moment stuck in my head forever, everyone is so nice and kind and KISSES XXX MWA Thank you MFC for being such an amazing fan club filled with lovely people :wub2:

Edited by RayaBadran
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Oh My Dearest Lord... Where to start for me?


I was wayyy too excited for this gig... My first Mika gig ever was a total SUCCESS!




Pregig was long, but WORTH! Mika surprised us at the soundcheck with some nice "before the show" songs, it was magic, it wasn't the gig yet and I was already fangurling! Marilou came afterwards, tweeted a picture of us, and that girl seems soo sweet! She waved at me several times! She has a great voice.


After, the balloons appeared in the sky, I took pictures of 'em, they were stunning!


The actual gig: wow. Every song was amazing. My favorite one was Underwater, because I had chills all over my body when he sang it! We popped our confittis while Elle Me Dit, it was so great! But mostly, Celebrate was EPIC! When he saw everyone turning the fabrics in the air, he was so stunned, I adored his reaction, he WAS really surprised the poor boy! I waved the whole time, sang along, heard him sing with my two ears open wide to him.


The after gig was amazing, we got to meet him, all of us MFCers. He didn't get to sign our stuff, we took pictures with professionals handing cameras. I was beside Mika, very happy that we had the chance to talk a little with him 'cause the guards were being naughty meh meh! No signatures, no pictures. But as we say best: the memory is the best camera in the world! We are still going to have pictures, but that lil' chitchat with him is unforgettable. What I noticed was that he really gives his time to every single fan. I was the shortest one in the bunch, yet I got to speak to him a little with a: me: Hope to see you soon him: I really hope to see you soon too at the end of the conversation. I'm going to top this off with: Yesterday I met someone that I've been admiring for 5 years already, and his gig, his energy, his sympathy impressed me loads. I hope to meet him again SOON!


Yep, best day in my life so far, meeting everyone was perfect, meeting Mika will be a moment stuck in my head forever, everyone is so nice and kind and KISSES XXX MWA Thank you MFC for being such an amazing fan club filled with lovely people :wub2:


may i add that you were amazing at handing the fabric :P:huglove:

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What an awesome picture! :wub2:


Thanks for sharing your experience with the rest of us, I'm so happy for you all! I've really enjoyed reading all the reports so far - even though I wasn't there I'm fangurling like crazy. :teehee: Glad you had an amazing time and it really sounds like Mika loved it too. Hopefully he'll be back there soon again! :wub2:

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Where's Guy that i cannot see her?


Is she the one hiding behind Mika???


:blink: can't you see me? can't you recognize my forehead!?!? :naughty:


there was actually a 2nd picture taken where Mika told everyone to bend down a little, but i guess the photographer/security didn't send that one :aah:


.... or maybe this is the one where everyone bent down :teehee:

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:blink: can't you see me? can't you recognize my forehead!?!? :naughty:


there was actually a 2nd picture taken where Mika told everyone to bend down a little, but i guess the photographer/security didn't send that one :aah:


.... or maybe this is the one where everyone bent down :teehee:


who knows...:mf_rosetinted: i had my foot in the balloons:lmfao:


oh, infamous guy:mf_rosetinted::naughty:

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oh it really soulds like it was an awesome gig with a great audience.


@nas Did Mika recognise you from the video conference? :teehee:


@guylaine if I order a colander hat from you will you sign it please:mikalove:

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