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2012 - Festival des Montgolfières - Aug 15 - REPORTS / PICTURES / VIDEOS


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Part 1


As you all know, the night before the gig, MFCers got together in a downtown Montreal restaurant called “Les 3 brasseurs” It was really nice to be able to sit around and talk with everyone… actually, I didn’t do much sitting, I was wandering around talking to everyone ;o)



Casso_77, cathouzouf, Cassiopee, Lilstar & Nas


We said our goodbyes & we were all excited about the next day :fisch:


I arrived at the Festival des Montgolfieres around 14h30. My neighbor, who became a fan of Mika after Star Academie, decided to come with me. We travelled together to the festival, which was quite nice.


The festival had an app that we could download to find one another. A few of us had downloaded it, but it really didn't work that well, but that's ok, Lilstar told me where everyone was.


The waiting time before the gig was long, but at the same time, it was quite pleasant. In the morning, they had forecast rain & thunder storm in the evening, so we were glad to see the sun shining.


The sound check was quite the treat, Mika spotted the MFC & gave us a nod.


here are a few pics from the soundcheck (i'm not sure why he's wearing a jacket, it was so hot! :aah:) :







After he was done, Marilou, the opening act, did her sound check.


When she was done, i went to my car to get Mika's MFC birthday gift, as the security had secured an area for our things. While i was away, Mika came out for an interview. Even if i was far away, i could tell, as everyone started to scream!


After that, we had a bite to eat & some MFCers started to pass the colored flags to everyone, which contained a note with instructions to "wave the flags when Mika sings Celebrate" They were so up for it! Even if we had approximately 1500 of them, people were still coming to us, asking for more!


From that time on, we were entertained by the hot air balloon taking off. It was really close to us actually. Mika twitted a few pics. We could tell he wasn't far away, as we could see the exact same thing as he was.


here are a few of my balloon pics:







My favorite one was the elephant from Brazil, it was so cute! The balloons are taking off while classical music was playing in the background. I turned around and noticed that most of Mika's band was on stage, enjoying the show, taking pictures. After a little while, Mika's mom went on stage and was also taking pictures. She had such a huge smile and was loving every minute of it. Before leaving, she waved to the MFCers.


Not long after, the first act, Marilou came on stage. She has a very nice voice. I'm pretty sure her parents were in the little VIP (radio contest winners mostly) area in front of us. There was a man who was wearing her merch t-shirt & had a huge smile throughout her act.

She twitted a picture: http://instagram.com/p/OX-mRnjtOP/

and that's just half of the crowd!


After her show & while Mika's band was getting ready, there was a show called: "The Night Suns"

It's a combination of music, dance, lighting, projection and it ends with fireworks. It was very pretty, but to tell you the truth, the excitement of knowing Mika will be performing in a few minutes, was greater than the lighting show.


Then Mika came on stage...

He opened the show with Big Girl. I was really hoping he'd also play Underwater & Lola... and he did. I think i died and went to heaven. What a voice! He came quite often on the catwalk, which was great for us, as he was about 15/20 feet away (only the VIP zone in front of us, with about 10/12 people) The stage was so high, that it didn't make a difference.


We had prepared a banner for his birthday, which we flashed to him a few times. We all signed the back of it & gave it to him after the gig.

This is what it looked like:





When Celebrate came on, the crowd knew immediately to get their little flags out and started waving them in the air.

At that time, Mika wasn't looking at the audience, he then walked back to get Joy to come on the cat walk with him to sing. On his way back with Joy, he noticed the crowd had a surprise for him & he flashed the biggest smile! He was so cute! He grabbed one of the flags and was waving it with us all.

He then hung it on his microphone stand. I saw Suzy had a little video of people waving the flags, hopefully she'll post it, so you can all see.


I can't remember what song was playing, but he jumped off the stage and into the pathway separating the crowd, walked to the back and came back to the catwalk. The stage was very high & he needed help from security to get back on.


He came back for an encore & sang The Origin of Love & Grace Kelly.

I really REALLY enjoyed "The origin of Love" ... it should be the next single :wub2:


I will spare you my gig pictures, as they are all horrible. As a matter of fact, i will be visiting "Bab's Fantastic Photo Album" thread when this report is finished. I blame Mika for this... He just won't stand still!

But i will post pictures my neighbor took, as soon as she sends them to me.


Part 2 coming....

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Part 2


While we were waiting for the show, we heard from TM that MFCers would be meeting Mika after the show. We had to go to the back of the stage & they'd be coming to get us.


The VIP contest winners got to meet him first and before long, they came to get us. We were taken to an area with an open tent. We could see Mika's mom, Audrey (his little cousin & original lollipop girl) and i guess a few other family member were sitting down.


The security guys had brought the balloon cake that Cathblais had made for him, our MFC gift & other personal gifts. They were placed in front of it, like gifts under the Christmas tree :naughty:


He came towards us & went directly to dcdeb and said a very familiar phrase... "Hi! It's so nice to see you again" :aah:, then he went on to the next person. I had no idea what to tell him, so i just introduced myself by saying "Hi, I'm Guylaine" and he said "Oh, so you're the famous Guylaine!" which took me by surprise. I asked him where he knew me from, he said with a bit of hesitation "twitter" ... It sounded a bit fishy to me, but that's ok, i'll take his word for it.


He talked to everyone, then he mentioned he had seen the balloon cake when he went to take pics of the hot air balloons... He wondered if it was for him as it looked like something his fans would make. :naughty:

He mentioned the flags & thought it was such a good idea! He said something about he should have some made for gigs or something to that effect.


We then took our group pic (see the one dcdeb posted earlier), where you can see my magnificent forehead.... Should i change my avatar to my forehead and Mika? :aah:


We talked a little more, he said he'd be back in October. Then we said goodbye.


I think this time, he had no problems understanding our french, compared to 2008. I heard last time he kept saying "ah bon..." after fans spoke to him :aah:


So i finally got to meet Mika. :wub2: I'm a happy lady! :swoon:



Edited by guylainem123
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dear interviewer, Y U NO SHOW ALL THE MIKA VIDS YO HAVE?!?!



and yes we do... admit it. you love it:mf_rosetinted:



and youre all welcome!

i love wirtting reports.. and im all fangurly! :lmfao:


I just read it and i'm :swoon: and :wub2:

I loved reading your report Roxy :fangurl:

It feels like being there with you and it seems to have been a totally magical night awwwwwwww

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:fangurl: at your report!!!

i just look evil on you pic tho:mf_rosetinted:


i'm pretty sure you were planning some kind of revenge cuz i tease you :naughty:


ok... to the gift thread now... i have a few more pics to post there too

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may i add that you were amazing at handing the fabric :P:huglove:


:blush-anim-cl: Oh... Roxy... You too ofcourse :huglove:


Sorry I've such limited time to report anything, so instead, I will have to give you photos instead. Photobucket is down, haven't posted a pic here in ages and had to learn all over again and open a Flickr account. And now, an hour later, with both kids wanting the iMac, here's the first (*crossing fingers that it works*):




Amzing picture Suzy!! All of your pictures are STUNNING!


awww im THAT tall:mf_rosetinted:

LOL and I'm the shortest. While the meet and greet, I kept looking at Mika like a building, and he looked at me like if I was an ant. NO JOKE! :mikasweat:

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Sorry I've such limited time to report anything, so instead, I will have to give you photos instead. Photobucket is down, haven't posted a pic here in ages and had to learn all over again and open a Flickr account. And now, an hour later, with both kids wanting the iMac, here's the first (*crossing fingers that it works*):




Great to see you Suzy! Lovely pic. Love the banner!


The DELIGHT on his face says it all. He is seeing hundreds of waving fabric among the energized crowd at the start of his performance of "Celebrate".



Festival des montgolfières - Aug. 15, 2012 by SuzyTM, on Flickr


This is a brilliant pic!:thumb_yello::mikalove:

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I love your report Guy. How nice that your neighbour has become a Mika fan!


I was wondering yesterday how meeting Mika had been for you, having had to wait SO long. I know that you will have read so much from other people about their experiences, I was wondering how you had found the actual experience in the end. I love your line....'I had no idea what to tell him'.....You have been building up to this moment for years :naughty:....and yet, I can completely relate to it.:wink2:

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I love your report Guy. How nice that your neighbour has become a Mika fan!


I was wondering yesterday how meeting Mika had been for you, having had to wait SO long. I know that you will have read so much from other people about their experiences, I was wondering how you had found the actual experience in the end. I love your line....'I had no idea what to tell him'.....You have been building up to this moment for years :naughty:....and yet, I can completely relate to it.:wink2:


:naughty: After Star Academie, she started looking up all of Mika's video, including the ones taken by fans at gigs. She asked me when his album was coming out & told me she was going to go to the store to buy his past albums.


I don't believe in preparing something to say, i'd never remember anyways, so what's the point. :aah: I was going to thank him for having us backstage, but he threw me off guard with his "famous" line


It was probably better that way.


What striked me the most is that his voice was completely different than all the vids i have seen. Then again, i think he was at the point where he was loosing his voice. My neighbor told him that his show was "a therapy for her" and he answered that his throat needed therapy last night (or something to that effect)


As for being tall, yes he is tall, but my niece's hubby is 6' 4 1/2" & a skinny rake, so that seemed quite normal... i'm used to looking up. :aah:


I was also surprised that he put his hand on my shoulder when he said goodbye. I didn't expect that. He's a sweet person, that's for sure.

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Great reading all you guys! :)


I had a really good experience too, even if I did not stay with the mfc gals for the day. I had my 6 years old daughter with me, so of course she and my friend's daughter went to almost every games available on the site! ;) She was supposed to go back at my inlaw's home for the dinner and the show, but we never got hold of my FIL and she stayed with us. She was soooo tired, poor little thing!


We were further back than the others, but I brought my big zoom with me! :thumb_yello: I loved the face he made when he saw the flags everybody was waving!! :wub2: He had one of the fabric I did on stage, yeah!!! (I've cut LOADS of them!! ;) )


In the meet and greet, I was on the back too, and missed a little of the conversation, but I was happy when I told that he love the fabric squares idea!



So here are the picture overload! ;)













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:naughty: After Star Academie, she started looking up all of Mika's video, including the ones taken by fans at gigs. She asked me when his album was coming out & told me she was going to go to the store to buy his past albums.


I don't believe in preparing something to say, i'd never remember anyways, so what's the point. :aah: I was going to thank him for having us backstage, but he threw me off guard with his "famous" line


It was probably better that way.


What striked me the most is that his voice was completely different than all the vids i have seen. Then again, i think he was at the point where he was loosing his voice. My neighbor told him that his show was "a therapy for her" and he answered that his throat needed therapy last night (or something to that effect)


As for being tall, yes he is tall, but my niece's hubby is 6' 4 1/2" & a skinny rake, so that seemed quite normal... i'm used to looking up. :aah:


I was also surprised that he put his hand on my shoulder when he said goodbye. I didn't expect that. He's a sweet person, that's for sure.


Oh absolutly- no point in trying to prepare anything to say, I was only joking really - it is just a funny concept after you have waited all that time. :thumb_yello: He kind of disarms you when he touches you doesn't he! He is very tactile. :mikalove:


I think it was great that he knew who you were!

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We then got a M&G for all of us mfcers

It was VERY short, we were told he wouldnt sign anything...



Roxie, no matter how long you have with Mika, the time always seems too

short :wub2: but really, I was pleased at how much time he spent with us!

I think it was 10-15 minutes.


Especially since the festival rep was being such a pain, telling us that we

couldn't give our gifts, no individual photos, etc... Mika was his usual lovely

self, and spent as much time with us as he could, and I was so happy

he could be so calm and relaxed with us :)



thats all.. mika is tall.. his shoes are huge.. hes sweet and cute and i love him.




That really sums it all up in a nutshell!


Yep, best day in my life so far, meeting everyone was perfect, meeting Mika will be a moment stuck in my head forever, everyone is so nice and kind and KISSES XXX MWA Thank you MFC for being such an amazing fan club filled with lovely people


Aww, Raya, loved your report -- so glad it was a good experience for you!

Mika is the BEST, isn't he? :fangurl:


may i add that you were amazing at handing the fabric


You really were! Thank you!


can't you see me? can't you recognize my forehead!?!?


there was actually a 2nd picture taken where Mika told everyone to bend down a little, but i guess the photographer/security didn't send that one


.... or maybe this is the one where everyone bent down


No, he sent the other photo, too, but it's not much different than the first so I didn't post it. I will once I get all my other photos resized and online.



as a matter of fact, i think i'll change "Official Canadian Mod eh?" to read "The famous Guylaine"


You should!





:yay: Great photo, thanks, Suzy (and Ryan!)


The DELIGHT on his face says it all. He is seeing hundreds of waving fabric among the energized crowd at the start of his performance of "Celebrate".



Festival des montgolfières - Aug. 15, 2012 by SuzyTM, on Flickr


THANK YOU! THAT is the face I was hoping somebody had captured!

Perfection! And success! :hi5:


He came towards us & went directly to dcdeb and said a very familiar phrase... "Hi! It's so nice to see you again" :aah:, then he went on to the next person. I had no idea what to tell him, so i just introduced myself by saying "Hi, I'm Guylaine" and he said "Oh, so you're the famous Guylaine!" which took me by surprise. I asked him where he knew me from, he said with a bit of hesitation "twitter" ... It sounded a bit fishy to me, but that's ok, i'll take his word for it.


OK, so since guylaine was obviously blindsided, I'll tell you what really

happened. :wink2:


I said hello to Mika, and then I said, "And this is Guylaine." And Mika said,

"Oh, the famous Guylaine!"


Honestly, I wish you all could have seen Guylaine's face at that moment.


It's was like :jawdrop:


If only I'd taken a photo!


And then I said, "You mean, the INFAMOUS Guylaine!" And she managed to

stammer out, "H-h-h-how do you know me?" And Mika answered, "Oh I read Twitter! I see all the messages you send to me."


So there. Let that be a lesson to you all. Watch what you say! :naughty:


I'm working on my pics and just a few vids -- we really weren't supposed

to take video, but I couldn't resist Lola and Underwater, which was

absolutely incredible. Incredible.

Edited by dcdeb
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I don't have words to describe how much I loved the show last night! It was even better than what I imagined from the videos.


I arrived around 3:30 and was a bit nervous...my spouce kept telling me to slow down hehe but finally I was wright behind you guys.


My pictures are so bad I wont post them here, MIKA wouldn't stand still hehe, but I enjoyed every second of it...I started losing my voice at the 3rd song!


I kept the square fabric and a handful of confetti as souvenirs :blush-anim-cl:

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I'm a little late to the reports party so I don't have much news to give but since my usual videographers weren't in attendance I think I will post my impressions to have something to remember later on.


First off I would like to say how great it was to see everyone again and meet new faces for the first time. Everyone contributed to the birthday surprises in every way they could from the planning to the end result. We had to switch gears a few times due to venue restrictions but Mika loved the balloon cake and was really excited about the fabric squares so in the end it was a great success!!


The day of the gig was way too hot for my northern blood (and now I'm sunburned) but otherwise it was a perfect day. I've never been to a Mika gig (or probably any gig) this large or outdoors so it was a first for me. To see it all happening in Canada was especially extraordinary. I agree with Roxy that it was like being in the PDP video except that I liked this gig a lot :teehee:


It was nice to not have to queue in the traditional sense and just be able to hang out in the area and get ready for the gig. The added bonus was that Mika came out a couple of times. Unfortunately he kept the sound on his mic off amplification until he sang some bits from Celebrate and then it was over. Some fans were holding up a sign saying they were from Brooklyn and Mika was trying to read it just as he was leaving the stage.


All of MFC was on one side of the catwalk but I went over to the other side to hand out some of the fabric squares. I got the sense everyone thought they were from Mika which was why they were so eager to grab them. :naughty: I spoke to the Brooklyners and explained I was with the fan club and not Mika and they showed me their sign which I hadn't been able to read earlier because they had taken it down too quickly (I don't think Mika actually got a chance to read the whole thing either during the soundcheck.) I mentioned to the girl how Mika had been trying to read it and she was asked me what I was talking about. I said when he was on stage, blah, blah. She said "Oh that wasn't Mika". I told her yes it was Mika and he had been trying to read their sign. She insisted it wasn't Mika but her friends backed me up and I promised her it was really him. :lmfao: Anyway it's no surprise to me how Mika can walk around in real life with no one noticing him when his fans who have travelled from another country don't even recognize him on stage when he is just wearing normal clothes.


Later on we heard a bunch of shouting for Mika and Zoots told me it was just the band and Mika wasn't there. I looked and it wasn't even Mika's band on stage but the band for the opening singer. We were both laughing about everyone getting all excited about nothing when I noticed a woman with a microphone on the catwalk and thought "Oh maybe they are excited about her..." then realized Mika was standing right in front of her and they were both standing right in front of us. :doh:


Anyway Mika gave both of us the "hello, I see you" look which was nice. :fangurl:


Once the crowd really started filling out the girls gave out the bulk of the fabric squares because people were really interested and the squares disappeared in no time. I saw people shoving them in their pockets or tying them to their wrists like bandanas and was hoping that they would remember to pull them out at the right time, especially since MFC was separated from half the audience so it might take some time to "spread" if we were the only ones to really kick it off at the beginning of Celebrate.


The hot air balloon show was just phenomenal. We really discovered that we'd picked the right side of the stage to stick to because we had the balloons on our side. I didn't realize they would all be taking off from right in front of us. Mrs. P and Mika's aunt and the band kept coming out to take photos so I knew Mika must be somewhere watching and enjoying the balloons. Sure enough he tweeted a minute later and then we saw him come out to take some more pics right next to the tent where the balloon cake was being stored (and totally visible). So much for the surprise!


When Mika's gig started there were quite a few surprises for me and I realized I hadn't really watched that many videos because I had heard about changes to Lollipop et al but hadn't actually heard them. I liked all the changes and I could watch a Mika gig every night but I felt like the old magic wasn't there for me and just not the same thrill as it used to be. Although not for lack of trying on Mika's part. He was as great as ever...or actually better than ever.


I hate that bloody bowler hat and all of Quebec seems to stand behind me. Every time he took it off they shouted like he was stripping down to his undies and there were sighs of disappointment when he put it back on. So I am not the only one. I was hoping he would respond to the positive reinforcement and keep the hat off forever but it just kept going back on dammit. :lmfao:


Anyway aside from the hat I loved everything. His energy was phenomenal and he seemed positively electrified at some points. He was doing those full bodied jumps in the middle of the show that he used to only do during Relax. And the Relax ones seem to be for effect, especially for the photographers. But this was just uber excitement I'm-on-fire leaps and bounces.


I always love catwalks because they give an amazing vantage point and we were perfectly positioned to get the most out of it. One thing I noticed last night is that Mika's moves are so fluid and awesome when he is strutting vertically up and down a catwalk instead of back and forth across the normal stage. Any sort of awkwardness evaporates and he seems totally in a groove. Loved it!! The audience was split in two well beyond the catwalk and during Love Today he jumped down and ran down the centre. The audience was a bit frantic, grabbing at him and such but he just went along with it and had also been high fiving people from the stage.


I realized with a few exceptions (like Love Today and Happy Ending) I'm feeling a weird disconnect with the live versions of the old songs. Mika is changing them up so they are not the same old same old but by the same token they are losing their nostalgic appeal because they don't sound like the same songs that bring back all the fond memories of the Dodgy Holiday Tour. It's kind of a no-win situation for me but it is what it is.


Things really started to pick up for me with Celebrate. I am just more excited about the new songs in general especially since I've only ever heard Elle Me Dit before. And of course any concern I had about the audience not participating with the fabric squares was put to rest immediately. By the time I pulled my own squares out I looked to see hundreds of them on the other side of the catwalk. Fortunately Mika was on the catwalk and not too far from us when he finally noticed and...his laugh...success!!! I was so happy that everyone's efforts had paid off and I also liked all the attention and excitement it was causing for Celebrate since it's the new single. The huge balloons were bouncing around, everyone was waving the squares and Mika was happy. It was wonderful.


Underwater was absolutely breathtaking. It was just as spectacular as I had imagined it would be and I know this will be a favourite forever. I don't know that there will ever be a greater Mika song for me and I hope it becomes a gig institution like Happy Ending. In fact it was so great that Happy Ending afterwards was anti-climactic whereas HE is normally a showstopper for me. I hope maybe he will switch them around so Underwater is later in the set.


I also loved Lola as much as I thought I would. Origin of Love was a brilliant surprise. I thought the gig would be too short for all these new songs, especially since we knew Karen was included for sure. I missed Make You Happy but couldn't complain because it was a great setlist for a festival show before the album is even released. Karen will never be one of my favourites but I did enjoy it more live than I did from watching it on YouTube.


It's nice to be able to pick up enough French now to get the gist of what he's saying although I always seem to miss some crucial element. He said that SITM was about his granny and mentioned that she was there and made a kind of "uh oh" face like he knew he would get in trouble. :teehee: I thought he said that she had only been to gigs in Lebanon and now Montreal before but she had been at Le Poisson Rouge so I thought he was talking nonsense. But I guess I missed the part where he said they were the only gigs she'd travelled to, not just been to. :doh: This got a roar from the crowd but it's not like she had any choice since Mika hasn't played the US in 3 years!


He was introducing the band and he got to Felix and he paused and there was some shocked laughter like WTF, how can you not remember his name. But I think he just couldn't remember the French word for "drummer". :naughty:


After the gig we went to the backstage tents area but so did several hundred other people. It was madness!! :shocked: I still can't get over this kind of Mika love in Canada since he virtually disappeared from our radar between 2007 and his appearance on Star Academie just a few months ago. When we left everyone was still there and was chanting his name hoping he was the one coming out. They had to let us out through another exit because it would have been chaos trying to go back through the crowd.


Anyway the meeting was really lovely. I know a lot of people don't want to hear "no autographs", "no photos" but I have been in many different after-gig situations and believe me this is the best policy. If you are the kind of fan who spends months or years on MFC chatting about Mika and dreaming of meeting him, etc. then the experience of speaking to him without all these distractions will mean more to you than a scribble on a piece of paper. I promise!


The venue staff was extremely rushed to get things wrapped up so we knew it was going to be short but Mika was in good spirits and patient and not acting rushed at all. He is just so good with people it never ceases to amaze me. He knows exactly what fans want (recognition, eye contact, a moment of his time) and delivers with ease and a genuine smile on his face. I knew it was going to be great when he said "the famous Guylaine" right off the bat. Who doesn't want to hear that the first time they meet him? It was fantastic!


He told us how he'd come across the balloon cake while he was photographing the hot air balloons and at first he thought it might be some sort of character. Then he reckoned it looked like a cake and it was just crazy enough to be something his fan club would give him. :lmfao: Anyway he told Catherine he really loved it and he was quite genuine, so another success.


Suzy showed Mika a photo on her iPhone of the two of them at the Mod Club in March 2007 and all Mika was concerned about was the jacket he was wearing. He was like oh god someone must have given that to me for free. Is it leather or made of plastic?


I am already losing most of what was said but as we were leaving I told him to have a happy birthday (as we had been talking about him going on holiday on the 18th) and, as he does, he deliberately looked me in the eye to say thank you.


He's a good popstar. :mikalove:

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OK, so since guylaine was obviously blindsided, I'll tell you what really

happened. :wink2:


I said hello to Mika, and then I said, "And this is Guylaine." And Mika said,

"Oh, the famous Guylaine!"


Honestly, I wish you all could have seen Guylaine's face at that moment.


It's was like :jawdrop:


If only I'd taken a photo!


And then I said, "You mean, the INFAMOUS Guylaine!" And she managed to

stammer out, "H-h-h-how do you know me?" And Mika answered, "Oh I read Twitter! I see all the messages you send to me."


So there. Let that be a lesson to you all. Watch what you say! :naughty:


I'm working on my pics and just a few vids -- we really weren't supposed

to take video, but I couldn't resist Lola and Underwater, which was

absolutely incredible. Incredible.


:lmfao: Did you really? i didnt' even hear you say that! But i did introduce myself too :naughty:


So that's where the "INFAMOUS" came in :sneaky2:


i heard him say "twitter" with some hesitation, but not "I see all the messages you send to me" :aah:


oh ****... i guess i will have to behave now :uhno:


Well, he did listen to me yesterday... i told him if he had an "in" with the weatherman, he should use it. :naughty:

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OK, so since guylaine was obviously blindsided, I'll tell you what really

happened. :wink2:


I said hello to Mika, and then I said, "And this is Guylaine." And Mika said,

"Oh, the famous Guylaine!"


Honestly, I wish you all could have seen Guylaine's face at that moment.


It's was like :jawdrop:


If only I'd taken a photo!


And then I said, "You mean, the INFAMOUS Guylaine!" And she managed to

stammer out, "H-h-h-how do you know me?" And Mika answered, "Oh I read Twitter! I see all the messages you send to me."


So there. Let that be a lesson to you all. Watch what you say! :naughty:


I'm working on my pics and just a few vids -- we really weren't supposed

to take video, but I couldn't resist Lola and Underwater, which was

absolutely incredible. Incredible.


:naughty:Thanks Deb.....Guy is obviously suffering from Post Mika Memory Loss.


Perfectly understandable :naughty:


Aren't Underwater and Lola incredible live? :mikalove: And Origin?

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I don't have words to describe how much I loved the show last night! It was even better than what I imagined from the videos.


I arrived around 3:30 and was a bit nervous...my spouce kept telling me to slow down hehe but finally I was wright behind you guys.


My pictures are so bad I wont post them here, MIKA wouldn't stand still hehe, but I enjoyed every second of it...I started losing my voice at the 3rd song!


I kept the square fabric and a handful of confetti as souvenirs :blush-anim-cl:


Glad you enjoyed it! No, it is practically impossible to take good pictures of Mika unless you have an amazing camera - but fortunately lots of MFCers do and are very generous in sharing their pics. :thumb_yello::huglove:


But I always think it is nice to have some of my own - even if they are rubbish - and they usually are!

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oh yeah! thanks Christine!

Now i'm remembering things he said :naughty:


When he said he was leaving on the 18th for vacation, i asked him if he was going to Barbados (while looking at Nas) & he said no... somewhere alot less exotic :naughty:


So Nas, you don't have to keep looking for him... he's not going there :aah::aah:

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Thanks for the report Christine.


It sounds as though it was an amazing experience all in all.


I agree on so many points....particularly about the Meet. Spending time with Mika - actually talking to him and getting eye contact, means so much more than him scribbling his name on a piece of paper without even looking at you.


I totally agree about the new songs - I think they are breathtaking live. I am not sure that the recorded versions will capture all the magic though. They seem to be written to be amazing live - but maybe that is just because I have heard them live first rather than the other way around.

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