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Mika is asking for the departure of Bashar al-Assad 2012.Sep.04


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An AUDIO interview by RTL.fr




Le chanteur Mika demande le départ de Bachar-al-Assad


Créé le 04/09/2012 à 19h43

Sa voix résonne dans le monde entier. Le chanteur star Mika, d'origine syrienne, demande le départ de Bachar al-Assad. Marc-Olivier Fogiel a rencontré e exclusivité le chanteur, dont la mère est libano-syrienne. Il connait très bien ce pays, et y a d'ailleurs séjourné récemment. Il est évidemment très touché par les massacres qui se multiplient. Il réclame le départ de Bacha-al-Assad.

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An AUDIO interview by RTL.fr




Le chanteur Mika demande le départ de Bachar-al-Assad


Créé le 04/09/2012 à 19h43

Sa voix résonne dans le monde entier. Le chanteur star Mika, d'origine syrienne, demande le départ de Bachar al-Assad. Marc-Olivier Fogiel a rencontré e exclusivité le chanteur, dont la mère est libano-syrienne. Il connait très bien ce pays, et y a d'ailleurs séjourné récemment. Il est évidemment très touché par les massacres qui se multiplient. Il réclame le départ de Bacha-al-Assad.


His voice is heard in the whole world. The singer Mika, originating from Syria, is asking for the departure of Bachar al Assad. Marc Olivier Fogiel has met the singer whose mother is half lebanese half syrian. He knows this country very well and he was there recently . He is obviously very moved by the numerous massacres that are taking place there right now. He's asking for Bachar-al Assad departure.


Translation of what Mika is saying (sound):

Mika: I have family in Damas , I have friends in Alep. Everyone is worried about them. It is crazy that today so many people happen to die in this way , so close to Europe and so close to Israel. It's amazing someone can say they defending their country while more than 20 000 people died on the ground on this country.

Fogiel: Are you in favor of Bashar El Assad departure?

Mika: Yes, he must go. He has to go.

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His voice is heard in the whole world. The singer Mika, originating from Syria, is asking for the departure of Bachar al Assad. Marc Olivier Fogiel has met the singer whose mother is half lebanese half syrian. He knows this country very well and he was there recently . He is obviously very moved by the numerous massacres that are taking place there right now. He's asking for Bachar-al Assad departure.



Translation of what Mika is saying (sound):


Mika: I have family in Damas , I have friends in Alep. Everyone is worried about them. It is crazy that today so many people happen to die in this way , so close to Europe and so close to Israel. It's amazing someone can say they defending their country while more than 20 000 people died on the ground on this country.


Fogiel: Are you in favor of Bashar El Assad departure?


Mika: Yes, he must go. He has to go.


Thanks a lot for the translation Anne. :huglove::flowers2:

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MIKA I LOVE YOU!!!! I'm always thinking about my family too that's half lebanese and syrian, and the fact that he cares about it touches me so much. I WANT HIM TO GO SINCE FOREVER! I wish I could tell Mika how much I support him as I live the same thing.


Oh shame I was hoping his family had all gone to the US. I'm sorry you've still got family there to worry about too. I hope they're going to be okay. :huglove:

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An AUDIO interview by RTL.fr




Le chanteur Mika demande le départ de Bachar-al-Assad


Créé le 04/09/2012 à 19h43

Sa voix résonne dans le monde entier. Le chanteur star Mika, d'origine syrienne, demande le départ de Bachar al-Assad. Marc-Olivier Fogiel a rencontré e exclusivité le chanteur, dont la mère est libano-syrienne. Il connait très bien ce pays, et y a d'ailleurs séjourné récemment. Il est évidemment très touché par les massacres qui se multiplient. Il réclame le départ de Bacha-al-Assad.


MIKA I LOVE YOU!!!! I'm always thinking about my family too that's half lebanese and syrian, and the fact that he cares about it touches me so much. I WANT HIM TO GO SINCE FOREVER! I wish I could tell Mika how much I support him as I live the same thing.

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Oh shame I was hoping his family had all gone to the US. I'm sorry you've still got family there to worry about too. I hope they're going to be okay. :huglove:


Damn, I deleted my post without knowing :aah:, and yes, I often try to call there to get approval about my family, I spoke to 'em on Sunday and I always get some news of them, thank you dearest :huglove: xxx

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I missed these old V-logs from Syria....so beautiful and lovely.:tears:


New MFCers should to watch them.



20_ DANCING BED.mp4 5MB http://www.mediafire.com/?13nyzyc7c6276a7



21_ WELCOME TO SYRIA!.mp4 14MB http://www.mediafire.com/?535hjz8cv0sha1i


22_ ICE CREAM.mp4 14MB http://www.mediafire.com/?4dglrihfw645est


23_ PLAYING WITH LIGHT.mp4 5MB http://www.mediafire.com/?anagop88eazm4hk

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Sad situation in Syria :aah:


Thanks for the link and translation my loves:thumb_yello:


The other day I was looking for videos of old mikasounds and realized that was deleted, perhaps all this change things Mika also messed everything and Andy disappeared :shocked: I'm a little worried, I hope he's okay

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Thanks for sharing !

I didn't know he still had family over there... It must be hard to handle it... Especially if close friends are there but even people you simply know, it'd be a shock to hear that something happened to them... Let's hope the situation gets better asap and that the killigs stops ! :'(


No exactly the same situation but I used to check the news everyday for 4 months after the earthquick in Japan... I have some close friends there and I was with an other Japanese friend in Antwerp when it happened... She stayed 3 days without any news from her family... It was really horrible. :'((

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Thanks for sharing !

I didn't know he still had family over there... It must be hard to handle it... Especially if close friends are there but even people you simply know, it'd be a shock to hear that something happened to them... Let's hope the situation gets better asap and that the killings stops ! :'(


No exactly the same situation but I used to check the news everyday for 4 months after the earthquick in Japan... I have some close friends there and I was with an other Japanese friend in Antwerp when it happened... She stayed 3 days without any news from her family... It was really horrible. :'((

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Oh, he is really the best human. I remember him tweeting many months ago about war in Syria, it arose a lot of discussions in Twitter, and not only among fans. So sad that it wasn't able to influence on politics, but more and more people are aware about what happens on the Middle East, especially young people. There are not only discos at night in this world, but wars as well, and I'm proud that Mika does something - that can influence on future.

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I don't think Assad will be very impressed, but it's good that he's raising awareness, since in France I guess he has the position to do so. I don't know about other countries, but here the news about Syria has been pushed to the background. It shouldn't become one of those forgotten conflicts.

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I don't think Assad will be very impressed, but it's good that he's raising awareness, since in France I guess he has the position to do so. I don't know about other countries, but here the news about Syria has been pushed to the background. It shouldn't become one of those forgotten conflicts.


In Ukraine, I hear these news often on FM station, so at least here it is not at the background. Anyway, Ukraine in not involved, and stays in the shadows of Russia and Russian attitude to the situation.... :dunno:

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Oh, he is really the best human. I remember him tweeting many months ago about war in Syria, it arose a lot of discussions in Twitter, and not only among fans. So sad that it wasn't able to influence on politics, but more and more people are aware about what happens on the Middle East, especially young people. There are not only discos at night in this world, but wars as well, and I'm proud that Mika does something - that can influence on future.

I'm surprised no one realizes what a great goodwill ambassador Mika could become. He could unite the middle East.

He sings about love, not war.

It's a bad situation in Syria. Something needs to be done about it.

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mari62 said:
here you are :original:




hopefully we'll have the full interview soon



Dear Marina, thanks a million for the download link. :flowers2:



I upload it on YouTube.



2012.09.04 Le chanteur Mika demande le départ de Bachar-al-Assad.



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I don't know about other countries, but here the news about Syria has been pushed to the background. It shouldn't become one of those forgotten conflicts.


The US is preoccupied with Iran's interest in nuclear capabilities at the moment and their priorities are always oil, terrorism against the west and protecting Israel so I don't know how much they are going to get involved. :huh:

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I don't think Assad will be very impressed, but it's good that he's raising awareness, since in France I guess he has the position to do so. I don't know about other countries, but here the news about Syria has been pushed to the background. It shouldn't become one of those forgotten conflicts.


On German news they inform us about all the killing people in Syria every day.

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Govenments, like ours in the UK, only get involved when it suits their own interests. Like if the oil supply is threatened.

The UK govenment also does whatever the America govenment says. It doesn't matter which President is in power, or which Prime Minister. If the USA govenment send troops into a country, UK always follows suit and sends our soldiers, even when it's nothing to do with us and we're not helping th situation by being there.

But then something happens, like in Syria, and because there's nothing to be gained, with the oil, or trade, or something else the govenment wants, they stand by and allow people to be killed, when they could maybe, join with other nations to oust the tyrants in that country.

This is why I get so sick of all the political BS that goes on in the world.

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Govenments, like ours in the UK, only get involved when it suits their own interests. Like if the oil supply is threatened.

The UK govenment also does whatever the America govenment says. It doesn't matter which President is in power, or which Prime Minister. If the USA govenment send troops into a country, UK always follows suit and sends our soldiers, even when it's nothing to do with us and we're not helping th situation by being there.

But then something happens, like in Syria, and because there's nothing to be gained, with the oil, or trade, or something else the govenment wants, they stand by and allow people to be killed, when they could maybe, join with other nations to oust the tyrants in that country.

This is why I get so sick of all the political BS that goes on in the world.


Seems no one remember the past, do they?


We had election day in Quebec last night. We now have a woman as prime minister (a first). But another sad first happened as well: some looloo fired gunshot in the place where she was doing a speech... A man died:sneaky2:


I honestly don't know in what kind of world we live anymore:aah:

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Seems no one remember the past, do they?


We had election day in Quebec last night. We now have a woman as prime minister (a first). But another sad first happened as well: some looloo fired gunshot in the place where she was doing a speech... A man died:sneaky2:


I honestly don't know in what kind of world we live anymore:aah:


I read about it and was shocked. I sincerely hope that your country won't tumble into the political crap we've been in since we had our first political murder in 50 years or so a few years back...


I do have a questions for French and English speakers. In the thread name the word 'demand' is used, which as far as I understand is a very strong word, much stronger than just expressing an opinion. I find it a bit strange to be used in the context of Mika saying Assad should leave (it's not as if he's Obama or something). I know that he French article also used the word 'demander' in the title. But does that actually have the same meaning and also the same tone? Or is it more towards 'he would like him to leave' or 'he thinks he should leave'? I realize he used 'il faut' and that that is quite strong, but it still seemed like a bit of an odd headline to me.

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I read about it and was shocked. I sincerely hope that your country won't tumble into the political crap we've been in since we had our first political murder in 50 years or so a few years back...


I do have a questions for French and English speakers. In the thread name the word 'demand' is used, which as far as I understand is a very strong word, much stronger than just expressing an opinion. I find it a bit strange to be used in the context of Mika saying Assad should leave (it's not as if he's Obama or something). I know that he French article also used the word 'demander' in the title. But does that actually have the same meaning and also the same tone? Or is it more towards 'he would like him to leave' or 'he thinks he should leave'? I realize he used 'il faut' and that that is quite strong, but it still seemed like a bit of an odd headline to me.


Demand is top scale... Very strong indeed!

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