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Oh! What did it say then' date=' so I can tell you if it's true since I have family there and I've been :teehee:[/quote']


Well it's true :mf_rosetinted: Anyway, I was watching this program, it's called the correspondents and they talked about the police in Argentina, Egypt and Alabama. And then they did this short reportage about the new law in Alabama that encourage people to report persons that are in the country illegally. And talked about the consequences the law has to the latino americans that live there.

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Well it's true :mf_rosetinted: Anyway, I was watching this program, it's called the correspondents and they talked about the police in Argentina, Egypt and Alabama. And then they did this short reportage about the new law in Alabama that encourage people to report persons that are in the country illegally. And talked about the consequences the law has to the latino americans that live there.


Oh! Well, that's the same ALL OVER us, if anyone's here illegally they have consequences and those are the same all over the states, :aah:

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Oh! Well' date=' that's the same ALL OVER us, if anyone's here illegally they have consequences and those are the same all over the states, :aah:[/quote']


Well I don't remember really, but it was something special with this law and it didn't exist in other states. If think if that you didn't report people you thought where in the country illegally, you could be sentenced, or something like that. Anyway the persons they talked to said it reminded her about nazi germany and when everyone was encourage to turn everyone in. And they told us about cases where the cashiers and other people didn't want to help the a latino americans until he/she could prove that she/he was legally in the country.


Okay google translate now from the site:


Long arm of the law can reach too far, as when citizens made ​​to police in Alabama, USA. Bengt Norborg and Richard Collsiöö traveled to Alabama and was told about how all citizens now have the right to stop anyone to check if it has a residence permit. The law also gives the right to report those who do not check the paper and gives teachers the right to ask their students if the parents have their papers in order.


And yeah the senator seemed, I don't know, to be at the wrong place :aah:

Edited by Lilasko
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Well I don't remember really, but it was something special with this law and it didn't exist in other states. If think if that you didn't report people you thought where in the country illegally, you could be sentenced, or something like that. Anyway the persons they talked to said it reminded her about nazi germany and when everyone was encourage to turn everyone in. And they told us about cases where the cashiers and other people didn't want to help the a latino american until he/she could prove that she/he was legally in the country.


Okay google translate now from the site:


Long arm of the law can reach too far, as when citizens made ​​to police in Alabama, USA. Bengt Norborg and Richard Collsiöö traveled to Alabama and was told about how all citizens now have the right to stop anyone to check if it has a residence permit. The law also gives the right to report those who do not check the paper and gives teachers the right to ask their students if the parents have their papers in order.

eah the senator seamed I don't know, to be at the wrong place :aah:

Okay, here's my thoughts :


First of all comparing this situation with Nazi Germany is NOT, and I repeat NEVER okay. Whoever said that needs a serious reality check. For real.

It's not seeming too far to go to me, except that not ALL citizens should be able to just stop and demand information like that. It's stupid. Id be willing to put all my money on it that almost everyone down that way opposes that, and anyways wouldn't it be found unconstitutional? It's a violation of rights. Should have never gone through. How long ago did you see this? :aah:

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I always feel so sad when well known companies go into bankruptcy. :huh:


Who went bankrupt? Same here... Where I live there was this really famous and good store called Ukrops and they went bankrupt and had to sell. And that was over 2 years ago but people still call it Ukrops even though technically it's Martins now xD

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Okay' date=' here's my thoughts :


First of all comparing this situation with Nazi Germany is NOT, and I repeat NEVER okay. Whoever said that needs a serious reality check. For real.

It's not seeming too far to go to me, except that not ALL citizens should be able to just stop and demand information like that. It's stupid. Id be willing to put all my money on it that almost everyone down that way opposes that, and anyways wouldn't it be found unconstitutional? It's a violation of rights. Should have never gone through. How long ago did you see this? :aah:[/quote']



Today :aah: ANd I absolutely think it's to go to far since it tends to become racially. And the women who said worked for some rights in america I don't remember, but I think she made a point when she compared it to nazi germany :mf_rosetinted: Anyway this is what they told me, and since it's a accurate program and an accurate tv channel. I believe them. :teehee:

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Who went bankrupt? Same here... Where I live there was this really famous and good store called Ukrops and they went bankrupt and had to sell. And that was over 2 years ago but people still call it Ukrops even though technically it's Martins now xD


Expert - they sell like it-stuff and things :aah: Haha, but sad story :huh:

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Today :aah: ANd I absolutely think it's to go to far since it tends to become racially. And the women who said worked for some rights in america I don't remember, but I think she made a point when she compared it to nazi germany :mf_rosetinted: Anyway this is what they told me, and since it's a accurate program and an accurate tv channel. I believe them. :teehee:


that's definitely the case! But it's due to giving too much power to individual citizens like they've done and nothing else, since the government treats people equally regardless of race when it comes to these things. Okay, if you think this is accurately compared to nazi Germany tell me why, I guarantee I'll shoot your argument down in a snap :das: they told you things, and it's accurate but since there are comparisons etc thrown in you know it can't ALL be fact, some of it is opinion. :teehee:

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Expert - they sell like it-stuff and things :aah: Haha, but sad story :huh:


:aah: it isn't THAT sad, but it is kind of :teehee: I don't figure it matters all to much for me, as a consumer. I mean, I suppose it does but I still can buy the same stuff, same prices etc :aah:

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that's definitely the case! But it's due to giving too much power to individual citizens like they've done and nothing else' date=' since the government treats people equally regardless of race when it comes to these things. Okay, if you think this is accurately compared to nazi Germany tell me why, I guarantee I'll shoot your argument down in a snap :das: they told you things, and it's accurate but since there are comparisons etc thrown in you know it can't ALL be fact, some of it is opinion. :teehee:[/quote']


I just think she has a point when she says it could turn out the same way as it did in germany. It's kind of the same situation.

Not all is fact of course the things the women said was her own opinions, but the rest is fact. And that's also why the program is called the correspondents :wink2:

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:aah: it isn't THAT sad' date=' but it is kind of :teehee: I don't figure it matters all to much for me, as a consumer. I mean, I suppose it does but I still can buy the same stuff, same prices etc :aah:[/quote']


Yes it doesn't matter :aah: but just said that the story you grow up with will disappear :teehee:

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I just think she has a point when she says it could turn out the same way as it did in germany. It's kind of the same situation.

Not all is fact of course the things the women said was her own opinions, but the rest is fact. And that's also why the program is called the correspondents :wink2:


No, no it won't, she ABSOLUTELY doesn't have a point! For several reasons. First, Nazi-ism is widely regarded in America as well... The holocaust. Which is much different from this situation in many regards. Nazis committed hate crimes against people. The gov. Here is in no position to commit crimes like that, do you realize how much of a total uprising there'd be? It would be HORRIFYING. there's a reason illegal immigrants are, well, illegal-- financial and economical states don't favor it, and neither do personal situations. There are plenty of ways to immigrate legally, and you know that America's government is founded on religious freedom, separation of church and state, etc... So none of that is going to fly with people if we decided to treat these people unfairly. It's simply people taking precaution, and maybe it's a little over the top, but it would never ever ever end up like Nazi Germany. Just... This country would fall apart if things like that happened, there'd be states seceding left and right and WOW that would not be good..... :mf_rosetinted:

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No' date=' no it won't, she ABSOLUTELY doesn't have a point! For several reasons. First, Nazi-ism is widely regarded in America as well... The holocaust. Which is much different from this situation in many regards. Nazis committed hate crimes against people. The gov. Here is in no position to commit crimes like that, do you realize how much of a total uprising there'd be? It would be HORRIFYING. there's a reason illegal immigrants are, well, illegal-- financial and economical states don't favor it, and neither do personal situations. There are plenty of ways to immigrate legally, and you know that America's government is founded on religious freedom, separation of church and state, etc... So none of that is going to fly with people if we decided to treat these people unfairly. It's simply people taking precaution, and maybe it's a little over the top, but it would never ever ever end up like Nazi Germany. Just... This country would fall apart if things like that happened, there'd be states seceding left and right and WOW that would not be good..... :mf_rosetinted:[/quote']


Aaand you're missing the point completely :aah: Sorry I'm actually sleeping :mf_rosetinted: That's why I answere in swedish. xD

Vad hon menade eller pratade om var att den situation som har uppstått i Alabama där människor uppmanas att ange varandra, skolbarn och lärare förväntas eller blir uppmanande att rapportera om de tror sig

Misstänka att klasskamraterna är illegala invandrare. Grannar anger varandra etc Påminer om den situation som uppstod i 30-talets Tyskland när nazist partiet kom till

Makten och man började jakten på judarna och folk uppmanades att ange personer de misstänkte var judar, barn angav sina kompisar, föräldrar lärare, kassörer köpare osv. Det är två situationer som inte är helt olika varandra, sen var ju hela jude förföljelsen absurd och det enda man var ute efter var hämd och en syndabock, och det antog extremt hemska proportioner, med fruktansvärda resultat. Ja alla kan historien. I alla fall vad hon sa var att det angiveriet som lagen antyder och syftar till emot illegala invandrare har vissa likheter med det angiveriet som fanns i 30-talets tyskland. Hon talade om angiveriets likheter, inte om nazisterna som parti eller hur de drev sin politik och den förföljelse som blev resultatet av den.

Och därför tycker jag att hon ändå har en poäng när hon jämför illegala invandrare-lagen i Alabama med angiveriet i 30-talets nazi Tyskland. Sen utesluter det ju inte att det finns fler händelser eller lagar som hon kunde ha jämfört med istället. Tror dock det blev den här jämförelsen för att alla har läst om andra världskriget och hur nazist partiet kom till makten och hur landet gick från svält till utrotning av judar och därför inte behövde någon bakgrundsinformation. Men hon kunde t.ex jämför det med Stalins Sovjetunionen istället, hade gått lika bra. :mf_rosetinted:


I hope you get my point :naughty: And this post is really long xD

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Aaand you're missing the point completely :aah: Sorry I'm actually sleeping :mf_rosetinted: That's why I answere in swedish. xD

Vad hon menade eller pratade om var att den situation som har uppstått i Alabama där människor uppmanas att ange varandra, skolbarn och lärare förväntas eller blir uppmanande att rapportera om de tror sig

Misstänka att klasskamraterna är illegala invandrare. Grannar anger varandra etc Påminer om den situation som uppstod i 30-talets Tyskland när nazist partiet kom till

Makten och man började jakten på judarna och folk uppmanades att ange personer de misstänkte var judar, barn angav sina kompisar, föräldrar lärare, kassörer köpare osv. Det är två situationer som inte är helt olika varandra, sen var ju hela jude förföljelsen absurd och det enda man var ute efter var hämd och en syndabock, och det antog extremt hemska proportioner, med fruktansvärda resultat. Ja alla kan historien. I alla fall vad hon sa var att set angiveriet som lagen antyder och syftar till mot illegala invandrare har vissa likheter med det angiveriet som fanns i 30-talets tyskland. Hon talade om angiveriets likheter, inte om nazisterna som parti eller hur de drev sin politik och den förföljelse som blev resultatet av den.

Och därför tycker jag att hon ändå har en poäng när hon jämför illegala invandrare-lagen i Alabama med angiveriet i 30-talets nazi Tyskland. Sen utesluter det ju inte att det finns fler händelser eller lagar som hon kunde ha jämfört med istället. Tror dock det blev den hör jämförelsen för att alla har läst om andra världskriget och hur NaIst partier kom till makten och hur landet gick från svält till utrotning av judar och därför inte behövde någon bakgrunds information. Men hon kunde t.ex jämför det med Stalins Sovjetunionen istället, hade gått lika bra. :mf_rosetinted:


I hope you get my point :naughty: And this post is really long xD


Okay, I'll work on understanding it and then hopefully I'll see what you mean well enough to say something back that, well, doesn't miss your point xD

If you can't even write it in English, yes you should sleep :roftl:

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Cheap? How much is yours? :aah:



Sleepy. Very sleepy. And rather warm today. :aah:


Yes, your deluxe version will only cost 15 dollars, that's cheaper than any cd you can buy overhere. :aah: Our costs around 30,5 dollars if you buy it online, 38 in stores :mf_rosetinted:


Oh I want it to be warm too :aah: Here it looks warm, but it's cold :aah:

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Yes, your deluxe version will only cost 15 dollars, that's cheaper than any cd you can buy overhere. :aah: Our costs around 30,5 dollars if you buy it online, 38 in stores :mf_rosetinted:


Oh I want it to be warm too :aah: Here it looks warm, but it's cold :aah:


Wow, I guess I'm lucky then :aah: most of our CDs here cost between 8-15 dollars.......:aah:


I still wish here was warmer :mf_rosetinted: xD I don't like being cold.

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