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Mika on Le Grand Journal, Canal+ (17/09/2012)


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Mika will be on Le Grand Journal, Canal+ tonight at 20h30!


Here's a link for streaming: http://www.canalplus.fr/pid3580-c-live-tv-clair.html


EDIT: 2° link for streaming: http://webactu-webtv.com/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=3




we can watch it on mikawebsite - thanks!



Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?am3vfvdcceyjp55

Sorry it took so long


First part of the interview ;)


Hosts :After the million albums he's been selling we are very proud to welcome here again Mika.

The fans : Mika Mika Mika Mika

Lady :Mika , we are so happy you're here. And so happy to see you since you did so great with this song " Elle Me Dit" but we didn't see you then or heard you then.

Mika: Even in the video I was hiding .

Lady: How do you feel?

Mika: I'm just fine. Actually this is the very first program I'm doing with this album.

Denisot Thank you. With this first live song and the new album, we see a new Mika, not disguised , more simple, less confetti, more sober.

Mika: Actually one of my titles says " I only love you when I'm drunk" so... but maybe I'm more simple in my own complicated way.

Lady: I love this song so much.

Denisot: But the design of the album is much simpler.

Mika: Do you have it here?

Lady: Yes, we have it .

Mika: So I decided to separate it in black and white me and colors for the background , yes I don't know, there is an evolution and in the music too.

Lady: There's a huge wind of freedom in this album. When you listen to it it fills you with happiness. And we read it is "more adult and less light" "the liberation album" Isn't it a bit frightening when a journalist looks at you and tells you " This is your mature album Mika"

Mika: Well I sure hope to have some evolution throughout my albums . It would be awful to become a charicature of yourself.

Denisot : Before you always mentioned Chantal Goya, now you mention Barbara.

Mika: Chantal Goya, Barbara, there isn't so much difference (joking) I always say Gainsbourg taught me about sex, Barbara about sadness , that's why I wanted to sing in French in the album because French songs are part of my upbringing so it was very important for me.

Lady: You offered yourself lots of freedom in this album. So much There is so that you even included "Beatocue" in the album for the remix.

Mika: Beatocue? Beatlejuice?

Lady : In French we say it "Bite au cul" ("dick in ass")

Mika: It's all my fault then.

Lady: The album is filled with surprises and remixes. I really wanted to put the emphasis on that.

Lady and Denisot: We are going to watch the movie for The Origin Of Love. You were co film director for it. It is a bit sulphurous.

Lady: It is a short movie and a very good one.

Mika: There will also be a clip for the song, but this was a short film, because I'm making lots of short films as well for the other songs of the album.

Lady: It is said to be sulphurous but it is easily watched , no problem.

Mika! What does "sulfureux" (sulphurous) mean?

Lady: It's a bit hot, you need to hide your eyes with your hands and be careful, but not at all in reality. So watch it by any means.

Lady: I think this album is carried by a very optimistic sound and very strong hearts . I don't know if it is easy for you to talk about it but is this all linked to the tragic accident that happened to your sister.

Mika: In a way it triggered it . To see my sister in such a situation kind of destroyed my ego , my pride and I was a bit patinated , in a sense the surface collapsed . It is wierd that such a tragic and shocking event could be the start of an album which is about joy and love.

Denisot: And there is also love in this album. It is very clear in your title "The Origin Of Love" , you talk about love as someone who is in love.

Mika: Yes.

Lady: Are you in love?

Mika: Yes .

Lady: This summer you wanted to share that you were in love with another man. Was it difficult for you to say it or was it liberating?

Mika: It was liberating and frankly it is something very important to do when you are happy first you have found love, lost love and found love again and you can say look at me I'm happy , I have a happy life , normal life, I'm proud of my life even if I love a man and it's cool and I'm so happy.

A little bit more of the interview , less interesting


Hosts: Many musical influences, Freddy Mercury, Scissor Sisters, Prince, Michael Jackson, you cultivate this androgynous side. There's a Michael Jackson CD box that's just been released. It is said that Michael Jackson often sang his songs in French before singing them in English.

You might release a CD in French too some day so you'd better make sure you get a reliable person to translate the lyrics from French to English. "I just can't stop loving you "

They play the song "translated" in French , but in the worst possible way.

Mika: Is that a joke?

Hosts: No, it's just been released.

Lady: It's not a joke, I'm offering you the album.

Hosts: Would you make a whole album in French at some point ?

Mika: Well in the new album there are four songs in French which Dorian and I took about three or four days to write. So those four songs in French now and maybe the next step an album in French, I don't know.

Lady: I take this opportunity to say how much I love "Un soleil mal luné", just Mika's voice and piano , it is the song I love most in the album.

Hosts: Grace Kelly died thirty years ago. This takes us back to your first song because she inspired you.


Mika: I don't know Grace Kelly very well. of course I know her story, her face.

Denisot: The myth.

Mika:Yes, the myth, but it was my grand mother . Grace Kelly was idol of her generation. In my song I said I can be like Grace Kelly, like Freddie Mercury, who should I be to please you?


In the rest of the video , I've already explained it is the fast speaking guys telling Mika to consider a choice of ridiculous French people he should make a French album with . And I need to solve my sound problem anyway, but the best part of the interview is the first one . (when they let Mika speak )


Ysa has uploaded it on VIMEO. :mikalove:




Question: teach me how to hold a very very high note.

Mika:Like this: aaahhh

Q:the thing you should never ever say to a lebanese mom.

M: i wanna marry your son.

Q:Flashback of Relax: to sing or remix here.

M:*sings Relax*

Q:The cartoon song of your childhood.

M:It was the ad: Gilette the best a man can get!

Q:this chair is a stage, show us how to jump into the crowd.

M: two three!*jumps*


Aaah what a silly joke xD "Mika-Dooo" Tsss~ His face made me laugh~ (Even if it was probably "planned" HUHU)


D: I wanted to do soemthing with Mika tonight.

Mika: What ? Watching a sunset together ?

D: Nope.

Mike: Making love together ?

D:Nope... I want you to make a "Do" (on the piano)

*He does it*

=> D : Tah Dah ! I made a "Mika-do" with Mika (O.o)

Label Barclay ‏@labelbarclay


Daphné a préparé une surprise à Mika #lgj


Label Barclay ‏@labelbarclay


Mika avant de rentrer sur le plateau #LGJ


Translation: Mika before going on set



I didn't know where to post this article, I don't think it needs its own thread but I find it interesting. They were with Mika right after Le Grand Journal that's why I chose to post it here, please move it if it's better somewhere else :wink2:






In his dressing room, one of his assistants is busy putting in a big trunk all the cosmetics needed for a TV show. He just arrives from the set of 'Le Grand Journal'. Worried about his performance. About his hearing problems. 'I miss 60% of my hearing in the right ear. French interviews are really hard when it's noisy. I don't always understand the questions very well, especially if people don't articulate.'


But Mika is not long to collect his senses. Lanky silhouette and crazy charisma. No flamboyance or affectation in his attitude. We are very far from the boy jumping on stage like a kangaroo having ecstasy. Sometimes, he shows an obvious need to be reassured ('I speak like an idiot right now, don't you think?'). Of course, his personality is much more complex than the image he gives. Obsessive, demanding and perfectionist, regularly in reconsideration, torn by love. Not always easy to follow him in his adventures. 'It's not easy everyday to work with me' he admits. No ego with him, but an unrestrained desire of discovery. To be understood as : he's not in automatic pilot position. 'I'm in between commercial and the desire to go somewhere else. It's a roller coaster. It allows me to be a true musician, to realise that music is not always easy.'


3 years of shortage between this delivery - The Origin of Love - and the previous one - The Boy Who Knew Too Much. The only thing we could get was the single 'Elle Me Dit', released beforehand and nominated as Best song at the Victoires de la Musique. No inspiration? Writer's block? 'For a year and a half, I couldn't write a song. Everytime I was sitting at the piano, I was thinking about people's verdict about the song before it even existed. It was quite destructive.'


In the meantime there has also been a family tragedy. At the end of 2010, his sister fell from the 3rd floor of her flat. She became impaled on railings which pierced her abdomen and legs. Critical status. A trauma for Mika who saw the tragedy with his own eyes. However this accident will be the album starting point. 'Paradoxically, it led me to a period of creativity. I realised I could lose everything. You don't think about yourself anymore when you're next to someone dying stupidly. It's strange that this extremely joyful album came from a tragic event.'


Less bubble-gum songs than in the past and a familiarized musical seduction. Several listenings are necessary to dig out all the subtleties of this album made as a diary. This doesn't prevent it from having effective hits (Origin of Love, Make You Happy, Overrated) and layered gargantuan melodies. So as to remind us that the boy is not in order, but in a mess. With him, fever and party never stop going crazy. Flexible, quivering, high pitched, his voice occupies space. It's even playing up in the clouds on the striking 'Underwater' and dream-like 'Heroes'. In the middle of this imaginary world, an unidentified song 'Love You When I'm Drunk'. Strange conception of love. 'Uninhibited, we don't have all our faculties. Didn't it happen to you, after being sober again, to hate somebody? I've experienced this. And it's better to run away very quickly' he says in a big laugh.


Boys or girls? The mystery is over. The Lebanese singer, who claimed being bisexual for a long time, has come out this Summer in an American magazine. Needless to say that this confession takes a lot of space in the promotion. 'I was the one to choose the moment. Fear had nothing to do with this choice. I'm not saying I wasn't nervous when the time came. In a way, musically, it's not very important. But it's different as a person.' Constantly bombarded with questions on this topic, always evasive in his answers, Mika is freed from a weight. 'I've never felt this gay pressure in France. But in the US or in the UK, a part of the press was obsessed with it. Here, there is more tolerance with my attitude and the freedom I gave to myself.' For many, it was nobody's secret. How could it be any different for a boy whose mother fantasy proved to be Fanny Ardant?

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Can't wait for him to be there!! This a big show to be at on the release day, couldn't have been better :thumb_yello: He'll be on during the 2nd part. Now is the political part, then there's a funny show at 8 'Le Petit Journal' and then cultural part :biggrin2:

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Can't wait for him to be there!! This a big show to be at on the release day, couldn't have been better :thumb_yello: He'll be on during the 2nd part. Now is the political part, then there's a funny show at 8 'Le Petit Journal' and then cultural part :biggrin2:


Indeed 8))) It's soooo cool he can be there tonight ! :D

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Aaah what a silly joke xD "Mika-Dooo" Tsss~ His face made me laugh~ (Even if it was probably "planned" HUHU)


D: I wanted to do soemthing with Mika tonight.

Mika: What ? Watching a sunset together ?

D: Nope.

Mike: Making love together ?

D:Nope... I want you to make a "Do" (on the piano)

*He does it*

=> D : Tah Dah ! I made a "Mika-do" with Mika (O.o)

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Haha we've just seen him :original:


The girl said she wanted to do something special with him so he asked 'watch the sun set? Make love?' And she just asked him to play the music note 'do' on the piano. So that she would play Mikado.. :aah:

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Aaah what a silly joke xD "Mika-Dooo" Tsss~ His face made me laugh~ (Even if it was probably "planned" HUHU)


D: I wanted to do soemthing with Mika tonight.

Mika: What ? Watching a sunset together ?

D: Nope.

Mike: Making love together ?

D:Nope... I want you to make a "Do" (on the piano)

*He does it*

=> D : Tah Dah ! I made a "Mika-do" with Mika (O.o)


Haha we've just seen him :original:


The girl said she wanted to do something special with him so he asked 'watch the sun set? Make love?' And she just asked him to play the music note 'do' on the piano. So that she would play Mikado.. :aah:


You were more fast than me!!

Thank you!! :flowers2:

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