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She did WHAT!!!? :shocked::mf_rosetinted:


xDDD oh btw i'll show you one of the pics from last winter, it's from the time when we were just friends. :wink2:https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396256_309598792432735_1021253490_n.jpg you can see me standing behind the camera in his glasses xD


She looked over my shoulder while I was Sherlock fangurling and she said, and I quote: "wow he's really really ugly!" :doh:

Aww he's cute! :3

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Our elections aren't till well... Wait when are they even!? :aah:

Oh okay they're November 6 :naughty: so I suppose I'll be off school that day


here they're on 1st of octrober sooo.. :das:


and i have school day off too on 23 nov. :mikacool:

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we had last year, but we don't get day offs :sneaky2:



:shocked: i'm coming there and she should hide now :mf_rosetinted::teehee: thanks


I'll tell her to hide :mf_rosetinted: should we give her a head start or no? :naughty: every time I go to my cousins house I die, because they think Bene is hideous, Mika is terrible, well they think EVERYTHING I like is terrible :sneaky2:


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why would it? O.o xDD


Because it's a holiday to celebrate.... Okay. History lesson, albeit brief.

Pilgrims sailed to America looking for a better way of life, settle there, have loads of fights with Indians, make peace with Indians, have a joint feast on Plymouth rock. It's american history related, which would be why it's strange if you had it xDDD

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