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Trust me, you don't.:naughty:


I'm great actually, really, REALLY happy.:teehee: You? :3 And who's Allu?:das:


Except for his fluffy black hair.:naughty:

Aw no, what happened? :(:hug:



Oh not much, a girl in my English class wouldn't stop bothering me :mikacool:

The only person I know that I can brngi myself to hate, mind you:aah:

HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE! :sneaky2: Kjdksjdsjd what a jerk! *vents and punches something and listens to rebellious music*


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Trust me, you don't.:naughty:


I'm great actually, really, REALLY happy.:teehee: You? :3 And who's Allu?:das:


Except for his fluffy black hair.:naughty:

Aw no, what happened? :(:hug:

i'm good, reallyreally happy right now :wub2:yesterday after few hours my homecoming, Allu came here and he had flowers with him and wished me to get well soon.:wub2: and he said he likes me.. and today when i was at school for few hours, he came to me and gave me a kiss, we were standing in front of our class in our english class and in the same time he said he loves me... :wub2:

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I've been listening to music ALL DAY even in school :mikacool: xD anyways I love marina. :naughty:
Never' date=' ever, EVER.


But check this out:

Music: Cocaine 80s (:naughty:), [b']Marina and the Diamonds[/b], Rufus Wainwright, No Doubt, Placebo, Adam Lambert, Scissor Sisters (Mehrker, you perverted boy, you :das:), Amy Winehouse, RHCP...

So do I, but that's not the point.:roftl:

First of all your doing it wrong it goes like this * Coughcoughsexistcough *


well what can I say :naughty:


I have the right to do it wrong, I'm not from an English speaking country.:naughty: And isn't that supposed to be in blue, not pink?:aah: And you spelt 'you're' wrong. PWNED.

That is not cool.

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So do I, but that's not the point.:roftl:



I have the right to do it wrong, I'm not from an English speaking country.:naughty: And isn't that supposed to be in blue, not pink?:aah: And you spelt 'you're' wrong. PWNED.

That is not cool.


You're so obsessed! I love basically everything on that list, so ofc I'm going to mention it at some point in time, it's unavoidable xD

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This is here for the sole reason of OMG I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH :fangurl:



Someone's in a good mood :teehee:


Don't know if you'll like this one' date=' but I like it a lot :aah:



Grace Very good :clap:


Hanna Over the top I love it :teehee:

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Oh not much' date=' a girl in my English class wouldn't stop bothering me :mikacool:

The only person I know that I can brngi myself to hate, mind you:aah:

HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE! :sneaky2: Kjdksjdsjd what a jerk! *vents and punches something and listens to rebellious music*



And what did the idiot do?

i'm good, reallyreally happy right now :wub2:yesterday after few hours my homecoming, Allu came here and he had flowers with him and wished me to get well soon.:wub2: and he said he likes me.. and today when i was at school for few hours, he came to me and gave me a kiss, we were standing in front of our class in our english class and in the same time he said he loves me... :wub2:

I'm glad.:teehee: Awww that is so sweet that it makes me want to throw up! D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :33333333333333333333333333

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And what did the idiot do?


I'm glad.:teehee: Awww that is so sweet that it makes me want to throw up! D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :33333333333333333333333333


Lied and said at I stole something from her when I didn't go near her and damn near punched me in the face. And then insulted my greatest loves on earth, and sabotaged my project even though I've never done anything wrong to her in my LIFE. And it's not like I'll be rude back, I refuse to sink to that level :shun: but I broke down, so frustrated! I couldn't do anything in class. Was probably going to cry from stress.

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And what did the idiot do?


I'm glad.:teehee: Awww that is so sweet that it makes me want to throw up! D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :33333333333333333333333333


this just feels like a dream :wub2: he has been a really close friend for a long time and no one in our class didn't believe that we would ever get together, when kissed me everone were just like "wtf just happened? :shocked: omg Annu and Allu???? They are together?! Omg!" :naughty:

this pic is from the time when we were just friend, that's him :wink2:https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396256_309598792432735_1021253490_n.jpg

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Lied and said at I stole something from her when I didn't go near her and damn near punched me in the face. And then insulted my greatest loves on earth' date=' and sabotaged my project even though I've never done anything wrong to her in my LIFE. And it's not like I'll be rude back, I refuse to sink to that level :shun: but I broke down, so frustrated! I couldn't do anything in class. Was probably going to cry from stress.[/quote']


You do realise that I now have a terrible urge to go there and kick the s*it out of her? No one touches my Gracie-boo. And what do I say about idiots time and time again?

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Grace Very good :clap:


Hanna Over the top I love it :teehee:


Yay ;D :dance_man: xD




I'm going to bed now, so I'll just post some links and you can tell me later if you liked them or not :wink2:







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Yay ;D :dance_man: xD




I'm going to bed now, so I'll just post some links and you can tell me later if you liked them or not :wink2:








Aren't exactly links but thanks :aah:

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You do realise that I now have a terrible urge to go there and kick the s*it out of her? No one touches my Gracie-boo. And what do I say about idiots time and time again?


Good. Do it. She's some cheerleader chick, you'll have an easy time of it. :mikacool: I don't know, what do you say about them? :das::pinkbow:

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Dear , Xenia can you show me a picture of Marko please :teehee: since grace is being a turd burglar :sneaky2:



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