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MIKA on Tonight Show w/Jay Leno -- 25 October 2012


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EXCITING. I'll be watching for sure :)


OK, like I said, it's not the greatest, but it's something to tide you over until there's a better version on NBC's site:





Did you love @MikaSound's performance tonight? Here he is doing his thing: http://ow.ly/i/13P7n


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Yahoo! I don't know if I have the channel here, but if not, can I (from Canada) watch it on some live stream or is it streaming live on the website (and accessible to everyone)?


you should have the channel on your TV, it's on NBC:thumb_yello:

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Anyone recording? Please? I tried to watch previous episodes on the website, but they get stuck in loading, so I guess I won't be able to watch it that way...


I could try to tape the screen with my phone, that is, if I'm still awake:mf_rosetinted:

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Anyone recording? Please? I tried to watch previous episodes on the website, but they get stuck in loading, so I guess I won't be able to watch it that way...


I'll be recording, but there's no good way for me to get the video off my DVR.

I guess it's a legal thing, but they don't make it easy to do, and I haven't

figured out the illegal way around it. :wink2:


They don't do live-streaming, as far as I'm aware, but the Tonight Show does put the episode online within a day after it airs. Last night's episode is already online:



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They don't do live-streaming, as far as I'm aware, but the Tonight Show does put the episode online within a day after it airs. Last night's episode is already online:




I can't check since I'm on a US proxy server at the moment but I don't think you can ever watch NBC programs from outside the US (at least not within Canada). We need an American to record from the site.


I don't even have a TV so I can't watch it tonight. :naughty:

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Some month ago we could have seen it without problems even in Europe. But not now any more :sneaky2:


You're better off with Jimmy Fallon even though it's not convenient in this case. :naughty:


I might be able to download this episode if a torrent comes out. It's really too bad he wasn't on last night with Barack Obama for many reasons. :aah:

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I'll be recording, but there's no good way for me to get the video off my DVR.

I guess it's a legal thing, but they don't make it easy to do, and I haven't

figured out the illegal way around it. :wink2:


They don't do live-streaming, as far as I'm aware, but the Tonight Show does put the episode online within a day after it airs. Last night's episode is already online:




you can always film the tv picture with your camera... would be better than nothing. :wink2:

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I could try to tape the screen with my phone, that is, if I'm still awake:mf_rosetinted:


you can always film the tv picture with your camera... would be better than nothing. :wink2:


Yes, I'll try it. We'll see. No promises! :naughty:




You're better off with Jimmy Fallon even though it's not convenient in this case. :naughty:


I might be able to download this episode if a torrent comes out. It's really too bad he wasn't on last night with Barack Obama for many reasons. :aah:


I know -- I was hoping for last night, too.

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does anyone else seem to cringe when Mika does Press in the States? It just seems like they don't get him or even want to take the time get try and get him...

or perhaps it's just me..


No, I noticed it with the CNN thing as well. To me it seems like a faster pace, and that his answers are too long for their liking. It's not the case in all US interviews, but I guess there's not exactly going to be an in-depth interview with him anyway here.

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I think the CNN thing is good. They were really hyping him up. Superstar in Europe, grammy-nominated, human rights activist, blah, blah, blah. :teehee:


I think Mika's advantage in the US is he can still be marketed as an up-and-comer whereas in the UK his career is seen to have declined because he peaked so early and so long ago. :aah:

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I think the CNN thing is good. They were really hyping him up. Superstar in Europe, grammy-nominated, human rights activist, blah, blah, blah. :teehee:


I think Mika's advantage in the US is he can still be marketed as an up-and-comer whereas in the UK his career is seen to have declined because he peaked so early and so long ago. :aah:


Oh, don't get me wrong, I liked the way they presented him there and thought it was great. But I did get the feeling she was rushing him during the interview and would have preferred answers that were a little more to the point. What I was actually thinking when I saw it, was that Mika should practice a bit with this different interview style so he'd shine more.


The human rights activist thing... well... I really like the way he behaves himself and how he discusses sexuality, so in that sense I could say he's a good role model, but calling him a human rights activist is ridiculous, in my opinion. I think we have a new word for such things: bullcrotching.

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The human rights activist thing... well... I really like the way he behaves himself and how he discusses sexuality, so in that sense I could say he's a good role model, but calling him a human rights activist is ridiculous, in my opinion. I think we have a new word for such things: bullcrotching.


Indeed. :lmfao:


I just cringed when the guy said that because I didn't even know what he was getting at and thought it was going to be a horribly awkward moment for Mika. :aah: But I guess he knew where to go with it and it turned out okay.


Anyway whatever. Whether people realize it or not his long-told stories that started his career are also exaggerated. I think as he said in NYC you start believing your own BS if you repeat it often enough and he's definitely convinced many others, if not himself.

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The human rights activist thing... well... I really like the way he behaves himself and how he discusses sexuality, so in that sense I could say he's a good role model, but calling him a human rights activist is ridiculous, in my opinion. I think we have a new word for such things: bullcrotching.


Exactly :lmao:

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so excited for this!! :boing:


there are several ways you can stream nbc live online...don't ask how i know this when i get nbc on my tv :teehee:


there will be pop-ups etc - u just deal with as per normal..try these:



http://livetvcafe.net/video/8XBK9SMHGS9U/NBC - this one has several streams - one shld work..






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He did Origin of Love and it was just beautiful!! <3



Yes, so happy he chose that song -- I was hoping he would! :wub2:


I've recorded it with my camera -- it's OK, not great quality, but I'll upload to youtube for you hardcore folks who can't wait until NBC gets their version on their site tomorrow. :thumb_yello:

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