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2012 - Le Colisée, Roubaix, FRANCE - 31 October - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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I love your pics Mine. I am selfish and don't ever want to go back to festivals and big gigs. These intimate shows are so wonderful.




This is so beautiful. He seems to be improvising with the phrasing and it sounds more sincere, heartfelt. I hope he does it in Quebec one day.

But please leave Doriand at home. :naughty:


Oh he has to, it's such a beautiful song and I loved his interpretation from last night:wub2:

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I've been home for 2 hours and a half now, time to write a bit about the amazing time I had in Roubaix last night ! ;)


Well, I left home 'round 11 AM and arrived in Roubaix 'round 4.30 PM. I went to my hotel to check in and let there my backpack there. I started heading to the venue but I had forgot some things so I had to go back at the hotel X) I finally arrived at the venue a bit before 6 PM. I tried to ask the office of the venue about the guestlist as I was stressed not to find it, they couldn't give me much information but I was a bit reassured. I wondered where people could be and then, I saw a crowd at the back of the venue.... Mika had just arrived, perfect timing :naughty: He was really nice, talking in French ;'> He was already late for his rehearsal so he I didn't see him long but it put a great smile of my face, a nice way to begin the evening ;D


When the doors opened, I could easily find the guestlist. However, I had to point my name on the list 'cause he had no idea what I meant by "Contest on Mika's facebook page" :aah:


The gig was magic. As I have been expecting Brussels gig for months so it was pretty weird to realize that I was seeing Mika 3 days BEFORE Brussels... I didn't really expect anything particular from this gig, I was just over happy to be there and ready to make the best of it and I DID 8


I tried to write down a few things when I got back to the hotel...


First, I was really really on cloud nine as he sang Karen :wub2:and later, he sang Comme un soleil mal luné... It was really powerful, I think... really moving...


Stardust was...perfect and even more than that. Sooo moving :'X


It was time I went to a gig in France and so, I could hear him talk in French the whole show, which I loved ! I mean, I don't really care about the language but the way he speaks French, with his little mistakes, is really cool :')


Camille already wrote the main anecdotes of the gig ;)


At some point, Mika told us that he had wondered if people would come dressed like witches or zombies for this gig as it was Halloween and then, someone threw his witch hat on stage ;D He wore it and then gave it to Felix which began to act as if he was mixing something in a chauldron with his drumsticks... haha :naughty:


For this gig, the choir was a bit small, I think. We were told some people hadn't shown up :shocked:


LMWID was amazing :wub2: Right before singing it, he drank a bit *red beverage* ;D huhu This song is one of my favourites on the new CD and I was sooo happy he sang the CD version and not the accoustic one :'D I love this version much more ! While singing it, he dropped the mic and it landed on the head of a guy near me. XD To apologize, he touched that guy's hair X'D


Also, people shouted "Mika, on t'aime" (Mika, we love you) and Mika said he hadn't heard (or acted as if, we don't know X) ) and that it wasn't nice to make jokes without telling him. People shouted again "We love you" and then, he was like "Ooh that's not even funny" (Half I don't give a sh*t, Half embarrassed xD)


He made us sing a part of Underwater, it was pretty fun and as said earlier, the whole venue rocked it with Love Today as we kept on singing after the song had ended :P The atmosphere was amazing !:teehee:


I tried to tell stories others hadn't already told but really last night was far more than what I expected :') We could see him after the gig, I was sooo surprised to see how kind he was, signing for EVERYONE :shocked: Incredible!


I want to thank all the fans I met and spent sometime with... Really I had an amazing time with you ! :huglove:


I really can't wait for Saturday :wub2:

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hello all :)


the gig in roubaix was great!!! i loved every minute of Mika's performance. I'm not going to write a full report. But i do have some pics to share, maybe you'll like them.


here's the link for my pictures



and here some "preview" pictures











edit: i also made two vids, but i'll post those on sunday or next week.

Edited by ilseh1983
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thanks everyone for your reports, pics and vids!!


Here an extract of TOOL where you can see the ballons



the balloons were such a great idea, love this video!!!


He was funny but emotional at the same time, audience was responsive, energetic for energetic songs but quietly listening with emotion on quiet songs...




thank you so much for the detailed report Camille:flowers2:

quoted my favorite phrase, it shows that it must have been a really special gig!! everything about it sounds perfect as it had both funny and emotional moments plus the premiere of such a beautiful song like Un Soleil Mal Luné :wub2::wub2:

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I tried to tell stories others hadn't already told but really last night was far more than what I expected :') We could see him after the gig, I was sooo surprised to see how kind he was, signing for EVERYONE :shocked: Incredible!


Really enjoyed reading your report! He always is very very kind. Was this the first time you met him?


You can find very nice professional pictures in this link:




wonderful photos! they even have one with the balloons there. thanks for posting:thumb_yello:

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Finally home and rested! Now it's time for the loooooooooong report of my experience at Mika's show in Roubaix, which was truly one of a kind :teehee:


I got chosen for the choir on Monday and received a confirmation mail later that day, I showed up at the venue at about 3:50PM cause we were scheduled to go inside at 4. There were already some fans waiting outside for Mika, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Man when he arrives (he was late, as always :naughty: ). I met the other four choir girls at the backstage entrance and Mika staff made us wait for about twenty-five minutes (it was quite cold outside...). We were supposed to be ten but some people didn't show up (who the **** doesn't show up for Mika, especially when they're about to perform with him on stage ? :shocked: ), so there was only five of us. When they let us in, one of the girls who was waiting for an autograph asked Tim if she could be part of the choir as well and did a mini-audition. It must've been her lucky day, cause she was accepted and we ended up being six choir members, all girls.


We were then led to the lodges by a very nice, young staff lady who got us to sign some documents and then introduced us to band members. Tim, Joy, Curtis and Felix are about the coolest and funniest people I've ever met! We can say lots of things about Mika and his taste (:fisch:) but choosing the wrong band members is most definitely NOT one of them! They spent an entire hour with us teaching us different songs (or rather how we were to sing them cause we already knew the words ^.^) We started with Big Girl, then did Celebrate, Underwater, Origin of Love, Popular (which initially wasn't even on the setlist for the choir - and I was dying to sing that song on stage so I literally jumped with joy when Tim told us we were doing it as well!), Happy Ending, Grace Kelly and We Are Golden (Mika was supposed it to sing it for the encore but he finally didn't). We didn't practice Lollipop or Elle Me Dit at all cause we didn't have to be on stage for these at first, but then someone decided that we would be there, so we ended up doing 9 songs instead of 7 that were indicated in the confirmation mail we all received on Monday.


Then from 5 to 6PM we had some spare time - the lovely staff lady brought us water and asked if we were ok and then left us on our own as the entire crew would go on stage to do the soundcheck with Mika who'd just arrived. As there was no one else on the 2nd floor, we took sometime to snoop around :teehee: We walked through the hallways and realized that Mika's changing room was right next to ours, on the opposite side. We then came back to our lodge, did some make up and sang different songs.


At 6:05PM we were told that the MAN himself was waiting for us to do the soundcheck on stage. We were led to the sidedoor and entered the venue - it was quite something to see it from the stage level - all empty seats, the technicians at the back and Mika and his musicians doing Popular. We started singing with him and then he came to us to listen to each one of us sing. He didn't like the placement of the microphones so he changed it himself and then got a look at the final result with a big smile on his face, saying: "There! Now people can SEE you!". He greeted us and then continued to do the soundcheck while we listened. I talked to Felix about the earplugs but we didn't need them as the sound wasn't as loud as I'd imagined it would be. Mika did Stuck In The Middle (on the piano, working on the intro) and Karen (he was quite worried about singing it and made Curtis play it at least seven times cause he didn't like some notes. Poor Curtis. I asked him about that later on and he just said with a sarcastic expression on his face that "Mika'll be ok" :teehee:). Finally he did Blame It On The Girls (my hands hurt from clapping xD ) and then came and told us to go back to our lodge - he'd meet us there to work some more on our parts. Well, he never did, but knowing how charged his schedule is, who can blame him? We had half an hour from 7 to 7:30PM to have diner so we went outside to a nearby shop. The queue to enter the venue was very long by that time and we talked briefly to some of the fans we knew.


Once we came back to our lodge, we heard Mika and the band repeating in the room right next to ours. We also talked to Doriand quite alot - he was passing through the hallway all the time and stopped to chat. He's super nice, smiling all the time. I asked him about which version of "Blame it on the weather" was first and he told that the english one was the original but he said he worked differently on the french one - they used the music but wrote brand new lyrics - the message of "L'Amour dans le mauvais temps" is quite different from BIOTW. We saw Mika pass many times, he looked quite stressed and then once they finished repeating, we rushed to Tim to ask him to coach us again for We Are Golden cause singing what we were told to sing was quite confusing. So he came with his guitar and patiently explained over and over again how to do it. He's an angel!


At about 8PM everyone started rushing to put their costumes on and we saw Mama P and Yasmine running from one room to another to help everyone get ready. I remember one funny moment when Yasmine came out of Mika's room and passed trough her mum, who wanted to come in, and she just said to her with an alarming tone in her voice: "I wouldn't do that if I were you, he's putting his pants on right now". :naughty: Anyway, a few minutes later Mama P came to see us and helped us put on the green dot costumes (which made us awfully sweaty and hot during the gig) and told us to not pay attention to the smell (I wonder how often they wash them... :fisch: ). She then gave us some directions about dancing all together at the beginning of The Origin Of Love. She said we had to be united cause we would be stronger and have more impact over the songs moving the same way at the same time. She smiled at us and wished us luck and then left.


After 20 minutes we were told that it was show time so we got ready. Mika came again to see us, shook hands with each one of us, asked us our names and told us that we sounded great during the soundcheck and that the most important thing was to have fun. We then took the stairs all together and entered the backstage area. I helped Mika with the collar of his shirt who wasn't done correctly. He shook hands with every member of his band and hugged Yasmine (who told him to have fun) and his mom. And then the show begun...


We were told that we could watch from the side of the venue (about the 7th-8th row on the left side - "jardin") so we were singing and dancing in the crowd for the first four songs and then had to leave during Lola to put on our costumes (cause Mama P told us to take them off before we went down with Mika at the beginning of the show). Once we were ready we watched Rain from backstage and then made our first entrance for Popular. It was really something to see the venue filled with people, so many eyes staring in the stage direction. We could clearly see all faces in the first three rows which could've been quite intimidating if we weren't so drowned into the songs. During Big Girl, Mika came towards us a few times, guess he was checking if we were OK and having fun ^.^ Then we went off while he performed Stuck In The Middle and rushed back in for Underwater as he changed the setlist while performing - normally it should've been Stardust and Karen before Underwater. Singing it was magical, deep and moving. This song was made to be performed live, Mika excels at it!


We watched the next four songs from the side of the stage, having a real blast to Love Today and Love You When I'm Drunk (one of my personal favorites), singing and dancing along (you don't want to know the strange looks we've got from the technicians, but Doriand who was with us all the time seemed to rather enjoy our little "backstage show". Haha - with Mika fans you must always expect the unexpected!) The accoustic version of Stardust was MAGICAL, it almost made me cry - he seemed so sincere, so into this song while performing it.... I loved every second of it! When the first notes of Elle Me Dit started, Mika did us a sign to join him - we were completely unprepared, but of course we came and started improvising the chorus. This song will forever remain amongst my fondest memories for one obvious reason - while singing it, Mika came to me and pulled me to the middle of the stage to dance with him and then sing the 2nd chorus together to his mic. I'm surprised I didn't faint... *.* It was a real dream coming true and even now, writing it after a few days, I still have troubles believing it actually happened. Mika... always full of surprises.


I take a chance now and ask all of you who were there that night: does any one of you has a full recorded version of EMD (and not only the short 40s video that's been posted here before) ? Or maybe pictures of that moment? Cause I'd really REALLY love to have a souvenir of it, so if you have something, would you please be kind enough to share it? Thanks in advance!


Now, back to the report. Singing Origin of Love was powerful and Amelie was great at doing the sign language during the whole song, next to Mika! I found it quite stunning when he sang at the beginning "the origin is you, and it's you, and it's you" looking at her to invite her to join him. It took us a moment to understand, cause at first we thought maybe the person he was looking at so directly was his boyfriend, but it appears we were wrong, haha. Baloons were amazing and it was so funny when he read all the phone numbers written on them! Happy Ending was very moving - I think it was the song I enjoyed singing the most, it's genious and very beautiful live. Dancing to Celebrate at the end was funny and the public seemed very happy so it made us even more excited. Singing the legendary Grace Kelly was envigorating and the premiere of Un Soleil Mal Lune live was beautiful - Mika was very nervous about it and as you can see on the videos he even kicked Doriand out (who was watching him from the side of the stage, with us). For the encore, he only sang Lollipop and again, we improvised the chorus, but guess we did ok cause after the final bow the musicians as well as the Man himself came to tell us we did a very good job :wub2: !


We went back upstairs to change and took pictures with Doriand, Tim, Felix, Max, Curtis and Joy. Max put a read bucket on his head (that was just randomly hanged to a wall in the corridor next to our lodge) and we tapped on it with our hands, making it look as if we were playing drums. It was really fun xD Joy was really happy and talked with Stephanie (steph2222) for a while, telling her to stay in touch and that she enjoyed tweeting with her.


After half an hour, Mika showed up, dressed all in orange (Pumpkin... Halloween... rings a bell? :teehee: ) and took pictures with each one of us, signed whatever we handed him and talked to Amelie for a bit about the sign language - he asked her to show him how to sign his name. I gave him a bracelet with small lollipops I did myself and he seemed to really like it : D . He thanked us again for singing with him and we told him that the show was amazing and the opportunity we had was great! He left shortly after and it was our turn to say "goodbye" to one another and leave. It truly was one of the best days I've had in my life so far !


I want to THANK all of the Mika's crew, people in Roubaix but also people in London who selected us to be part of the choir (I guess I can never thank you enough!!), all of the musicians who spent so much time with us, singing, laughing and bonding, Mama P and Yasmine for helping out with the costumes and making sure everything goes as planned, my amazing co-choirists who were the sweetest and most interesting fans - it's been a pleasure and an honor to spend time and sing with you - and finally, to Mika, who, isn't it obvious, is the only artist/singer/performer who is kind enough and faithful enough to leave such an important task as back up singing to random fans whom he only meets on the day of the show. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You make our deepest dreams come true and we will always love you!

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Some of my pics




OMG, that face! :lmfao: Priceless!


Finally home and rested! Now it's time for the loooooooooong report of my experience at Mika's show in Roubaix, which was truly one of a kind :teehee:


Oh, Elaire! Thank you for such a wonderful report! I loved every word of it! So glad you had such an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing it with us!


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Oh, Elaire! Thank you for such a wonderful report! I loved every word of it! So glad you had such an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing it with us!



I'm glad you liked it, Deb! And yes, I feel so blessed to be able to have this great experience!


I still hope there is someone here on MFC that took a video or a picture of Mika & me during Elle Me Dit cause I'd love to have it! :huglove:

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photo_10.jpgThanks for the lovely reports and pictures! :thumb_yello: This gig will keep a special place in my heart as it was the second Mika gig accompanied by my son. Now he's suffering from the same addiction as his mum: he asked me when the next Mika (seated) gig would be because he so badly wants to come :aah:


Sweetieval, Béa and her 2 sons, Léna Machu and her family, Fanny Pinkcell29 (+her little bun in the oven :wink2:), my son and I arrived just before 6 o'clock and were delighted to find a free car park near the venue. We met other fans in front of the venue and were over the moon when Mika showed up... we were about 20 people and could all get an autograph. My son was very happy (the problem is I can't find this autograph anymore. I might have lost it in the venue as I had to keep my bag partly open to put bottled water in it :sneaky2:) and Sweetieval took a picture of Mika and him while Mika was signing his ticket :thumb_yello: (thanks again :huglove:).

Then we went to a café and came out when the doors were opened. We had to split because some of us were row 1, others row 3 and the rest (including myself) row 9.

The show was great and the audience was enjoying every minute of it, clapping, dancing, even if few people around us knew all the lyrics. The stage was smaller than Bercy, Compiègne etc, with far less scenery, more minimalist but it was great anyway! I loved the costumes and the former sceneries but Koko was equally loved. I think that this new scenery is in perfect adequation with Mika's new cd cover, website: simple, humble, authentic. The choir was really good :thumb_yello: and I recognised Elaire and Stéphanie :huglove:

At the end of the show, we decided to wait but there were so many people outside, waiting for a M&G, that we just waited aside, waved and clapped Mika and his mum when they were driven near us. They waved us back.

What a show! Mika did put stardust in our eyes and sunshine in our lives :blush-anim-cl:

Edited by macboll
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Elaire: my vids are very bad, but I will check as soon I'm home


Thank you for your fabulous report


Oh THANK YOU, the quality is not important, if you have it, I'd be very glad if you can share it with me :wink2: And I'm happy you enjoyed reading the report, I had a fantastic time writing it and remembering it all!


Ditto to what Deb said!


Thanks :huglove:


The choir was really good :thumb_yello: and I recognised Elaire and Stéphanie :huglove:


Thanks for your amazing report! :huglove: Stephanie and I had so much fun, although before we did the soundcheck with Tim we were all joking that they'd throw us out as none of us could really sing and we were wondering how did it happen that we were chosen for the choir :fisch:

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Hi !


Thanks for your lovely reports and pictures :thumb_yello: I love the pic with Mika in a sea of heart balloons :wub2:


Elaire14 : thanks for your report, you (and the choir) did a great job on stage :thumb_yello:

It was really interesting to read all that happened before the gig !


I have no good pictures from the gig because we were not allowed to use flash, I have some from Mika before and after the gig, I will post them ASAP


I won't make any report because my friends did it already but the gig was :thumb_yello:


I especially loved when he sang "Stardust" in this accoustic version. It was good to ear "Karen" again and I loved "Comme un soleil mal luné".

I was happy he made "Love you when I'm drunk" cause it is one of my favourites songs on the album.

And "TOOL" with all the heart ballons was magical :wub2:


He thank Mikabéa for the idea of the heart ballons and said he would steal this idea for further shows :naughty:, naughty Mika, seriously we really felt he loved it !


Now my only thought is to see him again in Paris :mikadas:




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thanks Elaire 14 for your report, I have nothing else to say (because of my bad english) you told very well about this dream we lived


happy to be we you and the other girls, happy to meet the mika band and my dream: MIKA :wub2:


I can't explain in english how magical it was but it was better that a dream

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As promised, here are my pictures of Mika before/after the gig


Before the gig





Mika's signing an autograph for Maboll's son (she's just behind)



Mika's signing stuff for Lady Stardust



After the gig












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Val, It's funny to see him before/after the gig :teehee:


I prefer him before :fisch:


It was a wonderful gig! Mika was so "himself". Smiling, kidding, talking a lot as well as he forgot where he wanted to go with his story. I have had a lot of chance. I was supposed to be at the 9th row but, thanks to Angel, I was at the 2nd, OMG, what a wonderful surprise. My husband and my daughter were at the 9th row and she hasn't seen anything when people were standing up...

She is 10 and we'll wait a moment to go with her at another gig, till she's grown up.


We haven't taken a lot of pics at this gig, but, here are some of them.





















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Journalists' reviews in local newspapers posted on the French forums:





Mika, l'imparable récréatif


Publié le 01/11/2012



| HIER SOIR AU COLISÉE | Avec ses mélodies gourmandes, euphorisantes, dansantes et ses furieux déhanchés, l'agité Mika a une nouvelle fois convoqué la fête et la fièvre



Il faudrait être sacrément revêche pour refuser les avances de Mika. Pas de concept opportuniste ni de formalisme chez lui. Juste du récréatif, du festif et du fruité. Pétaradant d'exubérance à l'image de ce Blame it on the girls introductif, Mika bondit comme un insecte sous coke. Il cavale en liberté. Gambade en couleurs. Et continue de peaufiner sans s'émousser sa jubilation adolescente. C'est une séduction instantanée. Un rouleau compresseur flamboyant. Dans son escarcelle, une science consommée de l'harmonie et de la rythmique fédératrices : exotisme chaloupé (Blue Eyes), pop clinquante (Billy Brown), fièvre enchanteresse (Relax), looping frénétique (Rain).

Radieuse, bondissante et ludique, cette disco-pop a une évidence euphorisante. Elle chatouille les pieds et secoue le bassin. Les corps n'en finissent pas de devoir répondre aux sollicitations du garçon du désordre. Avec son charisme affolant, il enrobe la salle de sa chaleur élastique. Quel public d'ailleurs ? Aussi bien des jeunes branchés que leurs papas et mamans.

Terriblement efficace et incroyablement accrocheuse, la musique de Mika n'en est pas moins bourrée de petits tours d'acrobate - pas seulement vocaux -, d'emboîtages en poupées russes à double fond. Stardust offre un élégant virage serré et Underwater dessine de beaux arcs-en-ciel dans les âmes, Mais les refrains atomiques et les frottements de tubes maousses pour dancefloors bouillants (Love Today , Elle me dit) reprennent vite le pouvoir. Nouveaux carambolages exubérants et décomplexés. Une cour de récréation diablement communicative.







Premier concert de Mika… en voisin !




Cela faisait longtemps que les fans de Mika espéraient son retour et, cocorico, c’est à côté de chez nous qu’il a débuté sa tournée. Les régionaux étaient d’ailleurs nombreux à avoir fait le déplacement. On a même entendu parler néerlandais…

Un virage… attendu au tournant

C’est sur la scène du Colisée, écrin à l’acoustique irréprochable, que le chanteur pop a déboulé. Face à une salle sold-out depuis un bail (tout comme pour le concert belge au Cirque Royal ce samedi), on attendait évidemment l’artiste au tournant : passer de grosses scènes intégrant des personnages de cartoon et autres sucres d’orge géants à une formule plus intimiste pouvait faire peur. D’autant que le chanteur a appuyé ce choix par quelques modules sobres en guise de déco et troqué sa tenue festive d’antan par un classique pantalon (slim, tout de même!) – chemise blanche. Mais le Libanais de 29 ans, entouré d’une toute nouvelle équipe de musiciens, est resté fidèle à lui-même : ce n’est pas un concert mais une véritable fête qu’il a proposée! Proche de son public (mais tout de même encadré par un service de sécurité omniprésent dans tous les recoins de la salle), Mika a sauté, couru, grimpé sur le piano et même lu au micro les numéros de portable que des fans lui glissaient… Il a aussi taquiné dès le départ, comme il aime le faire. «L’ambiance est pas mal pour une église anglaise! » Et il a chanté, bien sûr, surprenant régulièrement sur sa capacité à monter très haut dans les aigus. Le garçon a offert un mix reprenant nombre de titres issus d’albums précédents avec, comme pour ses prestations scéniques antérieures, une réinterprétation de ses chansons qu’on a tous déjà fredonnés, comme Relax, Grace Kelly, Big Girl, Lollipop mais aussi les succès actuels de Celebrate et Origin of love, ce dernier accompagné par une marée de ballons en forme de cœur. La salle a aussi eu droit à des titres en français tels qu’Elle me dit, Un soleil mal luné«que je chante pour la première fois en live. Si je fais des fautes, c’est pas ma faute! » ou encore un très beau 82, rue des Martyrs, adresse du bistro sympa que fréquente l’artiste (comme d’autres) dans le XVIIIe arrondissement. Ses paroles, écrites par Mika et son comparse Dorian, sont un véritable bijou.

On n’oubliera pas ce petit moment cocasse où, à force de se dandiner, il laissera tomber son micro sur la tête d’un fan. «T’es pas mort? » sourira-t-il, se faisant d’amblée pardonner.

Bref, le public a eu bien au-delà de ce qu’il pouvait espérait. Même après le concert puisque le chanteur s’est prêté bien volontiers à une séance de dédicaces…

Même la première partie était parfaite…

Un mot sur la première partie proposée par Sophie Delila. «C’est ma première première partie de Mika!» La chanteuse soul parisienne, forte d’un bagage musical acquis au Berklee College of Music de Boston et nourrie par la culture new-yorkaise et londonienne où elle a habité n’est pas étrangère au succès de la soirée : avec ses chansons anglaises, elle a permis de la commencer de la plus belle manière qui soit…






Mika a entamé sa tournée à Roubaix, aux couleurs d'une pop plutôt « love »

Publié le 01/11/2012

| CONCERT | Mika l'avait promis. Plonger « dans un univers plus que joyeux pendant deux heures » pour y « perdre la tête ». Comme hier, au Colisée de Roubaix où le chanteur libano-américain a totalement transformé la salle de concert en une géante « party ». Fête vivante et colorée, accueillant 1 800 invités, après une première partie sans relief chantée par Sophie Délila, accompagnée, qui plus est, de son guitariste effacé.


Mais, Mica Penniman, de son vrai nom, aux commandes de sa nouvelle bande de musiciens ne tarde pas à partager le pêle-mêle de ses trois opus :Big Girl, Take It Easy ou Love Today font vibrer le public hétéroclite qui explose littéralement, ensuite, avec le tube Elle Me Dit. Il y a moins de vingt-quatre heures, Mika personnalisait la scène roubaisienne aux couleurs de son troisième et nouvel album, sorti en septembre dernier, The Origin of Love. Pour cette nouvelle tournée, c'est en France que le génie de la pop a choisi de se produire. Et à Roubaix ! Alors, l'artiste se confie au public. Il avoue retrouver « les mêmes sentiments » que lorsqu'il débarquait à Lille, il y a quatre ans. Ici, décor aux gros coeurs, peuplé de ballons rouges et roses... La générosité de l'auteur et compositeur se fait vite ressentir. Il danse, il saute, il se dépense comme un grand enfant. Il « oublie le monde » et le public aussi.

Le chanteur, aux huit millions d'albums vendus dans le monde, nous aura permis le temps d'une soirée de visiter sa planète pop



La Voix Du Nord

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Mika a entamé sa tournée à Roubaix, aux couleurs d'une pop plutôt « love »

Publié le 01/11/2012

| CONCERT | Mika l'avait promis. Plonger « dans un univers plus que joyeux pendant deux heures » pour y « perdre la tête ». Comme hier, au Colisée de Roubaix où le chanteur libano-américain a totalement transformé la salle de concert en une géante « party ». Fête vivante et colorée, accueillant 1 800 invités, après une première partie sans relief chantée par Sophie Délila, accompagnée, qui plus est, de son guitariste effacé.


Mais, Mica Penniman, de son vrai nom, aux commandes de sa nouvelle bande de musiciens ne tarde pas à partager le pêle-mêle de ses trois opus :Big Girl, Take It Easy ou Love Today font vibrer le public hétéroclite qui explose littéralement, ensuite, avec le tube Elle Me Dit. Il y a moins de vingt-quatre heures, Mika personnalisait la scène roubaisienne aux couleurs de son troisième et nouvel album, sorti en septembre dernier, The Origin of Love. Pour cette nouvelle tournée, c'est en France que le génie de la pop a choisi de se produire. Et à Roubaix ! Alors, l'artiste se confie au public. Il avoue retrouver « les mêmes sentiments » que lorsqu'il débarquait à Lille, il y a quatre ans. Ici, décor aux gros coeurs, peuplé de ballons rouges et roses... La générosité de l'auteur et compositeur se fait vite ressentir. Il danse, il saute, il se dépense comme un grand enfant. Il « oublie le monde » et le public aussi.

Le chanteur, aux huit millions d'albums vendus dans le monde, nous aura permis le temps d'une soirée de visiter sa planète pop



La Voix Du Nord


That's the rude reporter that was right next to me for the support group... I'm so happy to have fled to the front :naughty: Well, I guess that, in the end, she could enjoy a bit the gig... She said soooo many nasty things about Mika before the gig with her friend (that one was the worst among the 2), I was afraid of what she would write in her article...


They said Mika was a kid, that the stage looked like artwork she'd make with 2-year-old kids, that she was ashamed of being there... And ther friend said the wouldn't stand up nor clap her hands for him. They were looking forward to being back home. They critisized EVERYTHING. And spoilt the whole part of the support group for me... Really, they were rude. Thanks God, Nele (the other winner of the contest ;) ) couldn't understand everything they were saying..


The article is not that bad.... But indeed, she hated the support artist xD HAHAHAHA

Although, I don't like her way of writing... *Too many English words for such a small newspaper*

Also, she doesn't really tell the whole story... She talks about him remembering he felt 4 years ago before going on stage in Lille... But she doesn't tell HOW HE FELT... (Terrified & the fear went away when he started singing Relax). And she could have talked about the new songs as well...Tsss .. Especially Karen & Comme un Soleil Mal Luné as they're in French... This article is really random... Not saying much about the gig itself... She even said the balloons were part of Mika's plan while they were a suprise organised by the fans...


It could have been worse so I won't complain too much :mf_rosetinted:

Edited by Kaito
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