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Say Something Random pt. 26 - Attention mes amis, regardez-vous le bear polar!


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ok, i know i already sayd goodbye two times but dafkhdbzkuhbaerkuab


i'm a biomedical engineer :)ok, almost, i must finish my thesis first

until i was 18 i wanted to be a sound engineer, but my dream has always be to be a singer. i quit on wishing to become a sound engineer cuz, blah, reasons; i applied to several engineers on the best university of my town, and i was accepted on biomedical engineer. now i love it, i guess that it choosed me cuz i didn't even knew what biomedical means when i applied to :aah:

anyways, one of my proffesors always tells me that undergraduate studies are not enough for making a good proffesional. you must do other things, out of the university. then, he congratulated me when i told him that i perfomed as Sally on a musical based on The Nightmare Before Christmas [my fav movie] .. the point is, you must like your profession, but that doesn't mean that you must quit doing everything u like ;)




aaand i'm afraid that if i say goodnight again, i'll be here till the morning :naughty:

That's amazing! Such a great story! I can never decide EXACTLY what I want to do. I think being a writer would be so amazing. I just want to sit at home and write books all day. A biomedical engineer? That sounds really interesting, actually!!

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VooDoo Donuts? Don't know what it is but judging by the name that place is so jokes. .-.


ArE YOU KIDDING ME. THIS PLACE IS BOMB. I GO TO THE ONE IN PORTLAND ALL THE TIME!!!http://voodoodoughnut.com/mobile/index.php

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are you kidding me. This place is bomb. I go to the one in portland all the time!!!http://voodoodoughnut.com/mobile/index.php


ughughughugh why don't we have one it's freaking out of this world so jokessssss huzzah phalanxiphor

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ughughughugh why don't we have one it's freaking out of this world so jokessssss huzzah phalanxiphor


You can get married there. MaRRIED. WITH A REAL WEDDING. It absolutely nuts there. Nuts.

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No school! :excite: Love you snow! *hugs snow, and get's very cold*


My friends are all going on a four mile walk in the snow. ARE THEY CRAZY. :shocked:


How much snow do you have, sounds like 3 meters or something :aah:

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