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MIKA @ Skenoo Hall, Jakarta, Indonesia - 10 May 2013


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MIKA juga bilang bahwa dia pengen makan lapis legit disini :D #Freshformance #MIKAJKT



Google translation


"MIKA also said that he want eat lapis legit here :D #Freshformance #MIKAJKT"


lapis legit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spekkoek


it is a Dutch-Indonesian layered cake.





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Mika bakal tampil di X Factor Indonesia


Mika will show the X Factor Indonesia


Kembali program X Factor Indonesia akan mendatangkan bintang tamu penyanyi dunia. Setelah minggu lalu ada Lenka, kini giliran penyanyi asal Inggris, Mika yang akan mengisi panggung X Factor Indonesia.


Dalam keterangan persnya, Mika merasa terhormat dan begitu senang ketika harus tampil di X Factor Indonesia. Apalagi sebelumnya Mika pernah menjadi juri internasional di ajang yang sama di Italia.


"Terima kasih karena sudah memilih saya untuk tampil," kata Mika di hotel Dharmawangsa, Jakarta Selatan (8/5).


Hal ini ditegaskan oleh Executive Producer RCTI, Fabian Dharmawan, bahwa Mika akan menjadi bintang internasional di X Factor Indonesia di minggu ini.


"Sesuatu yang beda di X Factor. Mika akan perform, akan manggung di X Factor setelah konser," tukasnya.


Sebelumnya, pada malam yang sama Mika akan menghibur penggemarnya dalam konser tunggal yang akan dihelat di Skeeno Hall, Gandaria City, Jumat (10/5). Mika pun berjanji tak akan mengorbankan konsernya.


"Saya tidak akan mengurangi konser saya," tandasnya. (kpl/ato/sjw)


( google translator )

Re-program the X Factor Indonesia will bring a guest singer the world. After last week there was Lenka, now turn to the British singer Mika who will fill the stage of X Factor Indonesia.


In a press statement, Mika was honored and so happy when I have to perform at X Factor Indonesia. Moreover, before Mika had become an international jury at the same event in Italy.


"Thank you so much for choosing me to perform," said Mika at Dharmawangsa, South Jakarta (8/5).


British singer Mika will be present in the X Factor Indonesia this week's issue. artwingny.wordpress.com


This is confirmed by Executive Producer RCTI, Fabian Dharmawan, that Mika will become an international star in the X Factor in Indonesia this week.


"Something different in the X Factor. Mika will perform, will perform at the X Factor after the concert," he said.


Earlier, on the same night Mika will entertain fans in a single concert which will be held in Skeeno Hall, Gandaria City, Friday (10/5). Mika also promised not to sacrifice his concert.


"I will not reduce my concerts," he said. (MPA / ato / SJW)

Edited by Kumazzz
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Suka Martabak, Mika akan Tampil di 'X Factor Indonesia' Usai Konser di Gandaria City


Suka Martabak, Mika will Perform at 'X Factor Indonesia' After Concert in Gandaria City




@IRNewscom I Jakarta: AKAN ada yang spesial di gala show ke-12 'X factor Indonesia', musisi asal Inggris Mika akan tampil di X Factor Indonesia usai menjalani konsernya di Gandaria City, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (10/05).


"Ya kami janjikan bahwa Mika akan tampil di X Factor Indonesia pada Jumat, Mika akan hadir usai menggelar konsernya," ujar Fabian, pihak 'X Factor Indonesia', di sela press conference Mika Concert di Hotel Dharmawangsa, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (08/05).


Mika mengatakan, meski waktunya sangat padat untuk bisa tampil live show di 'X Factor Indonesia', dirinya tetap akan menampilkan yang terbaik. Sebab, Mika harus menjalani aksinya di konser.


"Selamat malam Indonesia, I very-very exauted, thanks for attention," tambah Mika


Dalam lawatannya ke Indonesia, Mika mengatakan, bahwa sangat suka dengan kuliner Indonesia yang bernama Martabak. Menurutnya, Martabak bisa jadi makanan favoritnya.




(google translator )

@ IRNewscom I Jakarta: WILL there is a special gala show in the 12 'X factor Indonesia', British musician Mika will perform on the X Factor live concert in Indonesia after Gandaria City, South Jakarta, Friday (10/05).


"Yes, we promised that Mika will perform at the X Factor Indonesia on Friday, Mika will be present after holding a concert," said Fabian, the 'X Factor Indonesia', on the sidelines of a press conference at the Mika Concert Dharmawangsa Hotel, South Jakarta, Wednesday (08 / 05).


Mika said, although very solid time to be able to perform a live show at the 'X Factor Indonesia', he still displays the best. Therefore, Mika had to undergo the action in concert.


"Good evening Indonesia, I very-very exauted, thanks for attention," added Mika


In his visit to Indonesia, Mika said, that the love with Indonesian cuisine called Martabak. According to him, it could be Martabak favorite food.

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halo, halo. aku ada 1 tiket green nih. mau aku jual murah. kmaren harusnya masku yg nonton, tapi hari ini ternyata nggak bisa ke jakarta. kalo ada yang mau langsung kontak : @tadidita ya. Makasih :D

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Thanks for sharing everyone! Cannot believe he is gonna do X-Factor after the gig :doh: First Mika gig I fear I won't meet him. That would be a hell of a disappointment. :blink:

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I wish everyone who will be there tomorrow lots of fun. And I really hope he will play the full gig and also find a bit of time to meet you before he goes to the x-factor :crossed:

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Thanks for sharing everyone! Cannot believe he is gonna do X-Factor after the gig :doh: First Mika gig I fear I won't meet him. That would be a hell of a disappointment. :blink:


Wasn't it crazy at the airport?

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