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2013 - Theatre Corona, Montreal, CANADA - April 06 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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Thank you,Anne,beautiful lyrics! :flowers2:


Is he talking about himself as a 'she' or am I just misinterpreting the lyrics?:blink:


It's hard to tell if I like the song or not. To me, maybe because I don't speak French, the lyrics and melody seem a bit forced together. Similar to how I felt about ' L'amour dans les mauvais temps'. Anybody think the same?


So pleased everyone seems to be enjoying MIKA's acoustic concerts (if a little jealous!).:wink2:

Edited by Ellenowl
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so glad he got the gift n i even talked to him!! tho he signed on the gift... again... i knew it was coming but i still couldn't prevent it... *sign*

anyway. i'm in love. :)


Oh shame, ha. It's nice that you were able to give it to him though.

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Is he talking about himself as a 'she' or am I just misinterpreting the lyrics.:blink:


It's hard to tell if I like the song or not. To me, maybe because I don't speak French, the lyrics and melody seem a bit forced together. Similar to how I felt about ' L'amour dans les mauvais temps'. Anybody think the same?


So pleased everyone seems to be enjoying MIKA's acoustic concerts (if a little jealous!).:wink2:


I think he's talking about a "she" who is like his (fraternal) twin.

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Is he talking about himself as a 'she' or am I just misinterpreting the lyrics?:blink:


It's hard to tell if I like the song or not. To me, maybe because I don't speak French, the lyrics and melody seem a bit forced together. Similar to how I felt about ' L'amour dans les mauvais temps'. Anybody think the same?


The "she" is his youth. I agree about the lyrics and melody.

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I don't know how this song can come across as personal when it was clearly written by someone else and he needs to read the lyrics from a piece of paper as if he's never even sung it before. :aah: Contrast that with the Make You Happy performance in LA that was utterly heartbreaking in its sincerity and Mika doesn't appear to connect with this song at all.


Thanks for the lyrics and translation Camille/Macboll. It does make a beautiful poem but I am never going to understand the point of Mika getting someone like Doriand to write lyrics for him.


But maybe we should have a song thread to discuss the song in detail and not do it in the gig thread.

Maybe he wrote the lyrics in the raw phase,and then asked to Doriand to made them matching to the melody,and gave them an artistic touch,since his French it's not so perfect.Anyway,those lyrics seems very personal to me,but this is only my opinion :dunno:

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Anyway,those lyrics seems very personal to me,but this is only my opinion :dunno:


What is personal about them? Sounds like they could have been written by anyone. Like Doriand. :naughty:


I mean yes maybe this is exactly how Mika feels about leaving his youth but what evidence do we have except for this song? I don't recall him expressing any of these sentiments before.

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Wow, it's been a while since I've posted a report on MFC!!


Won't go overboard like I did back in the days with the suuuuuper long reports lol!


So, got there at around 1pm, and got in the queue with Roxy and her mom (who is super nice and super cool btw). The venue was on the shady side of the street and even though I was well dressed with multiple layers, it was rather cold, especially witht the wind. Roxy and her mom were very good to my pregnant self, lending me a chair and a blanket. Thank God for the Starbucks next door though lol! That giant tea I had was sooooo good at that moment lol! The sun did come our way at some point and it was more confortable but when he hid again towards the end of the day it was starting to be very cold and we all had enough of it by then lol! At around 7h10om they opened the door and all let us in by small groups, which was nice because no trampling! We ended up first row almost center, a little right to the center. The bottom of the stage was hollow so we could put all our coats and bags there (coat check was optional). We were very happy about our spot, it made all the wait worth it! And most of all, we were so happy to be inside so we could finally warm up lol!


The dj set was great, I loved it. Rox and I delivered a great performance I think, singing along and dancing lol! Her mom was like "I'm stuck between to crazy girls" hehe. It was very different and original, and personnaly I thought it fit Mika very well. It did succeed in warming me up that's for sure!


Then we didn't have to wait too long for Mika. Like Guylaine said, he had the crowd eating from the palm of his hand right at the beginning! No doubt, Montréal is crazy about Mika!! As proud as we were of the spot we landed, when he sat down at the piano we realised he was indeed looking our way, but we could only see the top part of his head! Oops! We could see his eyes, forehead and hair lol. But we were first row, we couldn't complain! And seeing the top part of his head is still better than seeing the back of it. And when he sang songs not at the piano, we were so close and he is so tall that it was hurting our necks to look at him lol!!


It was SUCH a good gig!!!! Loved every second of it. He seemed top shape, happy to be there and his voice was out of this world. All the songs I wanted to hear from the last album, he sang them, so that of course made me very happy :). Except maybe Make Me Happy, I love that song but I wasn't expecting it because I know it's not a favorite. I thought the set list was great, maybe a few more songs from the second album would have been good too :). Loved the fact that he sang a new song in French for the first time here. I absolutely loved his interpretation of it, it showcased how beautiful his voice is, although I'm not crazy about the song itself. I absolutely loved the accoustic and intimate feel of the gig, and I really liked the simple but beautiful set. And I thought his musicians were great. They were only three on stage but still it was such an energetic performance! I had to try hard to refrain from jumping up and down and try not to dance too much with my little belly hehe. Didn't want to make Roxy work overtime LOL! I have to say though I was very happy about the crowd being very into it but no pushing around, that's what I was a little afraid of being pregnant and front row. I was confident I would be able to stand the whole gig and sing and sorta dance a little, I'm not that big yet, but I was afraid of being swuished and pushed around. But the crowd was well behaved, I was not squished at all :).


Like he always does, he was scanning the crowd in front for familiar faces. I could tell he recognised me and was impressed because I hadn't seen him in more than 3 years (besides Star Académie). Last time he toured here at la Place des Arts I was 9 weeks pregnant with my daughter and she's gonna be 3 in a month! That was a long time ago! Such a good memory he has... except for his own lyrics LOL!!! Like Guylaine mentioned, when he sang rain he completly forgot the lyrics to the second verse !! Total blank! He came to me and asked me for the lyrics, thinking I would know them, which I usually do... except I couldn't remember either lol! He then frantically turned to Roxy, who was on my right, who couldn't remember either lol! Then he turned to the girl on my left and she couldn't remember either! We were all like ajpffirpwgbj vewnk j lbrwobnrwpabnp !!! Lol!! He was looking at us like "come on girls!!! help me out here!!". He was like : "the second verse, come on, what is it!!". Poor him, we weren't a great help lol! So then he turned to the crowd and was like "I can't remember my song! I asked 3 people but they didn't help me". But it seems no one was able to shout him the lyrics so someone handed him her iPhone with the lyrics on it. He looked at it like "oh yeah NOW I remember and started the song over again at the first verse. When he got to the second verse and started singing it of course now I remembered it perfetly so I sang along. He looked at me and made a face and gesture like : oh so now you remember, great timing... not! lol!!! I made a gesture like "sorry!!".


Again what a great gig it was, one of my favorites for sure!!! I would say it's my best one after le Poisson Rouge in 2009 :). He sang Over My Shoulder at the end of the gig, which I liked because I hadn't heard it live in a while. His voice was MAGNIFICIENT while he sang it. Absolutely beautiful. What a talented singer he is!!


After the gig we went to the back of the venue to wait for him. Thankfully we didn't have to wait too long but there was a lot of us there. More than a hundred I think. They made us all line up (more queuing) so he could go up the line and sign some autographs. Since there was a lot of us he did it quite quickly, exchanging only a word or 2 with everyone and signing a few autographs. Not everyone got one unfortunatly since he was in such a hurry. He received a few gifts from fans. When he got to us Catherine got the piece of fabric signed and Roxy got her ticket signed. I handed him my album and while he signed I said (in French):


- so sorry for the lyrics!! I didn't help you at all!

- geez... I was counting on you!

- I know!! sorry... had a blank too!

- you see it's not that easy when you're in the moment...

- very true! weird because I do know the song!

- *smiling* I know you know it very well :)


He is such a nice person, always a pleasure getting to meet him, even if it's very brief :).


So then I got back home, Roxy's mom was so very nice and offered me a ride home instead of me taking a cab, which I was very thankful for. And I managed to forget my cell phone and my camera in her car! Good job! not... I blame it all on prego brain lol! I will try and post some of the few pics I took when I get my camera back, I didn't take a lot, my camera was not doing e very good job and I wanted to enjoy the whole thing to the max!


So that was my report... mmmh I said I was gonna keep it short... failed!! lol!!

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Great report Vero :clap:


It sounds so much like my experience from the queuing to sticking the bag in a hole in the stage to having no pushing in the crowd at all to only seeing Mika's head over the piano. :naughty: and Roxy's mom is so great, just like her daughter. :wub2:


That's great that they queued everyone up for the autographs because that hasn't been happening often enough and it turns into a mob scene.


I hope Mika doesn't wait for your next pregnancy to come back. :teehee:

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That awkward moment when you sing his songs in your bedroom/car/work/house/parties all the time for 4 years and then hr kneels next to you to ask for them and you just go :shocked:






Im ashamed



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That awkward moment when you sing his songs in your bedroom/car/work/house/parties all the time for 4 years and then hr kneels next to you to ask for them and you just go :shocked:






Im ashamed




Aww!! :huglove:


I am sure I would have had the same reaction. I am good with lyrics but I need the musical cues and can't just recite them "cold" as if it's a poem.


He shoukd have all of his songs on the iPad on the piano. :naughty:

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Ok ok. My gig report now. I'll start with the beginning.


We arrived (my friend and I) at 11h30 but nobody was queuing so we walked around in the streets. Around noon, some people started to stand in front of the theatre so we just start queuing. And in few minutes, everybody came out of hinding. There was around 10 persons in the cafe and places around. :aah: The line grew slowly during the day. Guy is right, the security was not very nice with us. They had a power trip I think. We had a nice chat with the fans around us, but most of them were not from the MFC (Sarah, Veronique, Mathiew, Perle and Paquerette.. and a few persons behind, sorry I don't know their names). It was COLD... VERY COLD. The wind was a killer. From 3h to 6h PM we had little bit of sun so it was better.. not confortable but better. :aah:


(by the way, my sticker didn't work. :tears: It didn't want to stick on my coat. I had no way to tell people I was from the MFC :sad:)


We were in the first people to enter in the theatre. I had a perfect view, I was on the left, in the front row. My hands were on the stage. I could see EVERYTHING, even if I'm very small. :teehee: I didn't read any reports from the previous gigs so I didn't know what to expect exactly. Max and Curtis went on the stage to do their DJ things. People around me didn't seem to like it so much. I think it was funny but I wanted to see Mika and I think it was a little bit.. toooo long. :teehee:


Then it was Mika. He was just there, in front of us. Where I was I could see him perfectly on the piano and Max was just in front of me. Every song was perfect in my opinion. :blush-anim-cl: He forgot Rain's lyrics (why I'm not surprised at all ?). I had my camera but it was too dark, my pictures are not impressive. Videos were better but I didn't record a lot because it was forbidden (I don't understand why, the only new song was in french and she doesn't seem to be sold. :aah:). Talking about the new song, I loved it ! It was cute. :wub2: He didn't make the songs in a logical orders, so we had Stardust (AMAZING, I was SO happy that he sings it, magic moment. :wub2:) and Happy Ending in the middle of the show. He started to sing Celebrate just just JUST in front of me. I could touch him (I touched his shoes, just to be sure he was really there :aah:). I thought that I was gonna die. :swoon: The gig ended subitly, he said good bye and then he was gone. :aah: No encore (anyway he already did Stardust and HE).


After the show, I waited for him outside. It was well organised and he came out quickly (after maybe 15 minutes I don't know, maximum 30). There was a lot of people :blink: He signed everything faaaaast. I got his autograph on my album (The origin of love). I'm soooooo happy I still can't believe it. :swoon: He gave a hug to the boy next to me (Mathiew). He was so happy that he started to cry. After Mika left, we make a group picture of our little gang. It was cool, I hope I'll get to see this picture.


I'm disappointed only because I couldn't met the MFCers I wanted to see. I recognised Guylaine but.. you were too far away and I'm too shy. :aah: I think that the people behind our gang was from the MFC (in the chairs at the beginning of the lineup ?). Anyway. And Rachel, I just didn't know what you look like and I was listening to people to hear english speakers but the only one I heard, I was 100% sure that it was not you. :no: It's a shame. But I had a great day anyway, I hope that it's the same thing for everybody else. :huglove:


Pictures will follow, give me a minutes. :teehee:

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What is personal about them? Sounds like they could have been written by anyone. Like Doriand. :naughty:


I mean yes maybe this is exactly how Mika feels about leaving his youth but what evidence do we have except for this song? I don't recall him expressing any of these sentiments before.


I don't know,this is just my feeling,the vibe I get from those lyrics :dunno: Besides,any lyrics from his songs may be related to someone else's experiences,that's why people love them,they can find similarities on those stories.So yes,it could be about Doriand's youth,as well :thumb_yello:

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Oh shame, ha. It's nice that you were able to give it to him though.


i was like:"hi! this is a gift for you............"

him: *didn't hear a thing*

me: *saw the pen* "no wait that's not...." *him started automatically signing* "NOOOOOOO————————————THATS FOR YOU FOR YOU FOR YOU!!!!!!!”

him: *looked like his just awaken* "hmm? ohhh thats for me for me"



but i still got an autograph on my tiny canvas XD i was really happy i could give it to him... mission accomplished :mf_rosetinted:

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Aww!! :huglove:


I am sure I would have had the same reaction. I am good with lyrics but I need the musical cues and can't just recite them "cold" as if it's a poem.


He shoukd have all of his songs on the iPad on the piano. :naughty:



he just stopped so suddenly.

thank you for your sweet words about me btw :huglove:


and vero also... im all :tears:


my report is coming... beware... novel:mf_rosetinted:

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My perfect view. :wub2:













After the show when he was trying to sign everything.



Most of the pictures are very dark so that's the best I have. :doh:

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my review part one: how to freeze in montreal


Im canadian... youd think id know how to dress up for winter... apparently when it comes to queing for mika my mind forgets..

we (mom andi) got around the venue at 11am.no one was queuing, so we parked the car right in front of the venue and went to eat.

We went back at noon and there was 15 people in line.. nooo XD!!!

it was fine i was just surprised lol!!!

so we took our place in the line. I messaged the other girls get their butts here XD Sadly, by the time they arrived our queue was like divided in two so they were far :( only vero reached us.

i wore converse.... like... yea... im blonde.

I went to th store to buy more pants and socks XD!!! my toes fell off... im sure... it was freaking cold...(mika, do gigs in june please thanks)

we waited 7 hours..

at 7 the doors were supposed to be opened, bjt we still waited.. we started hearing screaming.. the line was two blocks long, bout 200-300 people.

i told ghe security: there will be chaos if u dont open the doors:mf_rosetinted: and he said:... yeh ok

and tah dah! we got inside, took spots on his right, realized later we couldnt see when he was at piano:doh: but ddnt matter :wub2:

the dj set was funny and entertaining... it was like a big club, the floor section was on fire...


part two coming for MIKA

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What an amazing day!!


I arrived around 1:00 pm. A few minutes after the owner of a furniture shop asked us to separate the line so we wouldn't block the view. A member of the security staff later came to push us further back at least twice :wait:




It was so cold ... 2 degrees ... my feet were freezing and my back was killing me but it was so worth it!! I met lovely people in line, including Guylaine and Cathouzouf which was nice since I came alone.


They let enter only a few people at a time so it wouldn't be chaos inside and I got 2nd row near the center, just behind Roxanne and Véronique (? I'm not sure about your name :blush-anim-cl:).




The DJ set warmed me up but I would have love to be able to hear what Curtis and Max were saying, they seemed to have so much fun!




Then Mika arrived and the place ignited. I could only see the top half of his face when he was on the piano, but luckily he came on the front of the stage often.




He said, about the new french song that Doriand thought it would be nice to talk about the fact that he was getting older and that it was probably some sort of vengeance since Doriand is even older, so I dont think Mika is really that anxious about turning 30. :naughty:


He messed up his set list and asked what he sould play next. He then proceeded in doing Karen and Rain like asked ... and completely forgot Rain's 2nd verse like the others said already.


Stardust and Happy Ending ... :swoon:


At the end the crowd was so loud, Mika had to remove his ear pieces.

He of course ended with Over my shoulder, wich is not my personnal favorite, but was a nice ending anyway (There are several slow paced song, my personnal favorites, that he never sings :sneaky2:)


After the show we went outise to wait for him. There were A LOT of people and I got nervous I wouldn't be able to give him my gift, but luckily the security staff kept people somewhat in line and Mika passed the whole line.




When he got to me I had to tell him twice not to sign my gift and remove it from under his pen but he finally took it. At first he took it without really looking but then he had a second look, touched it and said it was really beautiful. And then I :fangurl: and forgot to thank him or say anything and he was gone :blush-anim-cl:


Here is me earlier with my gift, a card made with fabric (Thanks Cathouzouf for the picture!! :huglove:) I hope he'll read it, I made sure it was not too long :naughty:




Like I said before, what an AMAZING day!!!!!

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